No Mercy!

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Laotian was at a meeting discussing the recent company project but when he saw Tian Zi's caller ID flashed to his phone, he raised his hand and stopped the project manager from his report and called for a 5 minutes break.

" Did you find anything!? " Laotian asked while walking out of the meeting room to his office.

" Yes, I can't believe she's a woman after discovering a few things. You don't even want to see these pictures. " Tian Zi reported looking at a few photos, emails and messages he had hacked and recovered through his computer.

" She had been at your wife's throat since they were 15. I can't believe it, I was still playing video games when I was 15. " Tian Zi continued. Even now he was still playing video games and rarely go to school. It was a miracle he hasn't been dropped out. There was no way, Mrs. Mo and Elder Mo would help him if that happens but so far and surprisingly he hasn't been dropped despite his almost failing grades.

" Send me the details. "

" Yeah, I'm doing it now. Prepare yourself and don't forget your promise. " Tian Zi click his mouse a few times and stood up stretching his body. He couldn't wait driving his new car. Actually he wasn't planning to ask something in return for helping his eldest brother but because Laotian promise him that he would give him the latest sports car in the market he immediately agreed. Although Tian Zi has money he still couldn't afford a million-dollar sports car without being broke after.

" hmmm, I'll send it to you if you come back home. " Laotian said then hung up walking towards his computer. On the other line, Tian Zi couldn't believe he was deceived by his eldest brother. He hasn't gone back home for 8 months so if he doesn't go home now he won't get his sports car? That was not they've agreed with at the start.

Meanwhile in his office, Laotian sat on his chair and opened his email. The moment he opened the email Tian Zi had given him the evil intent on Laotian's eye had grew. After scanning the files Laotian opened an attachment photo. He didn't expect to see something about Daniel so depressing that when Laotian saw the photo he cracked the mouse from tightly squeezing it. Laotian tightly close his eyes and prevent the boiling anger inside him to take over.

The image of Daniel's crying figure while being defiled by two men lingered on Laotian's mind. His heart, ache for Daniel, Laotian rubbed his face after immediately turning off his computer. And moments later he pressed the intercom.

" Cancel the meeting and clear my schedule today. " Laotian ordered with a cold tune. He was barely able to suppress his anger. He pressed the intercom again and requested for the PR manager to come to see him in his office. After hearing the boss, the secretary immediately called for the PR department head. After working for so many years at the Mo Empire main company as one of the Eldest Young Master's office secretary, she already knew when the boss is angry or in a bad mood just by the tone of his voice. The hair on her body stood up feeling terrified, she didn't delay her job and immediately worked with her task calling and emailing every person necessary.

The PR department head also didn't delay things and despite being busy he immediately went to the Eldest Young Master's office. When the PR Department head went inside the office, Mo Laotian was standing looking outside through the glass window with his hands inside his pocket.

The PR Department Head faced the back Mo Laotian and called walking closer.

" Eldest Young Master. "

" Release a public statement denying the recent scandal. You don't need to be polite. I sent you an email, use it. " a couple of minutes after the PR department head called Laotian said still looking at the building outside. The PR Department head didn't ask anything and immediately nodded ready to leave but before he reached the door Mo Laotian talked again.

" Without mercy. " The PR Department head clearly heard Mo Laotian words like the master just asked him to kill someone. He worked in the company for 12 years and he was a few years older than Mo Laotian but he couldn't help but tremble hearing the Alpha's voice. Ms. Sullen must have stepped on a land mine, even if she's a woman Mo Laotian wouldn't give her face. The Eldest Young Master won't stay silent letting someone use his name.

The PR department head left the room with Mo Laotian still suppressing his boiling anger. He sigh deeply, it feels like his energy left his body after suppressing himself from killing someone. Tian Zi had also sent the list of names along with the photo the persons involved that day and one in the picture was a person he had met a few months ago for a business partnership.

These old men had done something so horrible to Daniel that Laotian wants to bring all of them down.

* * *

It had only been 5 hours since Laotian left the mansion and even said he wouldn't be able to join Daniel in lunch but now he was getting off of his car carrying a paper bag with a new mobile phone that he forgot to buy with what had happened in Hawaii. Laotian only remembered earlier when he wanted to call Daniel.

" Laotian!? " Daniel called surprised running towards Laotian. The Alpha immediately catches Daniel and gave him a gentle hug before lifting the Omega's face for him to see. He frowned after seeing Daniel's eyes were red, he was obviously crying.

" Who bullied you!? " Laotian growl in anger pulling Daniel into his chest again.

" N-No one. "

" Relax, as long as Daniel is here no one will bully my son-in-law. " Mrs. Mo said walking out from the kitchen.

" Then why is my wife crying!? " Laotian was already angry from what he had seen earlier so when he saw Daniel's eyes he immediately exploded that he can't even control himself and talked back to his mother.

" Xiao Lao! Don't you dare accuse your mother! " Mrs. Mo frowned and replied angrily at her son.

" Laotian, no one bullied me. Don't be angry. I called my parents earlier and asked for their forgiveness. Mother even told me that we should invite them over tonight for dinner. " Daniel explained in a rush rubbing the Alpha's arms. After hearing Daniel's explanation Laotian immediately calm down and pulled Daniel into a tight hug burying his face against the Omega's neck.

" I'm sorry, mother. " Laotian mumbled still hiding against Daniel's embrace.

" Hmph. Calm yourself down and we'll be having lunch soon. " Mrs. Mo scuffs before going back to her kitchen.

" What's wrong Laotian? Did something bad happen? " Daniel asked as they walked towards the living room. Baby Luangmin was sleeping as usual on his crib.

" yeah, but I will resolve it soon. " Laotian said pulling Daniel into his lap.

" I brought you something. " Laotian said and handed Daniel the paper bag. Daniel took the paper bag and saw it was the latest iPhone.

" Thank you! I was just thinking of buying myself a new one. " Daniel smiled brightly and kissed the Alpha's lips before he took the phone out of its box.

" I asked someone to transfer all your data here and retrieve your previous number and phonebook. " Laotian said, happy that Daniel was happy.

" Laotian you're the best. " kissed Laotian's cheeks this time before he opened his phone and looking at the unread messages. Laotian on the other hand suppress himself from making a move on his wife. These simple gestures coming from Daniel just really made him such an unrestrained man.

" hmmm, you said you called your parents!? " Laotian questioned.

" yeah, my adoptive. I never had any other parents or family except the Lopez, grandfather and the Mos. " Daniel said snuggling to Laotian after putting his phone aside.

" well said, you don't need them. " Laotian agreed indicating to Daniel that he doesn't need the Sullens.

" hmm. I only need you and minmin. "

" *chuckles* is that the nickname for Luang Min? "

" Yeah, it's cute. " Daniel pouted after seeing that Laotian was laughing at his son's nickname.

" Yeah, it is. I hope he won't hate you when he grew up. "

" Laotian, you're so mean. Of course not, Minmin will love his nickname. "

" Okay, okay! I won't argue. I know he will like it. " Laotian immediately gave up the argument and agreed. He just thought that when Luangmin grew up and inherit the Mos Alpha genes, it wouldn't sound cool calling him minmin. There is a 90% chance he will be a dominant Alpha like the Mo's. This is because although Daniel is an Omega, he isn't dominant compared to Mo Laotian who's dominance is outstanding.

" You two stop being PDA and come here, your father won't be joining us so let's eat lunch without him." Mrs. Mo called from the dining and busy preparing the table with the maids. The couple complied and stood up walking to the dining area but stopped when Minmin started crying. Daniel almost immediately rushed towards the crib and carefully carried Minmin into his arms.

Laotian frowned and thought to himself that this son of his will become a huge hindrance between him and Daniel in the future.

" Did he have a bad dream!? " Laotian walked toward Daniel.

" maybe, I just fed him 30 minutes ago. His diaper isn't wet either and thankfully he's also not sick. " Daniel check anxiously. He was so worried that his heart started beating so fast.

" hey don't panic, I'm sure he just wanted you to carry him. Look how peaceful he had become after you carried him. "

" Yeah, your right. " Daniel calmed down. Every time he hears Minmin cry, he couldn't help himself from panicking. It would always remind him that he had already lost one of his babies.

Laotian help Daniel as both walked to the dining table.

" My grandson is a naughty child, he cries because he wants his mommy and daddy's attention. " Mrs. Mo giggled walking closer to see the sleeping face of her grandson. Baby Minmin was latching on Daniel's chest with his little hands firmly holding on his mother's clothes.

" Look, he might want to eat again. " Mrs. Mo said so Daniel lifted his shirt and tried feeding his son again. After feeling the soft flesh against his, lips Baby Minmin naturally opened his mouth and sucked on Daniel's.

" Laotian serve your wife properly. " Mrs. Mo smiled and pat Laotian's shoulder urging the two to take their sit. Because Daniel's hands were occupied, Laotian thought he should feed Daniel.

" I'll feed you. " Laotian said while slicing a piece of meat on his place.

" Hmmm okay. " Daniel is used to Laotian feeding him especially when he was at the hospital so he wasn't shy at all even if Mrs. Mo was watching. Mrs. Mo, on the other hand, kept watching the couple being so lovey-dovey with each other and also she couldn't believe her son would do this kind of thing so naturally. She thought Laotian wasn't romantic at all. She never saw her son being so caring towards someone so instead of eating she kept on watching the two also remembering her youth days.

Back in the Days, Mo Chendong was the most romantic man she ever dated and even now. Although he tends to get busy with work, Mo Chendong would always find a way to date her.

" Mother!? Why aren't you eating? " Laotian asked after feeding Daniel a grape. They were almost done eating but Mrs. Mo hasn't eaten at all.

" Oh yeah, I forgot. I was watching you two and I remembered your father. " Mrs. Mo replied and started eating. After eating lunch, Daniel and Laotian stayed at the garden cuddling with each other. Daniel was sitting on Laotian's lap while baby Minmin peacefully sleeping on Daniel's arms.