Ask Yourself,

* * *

Silence covered the whole living room after everyone settled there and waited for Mrs. Mo to wake up. Elder Mo couldn't stop looking at Lan and he finally called the little kid to come closer to him.

Even though there were no papers presented, Mo Chendong believes Lan was his grandson only based on his appearance.

"Come here, child. Lan was it? Come here to grandfather." Elder Mo called which Lan gladly complied, walking towards the elder. He was worried about his grandmother fainting but he was happy that his family increased.

"Don't worry about your grandmother. I'm sure she's just happy to see you. Your father is a stubborn man and refused to give us a grandson but seeing you now really shocked all of us." Elder Mo explained to the little man why Mrs. Mo suddenly fainted. He was afraid the little kid would think he wasn't accepted.

"I'm also happy to finally meet grandfather and grandmother. I always thought it's just me and mommy. But daddy suddenly came and now grandmother, grandfather, three uncles, and a baby cousin. Lan is super happy." Lan innocently replied. Elder Mo nodded and looked at the Omega who he's familiar with after Daniella Sullen's case. He was the inspector/detective assigned to them. He always thought the Omega was sleeping with his son but he never thought they already had a son this old.

"I'm extremely sorry on behalf of my son. I never thought he would run away from his responsibility as the father but I hope you won't keep the child away from us. We would like to be part of the child's life from now on." Elder Mo politely said which Ian embarrassingly nodded.

When he was working with the case of Daniella Sullen, he needed to work with the Elder a couple of times and he didn't felt embarrassed back then because it was work, but now that his secret was revealed, he felt extremely shy that he was gripping on Hanlu's shirt to have some kind of breath in the situation.

Ian is an Omega and although he's tougher than the others and a dominant one, he's still, in fact, an Omega. Alphas are still his weakness, Hanlu's aura isn't that overwhelming most of the times but right now majority in the room is an Alpha, a dominant one, even his son just recently came out as an Alpha.

"Y-yes please sir you don't have to be polite. I was young back then and I thought Luu won't accept the baby so I hid it from him till now. I'm so sorry. I won't keep Lan away from you from now on. I hope you would forgive me as well." Ian replied politely nodding his head.

The Mo Family is an extremely wealthy and well-respected family. He didn't expect the elder would accept his son immediately without any proof. At first, he only agreed to let Lan meet the elders because he thought they would be rejected immediately and then Hanlu would have no choice but to leave voluntarily.

But with the situation now, he ended up nodding and say yes. He already had thoughts on how to comfort Lan when his grandparents reject both of them.

"Now that we are family, you don't have to call me so formally. You don't have to apologize, you did what you thought was right, we don't blame you." Elder Mo corrected and assured, making Ian no choice but to nod again. Later he will have to ask Hanlu to clear things to his parents that he isn't going to be a part of the family, only Lan.

"Chen, I was dreaming. Xiao Lu brought us a wife and a son." Elder Mo was chatting with Ian when Laura Mo woke mumbling these words. After regaining her strength and sits up, Laura went extremely shocked again to see inspector Andrews with Hanlu and her husband Elder Mo holding a little kid about 7-8 years old on his lap.

"Oh my God. Hold me! Hold me, I'm gonna faint. " Laura Mo immediately. She couldn't believe it even after seeing it with her own eyes. She never expected her son to actually have an illegitimate child. There isn't even a need for a DNA test as the kid was a complete photocopy of his father, not a single detail amiss.

"Mom, stop it. You already fainted. Don't faint again." Hanlu said annoyed at his mother's dramatic reaction. Was it really that of a huge deal, he had a son he never knew till now. So what?

"You unfilial son. How could you leave your son like this!? He had already grown so big and now you finally want to keep him? Ohh, my precious grandson, come here to grandmother. I can't imagine how much you suffer all those times without your stupid father." Laura Mo hysterically. Lan smiled walking towards the Elder and braced himself the moment she gave him a huge hug.

"Madam, I'm so sorry. It isn't Luu's fault. It was me who hid Lan's existence from him. Please don't be mad at him." Ian explained.

"No Ian, it's also my fault. If I wasn't what I am you wouldn't have been afraid to tell me you were pregnant." Hanlu said holding Ian's hand in front of everybody with a serious expression. Seeing this, a sudden muffled laugh from Daniel erupted. He had been observing the couple since earlier.

"I-I'm sorry. Please proceed." Daniel said burying his face against Laotian's armpits preventing himself from laughing. Daniel couldn't believe Hanlu could say such words with a serious expression in his lifetime and now that he's hearing it, Daniel finds it very funny, unlike Laotian who had been indifferent and impatient with the situation, made himself busy with his energetic son who likes to practice walking any chance he gets and didn't even bother looking at the newly arrived couple.

"That's right Dear, Xiao Lu is the blame for this but I hope the two have come up with terms. When do you plan on getting married?" Laura excitedly asked holding her newly acquired grandson.

"Thank you, Madam, Luu and I have talked about this. It's better to ask him what our final decision was." Ian spoke politely to the elder. He knew they would be asked about the marriage thing.

"Mom, Ian and I aren't planning to marry soon but don't worry we will," Hanlu answered. Ian was nodding at first but after Hanlu said they will marry eventually, he glared at the Alpha that Laura noticed in an instance.

"Dear, my son may not be the perfect person but I know he will be good to you. Please give him a chance, I'm not asking this for me but for your son." the way Laura said it, once again forced Ian to say yes. Because of this, Ian regretted agreeing on meeting with the Mo's. Although they were nice to him, he feels like he was easily driven by an invisible force that made him say yes all the time.

After the whole family have acquainted thoroughly, Ian lost almost all his energy and now having his fresh air at the gazebo.

"Isn't it wonderful!?" A gentle voice suddenly talked behind him and then sat beside to watch the gigantic pond.

"yeah, it is."

"I'm Daniel, by the way, Laotian's wife. Sorry for interrupting you, I also liked this spot when I wanted to think or relax."

"It's okay you didn't interrupt anything," Ian replied still looking at Daniel's angelic face. Although Ian is an Omega, his facial features are way manlier than Daniel. It's also because he's been training his body and the fact that he's older than Daniel.

"I heard from Hanlu that you refused to marry him. Sorry for being nosy but may I ask why?" Daniel asked gently that his voice sounded like he was singing a lullaby. Ian couldn't stop admiring the Omega in front of him. Ian now understands why Mr. Mo Laotian felt the need to protect him at all times. Even he felt he should protect the Omega in front of him.

"Hmmm. It's complicated, it's mostly because of my own preference," Ian replied honestly. If he was some other person, they would definitely jump in happiness if the man they loved for the longest time asked them to marry but in Ian's case, he's not. Marriage will be useless if there were no feelings involved. That marriage will bound to break.

"You know, Hanlu is a very charming person. He's sweet and can always make you laugh when you're sad. Although he tends to play a lot, I believe Love is still possible for him." Daniel said making Ian smile, he already knew Hanlu is a good guy, it's also the reason why he fell in love with him but Ian believes that the Alpha will never love him at least in this lifetime. Ian couldn't say anything so he just nodded and continued looking at the view.

"Haven't you asked yourself!?" there was silence between them for a couple of seconds before Daniel asked again making Ian confused. Asked himself what?

"For eight years. Why does he keep coming back?" Daniel smiled before standing up and walking towards the Alpha a few meters away from them. Ian's eyes followed Daniel's steps until Mo Laotian pulled him into his embrace kissing his forehead affectionately.

Ian draws his eyes away from the couple and thought what Daniel had said. 'Why does he keep coming back?; Ian asked himself but no answer came to his mind except the fact that the Alpha just wanted his body.

"What were you two talking!?" Laotian asked Daniel as soon as he caught his small frame on his embrace.

"The pond. I never asked this before but why do your parents have such huge pond? Was there any reason for it?"

"It's been there since way before I was born. I guess it helps the whole place cool down a little bit. Hanlu and I used to fish in there when we were kids but now its only koi fish is in that pond."

"hmmm, I guess that's true. It does really help cool the place down and I enjoy watching the colorful fishes. "

"Do you want ours to be that big?" Laotian asked looking at the pond. Their house also have a pond but not as gigantic as the main estate.

"Please no. I love our place as it is." Daniel laughs pulling the Alpha inside the house. The pond on the Alpha's estate is already bigger than normal size but the one in the main estate is so much bigger. Daniel doesn't want to mistakenly give the Alpha the idea of re-landscaping their backyard so he immediately pulled the Alpha away from the area.

The moment the couple went inside the house, Minmin was toddling chasing around his cousin. It was his first time seeing a little person like him so he got really curious. The elders enjoyed watching their two grandsons playing and Hanlu sat on the carpet with toys around him.

"Ahh brother-in-law, where's Ian?" Hanlu asked after seeing the couple walking inside the house.

"He's enjoying the view outside."

"Xiao Lu, you should go get him. It's too hot outside. He might get a sunburn. " Laura ordered worriedly. They finished food tasting a little late so the sun outside was scorching. Hanlu immediately complied standing up.

"Mother, Daniel and I are going to rest upstairs. Take care of Luangmin for us for a little while." Laotian told his mother while dragging Daniel upstairs and while their son was still too occupied with his new playmate. Mrs. Mo only rolled her eyes waving her hands for the two to go wishing that they soon have a second baby coming.

"Are you tired Laotian!?" Daniel asked worried as they walk inside their old room. Daniel never thought the Alpha was just making it as an excuse for him to monopolize him. The moment the Alpha closed the door he immediately pulled Daniel into his body and claimed the Omega's luscious lips.

Daniel didn't saw it coming so he wasn't able to respond until the Alpha slowly push his body into the bed. Daniel finally realized what the Alpha wanted to do. He held onto Laotian's neck as his body slowly fall into the bed with the Alpha towering over him.

Daniel gasps feeling Laotian's palm slide inside his clothes. From his flat stomach to his soft nubs. The warm feeling his palm brought, made Daniel felt weird.

"L-Laotian what if Minmin start's looking for me?" as their mouth separates, the back of Daniel's hands touched his wet lips but had the Alpha remove it later on.

"Mother will take care of him and besides, I wanted to make sure. Your scent had indeed become stronger. You're about to go in heat." The Alpha said inhaling Daniel's scent while kissing his neck.

"Really!? I'm not feeling anything yet but maybe I should use suppressant. I don't want to miss visiting Luangmie tomorrow and Minmin's birthday celebration."

"hmmm, I know. I will never let that happen but before that. Let me enjoy being alone with you for a while, Okay?" Laotian cooed and later continued to kiss Daniel.