East Blue Incoming War

Grand Line.

In the sky, a huge pirate ship is flying slowly.

I am afraid that no one will ever see this scene, and no one will believe that the pirate ship can actually fly in the sky.

Except for Xin's flying ship that has the invisible ability and the Flying Dutchman that he usually uses but not flying high but gelding in the water.

This pirate ship is huge enough to hold thousands of people. A huge lion head is carved on the bow of the ship, which looks particularly majestic.

And on the mast of this pirate ship is a pirate flag, The Golden Lion Pirates' Jolly Roger is a white skull with golden mane-like hair and beard reminiscent of Shiki. Behind the skull and hair is a steering wheel, resembling the same steering wheel lodged in his head.

The ship of the Golden Lion Pirates is unique in appearance as it is a mass of land kept afloat by Shiki's powers, with high trees as masts and long oars rowing at its sides.

In the main hall of this pirate ship, Golden Lion Shiki is sitting.

Shiki is a massive pirate dressed in traditional Japanese clothes consisting of an orange trimmed, red and a black kimono robe tied together with a dark green sash, and a golden chain around his waist; he also wears a yellow striped tattered haori coat draped over his shoulders.

He has golden mane-like hair, reaching down to the ground, and on the top of his head is part of a steering wheel that got lodged into his head after his battle with Roger. The doctor has noted that trying to remove it could result in death, as it is lodged too deep. Shiki himself thought he looked like a rooster without realizing that it was himself when looking into a mirror.

He has a golden bushy tuft of hair for a beard at the bottom of his chin, and a black goatee with pointed edges surrounding his mouth. His eyebrows are dark and pointed as well, and he has some purple spots on the left side of his face right around his right eye that indicates his age. He is usually seen smoking a cigar.

Instead of using more conventional prosthesis after cutting off his own legs to escape Impel Down, he uses his own swords as prosthetic legs, which he openly shows.

This person is the Golden Lion Shiki, now the captain of the Flying Pirates.

In the past, he was as famous as Gol D Roger and Whitebeard and was the first great pirate to escape in the history of Impel Grand Prison.

Like "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, one of the Four Emperors still alive today, both of them are fully qualified to be called the legendary great pirates.

His strength can be described as extremely powerful that he almost flipped the whale Marineford in the past.


Golden Lion Shiki threw the newspaper away at first, then took a puff and then slowly exhaled a smoke ring.


"This is the strength of the Marine now? Not only did their Main Base sink to the bottom of the sea, they also lost the war that they should have won already."

"Ridiculous, so ridiculous!"

"With such strength, dare to claim to be No. 1 in the world?"

"Those fools of the World government really have no brains, kicking an iron plate that they can easily pick up,"

"I really laughed out of my teeth, Jihahahahahahaha~"

After Roger died that year.

The Golden Lion once made a big mess at Marine Headquarters Marineford. After destroying nearly half of the town of Marineford, it was finally captured by Garp and Sengoku, and was finally imprisoned in the deepest sixth floor of the Impel down prison, the Eternal Hell.

Two years later, in order to escape from Impel down, he cut off his legs bound by seastone and used the two famous swords "Oto and Kogarashi" as his prostheses, thus becoming the first in history to successfully escape from prison.

These two decades.

In order to retaliate against the World government, Golden Lion has been plotting revenge.

During the years spent in Merveille, Indigo managed to develop from a local plant, the IQ, a serum called SIQ, that if injected into animals, enhanced their evolutionary process, granting them the ability to adapt to their natural environment better.

Using this incredible drug, Shiki started creating his own army of mutated animals in order to defeat the World Government. After gathering a large amount of these animals as well as old and new allies, Shiki will start his attack.

And his first target.

East Blue.

At this time, seeing the news from East Blue, Golden Lion Shiki starts to feel excited.

"Admiral, the Guild Leader Xin is in the East Blue right now."

A subordinate under the temple knelt: "I don't know if this guy will be a hindrance for us destroying East Blue."


"Guild Leader? So what, if he tries to stop us, I will kill him personally, I don't believe that he is as strong as the Newspaper said."

"The strength of the admiral is unparalleled in the world, and no one can stop the plan of the admiral!!"

The subordinates flattered immediately

No one dared to provoke this legendary pirate.

The Golden Lion looked up to the sky and laughed wildly and arrogantly.

"What a shit, Guild!"

"To be defeated by a snot kid, what a ridiculous thing!"

"Is the World government so stupid that it is so stupid? It actually defeated by their own subordinate"

"No one can stop my plan to destroy East Blue!"



Meanwhile, somewhere in East Blue, Xin heard the news of Shiki but he did not take him seriously.

None of the girls can really defeat Shiki so no need to be afraid, much more that he will not let him destroy the East Blue.