Unlucky Shiki

Somewhere in East Blue.

Outside of a wooden house.

Xin was sitting on the rocking chair with his eyes closed, basking in the morning sun leisurely.

Ikaros squatted to pinch Xin's legs, and Nami stood behind Xin and rubbed his shoulders vigorously.

Two such beautiful women served together.

If someone sees all of this, for sure anyone will die in envy.




"Big Brother Xin!"

"I said no."

Nami who acting like a baby keep asking Xin the same question that she cant even finish because Xin always cut her off.

"Can you at least let me finish?"

".. Sure."



"Brother Xin!" Nami hurriedly bit his neck in anger, he promised that he would not cut her off while speaking but he did it again.

"Okay, stop biting me, I'm pretty sure you can't leave a mark on my skin anyway, you're only going to break your teeth."



"Stop Ikaros, don't join her, dont bite my legs, that's dirty."

Ikaros nodded and grabbed one of his arms and took a bite."

"See? If you don't hear me out Ikaros and I will bite you to death!" Nami proudly said.

"Say, what do you really want?" Xin helplessly asks.

Several playful eyes cast their gaze towards them, they can see that Xin finally softens from Ikaros and Nami.

"Will brother let us follow him?"

"I don't know, let's see if Nami and Ikaros can move Brother."

"I hope so."

Suddenly someone noticed that the sky was gloomy.

"Huh? There was still the sun just now, why is it suddenly overcast?"

"It's overcast all of a sudden?"

"What's the matter? Isn't it just morning? Why did the sky suddenly change?"

"What happened? I don't feel any change in temperature or humidity in the air."

Then they raised their heads and looked at the sky ahead.

Everyone was shocked.

In their eyes, they only saw a huge island floating in the sky not far away, just like an island in the sky.

It is a floating island that blocks the sunlight from the east, which makes everyone mistakenly think that it is cloudy.


"No, maybe the Sky Island?"

"You're wrong, Sky Island can't move, Sky Island is the only station in one place."

"Then what is that?"

"What…what! Such a huge island floating in the air out of thin air."

"I can feel a strong sense of oppression coming from that floating island"

"A person? Maybe a Devil Fruit User?"

Such a huge island is suspended in the sky.

Just looking up at the floating island will feel a sense of suffocation for a normal person, but the problem is that everyone is not a normal person at all.

Xin couldn't help but open his eyes.

"Golden Lion Shiki?"

He muttered to himself.

The girls start gathering around asking the same question.

"Who is Golden Lion Shiki?"

"Is it here to find you?"

After hearing the name Golden Lion Shiki, an Hiyori present suddenly realized something.

"Golden Lion Shiki?"

"If I remember correctly, this name has disappeared for almost twenty years."

"Back then, the Golden Lion Shiki was a legendary big pirate who was as famous as Roger and Whitebeard Newgate."

"I think I heard that name too." Nami said.

They then start sharing information to each other until everyone learns who is coming on them.

"What should we do Xin?" Nami asks.

"You want to ask something right?"

Nami hurriedly nodded.

"Good, I will hear you out but you need to do me a favor."

"What favor?"

Xin pointed to the floating island coming towards them and said," Defeat the incoming enemy and I will take you out."

"So easy!" Nami, Koala, Chaos, Little Harpy, and some other energetic girls hurry to cheer up.

Destroying a floating island that moves slowly as the turtle is easy for them, much more than a Koala who can instantly evaporate a huge mountain using her ability.