
Xin gaze silently at his inner world, the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, the palace where his Weapon Spirit resides but right now it's empty leaving the hidden paradise.

He then opens his inventory and sees a special scroll releasing immortal aura constantly, for sure this is the Fei Family Body Cultivation Technique that was rewritten by his grandpa.


Chaotic Bod of the Fiend God ( Immortal Techniques )

The Concept of the 33 Heavenly Changes was divided into three great categories of the essence, energy, and divine. Each category was divided into 11 variations.

Solely the body transformation technique had 11 different methods to practice it. There were those that suited humanity, saints, and there were some variations that suited the monsters and spirits.


Based on what is written on the scroll, Xin is already in the 16 level where he needs to temper his bloodline to accomplish it and ascend to the next level.

But the problem is, tempering his own bloodline is pretty hard, his Phoenix God Body needs to temper using the hottest flame in the world.

And that hottest flame he knows is the flame that came from Ryūjin Jakka, the Zanpakuto of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto the captain of the 1st Division in the Gotei 13 and also the Captain-Commander of the whole Gotei 13.

And releasing it causes too much damage to Soul Society and to the Human World, so asking him is pretty impossible.

There is also a place where he can use a special flame in this world, but entering is pretty difficult.

And no one ever escapes from that place, The Fifth level of Hell, a palace field with hot magma comes from the bottom of hell itself, for sure that palace is super hot.

"And lastly is to fly straight to the Sun, but that thing will take too much time for him to do, after all, his magic and other abilities are temporarily sealed.

Xin helpless scratch his head and helpless sigh," Nevermind, i will just sue the solar energy on tempering my body, it will latkes much time but still tis fine than sitting doing nothing,"

He then looked at the ground and took the couple of hair left by his Grandpa, he then put it on the top of the rock and left it as his last memory of his grandpa.

Then slowly, Xin's eyes close while his eyes in the real-world slowly opens, the first thing he notices is the soft thing under his head.

Then a face of a woman looking at him full of concern, Xin helplessly smiled seeing her face, he did not expect that she is the one who will help him to take care of his body.

"You finally awake," Yoruichi said.

"Yes, the test finally ended..... And it seems that you finally show your true appearance, Ms. Cat." Xin teasing said.

"So you already know me, and you turn a blind eye to my own excitement around you for 2 years," Yoruichi said.

"Well... i know who you are, and I'm sure that you did not bring danger for me and my little sister, so why not accept you, after all, adding another person in my house is not a problem,"

"As if I can bring danger to you, you are pretty strong and have it deeply from my eyes,"

"But still, your pretty persistence coming back home in your cat form, you even start to sleep with me even though that you can go to my little sister's room,"

Yoruichi's face blush hearing what he said, of course, there's a good explanation on what she did.

At first, she did it to observe Xin closely without leaving any opening for him to hide, but as time passed by, she started to like the position of her in Xin's bed.

A comfortable possession that even her own house dont have, a comfortable place that makes her feel relieved while ignoring the danger around.

"Well nevermind," Xin look around and said," So you bring me to your friend special base,"

"Yes, she came back crying while holding you a little while ago," Urahara teasing said.

"Realy?" Xin surprise asked.

"Shut up, I did not cry, I only carry you back here," Yoruichi said.

Xinn stood up and stretched his body, he felt that his strength seems to step to a new level again, for Xin who already almost reached the max level in this world, surprised that he can still step further.

"So how's your body? Is everything fine?" Uroahra asked.

"I'm fine, the test is pretty hard but that test did not change or hurt me," Xin said.

"You know… I feel that I see you somewhere… did we meet before?" Urahara asked.

"I think this is our second time meeting each other,"


"The first is 70 years ago when I first visit the human world,"

"You mean the time when an abnormal amount of hollow suddenly appears in the human world? The trap one?" Urahara asked.

"Yes, that's right, i'm still small when that thing happens so maybe that is the time when you two see me," Xin said.

"I remember that event of course, but I mean that I felt that I saw you somewhere when I'm still in the Soul World," Urahara vaguely said.

"Realy?" Yoruichi confusedly looks at him then to Xin, if you look closely she can also feel that she already sees Xin somewhere in Soul Society, but she can't remember where and when.

"I think I see you too somewhere," She said.

"That's impossible, I appear in this world not more than 90 years, and that time you both are already gone from Soul Society," Xin said.

"Well nevermind, maybe i remember it later," Urahara said.

Xin looks around and asks," Is this space stable?"

"Of course it's stable, Tessai made this as a training area," Urahara said.

"Then can I ask if I can use this place to test strength?" Xin asked.

"Yes you can, don't worry, use your strength to full extent, the place is unbreakable so you can go all out here," Urahara proudly said.

"Then thank you," Xin said.

"Let me watch," Yoruichi said," I can also be your training partner too if you want,"

Xin smiled and pet her head," Thank you then,"

Yoruichi felt content Xin petting her head, she didn't know what kind of magic Xin's hand had to make her feel safe and comfortable at the same time.