Sage Mode

Xin took out his Black Staff from his hair and grabbed it ready for the next battle, Yoruichi took out a small knife from nowhere and ready for Xin.

Xin then waves at his staff and tries to sweep Yoruichi, Yoruichi only thinks that his staff will not go to reach her but she is surprised that his stuff suddenly extends to her.



Yoruichi appears behind Xin and tries to cut him using the knife she is holding but she discovers something pretty shocking, when the knife touches Xin, it crushes like a cracker.

"What kind of skin you have, even Menos don't have steel skin that you have," Yoruichi said, releasing the knife and throwing a kick to his back.

"My human body is pretty tough, so hurting me takes you time and of course you need to use your Bankai in process," Xin said.

"Well, sorry to say that I never sue my Zanpakuto," Yoruichi sadly said.

As a former captain of the Gotei 13, it is known that Yoruichi possesses a Zanpakutō and has achieved Bankai, but she relies nearly exclusively on Hohō and Hakuda. Although she doesn't carry it at all in the current time, she wore it in the past.

No one knows why she did not sue or even carry her own Zanpakuto, it is a mystery even for Urahara and others.

Xin retracts his staff and uses the other end to stab Yoruichi, but she easily dodges it and releases another attack using her palm.

She is about to hit Xin again, but Xin turns around and tries to smash her using his staff, with the use of Shunpo Yoruichi appearing behind Xin again like a ghost.

"Your pretty slow, holding a mid-range weapon makes you slower that you can't even keep up to my speed."

Xin then lower his staff and stab the ground, he holds it firmly and extends it, using the force of extend ability, Xin body hits Yoruichi who appears behind.

Yoruichi out of balance but Xin did not let this opportunity escape, he released his staff, grabbed her arms and threw her to the giant boulder.

The sequence of the movie is pretty easy and clean, Xin uses a pretty basic throwing technique to attack Yoruichi.

But Yoruichi is pretty flexible, when she is about to hit the boulder, she flips out and lands on her feet and arms, neutralizing the force of the throw.

"That's a good throw, but still not enough," Yoruichi's voice ran behind Xin and the next high he saw was that he embedded in the boulder again.

Xin can't help but to be amazed by what he discovered, Yoruichi's speed is constantly changing, from slow to super speed.

This kind of change makes Xin confused and easy to fool, just like now, he thought that he was already accustomed to her speed but suddenly her speed spikes up and catches him off guard.

"Is this your strength kid? You can never win against me if this is all you got," Yoruichi taunting said.

Xin helplessly stands up and pat the dust on his clot, he then looks at her with a helpless expression that makes Yoruichi's heart jump fast.

"That's unfair," Yoruichi murmured.

Xin raised his hand and condense a violet colored energy, and the other was a ball of Reiatsu.

I, who am the wielder of Chaos,

I'm the Heavenly Child who preserves the principles of Justice

I despise at the despair, and I give hope to everyone

I shall become the reincarnation of Chaos

And I shall bring you away from depths of your misery

Xin then pushes it inside of his body.

"Heavenly Chaotic Armament"

Black aura starts to come out from Xin's body, his hair changes into a black while his calm nature slightly changes to a wild one.

Yoruichi's face flustered seeing Xin form, she felt that his aura coming from Xin is dangerous, but the kind of danger but a kind of danger for girls.

Xin's original form is a form of cool and warm look, while his black form makes the girl easily hook up to him.

"This is my own Shunkō, but I think I need to use one of my other techniques to make this match more fun," Xin then closed his eyes, and a red pigment suddenly appeared around his eyes.

Then slowly he opens his eyes, from red his eyes change to a blazing red as if his eyes transform to a sun.

There's also a strange golden pattern appearing on his forehead, it looks like a golden headband around his head.

"Sage Mode"

The band in his head suddenly became larger until it transformed a halo around his forehead.

"Get ready, this time i don't know how strong my attack is so better to prepare," Xin gripped his fist and threw a punch from his palace to Yoruichi's direction.


Yurichi's instinct kicks in and hurry to utilize all her Reiatsu to escape, even Urahara who is sitting afar can't help but to stand up to help her.

Xin's casual punch creates a rip around and the whole palace starts to shake, it seems that the power of his punch accidentally destroys the Kido that Tessai uses in this room.

In front of them is a gigantic black hole, Yoruichi who escaped felt thankful that she escaped fast, if not she will be heavily wounded for sure.

"Urahara-san, sorry, I accidentally created a hole below your shop," Xin helplessly said.

"Don't worry about it, I can ask Tessai to fix it, or maybe I can make that hole as a dumpster of my failed product," Urahara said while looking at the hole that Xin creates, he was pretty curious how deep this black hole is.

Yoruichi suddenly appear behind Xin and grab his head using her arms trying to choke Xin," You stupid kid, are you trying to kill me or what!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean it," Xin begged to try to remove her arms around his head, then the golden halo around nXI suddenly shrunk until it touched his forehead.

"What's the matter of this thing?" Yoruichi asked.

Xin helplessly looked at her and said," it seems that this hallo around my head is my limiter and my restrain, i don't know why but my power restrains to extend that i can only use the 20% of my original power."

"That's cool, your own power actually restrains you from using it," Yoruichi said while poking the hallo in his head.

Xin then stand up removing Yoruichi who clinging on him," I need to go, i think it's already dawn and Inoue is about to awake,"

"Then go, I will follow you later," Yoruichi said but she already transforms into a cat and jumps to Xin's shoulder.

"Kisuke, we will going," Yoruichi said, Xin, wave his hand and disappear with her, Urahara who looking at the black hole look back where Xin standing," Who in the world is that kid, who the heck train that kind of monster,"

Urahara looks fine but inside he is pretty shaken, the power and technique Xin show is new to him he doesn't know where and who teaches Xin those powerful abilities that can easily destroy a dimensional Kido using a single punch.

"But at least, we have a powerful ace on our sleeves if times come," He murmurs and continues to study the black hole Xin creates.