Big Boss Come

"Gu ra ra ra ra ra ra~ it seems i'm not late?" Whitebeard come out from Senkaimon hearty laugh see one of his rivals and friend actually here

[ Note: Senkaimon is the dimensional gateway that Shinigami use to enter and leave Soul Society. ]

"Oh, Whitebeard? Are you here?"

"I heard someone see the Legendary Pirate King Roger alive, i came to see if the news is true and it seems i hit the jackpot this time,"

"Hey hey hey~ this is not a joke, how can you still alive? I heard you died from the last war not long ago?" Shiki said seeing Whitebeard here.

"Oh, Shiki, you 're actually here, and it seems you're the one who created a huge recluse for a couple of days." Whitebeard said after looking at Shiki.

"It seems we come at the right time, your fight already ends, do you want to take a rest before fighting again?"

"I'm fine, I can still fight for a couple of days with my strength." Roger reply.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! Whitebeard, how can you still be alive?" Shiki asks.

"I'm already dead."

"Are you fooling us? How can a dead person speak to us?"

Whitebeard points the chain on his chest." You see, this known as the Chain of Fate, protrudes from the chest and connects the soul to its living body."

"When this chain is severed, the soul can no longer return to its body and live. So that means I'm already dead."

"Do you mean that if that chain is still intact, I can still resurrect by entering my body?" SHiki asks.

"Yes if yoru body is still whole and healthy, but if your body is badly damaged and already dead the Chain of Fate will break and that means your dead already."

"This is interesthing, i never heard that Chain of Fate," Roger said.

"Can you stop chitchatting like little kids? Can we start now?" Kenpachi said.

Roger firmly held his weapon and looked at them," So who goes first?"

"I want to fight you but I'm in my soul form, I can't hit you at all so it's pretty useless."

Kenpachi looks at Whitebeard, deep inside Kenpachi wants to fight him on his peak but right now he can do that he will only make him transform into Hollo if he tries to fight him.

Fighting someone who is intellectual is much better than fighting a beast, there's no fun cutting something that only reacts like an animal.

Of course, he can also use his Reiatsu to transform him into him but it will cause him huge damage, and that is he can't fight any of them here if he uses that technique.

He then sees Xin and walks closer to him," Hey kid, transformed that huge dude into a Shinigami."


"I said transformed that old dude into a shinigami."



"You guys will only cause a huge problem here."

"Do you think I will not cause a huge problem now if you don't do what I want you to do?"

Seeing his serious face, Xin can only helplessly accept his request, with a small amount of Reiatsu on a form of knife size blade he stabs it towards Whitebeard.

"What are you doing!"

"Silence, we are helping him right now."

"What kind of heal is needed to stab his chest?!"

Whitebeard felt something enter his body and sole caching nhis spirit form.

A traditional shinigami Shihakushō``Garment of Dead Souls' ' and a sword on his waist.

Whitebeard carefully looked at his new appearance and felt that he seemed come back on his old self but on younger years.

Except for the tremor ability and strange energy is dnie of his body, Whitebeard felt that there's nothing change to him.

He then looks at the sword and carefully pulls it.

"Is this the Zanpakuto you told me?"

Kenpachi shook his head.," No, that is Asauchi, the first level of Zanpakuto, you need to train more until you hear your own Zanpakuto's voice."

"You're wrong." Xin said," He can already hear the voice."

"What do you mean?"

Whitebeard raises his sword and slams down." Shake them, Murakumogiri!"

[ Murakumogiri: Gathering-Clouds Cutter ]

The sword on his hand transforms into a huge Naginata, the same appearance and name as his original weapon that is lying on his own tombstone.

Whitebeard carefully waves it to check for new features, except for the same appearance and grip, he also notices that the weapon actually vibrates.

Not as strong as his tremor ability but the vibration of the blade is actually strong enough to turn a rock into dust.

"Good, we can now start, so who wants to go first?" Kenpachi said while looking at them.

Xin wo setting can't help but to look on the other side of the sea, not only him but also the others look in the same direction.


Above the cloud they see something moving in fast speed, it's huge and long, from the pressure that thug unreleased, they know something strong is about to arrive.

Xin sees a bleu colorado scale, a long tail from the cloud and he is already a guest who is coming.

Roger, Shiki, and Whitebeard also seem like guests who are coming to them.

"What is that beast doing here?"

"Maybe he wants to join the fun?"

"What's that? A snake?"

"Rorororororo~ finally, someone strong enough to make me feel excited." Above the cloud, a gigantic head comes out, a giant head of an easter-dragon peeking at them from above.