Talk Between Kings

Stepping through the Gate, Momonga arrived in the Shinigami Realm at the Reaper's Palace of the King of Death.

Before arriving, Momonga had equipped his items and had even chosen to equip the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown - the heart of Nazarick - and was ready to activate the Orb of Momonga at any moment's notice.

He had to be ready because he was not sure of the reason for the King of Death asking for him. In fact, he was surprised he even knew of his existence but how can a king not know his subjects? There had to be means to monitor the Shinigami Realm and with the realms long history it had to be intensive.

To ensure Paradise was not attacked while he was away, Bellriver-san was left behind with a Wand of Resurrection. Even though Bellriver - san is a powerful ally, he does not possess the strength he once had. They were surprised that he could use spells that he once had, but the tier could not be too high, else his body would become weakened, and in the worst-case scenario, could even die.

That being said, with the experience he had, Bellriver-san was the most ideal person to lead Paradise in his absence. Plus with Dijon and Titania, it was even more secure.

Approaching towards the Reaper's Palace, Momonga stops a couple meters from the entrance. At the entrance, a group of well mannered Shinigamis were already waiting for him - appearing like maids.

The group of Shinigami bowed, appearing extremely respectful, "Lord Momonga, his majesty the King of Death awaits you."

It seems the King of Death really wants to talk. So far I have not sensed any hidden intention from those around me. If anything, they seem eager to please me. Still, I should remain cautious. This could be a ploy to lower my guard. Honestly, as the ruler of Paradise, going by myself to an unknown place occupied by unknown beings is stupid but I don't have any powerful subordinates to send. If only Nazarick was here. Momonga imagined that the NPCs of Nazarick would come to life, just as Yael and the others had.

Momonga calmly nodded, and walked past the maids, showing the demeanor of a ruler with absolute confidence in his abilities. Even if he was weaker than the King of Death, he still had to move with strength. His subordinate was captured, not killed, showing that the King of Death does not wish to start an unresolvable conflict.

If the King of Death had killed Yael - his creation and daughter-figure - Momonga did not mind unleashing hell. Just because he is cautious does not mean he is a pushover and wouldn't let it slide no matter what. However, Momonga had to think reasonably. He is a ruler with many subordinates. It is not right to go to war for just one.

Appearing inside the palace, Momonga was led to a room with a large table with many figures already seated. At the end of the table, furthest from him, an old man sat with a regal and wiseness about himself. Looking at him, Momonga's eyes saw a huge monster inside the darkness with hundreds of faces.

Illusion spell? No, it's something else, I do not detect magic. Interesting.

The other figures were all Shinigamis' - they were not like the old man.

Looking around the room, Momonga did not see Yael - but he could feel she was not dead, so he simply frowned.

"Lord Momonga, please have a seat." A Shinigami said, pointing to the end of the table opposite the old man - King of the Death - whose identity is now obvious.

Sitting down, Momonga looked at the old man and cut to the chase, "King of Death, why have you called me here?"

The King of Death tapped his armrest - looking at Momonga - seemingly in deep thought. "According to my right hand - Armonia's report, you have one of my Death Notes in your possession?" Seeing that Momonga was about to speak, the King of Death raised his hand, "That is not the reason why I called you here. Tell me," The King of Death said while pulling something out of nowhere, "does this mean something to you?"

Momonga looked at the item and remained silent. How could he not know what the item is? He had, his guildmates, not all the Players of Yggdrasil know what it is. However, Momonga is confused as to why he was seeing this here.

"Are you a Player? When did you find yourself here from Yggdrasil?"

"You are indeed from Yggdrasil, then this will be easier. I don't not know what you mean by Player, however I am indeed from Yggdrasil. To be exact I hail from a realm once connected to Yggdrasil - under Hel, the goddess of death's control.

However, as I'm sure you know, Yggdrasil collapsed and I and a few others manage to escape."

Momonga is even more confused, though he realizes what has been said, he realizes they might be talking about the same place, but different viewpoints and memories. To him Yggdrasil was a game but for the King of Death it was real, that would mean the King of Death is an NPC but with memories of the game?

"That still does not explain why you captured my Angel? If this is all you wanted to tell me, there are other ways."

The King of Death nodded, "I will just get to it then. I'm sure you realize that the Shinigami Realm is decaying and beyond saving. My power just embodies the principles of Death and I cannot bring life to this place. Under the rule of my father and others, this place used to be a peaceful and orderly place but now? Not even the Shinigami's are eager to be here. It's just a meaningless place. We serve no purpose other than continuing our lives." The King of Death stood up and touched one of the palace walls, causing it to erode, showing the appearance of the Shinigami Realm, "I read Yael's memories and saw that you plan to conquer the Shinigami Realm, to create Hell. Though having you destroy the realm will tarnish my Father's legacy, it will indeed give it a purpose so I will allow it." Turning around, the King of Death looked at Momonga, "When you created Paradise, I was already aware of your goal, though you were not aware at the time."

Momonga was shocked and quite terrified, he had not sensed the King of Death's presence once but he knew so much? Was the fact he found the decaying world that will later become Paradise, his plan? Quite the terrifying schemer.

"Long story short, the Shinigami Realm will be handed over to you. The Shinigami Realm is beyond saving, but under you it can have a true purpose. The Shinigamis will enter Paradise, and fulfill their roles according to the rules you create."


Thinking for a while and breaking the silence, Momonga asked, "What about you?"

"I am tired…I have been here for so long, so long that I forgot my dream that I had during my years as a young being. I do not remember when being the King of Death became my dream. Maybe it was when it was passed down by my dying father, but it's not my goal. Honestly, I am simply passing my burden onto you, so I can travel the cosmos as I once did."

So he is escaping his obligations as the King of Death but before that he wanted someone capable to man the helms? It's hard to say if he was a good or bad ruler.

Influenced by the King of Death's words, Momonga became lost in thought.

Have I been following my ambitions? When did Paradise become my goal? I simply wanted to be surrounded by members of Ainz Ooal Gown again.
Sighing, Momonga nods, accepting the offer.

The King of Death smiled and handed over an item, before disappearing as if afraid Momonga would change his mind.

Seeing the departing back of the King of Death, Momonga could see his faith had the resurrection of Bellriver-san had failed and quiver!

Thank God it works! My slipping humanity has not disappeared so I suppose Paradise has not been without a purpose.

Momonga stood up and looked at the kneeling Shinigamis with a thoughtful look.

What should I have the Shinigamis do? I will ponder over this with Bellriver - san. I am already stressed by the situation, thankfully my emotional suppression limits the duration of my stress.

Lost in thought, Momonga hears a voice, followed by a body bursting through the door, "Father God, forgive me."

Turning down, Momonga spotted the teary eye Yael, whose grief stricken face could cause the sun and moon to dim. Caressing her head, "You followed my instructions perfectly, thank you. Let's go home."

Yael beamed, causing the tears to vanish from her face. Taking the courage, Yael held her Father's hand, feeling happiness,

"Yes, Father!"