
As they get closer, Xin and his friends finally arrive at the strange area.

Just like what he sensed, a huge forest in summer theme inside of a floor that is covered with ice and snow.

"What this? Why there's a forest here?"

"It's impossible for greenery to appear here."

"Unless there's an anomaly here, Finn."

Looking around, Gareth said." The air here is fresh, i don't understand how the cold air cant enters this forest at all."

"What do you think, Captain Xin?" Finn don't know to answer so he asked Xin if he knows or senses anything.

"I also don't know Captain Finn, i only sense the forest here and i thought it's normal a forest to appear out of nowhere."


"We are inside of the dungeon, nothing is normal here."

"... You are right."

Having a different environment for every single floor is not normal at all, much more having a forest in the middle of an icy plain down here.

"Captain, i feel weird here."

"Me too."

"Something is not right here, Captain."

Xin who looking around suddenly said," Get ready, i felt something is coming."


In front of them suddenly became foggy, its so thick that the whole forest become invisible and covered with gre fog.

"A fog?"

"No, wait! It's not a fog, its a spore!"

"So many spores!"


A huge magic barrier suddenly encloses all of them, Xin who is in the middle shout," Get ready!"



Suddenly, the thick spore in the air explodes, it explodes shaking the whole magic barrier that Xin just erected.

Even those who are inside can see the devastating damage outside.

The trees are uprooted, the ground flips upward, ranging fire everywhere, and the magic energy is chaotic.

After the spores explode, a huge part of the forest is finally clean, but Xin is still alert.

"Wait! What was that!"

"So huge!"

"How can someone cast that spell!"

"Not after the spores explode, the smug up in the air suddenly open, countless huge rock is falling towards them.


"Who can use this kind of catastrophic spell insdie of the dungeon!"

"Everyone, take cover!!!"

Xin flip his hand pulling dozen of spears from his inventory.

Grabbing one, he throws it piercing the magic barrier from inside but he fix it again after the spear comes out.

He did it a couple of more times and then apply a couple of more layers of barrier to fortify the already existing barrier.



The meteor and the spear hti each other, and because of the powerful impact, the meteors explode into small pieces and fly everywhere creating a miniature meteor shower.



"A monster attack!"

"Get ready everyone!"


Seeing a wide range of darkness crushing the first layer of the barrier, everyone knows that all fo that is caused by a monster.

A powerful monster that is unknown to everyone.

After that, dozen of huge chunks of ice pillars come ou of nowhere crashing into the magic barrier and pushing it slightly.

"So powerful, i think this monster is at level 5 at even level 6."

"I can sense something, everyone!" Lefiya who hiding in the middle of them suddenly warns.

"Whats the matter?"

"I can sense life force, its huge and not only that,.... W-we are trapped!"

"What! Trap! How!"

"Sorry everyone, i did not sense that monster is actually encircling us" Xin who was bussy blocking those magic attacks finally sensed the change around them.

"I can sense thousand of monster around us."

"What! Thousand!"

"Everyone get ready!"


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