
"GET READY!" Finn shouted.

"We are ready, Captain!"


"Dvergr Enhance!"

Dvergr Enhance raises Gareth's Strength stat by a large amount.

"Pallum Spirit"

Pallum Spirit boosts the effects of magic and skills in the face of adversity.

"Veil Breath"

Veil Breath: Riveria's green protection magic. It raises the target's resistance against physical and magical attacks and also heals the target slightly. It's the second level of Riveria's defense magic Via Shilheim.


Bolg: it creates a circular barrier that shines white and is super short chant magic.

Xin also start buffing everyone.




"Iron Skin"


Dozen of buffs apply to everyone while running, and each one of them felt the change from their body so the charge accelerates even faster.




Ariel is Ais' wind element enchanting magic. In addition to serving as a powerful offensive weapon, it has also been shown to be used as a shield, as it was able to deflect the poison from a Virga. Despite the strength, it gives her, she usually stops herself from using it against non-monster opponents, as she is fearful of accidentally killing her opponent.

Xin and Ais both develop a super-enhanced version of it by adding it to everyone as a form of tornado barrier that can shred monsters easily.

Magic consumes a huge amount of magic but with Xin's Magic Sharing, Ais can easily use it without having mana difficulty.


In their way is a huge dragon, the body of it occupying the whole corridor and ready for their incoming attack.

"It's here, get ready everyone!"

Xin who is holding Lefiya whispered.

"Bind it."

"Yes." Lefiya nodded.

"Earth Bind!"


"Stone Petrified!"

A living root appeared below the dragon and started entangling its body, adding Slow Buff, making it harder even to move and making the dragon two feet turn into the stone, locking the target in place.


"Thank you."

And then, Gareth's shield hit the target.



"Cut it!"

"Yes!" Everyone

"Hell Finegas!"

"Demon Cleave!"

"Crushing Blow!"

"Multi Stab!"

"Mind Bolt!"

Everyone's attack hit the target creating a huge hole on the dragon's body, with the last hit of Ais, hitting the magic stone of the monster, they easily crush the opponent.

Of course, they don't have any time to loot the corpse so they just left it behind.


A couple of minutes later, to when Xin finds a save zone, everyone is resting because of the sudden rush.

"We are strong! Did you see it, Xin, we crush that huge ass monster!"

"Hey, Tiona, pipe it down, can't you see everyone is resting,"

"Ehh~ but Xin is fine, right Xin?"

Xin who is crowded by the girls can't help but smile, Finn and Gareth on the other hand cant only helpless look at him.

"By the way Captain Xin, where are we now?"

"Wait let me check….. We are in the middle of the floor right now, it seems this floor is huge and my mapping ability cant find the entrance to the next floor."

"Then lets rest and start to find it again."


"Hey, hey, Xin can you teach me magic."

"Hey, Tiona, stop it already, you are annoying Xin" Tione helplessly said.

"Ehh~ but, i want to learn Magic."


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