Mrs. Mo Fainted?!

* * *

At the same time, Mo Laotian, Daniel, and Luangmin were driving towards the Mo Estate as a request from Laura Mo.

"Laotian, what do you think Hanlu would do now that he has a son?" Daniel asked the Alpha who's currently driving.

"I'll finally have a peaceful time with you?" Laotian replied in all seriousness while Daniel laughs.

*giggles* "That's not what I meant."

"I know. Hanlu as much as possible doesn't like responsibilities but he will never run from it. He will be a good father." Laotian replied seriously.

"Will he really marry the Omega?" Daniel asked again. He just couldn't picture Hanlu being a father and a husband. Although Hanlu is a very charming person, great personality and capabilities, Daniel thought the Alpha had never loved someone before.

"He's full of pride. He also have a forceful personality. If that Omega had feelings for Hanlu, he will eventually give in. But it would be better if Hanlu fell himself. It would save me from a lot of trouble."

"Hmmm, I think the Omega loved Hanlu for a long time now but he refused to marry Hanlu because he doesn't want to marry a person who doesn't love him back," Daniel commented. He had heard from Hanlu earlier this morning that they had been in a complicated relationship for 8 years now but they knew each other since way back.

The Omega was Hanlu's junior in college, something happened between them and eventually, the Omega left for abroad after graduation and came back a year later. When they met again at a university reunion, they started sleeping with each other again once in a while for 8 years.

For Daniel, if the Omega didn't love Hanlu, he would never sleep with the same man after having a child with him. In Daniel's analysis, the Omega must have bonded with Hanlu. And maybe the same with Hanlu?!

Just like Daniel, he feels like his body would never be satisfied if it's not Laotian. For Hanlu, he has a lot of men and women he could sleep with but he still ends up with the same Omega for eight years. That's enough reason to say that their bodies got used to each other and now could not be satisfied if not with each other.

"Was Hanlu always like that? A playboy? Cassanova? Whatever you call it."

"I wouldn't say he's a player, all men, and women involved with him know what they got themselves into but I don't know when exactly it started, maybe when he's in college? Back then I was already busy working in my hotel."

"Ahh, Laotian I just figured out the whole thing. Hanlu's love life. Haha," Daniel revealed excitedly.

"hmmm. Let's just leave them to solve their problems."

"Yeah, but wow I didn't know Hanlu have such an amazing love story to tell. I always thought Hanlu would end up that lonely single uncle who visits Minmin on weekends." Daniel laughs again looking at Minmin securely buckled up at the backseat listening to his mother and father talk.

"Minmin, tomorrow you'll gonna meet your cousin." Daniel turns to Luangmin and said.

"tomrow cou- sin? " The little guy repeated confused, what's a cousin cause he never had a cousin.

"Yeah, uncle Hanlu's baby. He's gonna attend to your birthday tomorrow." Daniel excitedly.

"Want meet co-sin." Minmin talked stumbling with his words. Even though he didn't know what's a cousin, he got excited hearing Hanlu's name because the two plays a lot when Hanlu visits on weekends. While Minmin is cautious of Tian Zi, he is very close to Hanlu.

"Yeah, you'll gonna play with him tomorrow okay?"

"hmm kay, minmin play." the little man replied making Daniel smile again and tried to stop himself from hugging his extremely adorable son. Whenever he sees him, he just have the urge to squeeze his chubby cheeks. He looked so much like Mo Laotian and that's what he likes the most.

Daniel continued to prevent himself from crawling his way to the backseat next to his son until finally, they arrived at the Mo Estate. Daniel soon unbuckled his seatbelt, he didn't wait for Laotian to open the door for him as he went out and quickly fetch Laungmin and hugging him.

"Ahh, My baby is so adorable," Daniel mumbled to himself and kissed Luangmin's pinkish cheeks. Laotian who watched this only smiled helplessly as he picked their things. It couldn't be helped. He admits that his son is a beautiful baby. Many baby brands had been asking him permission to feature Mo Luangmin with their products but Daniel and he always declined.

Walking inside the mansion with Laotian now carrying Luangmin instead, Laura Mo immediately approached them excitedly especially seeing his adorable grandson.

"Ahh, my favorite grandson is here. Grandmother missed you so much, did you miss me, my baby?" Laura snatched Laungmin away from Laotian as kissed his chubby cheeks the moment she reached the couple. No doubt she missed his grandson so much. Even though they live a couple of minutes away from each other, Laura Mo didn't want to disturb the couple by visiting all the time.

"Mother, that's because you only have one grandson." Tian Zi who's in the living room commented while he played on his computer.

"That's right. Then how about you give me another one ha? You keep staying in this house with nothing else to do, you'll be more helpful if you find a woman or Omega and make more babies with either of them." Laura snapped hearing Tian Zi's comment and then moved her attention to her eldest son.

"Laotian, go find me Hanlu. I called him earlier to accompany Ms. Danica to a dress fitting today at 10 am but he only said he was busy and hang up on me. That brother of yours is so stubborn. What's he up to these days!?" Laura asked Laotian before walking to Daniel and hug him. "How are you darling? Is my son still treating you well?"

"Yes mother, he's been so nice to me." Daniel politely replied which Laura nodded well.

"Mother, Hanlu will be busy today but don't worry, tomorrow he might bring you a potential wife and a grandson," Laotian replied grabbing Daniel's waist and pulled him toward his body. Now that he's at the Mo estate, Daniel will have free time to be with him because Luangmin will be occupied playing with his grandparents.

"What are you talking about? That younger brother of yours is really stubborn. It would be a miracle if he finds a nice Omega or woman to have a baby with. If it happens, I would visit all Asian temples in the country and thank the gods." Laura stated while sharing Luangmin with Elder Mo.

"I'm going to ask my secretary to list all Asian temples in the country for you to visit then," Laotian replied as he and Daniel walked sneakily towards the stairs while Luangmin is still occupied.

"Xiao Lao, where are you taking your wife? The chef is on his way here for the food tasting." Laura Mo frowns at her son who's currently dragging Daniel upstairs. The moment Laura faced the two, Luangmin saw his mother and fatherr being too far away from him that his eyes started to water reaching out his arms towards Daniel.

"Momma..." Minmin called struggling to reach Daniel. Laotian only sigh seeing his wife rushed towards their son to comfort.

"It's too early for you to hold Daniel for yourself. Now take a sit in the living room while we wait. The Chef is a busy man but he agreed to come here just for the food tasting." Laura spoke also urging her husband to sit on the couch.

Elder Mo wanted to carry Laungmin but his wife just takes all the chances so he silently complied and sat on the couch. If only Luangmin was big enough to go with him at his ranch he would bring him there to see his pets.

"Minmin, you want grandfather to carry you? You miss grandfather, right?" Daniel asked the little guy after noticing the Elder haven't had a chance to carry Laungmin yet.

"hmmm." Luangmin agreed so Daniel carefully brought his son towards the elder who happily accepts him. Laura Mo also sat closer to her husband to steal a chance to play with her only grandson.

Tian Zi who was busy on his computer sneakily watch the two couples snuggling at each other and rolled his eyes and then ignore them again to focus on his game.

He's been playing with a guy he named Princess because the guy wouldn't reveal his name plus Princess named him Prince when he discovered Tian Zi's identity through his logo, so it was just right to call him Princess.

Although Tian Zi was extremely frustrated that he couldn't find out Princess's real name while Princess knew his, Tian Zi enjoyed playing with him because Princess is a challenge he likes to conquer. He promised to himself, he will find out his identity soon.

* * *

While the six individuals were busy with each of their business. A sudden annoying man yelled at the front door making all 5 of them to roll their eyes. Luangmin who heard Hanlu's voice giggled hearing his favorite uncle. Laura who hates it when Hanlu shouts the moment he's home rushed up to punish his son but the second she saw Hanlu, she froze in shock.

"Hi mom! meet my son, Lan. Can you believe it!? I actually have a son, I only discovered it two days ago. Hahaha," Hanlu excitedly introduce Lan and walked deeper into the house.

"W-what!? W-wh-who!?" Laura asked reaching towards the little kid Hanlu was carrying. Laura immediately recognized the little kid's familiar face as he looked exactly like Hanlu when he was younger. days.

Being thrown a huge explosion in one go, Laura's legs suddenly gave out but thankfully a fragile hand caught her before she fell, but looking at the familiar face of the Omega, she finally lost consciousness.

"Daaaad!!! Helpp. Mom fainted." Hanlu yelled calling his father who rushed towards them along with Tian Zi, Laotian, Daniel, and Luangmin. Elder Mo was also shocked to see someone with Hanlu, he decided to ignored it for the time being and rushed towards his wife. Tian Zi who went to look as well, also became surprised after seeing the Omega holding his mother's head.

On the other hand, Laotian and Daniel already expected this thing would happen.

"Xiao Zi carry your mother into the living room." Elder Mo said which Tian Zi complied without complain and cautiously look at the Omega. Tian Zi never forgot that time when the Omega almost beat him to death just because he was flirting with him.

Tian Zi always liked to steal Hanlu's lovers back then and of course, he tried to steal this particular Omega who he knew that his brother had been in a relationship with for the longest time compared to others. And for an unknown reason even for Hanlu himself, his elder brother becomes kinda possessive towards this one even though Hanlu didn't notice it himself.

Seeing the situation now and the kid who resembles exactly like his elder brother, Tian Zi finally understands why the Omega was so angry with him back then.

It's because he was the younger brother of the father of his son.