Ryuk's Disbelief

Flying behind Light Yagami, which he has become accustomed to, Ryuk stopped flying with a change in his behavior, causing his 'entertainment' to look at him with a puzzled expression.

"Light, there is something I must attend to. You go ahead without me." Ryuk said as he flew into the skies, vanishing into the veil of dark clouds overhead, not waiting for Light's reply.

Though Light felt a sense of foreboding, he didn't dwell on it. He knew there were many things Ryuk kept from him, and to assume otherwise would be foolish.

He himself has created many failsafe, that Ryuk was none the wiser.

To use someone is to fully trust them or simple yet, be aware of the risk involved. Unfortunately, Ryuk the Shinigami and Light Yagami, the human never trusted each other to begin with.

Ryuk had made it clear at the beginning that he only wanted to see what he would do with the Death Note, so Light Yagami had always moved with the knowledge that they weren't friends. If anything, the fact that Ryuk would be the one to kill him, means the Shinigami was his enemy. Sadly there was nothing he could do about it, since Shinigamis' can't die.

Light had just returned from completing a mission that pushed him a step closer to becoming the God of the New World.

As his mind wondered about what Ryuk might be up to, his phone rang, startling him with its noise.

Looking at the caller ID, he frowned. He had made it clear for this person not to contact him.

Still, it was because of this reason that he had no reason but to answer it.

"This is Light Yagami."

On the other end of the phone, Light could hear a gasp of surprise, as if not expecting him to respond.

The person recovered swiftly and began to spew information that caused Light's expression to change, eyes glittering with happiness before he forcibly suppressed it.

Hanging up, Light's ambitions started to grow as he closed his eyes, hiding the madness that seemed to consume his rational thoughts, "I am so close, I can't fail now."

Glancing at the skies with a bemused smile, he continued on his way back home.

Flying into the darkened skies, Ryuk slows down, before coming to an abrupt halt, his eyes scanning the anomaly before him.

Standing across from him, atop of the dark thunder clouds, a formidable army stood ready to engage should the situation warrant it.

Though they appeared different, they exuded an energy he was familiar with, making Ryuk convinced that they were angels.

Clad in luminous white metallic armor, the angels resembled robotic beings, emitting a divine radiance. They seem to possess power far removed from the world as they stood imposing as the stars above.

The host of the angelic beings is led by a majestic creature adorned in white and golden armor, wielding a scepter in hand.

Despite the angel having a lion's head, it emanated an aura of celestial holiness so pure, that it was blinding.

The lion headed Angel, floated over to Ryuk, with its four wings spreading out majestically, turning the surrounding area into a holy site. Within this area, no evil could approach, and any insolent beings will turn to dust from its power.

The angel held a scepter and spoke in an authoritative tone that left no doubt in its words. "I am Aziel, the Guardian of the Gates of Paradise. Under the command of the Supreme Being, we are tasked with finding the Shinigami known as Ryuk and bringing him to Paradise." Arriving within two meters of Ryuk, Aziel continued, "Now I ask thee, are you Ryuk of the Shinigami Realm?"

Ryuk looked at the army and wondered if he should answer truthfully or not. He was quite puzzled by how they knew his identity.

Yael had been discreet with their meetings, and he doubted she would divulge his whereabouts.

Regardless, the overwhelming power displayed by the heavenly hosts made it clear that resisting would be no easy feat.

Sighing, Ryuk nodded and wondered what would happen next.

Even if he ran away, where would he go? The Shinigami Realm? Looking at the power shown before him and what his realm possessed, Ryuk did not see how his realm would win.

Before he even turned around, it was very likely he would turn to dust. Ryuk was getting the feeling that Aziel was stronger than Yael. He did not know where this feeling came from, but he felt he should listen to it.

Perhaps, the only thing keeping the two realms on equal footing was the Old Man. That's, if they were equal to begin with.

Unaware of Ryuk's thoughts or maybe just not caring, Aziel retrieved a golden scroll from his inventory and began to recite its contents to Ryuk, in a pious and reverent manner, "The Supreme One has decreed that Ryuk of the Shinigami Realm is to ascend to Paradise and undertake the mantle of a Grim Reaper under the auspices of the Court of Paradise. Does Shinigami Ryuk reject this order of the Almighty?"

As soon as the scroll appeared, all the angels knelt down, as if hearing a heavenly decree and that would not be wrong.

To the angels, the Supreme One was the ruler of everything and his will is absolute. The angels were his hands and feet, accomplishing whatever deeds he desired.

Ryuk's mind went into overdrive as he attempted to process the request made of him. Had he misheard Aziel? Why would the Supreme One want his service in their court? To call him by name, did Yael actually betray him?

His brain could not picture such a scene no matter how he viewed it.

However, the most concerning issue is why these angels had the audacity to appear in the Human World, under the King of Death's watchful gaze, and to tempt a Shinigami to perplex him even further.

Although no confirmation of conflict between the two spheres of powers have been made or announced, Ryuk knew from indirect information he gathered from Yael that Paradise is a new realm created by the Supreme One not too long ago. That obviously means that they have no dominion over the Human World.

Another thing that caught Ryuk's attention was the correlation between Supreme Being, Supreme One and Father God. It was clear that all angels have a different interpretation of the ruler of Paradise.

Despite attempting to make sense of the situation, Ryuk found himself astounded by the angels' boldness, so he posed the question, "Why must I go to Paradise? And why am I obliged to abide by this decree?"

Aziel's grip tightened around his scepter, his eyes focused intently on Ryuk. "Firstly, the Supreme One has claimed dominion over the Shinigami Realm, rendering all Shinigami as his subjects. Secondly, the Almighty has commanded all divine entities to ascend to Paradise, the realm of the gods and technically, according to your classification, you are a god. Lastly, you are under no obligation to follow the Supreme One's decree. So, I ask you again, do you submit to the will of the Supreme One?" The scepter in Aziel's hand hummed with power, its surface sparking with energy.

Ryuk discerned that he was not being given a choice, but instead a command. Refusal would inevitably result in death. He recalled the moment when Yael had harmed him with a simple touch, despite not being a warrior but an Angel of Life. If Aziel, an actual warrior, were to exact violence upon him, the outcome would be catastrophic.

Ryuk had no desire to test this theory, as he already felt he was no match for those before him.

"I comply."

Maybe because of how easygoing Yael was, or maybe because of other reasons, Ryuk began to miss her deeply. This Angel did not make it better, being as confrontational as he is.

Nevertheless, he had no intention of admitting this to the snobbish woman. If she knew he was missing her, even a little, she would in his case.

Ever since she had returned to Paradise, Ryuk had not seen her. Though he would not admit it, he was worried about Yael.

It's hard to make friends with similar minded people in this world, losing one is a big blow.

But, considering that even if she was unable to resolve the issue, there was scarcely anything he could do to assist. They simply were not in the same league.

"A wise decision." Said Aziel, as he lowered his scepter and gestured to an open area to his side.


A dark purple hole opened up in reality, which reminded Ryuk of the portal in the ground in the Shinigami Realm.

He had never heard of any beings able to use their own strength to open a portal before.

The more he saw, the more he saw the depth of Paradise's strength.

Aziel strode through the without so much as a glance backward, displaying confidence in himself, in handling any unforeseen problems.

The thought of Ryuk fleeting did not even cross his mind. Or more accurately, him succeeding never did.

Ryuk followed after Aziel, seeing the rest of the angelic host, surrounded him, urging him to enter the portal.

As he soared towards the , one of the angels seemed to hesitate, before coming to a decision, removing their armor and appearing before Ryuk, emanating an aura of sacredness and purity.

Looking at Angel before him, he had to admit her beauty was no less than Yael, in certain places she surpassed the Angel of Life.

She had a head full of white hair that shone like snow. She had one pair of wings, with a small white dove perch in her hair. If one was not paying attention, it was almost impossible to notice that bird.

Her face was serene and peaceful, radiating an aura of calm and tranquility. She is wearing a white robe with sparkling garments with a staff in hand.

Seemingly embarrassed, the angel introduced herself as Suriel, the Angel of Purity. "Hello," said she, "I sincerely apologize for Lord Aziel's conduct. However, I'm sure you are aware why he is furious with you, no?"

Ryuk nodded and introduced himself, but he was bewildered as to why Aziel would harbor animosity towards him. He could not recall performing any actions or behaving in a manner that would justify such a reaction from the warrior.

Truth be told, Ryuk had no direct association with Paradise besides Yael. Hence, it appeared that Aziel's anger was baseless, since he had not given him a cause for said hatred.

Noticing the perplexed expression on Ryuk's face, Suriel tilted her head in puzzlement, "You truly have no inkling?"

"I would comprehend his loathing if I were privy to the reason, but as it stands, I have not met anyone from Paradise, besides the Angel of Life." Replied Ryuk.

The white dove peered through Sureil's white hair, with what could be said to be a confused expression, as Ryuk's response was different from what it had anticipated.

The maids working for Aziel had informed the angelic host that Lord Aziel had grown more hostile towards a Shinigami whose connection with Lady Yael was ambiguous.

Every creature within Paradise was privy to this information, even a mere bird.

The Angel of Purity, Suriel had assumed that Ryuk would be aware of the cause for Lord Aziel's enmity towards him. No enmity exists without cause or reason, after all.

Pondering, Suriel asks, "May I shed some light on the matter?"

Ryuk agreed without hesitation, surprised by Suriel's easy going and forthright demeanor. He was not sure if this was because she was the Angel of Purity or if she was just a genuinely nice person.

Ryuk didn't know how to voice this because Yael, the Angel of Life, did not show an appreciation for life. So it's unknown if an Angel's title actually has importance to an Angel or not.

Gliding over to Suriel, Ryuk bowed slightly, "Please do, that would be helpful."

Suriel smiled and her calm soothing voice explained to Ryuk, "Lady Yael, whom you're often in communication with, is Lord Aziel's elder sister. Her Ladyship usually dotes on him but lately His Lordship notices the change in her behavior and sends a Heavenly Observer to observe her in secret, discovering your presence."

Listening to Suriel's words, Yael's status seems to increase in his mind. Aziel who obviously possessed military power unmatched in Paradise, was Yael's younger brother? Was being an Angel of Life that esteemed?

The image of the woman and the lion flashed across Ryuk's mind, and he comprehended the origin of Aziel's loathing. However, he couldn't fathom why Aziel would worry when he and Yael were nothing more than friends.

Suriel's smile remained gentle, "Lord Aziel, who holds the scepter of Justice that has been granted to him by the Supreme One, is the leader of Paradise's military and is the most formidable warrior within it. Lady Yael, who is the Lord's eldest child, is the sole individual who can compare to his exalted status."

'Daughter of the Supreme One? That might explain her frantic behavior about Father God but why did she hide it from me?'

As the duo conversed, they traversed through the , emerging in a new realm.

Gazing at the resplendent Paradise, Ryuk couldn't deny that it was more magnificent than he had anticipated. Although Yael had previously spoken of its beauty, she had undoubtedly undersold its grandeur.

Aziel surveyed the assembly with dignity and uttered, "We have completed the mission given to us by the Supreme Being, so I want everyone to return back to their post and guard the Holy Mountain. Everyone is dismissed. Suriel, stay behind."

"Yes, my Lord." The host of angels, knelt down and chorused in unison, affirming their compliance.

The angels bowed and flew away, leaving a trail of holy light and feathers, to fall from the skies.

Turning to Suriel, Aziel spoke in a calm tone, "Suriel, it seems the two of you have become good close friends, so I will leave him in your capable hands. Do not fail, Father God."

Suriel's beautiful face became serious and made a vow, "My Lord, I will fulfill my duties."

Aziel nodded and spared Ryuk a fleeting glance before vanishing via teleportation, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

Being a lion-headed angel, it was unclear whether he could even exhibit an affable expression.

Straightening her back, Suriel looked at Ryuk, "It's imperative that we convene with the Fairy Queen. As the ruler appointed by Father God, everything we need to know, she will disclose."

Ryuk took in the surroundings, feeling it was just like he imagined the Shinigami Realm would be if it possessed vitality.

The air was clean, the skies clear without clouds, the land green, and everyone was happy. This place truly was paradise on Earth.

On the way, Suriel gave him an overview of Paradise, and the brief history of it.

In Paradise, there exist many creatures that exist in the minds of mortals as just myths. Every being was created by the ever gentle hands of Paradise's ruler.

Yael had not told him this, nor did he ask as he assumed Paradise was inhabited by angels and 'Father God.'

Thinking of Yael, Ryuk contemplates for a moment, before inquiring, "Suriel, can I ask where Yael is?"

The atmosphere seems to stagnate for a moment before moving again, but slowly.

Ryuk sensed something was wrong, not just because of Suriel's expression but by the strangeness in surroundings.

Suriel gazed around fretfully and whispered, "Ryuk, please refrain from mentioning Her Ladyship's name without her title. As the Lord's most trusted aide, any disrespect towards her is akin to offending the Lord himself."

Ryuk's countenance creased in a frown, acknowledging the rigidity of the protocols. Nonetheless, upon contemplation, he discerned the rationale behind it. Considering the Almighty God's status, it was evident that He overshadowed even the Old Man in strength.

Ryuk straightened up and replied, "I understand, Suriel. I did not mean any disrespect."

Suriel nodded, his countenance relaxing as he spoke, "I know, Ryuk. You're new here, and I acknowledge that there's a lot to learn about Paradise."

Ryuk appreciated Suriel's understanding and responded, "Thank you, Suriel. I hope I can adapt quickly."

Suriel smiled reassuringly and replied, "You will, with time and practice. For now, let us head to the Fairy Queen."

The two soon arrived before a white pristine palace on the peak of the Holy Mountain, and entered it.

As Ryuk and Suriel approached the Fairy Queen's throne, they noticed a sense of unease among the other beings present. The Fairy Queen noticed them and dismissed her officials before speaking to them.

"You must be Ryuk, the last Shinigami to receive Lord Momonga's decree. Anyways, I will make this brief. Lord Momonga and the King of Death have come to an agreement. The Shinigami Realm is now under the rule of the Lord and will be turned into Hell, as opposed to Paradise. The Shinigamis residing within will be taken to Paradise to fulfill a more meaningful role under the Court of Paradise as Grim Reapers."

Ryuk looked at the Fairy Queen with an expressionless face but shocked mind as he wondered if he misheard. Momonga was the god of Paradise? The father of Yael?

Thinking back about everything, Ryuk realized he didn't know much about Momonga. He always seems to lack information regarding the Shinigami Realm and the Human World, everything makes sense now. Momonga wasn't a Shinigami!

"Your Majesty, you said the King of Death and Lord Momonga came to some sort of agreement, where is the King of Death now?" Ryuk was not sure if he should ask this question but what if Momonga killed the Old Man? He would be without a backer.

Fairy Queen Titania looked at Ryuk with a smile as she knew he would ask this question, as every Shinigami did. "The King of Death, according to Lord Momonga, has decided to abdicate his throne and wander the cosmos. Of course I understand how this seems, Lord Momonga claiming the Shinigami Realm and all of a sudden the King of Death vanished."

The silence at her words answered her. Even a fool would sense something was wrong with that scenario.

The Fairy Queen then added, "On this note, I should clarify that you do not have to assume the role of Grim Reaper if you do not want to, Lord Momonga has made it clear not to force others into a role they do not want. You can simply enjoy Paradise until you make your decision."

Ryuk became silent, and nodded. He did not necessarily need the role of Grim Reaper but if that meant he could be closer to her, it did not matter.

"What about my Death Note currently being used by Light Yagami? Should I recover it?"

Since things have become more interesting, Light has become useless in the grand scheme of things. He was no longer a worthy entertainment.

The Fairy Queen pondered, before shaking her head, "No. Light Yagami is being watched by Lord HeroHero and Lord Momonga, retrieving the Death Note will interfere with their observations. Hmm, Ryuk I suppose that means you will continue to be a Shinigami for a while longer."

'Lord HeroHero? Is he on the same level as Momonga? He has to be, otherwise, he would not be mentioned in the same breath. I'm afraid even the King of Death doesn't know the true depth of this place, no, maybe he did, and that is the reason why he "gave" up the throne.'

With the nicest smile he could muster, Ryuk bowed, "Your Majesty, I will obey your orders."

Nodding with a glint in her eyes, "Good, then go. Suriel, you will guide him around, until he can freely exit and enter Paradise."

"Understood, Your Majesty."