Angry Bryanna

The sound of clothes being ripped apart could be heard loudly. All the students where happily videoing everything, some where even cheering them on.


As if on cue, everyone turned to look at the person, the crowd gave way for her to pass. Once the crowd divided into two, a girl with full long curly brown hair, baggy shirt and sweatpant, black nick sneakers. When they looked at her mesmerising hazel eyes, they all trembled and subconsciously stepped back. The girl was no other person than Bryanna, behind her was Samantha looking angry too.

"Well... Look who came to join the show". A girl with short blond hair said as the rest all laughed.

"Isn't it our fellow pauper, or should I say garbage". Another girl said loudly and everyone laughed.

"LET MY SISTER GO!!" Bryanna yelled as she approached them slowly balling her hands into tight fist as she looked at the state her sister is in.

"Or what?" another girl said smirking.

"You gonna call your dad on us? Oh wait.... He's too poor and a garbage to do anything to us. If I were you guys, I would hang myself". The students burst into laughter. Blood gushed out of Bryanna hand as her fingers dug deeply inside her closed fist.

"Why don't you seat and wait till we are done with your sister then you'll be next". After saying that the girl with short blond hair signal the rest to continue what they were doing.

"Cowards! All you do is bully the weak!" Samantha yelled angrily.

"Oh look... It's the ginger weirdo always following the pathetic creature". The girl mocked.

"Let go of my sister, this is your last chance". Bryanna said through gritted teeth.

"Don't do it yanna, you will get expelled". Samantha said trying to hold her back. She knows how Bryanna really is when she's angry, and trust me... You really don't wanna know.

"Yeah weirdo, you should listen to your friend and crawl back to your sewer were you rightfully belong". Another girl said.

"I'm sure her mother must be a slut, no wonder they both took after her".another girl snarled as she slapped Britteny harshly.

"Let's rearrange this face". Another one smirked as she bought out a knife.

"NOOOO LET ME GO!!" Britteny shrieked miserably as she struggled once she saw the knife. Four girls quickly held her as the one holding the knife approached her.

"Don't worry, we are helping you". The girl smirked wickedly, approaching her steadily.

"NOOO!! LISA PLEASE!!" Britteny cried loudly, struggling to break free.

Bryanna quickly pushed Samantha hand away. Before the knife could touch her, Bryanna harshly kicked the knife sending it flying far. She slapped the Lisa sending her flying. The remaining six girls rushed to her angrily. She twisted her body, avoiding a punch. She kicked one and punched the other sending both flying, hitting the ground hard. She carried one up swiftly and threw that one to the remaining four sending them flying and hitting the ground hard.

There was pin drop silence as the whole crowd was silence looking at her with fear and incredulity. She turned and looked at Lisa deadly as she walked slowly approaching her.

"Don't... Don't... Come... Closer". Lisa stammered as she moved backwards, scared. Her back hit the wall and she stared at the approaching Bryanna with horror. A boy picked up a plank and was rushing to Bryanna with anger. Lisa smirked proudly as she watched. Before the plank could hit her head, she effortlessly caught it and flung it away, holding the boy shirt collar, she sent him flying as if he was a fly.

Lisa smiled flattered as she watched in horror, staring at the steady approaching figure who did all this without even staring at the boy or blinking an eye. She finally understood the statement : "a common man is like a sleeping lion, never wake it up ..... Or you will be torn apart".

Before she could beg for forgiveness or scream for help, she grabbed her roughly by the collar lifting her up from the ground.

"If you had only insulted and messed with me, I would have let you go, but you just had to mess with my family". She spoke coldly as she stared at her expressionless.


"This is for my sister".


"This is for Samantha"

Slap slap!

"This is for my father".

Slap slap slap!

"This is for my mother"


"This is for what you did to Britteny".

She finally threw the unconscious Lisa on the floor. Her face was swollen like a pig with blood all over and her shirt was ripped apart exposing her bra.

Samantha rushed to Bryanna and tried to hold her but she raised her hand signaling for her to stay back. Bryanna calmly walked to Britteny.

"You... saved me". Britteny said smiling with her last strength before fainting. Bryanna took off her baggy shirt and wore it on Britteny, only wearing her singlet. She carried her carefully before leaving expressionless. The whole crowd stepped backwards letting her pass through as they felt the stiffening cold she was emitting. Everyone was so scared that they were afraid to breathe. Samantha quickly followed behind her.

Today was a memorable day for everyone. This was the first time they saw the angry Bryanna and mentally made note not to upset her.

This is just the beginning for the sisters, more is coming.