Laugh Tale

A couple of days later, Xin and the girls still hearing the booming sound from the island not far from the,

They did not expect Roger and Shiki to fight this long, they had already broken the last record of 3 days and 2 nights of continuous fighting.

With one instance in particular leading to a friendly gift exchange between their crewmembers after three days of endless battling.

It's the infamous fight between Whitebeard and Roger that made them more famous before Roger became the Pirate King.

"Are they still human? How can they fight like this without stopping?" Nami said while looking at the direction of the other island.

"This is pretty normal, Shiki is eager to fight Roger, so with this chance he will do everything to end their rivalry right now." Robin said.

Xin nodded," Their rivalry is already too long, seeing each one made them finally complete the last fight of the two of them."

"Not only Roger and Shiki, for sure if Whitebeard heard Roger's appearance he will come here for sure to fight."


Another loud explosion rang, the whole island shook and the aftershock could be felt in Xin's direction.

"What happened?"

"The fight ends," Robin said.

Nami and Vivi eagerly ask," So who won?"

"You will know." Robin mysteriously said.

Not long enough, they see someone running in the water carrying someone on his hand, they clearly see who is the last winner.

"So Roger wins?"

"It seems so."

"He looks happy."

"Of course, he longings for a good fight without any hindrance, Robin summons him without any illness or even injury so he is in the top before their fight."

"On the other hand Shiki is already old enough to fight, it's already a miracle for him to fight Roger that long."

Roger finally jumps on the beach and throws Shiki who was beaten black and blue in the sand.

"Damn Roger, can you at least be gentle on my old bone?!"

"Hahahaha~ i don't care, we are pirates and small pain like this is nothing" Roger carefree said.

"Nothing? You broke four of my ribs, dislocated one of my arms, stabbed me dozens of times and punched my face mercilessly and you said it's only a small pain!?"

Roger only laughs seeing Shiki's miserable appearance, he doesn't care whether he is in pain or not, what is important is that he feels content from the fight just now.

He then walks to Robin and politely bows," If I'm not wrong, you're the daughter of Nico Olvia if I'm not wrong?"

"How did you know?" Robin curiously asks.

"You look like her in the past, before I became Pirate King, I encountered your mother in search of the Poneglyphs."

"It seems she is on a journey to find Poneglyphs with the group of archeologists from Ohara, after knowing them and knowing we are pirates, she and the others chose to not follow us because it's dangerous."

"I don't know what happens to them after their journey, can you tell me what happens to her and those thirty-three other archeologists?"

"Why?" Robin asks.

"Well, I am in a huge debt from them. The thing is, I learn my knowledge of ancient languages because of them. They teach me all the things they know without a shred of hesitation. That's why I finally found the last island and learned the truth."

Nami hurriedly asked," Can you tell us what you see on the Last Island?"

"Do you want to know?" Roger playfully asked.

Nami nodded and so others wanted to know what One Piece really is.

"I think it's a mountain of treasure."

"Maybe a City of Gold like Shandra in the past?"

"I think it's a place where Devil Fruit comes?"

"Hey Master, I want to taste Devil LFruit too, why Senpai dont want me to eat one?"

"Are you hungry again Astrea?"

Roger slowly scratches his chin while looking at them, he then notices Xin, his eyebrow silly curl up and slowly walks in front of Xin.

Roger looks at him carefully from head to toe and then asks," How old are you now kid?"

"Not too old."

"Hmmm not too old, do you also want to know what I see on the last island?"

"... No." Xin calmly said while continuing to read his book.

"Interesting," Roger whispered, he then looked at the girls and said.

"What I see on the last island is not gold or any valuable thing, we can say that it is a piece of a mural that tells a story or a tale from the past."

"A story?" Nami felt dejected, she did not expect that the greatest treasure is just a mural on the wall or something.

"Of course, gold is secondary, the whole island is made of gold but for me, the most valuable treasure is the mural we see on the last island."

"Can you tell us what that mural said?"

"Well, I can't," Roger replied.


"Simple, because you guys will eventually see it whether you want it or not," He then pointed to Xin," he can take you there if he wants."

"Then can you at least give us some spoilers?"

"Spoilers, hmmm… then "tale full of laughs", which gave me the idea to name the final island "Laugh Tale"."

"Is that Mural really laughable?"

Roger suddenly laughs when he remembers what they see on the mural, the tale that can make Roger and his crew discard all treasure just for a single mural.

"Just find it on yourself," Roger replied and kept silent even when they asked him.

He only answers one question from all of their questions and that is Nami's question.

"If you really want to get a mountain of treasure, better find Chinjao the Drill's secret treasure, I heard that his family accumulates a vast amount of treasure from generation to generation."

"The funniest thing is that they can't open the treasure vault so that vault is ownerless, you can try to find it if you want the treasure."

"Really?" Nami's eyes turn into $$ but her enthusiasm drops down after hearing Koala's report.

"We have already confiscated all of Chinjao's treasure, he doesn't even know that we have already emptied all his vault."

"If you really want to get huge amounts of treasure, become a pirate and rob everyone, for sure you will get treasure easily."

"That's not good, my Mother will surely break my legs if she heard that."

"Then let me think of another way, I will tell you later after I find a good way."

"Thank you,"

Roger, Shiki and Xin suddenly look up in the air.

They see a traditional Japanese waiting room appear above, and slowly the sliding door opens and tremendous pressure falls down on all of them with monstrous killing intent in a second.

Shiki and Roger feel that this is a dangerous beast looking at them, this dangerous beast seems to target them below.

"Hahahahahaha!! Finally!! finally, i found a worthy opponent to fight!!"

Kenpachi jumps from the door and hysterically laughs while looking at Roger and Shiki, he is so excited that the air around is trembling from his spiritual pressure.