Glacier Territory

Week passed and the small team continue mapping the path.

They are now entering the 59th Floor after how many difficulties and challenges they encountered along the way.

59th Floor

According to the Zeus Familia, the 59th floor and onward was known as the "Glacier Territory", with glacial lake streams, fierce cold, and ice covering the area.

And just standing in front of the door of the 59th floor, they can say that it's a winter wonderland world.

The whole floor is covered with snow and ice, even the dungeon ceiling is full of icicles and blocks of ice.

The temperature is minus 20 degrees celsius making their breath start to form fog.

"S-So cold!" Tione said while her body was shaking from the freezing wind.

"Hahaha~ you're too weak, Sis." Tiona who was laughing cheerfully teasing said.

"It's cold out here, i did not expect that it's below freezing here."

"It seems Zeus Family did not record this abnormal condition here."

"No, this is natural, Zeus said that the 59th floor and onward was known as the "Glacier Territory", with glacial lake streams, fierce cold, and ice covering the area."

"And that means its cold out here, we just forgot this crucial information maybe we thought we will not going to arrive here." Finn said after looking around.

Ais who looked around see Xin is fine and felt that her training is not enough, even Lefiya is not showing any abnormality even though she is the weakest here.


'Why they do feel cold? It's not really that cold right? Maybe Tiona is just playing around.' Lefiya thought.

What the two girls did not know is that Xin can easily increase and decrease his body temperature, an ability that he just casually learn in the past.

Reducing or increasing body temperature is not hard if you have perfect control of your own body.

But this ability consumes a huge amount of stamina so those who know this never use it in any case but Xin is different.

Changing body temperature is like normal breathing for him so a small change in his body temperature is nothing at all.

"So wamr~"

Tiona who somehow discovers the trick is also near and already hugging Xin's left arm.

"So warm, hey Xin, your body is like a small stove producing enough heat, it's comfortable."

"You right, Xin is warm."

"So comfortable."

"Is this magic too?"

"Wait, when did you two get to Xin's side?!"

"Tiona don't be lazy, you will freeze to death if you sleep here!"

"But… Lefiya is sleeping already."

"Lefiya is different

Looking at Lefiya's sleeping figure, Tione also want to be carried, but Xin can only carry one of them and Lefiya is the weakest one.

For the first time, Tione felt that being weak also has merit, being carried by Xin around and the permission to sleep even though they still working their way inside the dungeon.

"Here take this."

Seeing everyone's condition, Xintakeout a bunch of normal items and gives to them.


Warm Fur Coat ( Rare )

Made from soft wolf fur and the hand of an expert artisan, become extremely warm after being worn.


Cold Resistance

Wind Resistance

Water Resistance

Dark Resistance


"Wow so warm! Hey Xin, you really prepare are you?"

"Yes, i prepare different kinds of clothing for different kinds of situations."

"How cute, look at Ais's pink scarf, how cute~"

Ais dazed at her pink scarf also thinks it's cute.

"Anyway, let's continue our journey," Finn said after everyone finished preparing.


After half a day of walking inside of the ice terrain, Xin suddenly discovers a pretty strange thing that is not common inside of an ice-covered floor.

Miles away from them is a warm place full of vegetation and greenery.

A strange place where everything is covered with snow and ice.

As they walk closer, Xin starts to sense that the place is not just a small strange place but a huge forest.

A green forest filled with different kinds of strange trees.

There's also insects, and different kinds of colorful birds that you can only see in summer.

'Strange, i don't feel any monster nearby, how can bizarre place appear there?'


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