First Day (Part 2)

The awkward silence lasted a good minute before I finally began speaking.

"Alright look, Hunting vampire wasn't actually the real plan, I actually just wished to enter your academy and thought if I captured a vampire I could negotiate with you" I finally say. It is technically not a lie so the odd flashes blue and I let out a breath I was holding for a while.

"Oh, and how do you happen to know about Vampires" Alaric questions me further.

"My parents were killed by one, I plan to get revenge and want to learn here to achieve it" I reply the orb once again glowing blue.

"Well that won't happen, we do not teach our students how to achieve revenge against a vampire, if you wish to learn here you must put that behind you, you also need to be a supernatural creature, such as Milt- sorry MG there" Alaric replies calmly.

"I am a supernatural creature" I reply skipping his comment about revenge.

"Which one" Alaric asks while Emma takes a student form out from one of the drawers in the desk and begins writing in it.

"I'm not really sure, I just have heightened strength and speed and some other physical attributes" I reply leaving out the fact that I don't age or die, somethings are best kept to myself for safety.

"Did you get those powers when you killed someone" Alaric questions his eyes now more serious as if he is trying to think of what I could be.

"Nope, just have them, can I be a student here now or not" I ask trying to end the constant questions he asks.

"Well, if you really do have those powers as you say you do there would not be an issue with you joining, what is your name again" he asks and Emma looks up ready to write it on the form.

"Luke Crates" I reply happy the questions about my powers stop.

"Alright, we will stop here for now, MG go to class, also call hope here so she can run some tests on Luke" Alaric replies to me before looking and speaking to MG.

"Alright Dr. Slaltzman" MG replies giving me one last look before walking out the office and vamp-speeding away.

Awkward silence begins to fill the office but I don't mind and just sit there staring at the floor. Hope is about to be here I need to have a good 1st meeting with her for my plan to go smoothly. A knock is heard on the door and a girl around the age of 16 walks in.

"Hey Hope" Alaric says motioning for her come inside.

"Hey Dr. Saltzman, MG said you needed me" Hope questions as she looks at me with a confused gaze.

"Yes, this is Luke, he wishes to join the academy but I am not sure he is supernatural, he claims to have enhanced physical attributes, so I just want you to go and test him for powers and maybe try to figure out what he is if he had them" Alaric replies before handing Hope a clip board with what I think looks like a list of some sorts.

Hope looks down at me as she takes the clipboard from Alaric, she doesn't seem to happy, but at least she doesn't look mad either. "Alright, lets go Luke" she says not saying anything else and walking out the officer. I get up from my seat wave goodbye to Alaric and Emma and run to catch up to her before slowly walking behind her not saying anything.

"So uh, you must be Hope" I say trying to start a conversation.

The only response I achieve though is a quick "yep" from her and then it goes down into awkward silence again.

"Do you uh always speak so little" I ask her seeing as she does not plan to ask me anything.

Once again a quick "yep" is all I get. I must admit, she is stock up as hell. Does she think I actually want to talk to her if not for my master plan.

"Do you not like me or something, because I did not even do anything yet I don't think this is fair" I say to her hoping to get a response that is something other then yep.

Hope stops walking suddenly and begins turning around. I took complete advantage of this and acted that I did not notice she stopped walking to have her hit my chest just as she turned around. This makes Hope quickly jump back her face getting a slight blush on it, I quickly apologies seemingly sincere while I actually laugh in head.

"Y-you" She says in an embarrassed manner before collecting herself and continuing "Yes I don't like you, your annoying, you talk to much, and something about you just makes me annoyed" She says staring at me not caring about my feelings in the slightest.

My face twitches a little before I chuckle and reply as a reflex instantly regretting what I say the next second "I can see Klaus in you, you might not look like him but you are just as annoying" this causes the look on Hopes face to turn into shock instantly not expecting a reply with her father involved in it. I on the other hand instantly scold myself in my head thinking how stupid I am to expose to her I know about her father.

"How do you know my Dad" Hope asks getting slightly mad after the shock passes. At this point we were near the lake with some trees around and she decides to push me against one of them harshly. I won't lie like I feel kinda happy that no one is around, being seen pushed by a girl almost a foot smaller then me just feels embarrassing.

I look down at the girl with auburn colored hair acting like I'm in pain which causes her to hesitate for a second which I take full advantage of using my leg to place it in between hers and swipe her left foot from under her causing her to stumble to the right. As she is of balance I grab her right hand and pull her even more to the right causing her to begin to fall on the ground which I further help by using my body weight to also fall landing right on top of her. Hope lets out a slight gasp due to my weight falling onto her knocks some air out of her. I continue making use of my advantage to grab her arms and pin them above her head using my above average physical strength. If someone walked by and saw this right now I am sure I would end up imprison. I am straddling a girl who looks smaller then me while holding her arms above her head with my face awfully close to hers, I would probably end up in prison for sexual harassment. Luckily no one is around this place due to lessons right now so I should be fine.

"Just like the other Mikaelsons, quick to anger and slow to think" I say harshly my face so close to hers that I can feel the air coming out of her nose on my face. I feel proud in my head at this moment, I just whoop a tribrid's ass. I keep staring at her until I see her beginning to mouth what seems to be the beginning of a spell which I react to way to late and I am send flying up and backwards from Hope landing into the lake near us.
