Hell to Pay,

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The couple decided to stay at the main house while baby Luangmin is still growing. Laotian wanted someone with Daniel when he needed help taking care of the baby. It would also relieve Laotian's mind if he knew Daniel is staying with his parents while he is working. Daniel also agreed because it would be a lot easier if there was someone with him who knew how to take care of a baby. Elder Mo and Mrs. Mo was very happy about the couple's decision since they also want to take care of their grandson and be with him all the time.

" I'm off for work. Don't tire yourself too much. Contact me if anything happens. " Laotian kissed Daniel.

" hmmm, you too. " Daniel replied smiling. He couldn't stop thinking that he was really a married person now. It was just 9 months ago, he was heartbroken with Paul and depressed about the life he had after discovering his true identity but now he thinks he's the happiest Omega in the world. If it wasn't because the Sullen family took him, being disowned by his biological parents and if it wasn't because he went into the wrong room that night, he would not be able to know Laotian. Being schemed by Daniella wasn't that bad at all. At least he got to know Laotian and be able to have baby Luangmin. Although he was sad for 5 years after parting with his adoptive parents, he is still very thankful that it happened.

Daniel watches Laotian get into his car and drive away until Daniel couldn't see the car anymore. The smile on his face still remains when he went back to the living room where baby Luangmin was sleeping on his crib.

Baby Luangmin is still in the stage where he just sleeps all day so Daniel doesn't need to do much for the time being aside from bathing him once or twice in a week and feeding baby Luangmin every couple of hours. Daniel had nothing to do so he was thinking to spend his time sketching while occasionally watching baby Luangmin, he was still forbidden to paint at the moment since it might harm baby Luangmin's health so Daniel will just stick to sketching or reading.

The second semester had already started but Daniel decided to postpone his study to take care of Baby Luangmin especially now that baby Luangmin's health is at risk. Although Daniel didn't regret his decision he still misses going to school and talk to his friends and classmates. At the moment, he couldn't contact any of them because his phone got smashed during the accident. A lot of things happened and so Daniel forgot to buy a new one and now that he remembers it, he was thinking of buying himself a new phone.

Daniel smiled resting his jaw at the top of baby Laungmin's crib, he observed his son's sleeping posture. Honestly, he couldn't tell from whom did baby Luangmin got his features at the moment as he's still a baby but he was glad that baby Luangmin is not an Omega. When an Omega is born, you would immediately know it because like Daniel, Omegas are born with both genders. As for baby Luangmin, he's either an Alpha or a Beta. Babies born like Luangmin would take a physical exam when they turn 8 to know if they're an Alpha or Beta then another physical exam at 12 if anything changes. For Omegas, although they don't take a physical exam, they start going to the hospital for a regular checkup at 16 where the heat cycle usually start but there are also others who go later or earlier like Daniel. Daniel had his heat cycle started at 13 so he had to be extra careful and take suppressants every day to prevent him from having unwanted heat. Suppressant does not prevent an Omega from getting pregnant so if an Omega wants to take birth control then there will be furthermore processes to get one since there are a lot of Omegas being forced to take birth control and sold into prostitution.

" Daniel Darling, come let's have breakfast. " Mrs. Mo called from the dining table carrying a steaming soup and placing it in the middle of the table. Other maids also helped her set the table putting the utensils and other food. While seeing this Daniel immediately remembered his adoptive parents. It's really been a while since he had eaten homemade food with his family, this scene reminded him of when he was younger.

" Okay. " Daniel smiled after replying. He checks baby Luangmin first before asking one of the maids to take care of him while they eat breakfast.

" Come sit here Darling... Did Laotian go already? "

" hmmm, he said he was in a hurry and had something he needed to fix immediately. " Daniel replied taking his sit, moments later Elder Mo arrived from his morning jog. He wiped his sweat before kissing Mrs. Mo on the cheeks and greeting her and Daniel, good morning.

" Did Xiao Lao left already? " He asks taking his sit. I nodded smiling.

" He said he had something he needed to fix immediately. " Daniel replied again. Elder Mo immediately understood what Laotian wanted to fix so early in the morning.

" ahh that kid, where did he get that attitude of his. He's such a workaholic, he never stops working. " Elder Mo complained shaking his head left and right.

" Isn't it from you? There were times when you were just working all the time. If it wasn't because the doctor said you needed to rest you wouldn't let Laotian and Hanlu take over the company. " Mrs. Mo complained, putting food on both Elder Mo and Daniel's plate. Elder Mo didn't complain after hearing his wife's words. He was indeed very obsessed with working too, now, he's obsessed with his ranch.

" Thank you. " Daniel whispered after receiving food from Mrs. Mo.

" Oh, Darling you need to eat a lot. This soup will help you produce more milk for Minmin so eat a lot. "

" Okay, thank you. Mother," Daniel accepted the bowl of soup and started eating.

"Do your parents know about Laotian and Minmin? " Mrs. Mo asks again making Daniel stop from eating.

" My real parents won't want to know anyway. If they knew all along they might have forced me to abort the baby. Only grandfather knows. But my adoptive parents, I do want to tell them but I'm afraid, I said quite a lot of hurtful words to them before when I left. " Daniel said truthfully. Elder Mo and Mrs. Mo had noticed this before but they didn't know Daniel's relationship with his real parents was that bad.

" hmmm. We understand, if the Sullen family doesn't accept you, then you have the Mo family backing you up. But your adoptive parents, do you still have contacts with them? "

" I do, they send me messages sometimes but l never replied. I was so ashamed of myself. "

" Oh darling, I'm sure they'll forgive you if you just called, how about later let's call them and invite them over. I'm sure they'll love Luangmin as much as we do. " Daniel hesitated but nodded anyway. He wants to call them and apologize, they were the people he grew up with and known as his parents.

Later after breakfast, Daniel borrowed a phone to contact his mother. As the phone was ringing Daniel's heart couldn't stop beating fast. He did say some hurtful things to his adoptive mother and just left without resolving the problem.

The call went through and a gentle voice from a middle-aged woman suddenly talked. Daniel heard his mother's voice and he couldn't help himself from start crying silently.

" Hello? " The woman called again. On the other line the woman was hoping it was Daniel calling, she had been so worried after dreaming about Daniel being caught in an accident. She tried calling Daniel for months now but she couldn't get through, so now receiving a call from an unknown number the woman couldn't help but hope that it was her son Daniel.

" m-mom. " Daniel stuttered with his broken voice. He couldn't stop himself from crying. It has been 5 years since the last time he talked to his mother and it was when they had a fight.

" Oh sweety, is that you? Oh my God! How are you? Are you okay? Why are crying? Tell me, baby. "

" m-mommy, I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I was such a bad son and s-said those things to you and dad. You were right mom, you were right all along. " Daniel sobbed kneeling on the floor. He tried his best not to cry too loud but as usual, h failed.

" Sweety, it's all in the past. Mommy and Daddy already forgive you. Please come home, we missed you so much, my baby. "

" N-no. I-I shouldn't have told you all those words. I've really hurt you, mom. "

" Sweety tell mommy where you are now. I'll come right away, I'll even drag your daddy ask your dad to postpone his meeting if I have to, so stop crying now or you'll make mommy worried. " The woman on the other line worriedly asked hoping that she would see her son again after so many years.

" Hmmm, I'll text you my address. There is also something I want to tell you. I really really miss both of you mom. I want to see you. Both you and daddy. "

* * *

Meanwhile, on a certain luxury car, an expressionless man sat on the back passenger seat.

" Have you dealt with it? " The tycoon asked with his cold voice. Whenever he thought about the sudden scandal circulating on social media about him and Daniel's twin sister, he couldn't stop himself from being furious. Its been 15 hrs since the photo had been released and thankfully Tian Zi had managed to delete all photos and accounts who posted it. Even if the other party still has a backup file of the photo it would be useless if they upload it again as Tian Zi worked the whole night putting viruses to all accounts he could find who uploaded it. Hacking every person's computer and other gadgets that could access the internet. If for example, the person has a backup file in a flash drive, if he or she connects it to an infected computer it would automatically be deleted and the person won't be able to use his or her device again. This type of virus was developed by him so unless there was someone better than him in computer programming then they won't be able to recover. Even the famous websites that had this article was already implicated including, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

" Yeah all done, but you still can't stop people from talking about it. Even if I suppress it on social media, people will still talk about it and make new discussions. Even without the photo. "

" Hmmm, Just give me the information I need and I'll deal with the rest, "

" Okay, no probs. That's easy!"

" Thank you. " Laotian replied and immediately hang up causing the Young Alpha to froze in shock. He never heard his eldest brother thank someone before. Tian Zi thought all he did was worth it. He couldn't wait to brag about it to Hanlu so he immediately called his second eldest brother to brag. On the other line, Mo Hanlu couldn't believe it either so after Tian Zi brags to him he called Laotian to complain but failed as the Alpha wouldn't even accept his call.

In the company, although people were curious about the news, no one dared to talk about it. All they could do is observe and wait for the loose mouth Mo Hanlu to return so they could squeeze out some information from him. Everyone wanted to know where was the boss these past two months and a half, even Mo Hanlu had lost in action for a month with the boss. Was the boss with the young mistress Daniella Sullen in abroad? Everybody knows that Eldest Young Master, Mo Laotian is a workaholic man and he would never leave the company for two months. Everyone thought that if Young Master really did spend these two months with the Young Mistress then she must finally be the one and their future or already lady boss.

When the boss arrived at the company earlier, although there was a lot of media gathering in the entrance they immediately made way as the domineering tycoon walk to his building not sparing a single glance at the camera. There are a lot of rumors running around about how Mo Laotian handle things in his company and even his connection to the underworld but this is the very first time he had been in a scandal that involves his private life.

Mo Laotian sat on his chair and an evil glint flashed into his eyes. He had a lot of ways to deal with things, Mo Laotian knew who the person behind this picture and he wanted to be nice as possible while handling the situation but because of this, all his previous hesitation and holding back disappeared. Mo Laotian doesn't care if it's his in-laws with the Sullen's or that he's Daniel's blood twin sister, Daniella already took the life of his daughter and now she's destroying his and Daniel's relationship.

There will be hell to pay for.