The Thoughts of an Angel

Yael sipped her rose wine - while flying through the night skies - troubled by the thoughts weighing down on her mind. Despite the challenge, she sought to find ways to salvage the situation with a heavy sigh.

This would not have been complicated if she could make suggestions to her Lord, but Yael did not forget her place - a servant. Though she understood the harm that could be caused by having two rulers, she kept her mouth shut.

However, Yael deep inside wanted to determine whether her Father God and Lord Bellriver were better than humans.

There is a saying that goes as such: Two leaders create conflict, three force a decision, four trigger divisions, and five result in death. Only a single leader can impose solitude.

Gazing downwards - at the ground - Yael observed the mortals as they aimlessly carried on with their lives, oblivious to the enormity of the events taking place beyond their knowledge.

In a world once devoid of gods, now wander two, yet none were aware.

Perhaps the greatness of the human race's lies in their ignorance.

-Flashback - A week ago, Human World-

Yael and Ryuk - as they had gradually begun to do - convene every once in a while to talk. The more they communicate, the more intune they get with one another.

They had decided to convene above the Crack Between Heaven and Hell - a volcano that has gained superstitious origins by the locals because of its appearance. Half of the volcano is covered in ice and snow, the other half is covered in magma and fire. This is truly an odd sight to behold.

Yael and Ryuk were talking about the progress of their chosen humans - Raye and Light - chuckling together. The two of them were truly compatible, they both had similar views, though there are areas they disagree in, it did not damage their friendship.

For example, Yael placed Father God - Lord Momonga - above all creatures but Ryuk did not place the King of Death - his King - to such heights and could not understand Yael's fanatical thought process.

"As I said, I removed Raye's memory, he doesn't remember that Light Yagami is Kira." Yael rested her chin on her palm and looked at Ryuk who didn't believe her.

Ryuk chuckled and shook his head. Her cute behavior won't fool him, though he was sure she did as she said because of her concern of upholding her God's face - he wouldn't tell her that.

"Whose fault is it? Last time, you cheated me out of some apples, of course I will doubt you." The act of him teaching Yael gambling, is starting to work its way back at him. Her intelligence is too high and able to absorb knowledge like a sponge. It is becoming difficult to compete with her.

Pouting, Yael smiled and was about to respond, when her soul trembled in shock and horror, causing her to fly away and check to see if Father God was safe!

Yael - as the creation of her Lord - possessed a servant and master connection to Him. She could generally sense the emotions of her Lord, but only when it reached a certain level. She had only felt worry from her Lord previously, but she could not determine where it was directed. Today, however, she sensed excitement that was hard to suppress!

Though confused by the emotion she is sensing, Yael hurriedly flew towards the Gate that led to Paradise. Standing outside the Gate, Yael sensed two enormous, almost celestial-like auras that exerted weight on the space around the Gate.

Seeing this scene, Yael could only imagine the weight Paradise was enduring, for even the space around the Gate to feel like another world entirely.


Sighing deeply, Yael stepped forward and entered the Gate, entering Paradise - above the Holy Mountain. Before she could stabilize herself, Yael was violently dragged to the ground by an invisible weight!

Her innate gift of flight became sealed, and could only helplessly hit the ground - causing a dust storm - her bones and body to ache and crack.

Falling at the base of the Holy Mountain - Yael lifted her head with difficulty - looking at the skies.

The sky is divided into two different colors - black and green - and it appeared as though two auras were in the midst of an intense clash, battling for supremacy.

Of the two auras - the one she was more familiar with - was a deep, overwhelming black, seeming to emanate death itself with its oppressive darkness.

However, in that oppressive darkness, she feels a deep sense of longing, hope and happiness. In contrast, the second aura was a verdant green, rich and vibrant like nature's foliage, pulsing with an energy of life but hidden inside seemed to be a wrathful anger - the wrath of nature!

Such power from just auras, not even I with my strength can hope to reach such a level. Since Father God possesses the power to affect a world - why did he create me? A deep sense of lost wash over Yael as she observed the auras.

After a bit of observation, It was clear to Yael that the two auras represented opposing forces - life and death - however beyond the chaos that ensued between the auras, Yael saw the intimacy between the auras, as if long lost companions reuniting with one another.

The Sun above the Heavenly Locking Pillar trembled violently as if about to plummet from its place in the heavens! At the same time, the rivers and forest appeared to be teetering on the brink of freezing over - as the heat of the sun started to fade.

The inhabitants of Paradise - Fairies, the Undead, Elves, and Angels - at the appearance of the auras, were all forced to kneel down. They could not lift their heads, at most they remained flat on the ground - managing to keep their lives. With the gradual decrease in temperature, their weakened bodies shiver uncontrollably - unfortunately they could not escape the bindings of the auras.

The auras did not target one just physically but also spiritually - as pressure that normal creatures could not endure - bare down on the very essence of one's being - the soul.

Physically, everyone's body is extremely powerful but spiritually - they were as weak as a two year old child. Even Dijon - a god - was no exception.

That also meant Yael was not immune to the spiritual pressure of the two auras - just a bit more resilient. Unlike everyone else, Yael could barely move her body, but even doing so caused her body to be under immense pressure.

'Get up! You must assist Lord Momonga!'
Shouting at herself in her mind, Yael resisted the urge to submit and instead forced her body to press forward resolutely towards the source of the pressure. Every step was a battle in and of itself, as if she were walking through a pool of syrup, each movement expended a lot of effort.

-Pant- -Pant-

Her forehead became drenched in sweat - so much so - that her vision was almost obscured.
I am coming, my Lord!

Yael remained determined, driven by her loyalty and desire to protect her Lord.

Straining her senses, Yael located the source of the immense auras - they emanated from the peak of the Holy Mountain, the Holy Palace - the home of Father God.

The weight of the two auras were so great that it made flying impossible, even for someone of Yael's level. Instead, with every step feeling like a monumental task, she began to climb the vast stairs that led to the Sacred Mountain's zenith, her heart heavy with worry at what she might find awaiting her at the peak.

She never knew she was so weak until even the simple task of walking became laborious.

Yael was astonished to experience just how immense the Holy Mountain was. She had never truly appreciated its scale before as she always flew over it, but now, as she began the grueling ascent towards its peak, she understood its full height.

Yael had already been walking for what felt like hours, yet the summit still seemed impossibly distant. She imagined because of the spiritual pressure her perception of time has been slightly skewed.

Her legs ached with the effort of each step, and her lungs burned with each passing breath of thinning air. The path ahead of her was treacherous, strewn with loose stones and jagged edges that threatened to trip her up at every turn.

Although Yael is confused about why there were loose rocks and jagged stones on the mountain dedicated to Father God, she could not focus on it.

For Yael, there was simply no option but to continue onward, her gaze fixed upon the summit and nothing else.

Yael approached the peak of the Holy Mountain, where the clashing auras had grown stronger and seemed to be emanating from a single point.

Her senses were immediately assaulted by a cacophony of sound, light, and energy, the likes of which she had never experienced before.

As she drew closer, the intensity of the energy became almost unbearable, causing her to pause for a moment to steady herself. Her breath became long and almost empty.

-Pant -Pant-

When at last she reached the summit, her eyes widened as she saw the source of the clashing energies. There, standing before her, was a crack in the very firmament of space - surrounded by a swirling vortex of light and color that seemed to shift and change by the second.

Faintly, very faintly Yael could swear she saw an ancient tree towering into the fabric of space and time, but as she blinked, the tree vanished.

Yael couldn't tear her gaze away from the firmament, mesmerized by the mystical sight. For a long time, she simply stood, taking in the scene before her, as if wishing to see that tree once more.
What a pity.

Closing her eyes, Yael's eyes adjusted to the many simulations of colors and noises before, she saw that the source of the clashing energies was in fact a meeting between two individuals.

Before her, stood a majestic marble table, ornately carved with intricate etchings and designs that glowed in the light given off by the clashing auras.
Realization washed over her as she recognized one of the two figures seated at the table.

On one end of the table, sat Father God - Lord Momonga - His regal figure emulating confidence and poise.

On the other end of the table is a mortal who appeared to be around in his middle ages, his character unassuming yet inviting.

The two were engrossed in conversation, their voices calm but purposeful.

"So I have been dead for such a long time? It would have remained that way had you not decided to bring me back, thank Momonga-san." The mortal bowed his head with gratitude.

Father God - the Supreme One - seemed flustered as he waved his hand, "You are my precious comrade, if I don't attempt to bring you back when I possess the means, what's the point? With the power I have, my happiness will only be short-lived, without someone to enjoy it with."

The mortal looked at Father God with an unreadable look, even more unreadable than the undead's skeleton face. "Have you attempted to bring back the others? Once that happens, Ainz Ooal Gown will transcend Yggdrasil and reign supreme again."

"I have not but I don't believe I can bring them back. The reason I could for you, is because you had never officially quit Yggdrasil, so even though you died in IRL, your log still recorded you as a Player. That's what I assume. In fact, I am under the suspicion that you are not really my friend, but a copy of him based on the data inputted into Yggdrasil and my memories of you - the real you."


Yael stood still at the edge of the stairs, absorbing every detail of the scene before her, barely daring to draw breath, for fear of disturbing the sacred meeting taking place.

Although she served Father God, this was the first time she had seen and felt He was happy and enjoying himself. What an odd thing to say but she felt it was ever so true.

Yael perked her ears to listen to the conversation between Father God and the mortal, but found herself struggling to comprehend the meaning behind the words. It was like they were speaking in an unknown tongue and she could not decipher it.

The terms they used were alien to her, and each mention of words like Yggdrasil, IRL, NPCs, Nazarick, Touch-Me - san and Ulbert - san only added to her confusion.

She strained to understand the context of the discussion but was left feeling increasingly bewildered.

Yael's mind raced as she tried to piece together the puzzle before her, desperate to unravel the mystery of their discourse but unable to even begin to figure out the strange terms they used.

The more she listened, the more lost she felt, until at last, she simply stood, a silent observer to this mystical meeting of minds.

Yael had always thought she was smart because compared to the mortals she had met, they were mere children she could wrap around her fingers with ease.

Even Ryuk- a Shinigami- who is more intelligent than most humans was not equal to her but she admits that Ryuk excels in areas she lacked.

Yael's eyes were drawn to the mortal sitting across Father God because of a couple of reasons. Firstly, he possesses an aura rivaling her Creator.

Secondly, why was Father God even having conversation with a mortal on equal grounds no less? And finally, Yael could sense an energy emanating from the mortal that she couldn't ignore. It was a subtle yet unmistakable force, like a purring kitten with an underlying power, waiting to pounce.

Because of the above mentioned reasons, Yael felt she had to be careful, because for Father God to take this mortal seriously, surely he is not a weakling!

As Yael watched the mortal, she couldn't help but sense that there is more to him than meets the eye, a hidden strength that lay dormant within him. It was a feeling like standing at the edge of a cliff, gazing down into the abyss, knowing that there was so much more to be uncovered.

She sensed that this man was like a lion, strong and fierce, yet with a gentle side that he kept hidden away. It was an enigma that both intrigued and frightened her, and as she continued to watch, she knew that there was much she had yet to learn about this mortal, who might stand on equal footing with her Lord.

As an angel, Yael possessed an innate gift to perceive the karma of all beings, from the lowest insects to the highest deities. It was a gift that allowed her to understand the true nature of those around her, to sense their intentions and their past actions. But when it came to Father God and the mortal before her, this gift seemed to fail her.

Considering that Father God is her Creator, is it feasible for her to not be able to use this power on Him but the mortal? That did not make sense, unless he was not truly a mortal.

Not one to give up, Yael strained herself to sense their karma, but it was as if their auras were shrouded in darkness, impenetrable to her sensitive senses. It was an unnerving feeling for her, to be confronted with two beings that her abilities couldn't fully comprehend. It was like trying to see through a thick veil, where the shapes were indistinct and the colors muddled.

Despite this, she couldn't help but feel drawn to the prospects of what lies behind the veil. Could Father God's karma be low or high? Could she, an angel, judge the action of her Creator? If so, if her Creator is evil, will she not be evil as well or does the concept of good and evil not apply to Father God and this mortal?

Despite her inability to sense their karma, Yael's senses were heightened, and she became acutely aware of something else. It was a subtle yet palpable energy that emanated from both Father God and the mortal, like a hum in the air that vibrated through her whole being.

Yael strained to identify the source of this feeling, but it remained elusive, like trying to catch a glimpse of a bird in flight. It was as if this energy was beyond her understanding, a force that existed beyond her realm of existence.

The more she tries to understand the two before her, the more she realizes the strength she once thought was powerful might as well be useless before the truly powerful. When playing in a dollhouse, there is little one cannot do, but when one arrives in the real world, all that power vanishes. That is the difference between make believe and reality.

In front of power she had never seen before, Yael felt a slight sense of fear, for she knew that there was much she had yet to learn about the true nature of Father God.

Yael's eyes locked onto the mortal, drawn in by an inexplicable power that beckoned her closer. Her legs had the urge to approach, yet felt her survival instincts screaming at her to flee, warning her of a danger that she couldn't even begin to comprehend. But as she tried to shift her gaze away, the mortal suddenly turned - as if sensing something - and met her stare head-on, and everything inside of her went black!

Panic surged through her body, and she felt like she was drowning in a sea of terror. Her every instinct was telling her to run, to find a way to escape this situation, but her body was frozen in place, as if held there by an unseen hand.

Yael felt a chill run through her body as the mortal's gaze bore into her, like a weight that was crushing her with its intensity. She couldn't even find the words to cry out, the fear having stolen her voice. It was a feeling of being trapped, like a deer in the headlights, and Yael knew that she was facing something ancient, extremely ancient.

Yael watched with a mix of horror and fascination as the green aura surrounding the mortal seemed to suddenly recede, like a wave crashing back into the ocean. It rushed towards the mortal's body like a living thing, engulfing him in its emerald glow as it submerged itself deep within him.

As if on time, Father God's aura faded like snow in sunlight, disappearing peacefully.

She sensed a shift in the energy around her, a feeling of power that crackled in the air like lightning. As the aura disappeared into the mortal's body, a sudden stillness fell over the room, and Yael could control her body once more.

How ironic is it that she, the Angel of Life - an immortal being - feels like a mortal before a mortal? She truly felt small and insignificant, in this moment, and could not begin to comprehend how to bridge this gap.

As they say, the only way to solve a problem is to first realize there is a problem and she has undoubtedly reached that crossroad.

Every inch of her body was drenched in a cold sweat, and her heart was beating so hard that she could feel it thundering in her chest. As she tried to calm herself down, a vivid image of the mortal's appearance burned itself into her mind, like a photograph that had been seared onto her consciousness.

It was a moment that had etched itself forever into her mind, a reminder of the vast unknown forces that lay beyond the reach of mortal comprehension.

The mortal's eyes were dark and deep, as if they were endless voids that could swallow the very light around them. His head was crowned with hair that starkly contrasted against one another, a mix of pure white and jet black strands that coiled and twisted around each other. Despite his youthful face that was full of vitality, there was an unknown depth and wisdom hidden behind his features. He was thin and frail, but his frame seemed to radiate power that could not be measured.

The mortal locked his piercing gaze on Yael, and spoke in a voice that reverberated through the air, deep and rich with intrigue. "You must be Yael - the Angel of Life," he mused, as if pronouncing an ancient incantation. "My dear friend speaks highly of your grace and fortitude." He leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with an almost palpable curiosity, as if he were seeking to unravel the very essence of Yael.

Yael's inner thought was abruptly disturbed by a deep and resonating voice, causing her bleary eyes to flutter open.

Squinting into the dim light, she quickly scanned the room until her gaze landed on Father God, who was positioned at the end of the table, his inscrutable expression betraying nothing of His thoughts.

Despite the grogginess weighing heavy on her limbs, Yael sensed that Father God was observing everything with an air of detachment, as though He were a mere spectator in the unfolding events.
With a sense of trepidation gnawing at the pit of her stomach, she couldn't help but wonder what lies beyond that stoic facade - curiosity or indifference?

She did not think her Father would harm her, if He wanted to, a simple command would do. As long as He wished for it, she did not mind ending her life. She exists to serve after all.

Yael's acute awareness of her surroundings prevented her from underestimating the mortal in front of her. Being able to sit with Father God means he is a distinguished guest, meaning he was privy to the Lord's power and influence, something that only close individuals would share, even then it's rare.

Yael's mind began to race, delving into the possibilities of who this mortal might be and what his intentions were. Her status as the Angel of Life had taught her the value of careful scrutiny and the importance of analyzing every detail. As a result, Yael remained cautious and alert, taking full stock of the situation before making any rash moves.
The key word to this situation is friend. To call her Lord friend and Father God to remain silent, is a sign of affirmation.

To Yael, the concept of friendship is something she inherited from Father God's memories upon being created. Friendship is a two-way street - an equal partnership where both parties are on the same level. When one confers the label of friend upon another, they are extending a hand of trust and camaraderie that signifies mutual respect and support.

However, the term has been all too often twisted by those who exploit it for their own benefit. Those who call others friends only to drag them down are nothing but liabilities, a burden that weighs heavily on those around them. True friends lift each other up, sharing both joy and sorrow through thick and thin. Those who do not abide by this code are not friends, but rather, opportunists seeking to leech off the strength of others.


Breathing out, Yael took measured steps forward as she did, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, almost deafening her own thoughts. Her legs felt unsteady, as if they could give way at any moment, but she willed herself to keep moving. With each step, even without the pressure from before, she felt scared and burdened a lot.

Eventually she arrived before the mortal. Falling to her knees before him, she whispered reverently, "Thank you, my Lord, for your kind words. It is an honor, truly." Her eyes were downcast and her voice only barely audible. Nevertheless, the sincerity of her words rang true, and she raised her head, seemingly unafraid to look him in the eye. "I assure you, Father God told you the truth." She said more firmly, her voice laced with conviction. No doubt lingered in her mind about her abilities and her loyalty to her Lord.

"Such conviction and confidence - what an intriguing Angel." The mortal chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. As he spoke, the air around him seemed to shimmer, and Yael could feel the pulse of magic emanating from him. Even the trees seemed to respond to his presence, as if stirred by some unseen force.

Suddenly, the trees surrounding them began to sprout new growth, their branches stretching skyward as fresh leaves budded forth.

It was a wondrous sight, one that dazzled Yael and left her speechless. She did not sense the mortal casting a spell, nature has chosen to react to his words!

The mortal continued to smile, almost childlike in his delight, seemingly not bothered by the sight.

Despite the miracle before her, Yael maintained her poise, ever aware of her surroundings. She studied the mortal with a discerning eye, not quite sure what to make of him. Yet, she recognized a new, strange, primal energy radiating from him, and knew that it wasn't something to be taken lightly.

The stranger's laughter gradually faded away as he stepped closer, and Yael could feel his eyes searching hers. He seemed to be studying her intently, almost as if he were looking for something within her.

"I am Bellriver, one of the rulers of Nature," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "Momonga-san, your Father, and I are long time comrades. It is a pleasure to meet you Yael." As he spoke, the forest around them seemed to respond to his words. The rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds echoed through the air, and a gentle breeze blew through the clearing.

Yael could sense a deep respect for nature emanating from Bellriver, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to him. Nevertheless, she maintained a respectful distance, ever the dutiful servant.

"It's an honor to make your acquaintance, Lord Bellriver." She said, inclining her head in deference. "May I ask why you have come here?"

Lord Bellriver smiled warmly at Yael's respectful demeanor before he spoke, "Momonga-san brought me here, as for the reason? You are going to have to ask him yourself. Momonga-san expressed his gratitude for all that you have done for him."

Yael's heart brimmed with happiness, relief and pride, that Father God was pleased, but also a bit curious about the reasons for Lord Bellriver's visit. "Is there anything that we can do for you, Lord Bellriver?" She asked, her tone deferential.

The Ruler of Nature shook his head gently. "No, I have come to pay my respects to Momonga-san and to offer my help should he require it. Your Lord has stated that you and your companions are quite capable, and I have no reason to doubt his words. I probably will be wandering Paradise for a while to see if I can improve it."

Yael beamed and asked a question bothering her, "May I ask, Lord Bellriver, why you have taken the form of a mortal, is there some purpose in it?"

"Yael! Do not be rude!" Father God, who had been silently watching the conversation unfold, slammed His staff into the ground, causing a tumor!
Why is Father God so angry?

"Momonga-san, it's okay, it's a valid question to ask." Regarding Yael's question, Lord Bellriver's expression grew thoughtful and silent. "This form was not of my choosing, I am not from this world and my body in my original world had died, so Momonga-san had to recreate a body for me here, which happens to be mortal. Though, I admit this body is not half bad." Lord Bellriver grinned slightly, but a slight hint of sadness could be heard in his voice when he mentioned his original world.

The Ruler of Nature chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I could sense your confusion earlier when I said I am one of the rulers of Nature, so let me elaborate." Lord Bellriver sat down, "Dijon - as Momonga-san had explained - is indeed the God of Nature, but that's just for Paradise. There are many planes of existence beyond your own, each with its own set of rules and powers. In some realms, there are no gods, in some there are many or just one. However, I am not a god, I am simply… hmmm, one of the Supreme Rulers of Nature. It's hard to explain but just say I exist above all beings of nature. To them I am their God. Though as I am sure you have realized, the nature I command is not the gentle side of nature but the wrathful part."

The explanation left Yael stunned, her mind reeling at the implications. She had known that there were many beings beyond her power, but hearing it from Lord Bellriver filled her with awe and curiosity of the universe.

Lord Bellriver looked at Yael, seeing her surprise and asked, "On a separate note, do you perhaps hate humans?"

"Forgive me my Lord, that is not my intention. I do not hate mortals but I do see them as interesting toys used to fulfill my Lord's plan."

Lord Bellriver's eyebrow perked up and smirked at Momonga, "A grand plan indeed. Yael, you may go. Momonga-san and I have much to discuss."


"Yes, My Lord."


"What is Raye Penber doing now? I left without notice but considering I left an Angel to replace me, the Life Note should still be operational." Yael as the Angel of Life first responsibility before everything else, even the well being of Father God is the continued operation of the Life Note. That was the first order her Father gave her.

Before leaving to make sure Father God was safe, Yael left a Principality Observation, an angel in the Third Sphere of the Angelic Order of Heaven in charge of the Life Note. Although it's a low tier angel, it's still powerful for this world.

Yael had been pondering over the rules of the Life Note for some time now. It was clear to her that the current rules left the Life Note stronger than its counterpart, the Death Note. After careful consideration, she came to a decision: the rules needed to be improved. Yael understood that the balance between Life and Death was crucial, and it was her duty as the Angel of Life to ensure that the rules governing the Life Note were fair and just.

Yael set her wineglass aside and flew towards the direction of Raye. Despite the absence of any tracking spells on Raye's ring, Yael had cast a spell on it earlier, which allowed her to locate his whereabouts easily. As the Angel of Life, Yael was equipped with a range of mystical abilities that aided her in carrying out her responsibilities. Tracking Raye was just one of the many tasks that she was adept at, and she did it with ease.

Deep in thought, Yael contemplated the grand plan and considered her part in its execution. As an angel tasked with the responsibility of upholding the Life's Note power of life Yael understood the importance of her role in fulfilling Father God's plan. She was aware that her actions and decisions would have far-reaching consequences, and she needed to approach her duties with utmost care and dedication. With this in mind, Yael sought guidance from within, invoking her inner strength and faith to guide her in fulfilling Father God's grand plan.

From her view, the grand plan is controlling all aspects of human souls. Paradise embodied the holy aspects of the souls. The Human World embodies the physical aspects of the soul. And lastly, Hell - which has not been created - embodies the evil aspect of the soul.

With what Ryuk had told her about the Shinigami Realm, it seemed like the ideal place for Hell.

However that being said, how could she bring that up in a conversation? Ryuk is the only friend she had, she did not want to jeopardize the relationship.

Despite her motivation to accomplish the grand plan, Yael is not sure why Father God wanted to create Hell. She could not see any benefits to it. Punishing evil? Why? On what basis would He judge them? Father God does not require faith, so why create Hell? Why is it necessary to punish mortals?

The only one who has the answer, is someone whom she serves but couldn't speak frankly to.
Remembering Lord Bellriver's words, she couldn't help but shake her head.

A servant must remember they are servants.
Sighing, Yael pondered as she flew towards her Life Note.

As she flew through the night skies, her silk robes fluttered adding to her beauty. The silk covered her head, hiding her beautiful golden blond hair. Her six wings unfold and cause the area around her to become holy land.

No one could see her but the animals could feel something flying by and look up. Cats meowed, dogs howl and birds screech, if one didn't know better it was like armageddon was around the corner but it was far from the case.

The animals even though without language were expressing their reverence towards the purity that they sense.

Although she could not understand beasts as she is not a beast tamer, Yael could feel their emotions. She was interested in what they wanted and decided to descend to observe closer.

The animals could not see her as she was in an invisible state, but her divine presence could be felt. However, why would animals be reverent to her?

Souls? How?

Sensing her gift, Yael was confused. Why do animals in this world have souls? Though she did not have a basis to go off of, she subconsciously felt this is odd.

Sensing the soul of a dog and a bird, she saw the only difference is the size of the souls. Even humans were only larger but were not as pure as animals.

The more she learned, the more she pondered why humans feel they are God's chosen people.

Animals have souls, and can express emotions they just have not reached the stage to speak their own tongue. Once that happens, would humans dare claim they were chosen?

Now that she thought about it, are humans not just demons? After looking through human history, it's true they have shown kindness but all of it is covered by their darkness. Humans seem to be more naturally attuned to evil than good after all, if their dark history is anything to go by.

Yael laughs with amusement. She admits her thoughts are not baseless, but without solid confirmation from Father God, it's just a thought.
casting a holy spell on the animals, she flew away and leisurely traveled to Raye.

After Yael left, a small yellow cat walked out on two legs and bowed towards the distant Angel - as if a Buddha.

Turning around, the cat returned to four legs like nothing happened.


"She should be flying this way, make sure to grab her quickly." A Shinigami hiding in the darkness of the night said to the other Shinigamis around him.

"Yes, Sir!" The Shinigamis replied with a black chains in their hands, shimmering with ominous undertones.

"Also remember, do not harm her, the King of Death was very clear about that."


The leader of the group of Shinigamis was dressed in a black robe with streaks of white running across the robes. In his hand he held a scythe, making him look like the typical depiction of death.

As the Shinigamis waited, they all got tense as they sensed a pure aura approaching them, almost the opposite of their dark aura.

Soon they saw an Angel, one of the most beautiful creatures they have ever seen.

They waited until the Angel crossed underneath them, before swooping down and dropping chains on her!

"Stop resisting! We will not harm you, our Lord wishes to speak to yours." The leader of the Shinigamis said, slightly scared of the growing strength beneath that lovely exterior.

Though he was not afraid per se, he did not see himself coming out without severe injuries.

"I hope you don't regret this later!" The Angel said in a calm tone and gave up resisting.


Sitting on a sofa with the TV playing, Raye and his fiancé held an ivory white book between themselves, filled with names, so many that half of the book was completely filled.

If Yael was here, she would be shocked that Raye - who had his issue about using the book - had changed. However, considering the variable being the female present, it's not hard to see why his opinion changed.

The woman possesses beautiful features, a mix of white and asian descent, giving her a exotic look. She dressed in modest clothing, looking like a well maintained and proper woman.

"Honey, someone just died in a traffic accident, do a quick background check on them, I want to know if they should be resurrected or not. At the same time, find a criminal to take their place in death." Raye said with a hint of indifference towards life and death. His eyes glue to the TV, depicting a recasting car accident.

Naomi frowned slightly at Raye but nonetheless opened the computer and quickly obtained the information. Knowing everything there is to know.

"According to the data collected, there are three people inside that car. A child and her parents. The father has a history of alcoholic abuse but has been going through rehab. The mother has been cheating on her husband, however apart from that, they are not bad people. The girl is only nine years old, with a talent in painting. According to her school data, the school is thinking of investing in her." Naomi's finger moves like lightning over the keyboard, drawing out everything she could from the recess of the internet.

"Look through the criminal database for prisoners who are on death row and are guilty." Raye's eyes looked tired and slightly mad, he did not want to use this power but once he used it, it turns out he was no different than Kira.

Kira was going around killing criminals causing a tumor to society, and he was doing the same, just bringing others back to take their place.

Although he had tried to remain hidden, he was already being noticed by some people, being called Kira's archenemy but he was no longer so sure if he was a hero or not.

Everyone has great aspirations, until it's time to face the music.

Naomi looked at Raye with a hint of pity, but she was happy that he had this power. It's not because of some whimsical feeling or anything, she feels Raye's who possess a strong conviction of Justice would be hard pressed to collapse under the weight of power.

"I found a couple. Save this family and call it quits today. You have been up for the last week, you need rest."

Raye nodded and looked at his fiancee with love and sadness.

Writing the name inside the book, Raye fell asleep on the sofas, causing Noami to smile and cover him with a warm blanket.

Picking the pen up, she closed the book.

Edited by Big- 0 and Solidorex