What Cookies!?

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The news about Daniella Sullen was still a hot topic that no one notice 3 certain companies had declared bankruptcy at the same time and two influential personalities had suddenly become a criminal. Even the Hymlyn Corporation felt the unknown force that kept on putting pressure on the company, some investors suddenly pulled out and seeing this, the CEO thought this is because of their relationship with the Sullens. No one knew that because of the call Paul made to Daniel last night, it caused their company to lose millions.

As the heir, Paul was called by Father Hymlyn early in the morning. Watching Daniella sleeping, Paul doesn't want to go but because he couldn't neglect his responsibility as the heir he decided to leave a note for Daniella so when she wakes up, she wouldn't worry.

" Dad, what's the problem!? " Paul asked when he arrived at the Estate. He was busy with Daniella for the past two days that he doesn't know what was happening in the company.

" Paul, I need you to withdraw your engagement to Ms. Sullen temporarily. " father Hymlyn said directly causing Paul to frown.

" Dad, Daniella was framed. It wasn't her fault. Why are you saying this? "

" The Mo Empire is targeting us, we already lost millions. I'm not saying you two to break up. Just withdraw from the engagement temporarily and when everything is back to normal you can get married. " Father Hymlyn explain.

" No, Daniella is a mess right now, if I pull out from the engagement it would mean I'm abandoning her in this crisis. I can't do that Dad. " Paul disagreed. What would Daniella think of him if he pulls out just because of this? He should be the one to support her in this time, not abandon her.

" We have no choice, three companies had declared bankruptcy today and I'm not planning to be the fourth one. " Father Hymlyn said firmly.

" Dad, give me time and I will fix this. " Paul said and left not hearing his father's words. Paul was thinking that Mo Laotian is really what they are saying, ruthless towards the enemies. Even to as a simple misunderstanding he would make a huge company forced to declare bankruptcy. If it wasn't because the Hymlyn Corp was a capable company they would have been bankrupt last night.

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Daniel woke up without Laotian beside him and Baby minmin on his crib. Slowly, Daniel gets off of the bed feeling sore all over his body. Daniel already had cramps from yesterday's lovemaking and now what they did last night added more pain on his lower back.

" ahh, I'm so tired. " Daniel mumbled walking to the bathroom still feeling sleepy. He felt even more sleepy after the cold water touches his burning skin. After taking a shower Daniel change into a comfortable short and one of Laotian's shirts.

" urg. I don't feel so good! " Daniel mumbled again looking at the mirror and feeling his forehead. He wasn't hot or anything but Daniel look flushed. Daniel thought for a second and realize he's in heat. It's has been more than 2 months since he gave birth and Daniel can't believe he's in heat again. Feeling a little bit dizzy, Daniel immediately took his suppressant and birth control pill he had started taking one month ago.

It would take a couple of minutes before the suppressant starts to work so Daniel lay on the bed again feeling weakened. He didn't realize he had fallen asleep again and woken up an hour later. He watched the clock, it was already 10 am so Daniel immediately went down worried about Baby Minmin if he has eaten and wiped clean yet.

" Daniel, how was your sleep? Laotian already left for work. " Mrs. Mo asked after seeing the Omega finally awake. Earlier TianZi warned her not to wake up Daniel because the Omega had been working hard till dawn.

" I don't feel so good. Mother, is Minmin okay? " Daniel asked walking towards the crib.

" Oh, he's been good. I already wiped him clean and fed him. Are you okay, Darling? "

" My heat came back again but don't worry Mother, I already took my suppressants. " Daniel replied taking his sit. Hearing Daniel's reply, Mrs. Mo took a sniff into the air and Daniel was indeed in heat. His scent was stronger than usual but not too strong maybe because Laotian and Daniel had done it last night. When an Omega has a partner, suppressants don't work as good as before having a partner. Mrs. Mo is an Alpha but she had a partner so Daniel's pheromones won't work on her, unlike Hanlu and TianZi who's currently living in the mansion.

" Should I tell Xiao Lao? "

" It's okay, mother. Laotian is busy and I will feel better later on. "

" hmm okay, then you must eat breakfast now, don't wait until lunchtime. " Mrs. Mo worriedly suggested. Hearing what his mother-in-law had suggested Daniel stood up again and went to the kitchen asking Mrs. Mo to take care of baby Minmin for a bit while he eats his late breakfast.

While eating breakfast a man who had similar features with Mo Laotian suddenly walked inside the kitchen where Daniel was eating his late breakfast. Daniel's eyes curiously followed the Alpha's movement until Tian Zi faced him leaning his back against an island after getting a glass of water. Daniel had a feeling he had seen this man even before he met him in Hawaii.

" I had a feeling it was you. " Mo Tian Zi sigh frustratingly. Daniel frowned swallowing what he just chewed.

" What? "

" Your scent is getting stronger. Are you in heat? " Mo Tian Zi asked with a boring tune. He was playing with his computer when he suddenly smelled a sweet scent coming from somewhere. Being the Alpha that he is, he wanted to know where it came from and his suspicions were true. Daniel already had a sweet scent because it was a natural scent of an Omega but today it was a bit stronger than usual. Although it wasn't as strong as making him crazy and trigger his rut, it still was waking his Alpha instincts, like finding where the scent came from.

" Oh, I'm sorry. I will double my dose after eating. " Daniel replied shocked. His heat started at a young age, and since then, one dose would completely suppress his scent. He would be able to go on with the day like normal. He wouldn't get urges like some say and exaggerated.

" Hmmm Just don't go into places alone. " Tian Zi warned frowning before walking to leave.

" Wait, have I seen you somewhere!? Before Hawaii? " Daniel asked, he swore he must have seen Tian Zi before and he believes it wasn't a good meeting. Tian Zi knitted his brows and thought for a second.

" No, I'm a busy person. I haven't seen you before. " Tian Zi replied scanning his memory, he was never good at remembering faces so it would impossible to remember Daniel even if he saw him once. Additionally, if he did saw Daniel while paying attention there was no way he wouldn't remember such a face as Daniel had an abnormally pretty face from Tian Zi's usual Omega encounter.

" I remember! The guy who called me and my cookies dumb and stupid! " Daniel said, he wouldn't forget that day as it was the day Daniel starting living with Laotian. Daniel laughs thinking about his first encounter with the Alpha, now that Daniel had thought about it that day, Laotian came to Secada to catch his younger brother.

" What!? You and cookies? I don't remember what you're saying. " Tian Zi frowned, confused.

" You used to live at Secada before right? I lived there too before I moved in with Laotian. It was the day when you made me drop my cookies. I wanted you to buy me a new cookie bag but you didn't then Laotian came and bought me one. You were in a hurry then. " Daniel explained giggling, although he was sad that day because of the cookies, now that he is remembering, it was actually very funny. He was obviously overreacting that day.

After hearing Daniel's story Tian Zi thought for a second but it was useless. He did live at Secada but he never remembers bumping into Daniel. If he was in a hurry then he must've been not paying attention that day. If he did saw Daniel and was focused, he wouldn't forget the Omega's features for sure as he has undeniably beautiful. Tian Zi and Hanlu, after all, had eyes set for beauties.

" Well, I do have a penthouse there but I don't remember bumping you. If I offended you then I must apologize. " Tian Zi apologized, if his eldest brother discovers something like that really happened, he might not be able to ask new cars from him in the future.

" oh, it's okay. It was actually funny now that I remembered it. It's just amazing that after almost a year I became your brother-in-law. The world is truly small. " Daniel said giggling, Tian Zi just watched the Omega mesmerized but later on shakes his head.

" Okay, but can we keep this a secret? let's forget that day and never tell Eldest brother, Okay? " Tian Zi said and Daniel immediately nodded smiling.