Heat and Rut,

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Ian had no choice but to stay with Lan and Hanlu at the Mo estate for the night so they could go together as a family tomorrow at the Empire Hotel where the party is going to happen.

While the new couple was settling in their rooms and changed into a comfortable attire for the dinner later, Laotian and Daniel were still nowhere to be found.

"Laotian, I think Minmin is looking for me." Daniel woke up and whispered after having the feeling that his son might be looking for him at this moment. Sometimes he would feel uneasy when he leaves Luangmin to the maid or to his grandparents and when he tries to find him, Minmin was indeed crying looking for him.

It's like his mother instincts. He had been in the room with Laotian for hours now and it's even passed 5 pm where they will be having dinner soon. Daniel was sure Minmin is looking for him especially after not being with him for hours.

"hmmm!? What time is it!?" Laotian asked loosening his grip from the Omega after also waking up.

"It's getting darker outside, maybe pass five?" Daniel replied sitting up, the Alpha's arm still around his naked body. They must have been so tired after having sex because they fell asleep right after.

Daniel still felt slightly sticky between his legs where Laotian would usually clean up after or they would go to shower together but now, even Laotian didn't get to shower and just fell asleep right after their vigorous activity.

"All those precious time and I spent it sleeping," Laotian mumbled to himself extremely regretful. His body naturally relaxed after finally being with Daniel and then he fell asleep after doing it only once.

It must've been because he's getting older.

Laotian thought.

"At least we get to sleep without interruption," Daniel smiled rubbing the Alpha's silky hair. What he wanted the most is for the Alpha to rest because he had been extremely busy for the past couple of weeks with the new building the Mo Empire was constructing.

"But what do I do with this energy now?" Laotian held Daniel's soft palms and lead its way to his fully recharged member. Daniel blushed after feeling the hardened flesh.

"B-but w-we already did it and it's almost dinner time a-and Minmin. . ." Daniel reasoned out pulling his hands away from the dangerous thing, but he still ended up being laid on the mattress again with the Alpha already spreading his thighs apart.

By this, he blushed feeling completely exposed even though the room had now turned dim.

"You know I can't be satisfied doing it only once," Laotian with his body pressed against Daniel. He started kissing his soft skin, suckling on it all way down to his chest, biting on the sweet fruit deliciously.

"You smelled and tasted so sweet." Laotian whispered slightly lifting Daniel's upper torso to sucked on harder.

His hot and wet kisses soon traveled down and to Daniel's twitching male organ. Laotian sucked on him, his tongue flicked against the tip of his rod and Daniel couldn't prevent his loud gasped escaping escaping from his trembling lips.

"Ohh, Laotian!" Daniel moaned, his fingers found its way to Laotian's hair as he enjoyed the feeling his husband was giving him.

However, it didn't last as Laotian soon released Daniel's aching length and diverted his attention somewhere else. Somewhere that will bring Daniel to a different level of pleasure.

Hot breath fanning against Daniel, Laotian licked his lips feeling arouse at the smell Daniel was giving off. He wanted so badly to shove his pulsating length inside his beloved but later decided against it. He wanted to tease Daniel more until he's wet and needy for him.

Laotian slid his hot and slick tongue against the damp and puckering mound before he settles over in a comfortable position. Laotian kissed the lovely organ first then shoving his tongue inside, spreading the loosened entrance even more.

Daniel whines erupted loudly across the room as Laotian continued to pleasure him. Knowing that Daniel was feeling good at what he's doing, Laotian smiled triumphantly. He wrapped his arms around Daniel's thighs before pulling one of the pillows and put it under to easily elevate Daniel's waist, and make it easy for Laotian to enjoy his wife's sweet intoxicating essence.

"Ahhh, mmmm" Daniel moaned. His body laid spread on top of the crumpled sheets while Laotian still continued to devour him.

"S-Stop. I'm coming," Daniel suddenly warned desperately. The pleasure was too much, he can't take it any longer. And like what he said, Daniel arched his body and screamed louder as he comes falling into a frenzy. His thoughts about Luangmin long disappeared from his mind as he laid exhausted on the bed.

"Lovey, but now it's my turn." Laotian whispered, licking around his mouth deliciously after slurping down the bittersweet essence from Daniel's tortured mound. He quickly positioned himself and plunged smoothly on Daniel's relaxed muscles.

"Mmmmn," Moaning in sweet delight, Daniel stared at Laotian in a daze. He didn't need to say what he wanted as Laotian quickly understood. Laotian leaned down and gave Daniel what he wanted, a kiss. As the kiss lasted long, Laotian soon realized Daniel's scent had become sweeter and sweeter that it affected him strongly.

"Laotian, hurry! give me more." Daniel demanded, separating from the kiss. Hearing this, Laotian cursed in his mind.

Influenced by Daniel's soft begging voice, Laotian immediately positioned himself feeling a little lost with all the strong mating pheromones discharged by his wife. He started to pull himself out all the way, and as soon as he plunged back inside his wife's muscular tube, Daniel screamed in pleasure feeling the thick and hard flesh stabs its way deep inside him.

"Ahh mmm, more, harder." Daniel cried and he spreads his legs wider. The strong desire to mate overcame Daniel and nothing came on his mind now but to be penetrated by the Alpha. To be impregnated by Laotian. His own words no longer made him shy, he was honest at what he wanted.

He wanted Laotian to dominate him, filled his womb with his seeds over and over again. There was no doubt Daniel was now an Omega on heat.

". . ." Laotian didn't say anything and complied with what his beloved wife's demands as he himself fell into his rut.

He made his thrust deeper and harder like Daniel wanted while still trying to regain his control over his mind and body. However, he soon realized his struggles were helpless when all he could think of was to knot Daniel. Plant his seed over and over until he was sure the Omega will fall pregnant.

Mating pheromones and a mixture of sounds filled the darkroom as the two continued to make love. Daniel trembled every time Laotian thrusts inside him abusing the spot where he admittedly liked, this incredible feeling made him become a moaning mess. Even though it felt so good already he could not help but ask for more.

With his eyes rolling back every time Laotian hit his spot, Daniel held onto the pillows as if he was gonna break if he lets go.

Good long minutes passed by and Daniel finally felt the need to release again. Catching up his breath with Laotian's pace. Daniel soon finds himself screaming in pleasure while his body arched, he shivered vigorously coming on the top of his own stomach while Laotian still thrusting inside him.

Noticing Daniel climaxed with the sudden tightening on his member, Laotian stopped from moving and gave Daniel a minute to rest. He claimed Daniel's soft lips distracting himself from continually messing with the Omega's body but unfortunately, Laotian's control didn't last long with all the pheromones taking over his senses and reasons.

Laotian once again started plunging in back and forth, leaving Daniel heaving for air. He was once again turned helpless, but Daniel didn't complain. He loved how Laotian was handling him. He was addicted to it. Daniel loved the feeling of being taken over and over by Laotian, persistently pinning him down. He loved being dominated only by his husband.

"Ohh," Squeaking in shock, Daniel felt Laotian's pulsating length and later comes the overwhelming feeling of his semen bursting inside his womb. Daniel moaned very satisfied with the warmth it gave him while Laotian continued to thrust his release.

"So warm," Daniel commented with a satisfied smile. If he was not on birth control, surely with the amount Laotian was giving him. There was no doubt he will get pregnant.

Meanwhile, the two didn't know that this fateful day would indeed create life. If Laotian had known, he would have never let Mo Hanlu go freely in and out of his mansion where the mischievous Alpha could easily swap Daniel's birth-control pills with an ordinary stamina pill.

It's the culprit why Daniel never again fainted even when he was tired taking care of Minmin during the day and Laotian during the night.

Laotian pulled Daniel into a kiss, he pulled the pillow underneath him and threw it somewhere far before he settled over again and began to thrust slowly. His rut hasn't ended yet, he's still full of energy and so was Daniel.

With their bodies closely intertwined, the couple lost in their own world. Their movements on sync as they latched on each others' mouths. And another 10 minutes gone by, the evidence of their passion finally showed on their damp bodies.

Their sweats mixed stubbornly, both of them felt how much their sweat was dripping off from their bodies but no one wanted to separate. They continued to hug each other still drown in pleasure, even when Laotian was about to come, he continued to embrace Daniel. Until Finally, Laotian brought his strong arms around Daniel's waist and instead, lifted it up meeting his final thrust.

He shut his eyes as he felt himself expand and came hard on his wife's uterus, filling it to the brim.

"Ahh." Laotian groaned feeling his knot explode inside Daniel's. His body was glistening with sweat that he had accumulated during their heated activity.

Daniel still moaning and shaking, he held his belly feeling the warm liquid coating his womb making him come as well. The amount of the Alpha's semen was so much for Daniel that he couldn't hold all of them, some of it slip there way out between their connection.