Next Time, Don't Drink

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It was silent in the living room. All were waiting for Mrs. Lopez to wake up. Daniel was crying on Laotian's arms, Elder Mo and Mrs. Mo were silently observing and Mr. Lopez suddenly felt pressured. If he remembered correctly Mo Laotian is the CEO and the first heir of the most influential company in the country, he even has influence abroad. He's the main investor in the most successful establishments in the country including malls, hospitals, airports, and real estate. Mr. Lopez was supposed to meet a person from that company earlier but was sadly canceled.

Mr. Lopez is an Alpha but he wasn't a dominant one unlike the three-person currently in the living room.

" My wife is only worried about our son. Don't worry, although we believed this was too sudden, we are not going to be against it. Daniel and Mr. Mo is already married and have a son. We will not snatch the opportunity from our grandson to have a complete family so Mr. Mo rests assured. " Mr. Lopez explained and assured. Elder Mo and Mrs. Mo finally had a breath of relief after hearing it. They were afraid the couple would snatch Daniel away. Even though Laotian would not let that happen, it would still be a huge problem.

" Daddy, thank you. " Daniel mumbled wiping his own tears. Moments later Mrs. Lopez woke up, she was silent at first but then she accepted it. It's already been done and she couldn't do anything about it. She was just afraid that Mo Laotian would hurt Daniel because usually when a person comes from a wealthy family they tend to have a lot of mistresses. She doesn't want something so depressing to happen to her baby. Mo Laotian is an Alpha and he couldn't resist Omega pheromones, ' W-what if something happens!? ' Mrs. Lopez thought.

" Mr. Mo, just promise me you won't hurt my son. " Mrs. Lopez almost beg. She was really scared for his son, from the looks of Mo Laotian he doesn't seem like the kind that lack of men and women. Mrs. Lopez thought again.

" I cannot promise that I won't hurt him and make him cry, but I can try and do my best. Make him the happiest. " Laotian looked at Daniel while saying this with full of love and passion. Mrs. Lopez nodded, she spread her arms and urged Daniel to give her another hug.

" Thank you, mommy. Laotian won't hurt me. " Daniel said hugging his mother.

In the middle of everything, Grandfather Sullen came in with John carrying big boxes. She caught the four having conversations.

" Mind if I join you? I was wondering no one from the family fetched me. " Elder Sullen walked into the living room while the maids accepted the boxes from John.

" Gab, I'm sorry we had a little problem earlier but it is resolved now. Come join us with the Lopez'. " Elder Mo explained walking towards his friend. While the Elder was walking, both Mr. And Mrs. Lopez stood up to greet Elder Sullen.

" Mr. Sullen, good evening. " Mr. Lopez greeted. He quite respected the Elder Sullen because back then when Second Young Master came knocking into their house, the man wanted to sue them with kidnapping but Elder Sullen stopped him and was very nice to the couple. Elder Sullen was thankful to them for taking good care of Daniel. Back then Mrs. Lopez still didn't know Daniel wasn't hers and Elder Sullen helped them to get through that obstacle.

" No need to be so polite. We are a family. I even brought desserts. "

" Grandfather, that's too many. " Daniel looked at the boxes but Elder Sullen just smiled walking towards Baby Minmin's crib.

" The rest is for my great-grandson. You think I wouldn't know you gave birth prematurely you unfilial grandson!? You really don't trust grandfather. " Elder Sullen was upset, if Elder Mo didn't slip earlier while talking on the phone he wouldn't have known.

" I'm sorry, grandfather. I was just afraid you would worry. It would be bad for your health. " Daniel explained.

" Come on let's continue this conversation in the dining table. Dinner is served. " Mrs. Mo suddenly called after coming from the Dining. All of them agreed and later on, all of them went ahead in the kitchen. In the midst of dinner, Mo Hanlu and Mo Tian Zi arrived.

" I'm hoooommme! " Mo Hanlu called the moment he went inside the house. His voice rang all over the area that no matter where you are in the mansion you would hear the Second Eldest Master's voice.

" Will you shut up Older brother, mother will get angry with you again. " Tian Zi roll his eyes internally. When it comes to being loud and annoying, Mo Hanlu would get an outstanding award.

" What are you talking about. Mom definitely missed my loudness that's why I'm doing this. " The two argued until they heard an infant crying. After hearing Mo Hanlu's loud voice Minmin was startled and started crying.

" Mother and Daniel will definitely kill you now. " Tian Zi smirked towards Hanlu. Too afraid to face his mother Hanlu was about to turn around and leave but Tian Zi held him.

" Let go. " Hanlu panicked but it was too late as Mrs. Mo was on the way towards them with a gloomy face. Daniel was also there swaying Minmin into his arms.

" You, as soon as you get home you cause trouble. And you! Where were you in the past 8 months!? " Mrs. Mo roared. She pulled Tian Zi and Hanlu's ear while saying this dragging both inside the house.

" ow ow ow mom. ow " both said as Mrs. Mo drag them to the dining. When they arrived at the table Mrs. Mo let go.

" I'll punish both of you later but now let's eat. " Hanlu and TianZi were still rubbing their ears sitting on one of the empty chairs. Daniel also sat on his chair bringing along Minmin.

" I'm sorry, this is my 2nd son, Mo Hanlu and my the 3rd son, Mo Tian Zi. These two are both unfilial, Laotian is my only good son. " Mrs. Mo explained causing the two to pout.

The dinner quickly ended happily as the whole family now was well acquainted. And after dinner, the men excluding Daniel had a chat while drinking wine at the terrace. Daniel and the two women were in the living room playing with Baby Minmin. It was 11 pm when they decided to call it a day. Elder Sullen, Mr. And Mrs. Lopez went back home. Everyone aside from Daniel and Laotian decided to sleep.

Laotian started attacking Daniel after the Omega lull baby Minmin to sleep. Daniel remembered what the Alpha had told him earlier before dinner in the bathroom so he blushed feeling the wet but warm kisses against his skin.

" Laotian aren't you tired after drinking!? " Daniel held onto Laotian's arms.

" I'm not tired when it comes to you. " Laotian whispered with his hoarse voice. Daniel sighs helplessly and lets the Alpha drag him towards the bed. Daniel notices when Laotian drinks, he wants to do it later on. Next time when there's occasion he should ask Laotian not to drink so much or else Daniel will be the one to will suffer the next morning. Although it's difficult to determine when the Alpha was actually drunk, actually Mo Laotian doesn't act drunk at all but it would be best to avoid drinking.

" Laotian next time don't drink too much okay? " Daniel requested. Laotian only hummed latching on his wife's breast. Daniel released a soft moan, his body started heating up with Laotian's caresses and kisses. Laotian took his time kissing every corner of Daniel's body until Daniel was begging.

Tonight, Laotian was unusually very gentle and patient. Usually, he is very impatient and wants to put it in after a couple of minutes but tonight he was doing the opposite. Daniel doesn't know, but this is because Laotian would remember the images he had seen on his computer earlier this morning at the office. It would remind him that Daniel didn't deserve such brutal treatment. Daniel will only have to feel pleasure when it comes to lovemaking. He would never force something that would cause Daniel to cry and hate.

" ahhh Laotian, t-that's enough. " Daniel begged. His body arched backward. Daniel was feeling impatient the longer Laotian delay things. Although he loved the Alpha's kisses, he wanted Laotian to be inside him more.

Daniel sits up impatiently when the Alpha didn't listen to him pushing the later on the bed for him to ride.

" I said that's enough. " Daniel growls riding on to the Alpha.

" You want to ride me? " Laotian smirked caressing Daniel's thighs as the Omega rub himself against his erection.

" Because you're being slow. " Daniel whine taking the head slowly. He closed his eyes feeling the huge flesh enter him.

" Because I want you to feel good. " Laotian explained squeezing Daniel's thigh feeling the tightness against his pole.

" hmmm ahhh. " Soft moans came out from Daniel's lips after feeling Laotian's hot rod enter him fully. He couldn't stop squeezing it while he starts to grind. He felt so full with Laotian inside him. His strength almost escaped from his body when he started grinding and feeling good. Slowly pulling out Daniel tilted his chin up with his teeth biting on his own lips preventing himself from being too loud before pushing himself down again.

He would whine silently repeating the act with Mo Laotian supporting him until Daniel was made to bounce above the Alpha. They were feeling so good at the act that Laotian was bigger than his usual. The image of his wife being so wild above him made Laotian so aroused that he couldn't help but also thrust up making Daniel shudder. Laotian kept his hard thrust until Daniel drop on him trembling. Every thrusts the Alpha gives, chased out Daniel's strength off of his body leaving him all weak.

" Don't tell me you're done? " Laotian probed thrusting all his length up, he held Daniel's twerking bottom. Daniel accidentally moaned louder that he immediately covered his mouth. Laotian was assaulting his body harder, even though he was on top, Daniel was still helpless that he couldn't do anything but feel all the love until he was a mess.

The two ended up doing it until it was dawn. Daniel passes out after completely sating his husband. When Laotian was about to sleep too, Baby Minmin then started crying and so to prevent Minmin from waking Daniel up, the Alpha decided to pick baby Minmin to bring him downstairs as he planned to make him milk formula on his bottle. He also brought fresh diapers and other baby essentials in a bag.

As Laotian was walking to the kitchen, he was surprised to see Tian Zi eating desserts while doing something on his computer and in the middle of the dark. It's surprising his eyes haven't gone bad yet.

'This kid is always walking around with his computer with him.' Laotian thought.

" Hey, can't sleep? " hearing Baby Minmin's cries, Tian Zi looked at his eldest brother.

" . . . "

" w-wait. " Tian Zi panicked after Laotian suddenly handed him the crying baby after switching the lights on.

" Hold him while I make him milk. " Laotian simply said going through the kitchen. He already knows how to do it right when they were at the hospital. Although this will be his first time, he was quite a fast learner. Omega Mothers don't lactate much so Laotian had seen Daniel made milk many times.

" How about Daniel? " Tian Zi inquired struggling to calm the baby down.

" Sleeping. "

" . . . " TianZi didn't say anything after seeing the fresh scratches on his brothers back and the fact that he seems like he just came out of the shower and was still half-naked. Tian Zi secretly glances at the time on his computer screen and sigh.

'Daniel must have past out after doing it with Eldest Brother a couple of times.' TianZi thought.