Small Test of Strength

Xin looks at his body and feels no different from when he sleeps last night, everything is normal from the power to Reiatsu that his body has.

"Are you ready? I'm not going to be easy on you even if you're good-looking, but don't worry I'm not going to scratch your face too hard, or else Inoue will get angry later," Yoruichi said.

"Don't worry, you can attack me in any part of my body, after all, I'm a master using Kaido so healing wounds is nothing for me," Xin said.

"Well then, let's start: Yoruichi then disappears in front of Xin, Xin who looked at his body did not even try to find her after all, he can easily see her path while standing.

Xin thought,' Is Yoruichi this slow? How can I easily see her movement?'

He raises his hand and blocks the kick from above and pushes her upward, Yoruichi taken back seeing him easily block her attack, she feels that her attack is nothing to him.

She then disappears and appear behind Xin while her hand is on his back,


She then pushes the force inside of her traveling to her arms straight to Xin's back but before even the force hits him, Xin already dodges it just stepping forward.


The force of Ikkotsu hit nothing but the impact is still there, just from the explosion creating hitting in the air, for sure that the Ikkotsu she uses is pretty powerful.

But still, even the Ikkotsu is powerful, Xin still did not even budge on his original position, only dust and small rocks fly below him.

"You're pretty strong, and fast too," Yoruichi said.

"Well, I'm also sure that I became strong again," Xin said.

"I seem that i need to take you seriously or else you will tease me later," Yoruichi suddenly multiplied by 10.

"Creating clones using speed, that's nostalgic, I still remember someone using this kind of technique fighting me," Xin said.

"This is my normal cloning technique, but I can still multiply if I want to," YOruchi proudly said.

Xin of course can see that she did not even use Shunpo in this cloning teaching, for sure if she uses it, those 9 clones will multiply double to its original number.

But this technique is pretty useless for Xin who is already fast enough to play with Admiral Kizaru who is known as the fastest human in the other world.

"Well, let's start again," Yoruichi then starts her attack, her clone starts to dash in a different direction trying to fool Xin to lower his guard or even try to find an opening.

But Xin did not even try to defend but only stood foolishly while looking around, he tried to mark Yoruichi from those clones.

Then they start to attack, kick, palm, punch elbow, trust, different kind of hand to hand attack rain down toXin but it's useless.

Xin calmly pats all the attack to block it, using only his palm, he neutralizes the power of those attacks even if it's dangerous or not.

Urahara who sitting in distance amazes seeing how Xin uses Hakudato block Yoruichi's attack, even him will going to have hard time trying to defend those attack.

Some attacks are to trick, some are faint some are the deadly attacks that will hurt you if you lower your guard.

But Xin easily neutralizes it like nothing as if those attacks are just a cotton punch of a small kid to an adult.

Yoruichi, a known master Hakuda practitioner becomes a small un-experience child in front of Xin who looks like a teacher teaching his mischievous student.

Yoruichi starts to notice it, it seems that he has fighting experience or maybe the strength gap is too huge for him to take her seriously.


The 10 clones transform into 20 clones attacking Xin in different directions, Yoruichi even starts to use throwing knives and darts.

Xin took the weapons and threw it back to the clone she created, eliminating a large number of them.

"This kid," Yoruichi irritates seeing Xin did not take her seriously, it seems that her current ability is too low for Xin to take her seriously.

Yoruichi jumps in the distance and Reiatsu suddenly spikes off the cart, Wind and Lighting start to condense from her body to her arms and legs.


"It seems that you even know Shunko, that's good, I don't need to explain this to you~," Yoruichi said.

Xin nodded, he already learned this technique, and he fought Soifon while using this technique, fighting another master Shunko is not a problem.

Yoruichi suddenly appears in front of Xin and gives him a straight punch in his face, but Xin calmly catches it with his hand.

But he did not expect that the punch would drag him, Yoruichi grins seeing her finally remove Xin from his place.

Xin then made his move, he reached his hand trying to grab Yoruichi's cloth to throw her but suddenly her visions suddenly changed.

The ground and the sky suddenly become opposite then realize that Yoruichi used a counter throw to him.


Xin grinned and used his flexible body to flip and counter throw Yoruichi, but Yoruichi did not let her be counted and held Xin's arm firmly.

Then two two of them flip dozens of times trying to throw each other but both of them mpersist holding each hand to counter each other.

Xin then tries to breach the counter, he tries to grab Yoruichi's shoulder but Yoruichi's long legs are faster than him.

With a clean hit on his chin, Xin slightly dazed, and Yoruichi grabs the opening and finally throws In in the giant boulder.


Xin embeds on the giant boulder, he shook his head to remove the dizziness and looked at Yoruichi who was proudly standing afar.

"You're too young to try for me, Kid~," Yoruichi teasing said.

Xin helplessly smiled and pushed his self out from the boulder, it seems that the aptitude test ends here and the serious fight is about to start.