WebNovelNext Gen19.05%

Sobbing Drunk

It was a week later that Prince got a call to pick up his crazy wife from a bar. She apparently drank herself into a stupor all alone and he really did not know what to do about it. They had never given any real definition to their fucked up relationship but he knew he would always put her before anyone else. They'd known each other their entire lives and were only two months apart.

So it was at two in the morning that he found himself driving to a hole in the wall bar and found Princess crying outside while holding a lite cigerate that hadn't yet even been smoked. It just burned into the night. He had driven his bike and he knew it was not gonna be an easy fret to get her to come back home with him. She hardly ever got like this and when she did it was either him or Teta's that got called to get her.

He knelt in front of her and sighed heavly,"Hey, come on what's gotten into you beautiful?" He asked prying her arms from over her face and making her see him.

"Erik!" She cried throwing herself at him and he grunted as he really should have expected it. But he was more worried what had caused his beautiful best friend and wife to break down like this.

"Rena." He used her real name; no one ever did only her Papa the V.P. of the club and himself used her real name and it was a rare occurance. Real names were never used at the club and everyone had nicknames but only your old lady or old man were allowed to call a member by their given names.

"I'm such a horrible wife!" She sobbed into his arms and of all the things that was not one he had expected at all to come from her.

"The hell are you on about now?" Was all he could ask because really this woman always threw him for a loop.

"I mean we got married;granted drunkenly and some drugs may have been involved but then I just left! I was so selfish and just wanted to see the world so badly and I didn't even account for your feelings at all and then I just took for granted that you were happy to be stuck with me and You really never even got a choice in the matter!" She blurted into his chest still sobbing and he was way to fucking sober for this right now. Goddammit.

Without much preamble he helped her stand and walked her to his bike. She leaned against it and he was glad he had parked far away from everyone else because he would not have it be witnessed that he was in any way a nice guy or that he cared. Nope if he was gonna do this no one else but the sobbing drunken woman in his arms was gonna know about it.

"ReAnna Maybell Jones." He said her full name so she knew he was serious and she seemed to have sobered up some at the use of it and looked at him while he seemingly glared at her. It was not lost on either of them that he used his own last name to addreas her.

"Erik Axel Jones?" She questioned tilting her head up at him. He smiled at his full name coming from her lips

"Am I the only one besides your Papa who knows your full name?" He asked her instead if the million of other things he wanted to say; he knew this was his best option.


"Are you the only person who is even allowed to know let alone use my real name?" He asked her and she again said "yes" and so he continued "and how long have you been allowed to use my name?"

She tilted her head to the side and looked down at her fingers and counted them before coming up with the answer" ten years; since we were sixteen."

He smiled at her and asked the next question, "how many years have we been married?"

"Eight." She stated and confusion lite her face as she tried to get to what he was trying to get her to understand without him having to actually admit it outloud. He knew she would; she was good like that.

"So if we've been married for eight years but I let you use my real name for ten; what does that mean?" He watched as she shook her head and tried to sober up enough to think clearly. He watched with satisfaction as realization dawned on her and her brown eyes grew huge as she looked at him in wonder.

"Oh..." She trailed off and he chuckled leaning his forhead against hers and his blue eyes meet hers. "I'm an idiot. " she muttered helplessly.

"No you're just ridiculously clueless when it comes to yourself princess." His voice was husky with lust and she giggled at him.

"I love you too Prince Charming."

"You're the only woman to ever ride on the back of my bike and that will never change." That was the closest he would ever come to saying it outloud but she understood what it meant.

Woman only rode on the back of their Old Mans bikes. It was a sign to the other members that that woman was his and only his. They spent the first eight years being married in this fucked up little world of theirs but he was clearly telling her he was done with that. They were both twenty six and not getting any younger.

She was tired of being on the move all the time and just wanted stability of having a home. That's why she was back home in the first place. He was telling her he would happily stay her man as long as she wanted him and that he wasn't looking anywhere else but at her.

"I can't promise the same seeing as we have a whole group of children to look after. " she joked refering to their family at the club.

"Fuck them. They cant touch my baby." And neither of them knew if he meant her or his bike or both.

"Take me home?" She asked stepping on her toes and kissing his jaw line as that was all she could reach.

"Alright." He grumpled as he straddled Baby and she got on behind him. It wasn't romantic in any sense of the way but it was all he could give her and she seemed to be content just the way she was pressed into his back and her laughter was anything to go by.