
There was pin drop silence in the room. Nobody said anything but just sat there shocked from the sudden explosion. Blake stared at them nervously waiting for them to say something. After thirty minutes, they burst out laughing.

"Good one dad, you almost got us there". Bryanna said in between her laughter.

"I'm not joking, I'm serious, the company closed down".

"Blake darling, you know it's wrong to say such a mean joke, we ain't falling for it". Catherina said laughing.

"What the heck dad! If this is one of your jokes it's not funny!!" Britteny exclaimed angry.

"I wished it was...but I'm not joking...I'm so sorry... I". Blake tried controlling his emotions.

"What! How can I go to school? My friends and everybody will laugh at me and look down on me! My life is ruined before it even started! This can't be happening to me!!" Britteny exclaimed before she stormed off crying.

"I... Dad don't take to heart what Britteny said, she's just shocked by the news". Bryanna said. "I will go check on her". She said calmly and left. Blake broke down crying bitterly.

"I failed the kids, I don't deserve to be a father... The worst part is... I went to the bank to take our savings to open a small business...but....all our money...everything is gone...gone.....I". Blake cried more.

"Don't worry honey, we will figure something out together". Catherina comforted hugging him.

The next day,

Britteny dressed fashionably as usual as if nothing happened. They both rode to school in silent each with their own thought.

"You shouldn't have spoken that way to dad... He's already feeling bad". Bryanna finally broke the awkward silence as Britteny parked the car when they finally reached school.

"So what if I did! It's not as if I lied! Do you know what will happen if people found out about our situation? No you don't know the gravity!" Britteny screamed angrily.

"Is what others think about you more important than dad's feelings?"


"You know, you've always been selfish but I still had little hope... I thought... Hey at least you cared for us, but i was very wrong... You will never change, you only care about yourself.... I'm ashamed to have a sister like you!" Bryanna stormed off angrily. Britteny was stunned by her outburst, she just sat there lost in thought watching Bryanna storm off.

"Hey Yanna". Samantha ran happily to her and hugged her.

"Hey". Bryanna responded absentmindedly as she opened her locker.

"Are you OK?"

"Hmm". That was the only thing she said before walking to class.

"Guess what?" Samantha asked excitedly.

"Just say it". Bryanna said nonchalantly.

"Well, remember Jackson? The new hot guy. He came to me yesterday and asked for my number, I was so excited.. Like I thought it was a dream.. Hey are you even listening to me?" Samantha pouted.

"I'm tired Sam, I'll see you later". Bryanna said and walked away without looking back. 

"Strange, something is definitely up".


"Is this seat taken?"

Bryanna heard someone asked but doesn't have the strength to reply. She was resting her head on her desk and couldn't bother to look at the person.

"I will take that as a yes". Jackson smiled smugly and sat down. "By the way, I never got to know your name".

"If you are trying to flirt with me then fuck off, I'm not in a good mood". Bryanna said annoyed without raising her head.

"Are you always this feisty?" he chuckled. Bryanna decides to ignore him.

"Good morning Mr Martin". The class greeted in unism.

"Good morning class, you may all have your seat". Mr Martin started the class. Jackson nudged her to get her attention. She glared angrily at him and was about to scold him when she heard the teacher.

"Miss Blake, I have been calling you for quite some time now, come and solve this equation for us". Mr Martin said calmly.

"Sorry sir". She apologised. She walked to the board and within two minutes, she solved the problem.

"You can go back to your set, next time pay attention, don't space out or I'll be forced to give you detention , understood?" he said sternly.

"Yes sir, it won't happen again". She bowed respectfully before taking her seat.

"That will be all for today's class, miss Blake, the principal wants to see you".

During lunch,

"Have you guys heard?" some group of the students gathered up together.

"What?" one of the students asked curiously. 

"Queen bee has lost her throne!" another one said excitedly.

"I heard they are poor now". Another student chirped in.

"Serves her right, now she can't act all high and mighty". Another one exclaimed happily.

"I don't pity them, both sisters are bitches, one acts like a queen while the other snobs people". A boy said.

"There's a good show going on outside! Let's go watch!" one of the student ran towards them with the information before running away.

"Let's go check it out!" the students quickly ran after the boy.

"I wonder where everyone is going". Samantha said as they both entered the cafeteria.

"Hey what's going on?" she stopped a student and asked.

"Queen bee is getting beaten up". The students said hurriedly before running away.

"By Queen bee, he meant.... Oh shit! Yanna that's your sister!" she exclaimed at her sudden realization. Bryanna quickly took off in the direction of the fight.

"Bitch you already lost your throne, give up.. You are no longer queen bee but a dirty street rat". A girl with black hair said laughing.

"Even a street rat is better than you, your dad's so poor and jobless that's he's gonna die in poverty". The students gathered there burst out in laughter.

"Don't talk about my dad that way! I.... I thought you guys were my friend.... Why.." Britteny stared sadly at them.

"Friends? Oh please don't flatter yourself... You are so stupid and dumb that we would never want to be your friend... You were just too easy to fool". One of the girls said with disgust.

"If I were you, I would probably have jumped down from the school rooftop and ended it all already". Another girl mocked. All the students burst out in laughter.

"A pauper like you don't deserve our uniform". Another one said laughing sinisterly.

"Yeah we should probably take it off".

"Don't you dare come closer! Don't.... You... Ahhh!!!"

The sound of clothes being ripped apart could be heard loudly. All the students where happily videoing everything, some where even cheering them on.
