Make him Suffer

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11:15 am, a massive private jet plane landed in the city's international airport and later on gets off was Mo Hanlu. He didn't waste time and gets on in a heavily tainted Bugatti SUV car and heads off away from the airport unnoticed to the public eye.

Hanlu dialed Ian's number nonstopped ever since he landed but his call never once connected that he started getting worried. He taps on his thigh feeling impatient and been constantly ordering the driver to drive a little quicker to the Omega's workplace.

Mo Hanlu was still calling Ian when they finally arrived. He waited a couple of minutes inside the car and viewed the building hoping he would catch Ian randomly walking outside, maybe going out for an early lunch break or just a simple 15 minutes break but in vain, no Ian Andrews came out of the building.

Hanlu heaves a heavy sigh and at last decided to come out of his car, he quickly he fixed his hair and suit before stepping out of his vehicle. He never really goes to Ian's workplace without a valid reason that's relevant to the Omega's position because Ian  absolutely forbids it.

Ian used to say he didn't want people to know he was having sexual relationship with someone like Mo Hanlu and be branded as one of the Alpha's many pets. Ian also wanted to avoid having an issue in his work, he doesn't want people to say or think that he had achieved his position because he was sleeping with the Alpha and not by hard work.

Walking monotonously towards the building, Hanlu was eyed by the  police officers or public servants of the building until one of them quickly informed the Chief Officer of the Alpha's presence who instantly went ahead and greeted the Alpha.

" President Mo, a pleasure to see you visit us today. May I asked what we can do for you? " The Chief Officer asked following Hanlu as the Alpha walked straight to where Ian's office was without being stopped by anyone. Hanlu didn't reply, he was disappointed to see Ian was not in his office when he arrived with the door closed and unable to open it.

" Andrews? Inspector Andrews, where can I find him? " Hanlu asked finally facing the man following him.

" Oh, do you need him for something?. He emailed me his resignation letter this morning but he was one of the best---" The Chief officer informed but he didn't quite finish his words when Hanlu started pacing again. When he heard the words 'resignation letter', his heart started pounding. He was afraid something like this would happen but he doubted himself and thought Ian wouldn't do such a thing simply because of the news.

The Omega was better that than, he should know entertainment news are half true and sometimes completely false.

Hanlu believe they would only have slight misunderstanding, fight for a couple of days or months like they always do and after that, they would get back together again. Ian would forgive him like always.

" President Mo, if you had an urgent job you want Andrews to do then the other inspectors can do it for you instead. All inspector Andrews previews cases are now past down to inspector Miller and Hobbs. If you want I can urgently summon one of them now and..." The Chief Officer continued to say but his words once again halted when Mo Hanlu didn't paid him any attention and just walked straight out of the building into his car and left.

The Chief Officer was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that just happened as he watches the expensive car drive away as if the Alpha was never there.

It was a well-known fact that Mo Hanlu was an easy-going person. He was easy to get along with, easy to please and very accommodating unlike his older brother but in this instance, the Mo Hanlu that visited them today was nowhere near to that description.

He had a suffocating aura around him and each second past by he could not see Ian or even hear his voice on, his condition will only worsen.

Hanlu once again started calling the Omega but to no avail, he couldn't get through. He was unable to contact him. Hanlu's heart began to pound painfully as he realized Ian had left him, however, he pushed that thought away and wish the Omega was only planning to have a long term vacation.

Maybe find a new job and at this moment, he was cooking at his kitchen with their son sitting on one of the chairs at their small dining table waiting for his mommy to finish cooking and then Hanlu would find them laughing and giggling at the kitchen as they converse happily.

That thought eased Hanlu's anxiety and force his mind to believe that Ian would never give him up just because of this.

He clearly stated last time that he wants Ian, that he was his and he to him. He clearly said that he wanted the Omega in his life, that he would become the man Ian wanted. That never changed, even if Veronica ended up conceiving his blood, his decision would never change. His desire to be with the Omega was still the same.

Hanlu once again ordered the driver to drive quickly to the Omegas house and when he arrived, he almost immediately rushes out of the vehicle and to the front of Ian's house.

He heaves a sigh of relief fixing himself before he pressed on the doorbell and knocks on the door gently. Hanlu patiently waited for a couple of seconds before knocking again thinking the Omega must have not heard him or busy with the laundry or something else.

Minutes passed by and Hanlu grew nervous, he pressed on the doorbell again and this time he called out Ian's name. " Ian!? Baby? Are you home? Please open the door. Baby, please let me explain. Ian? " Hanlu called desperately but no one answered. His heart sunk in fear, he pressed on the doorbell again and heavily knocks on the door.

" Baby, please answer me. Ian? Lan? This is daddy, please open the door, daddy needs to talk to mommy. " Hanlu called again hoping that someone would answer him this time. But to no avail, everything was silent.

Feeling heartbroken, Hanlu rubbed his face in frustration. Ian and Lan were obviously not in the house but he hoped he was wrong.

Just as he was about to bang the door again, his mobile phone rang in interruption, disoriented he picks his phone but the second he was about to say something, the cold man on the other line said something that made Hanlu halt from knocking on the Omega's door again.

" They're not in there so your calls will be useless. " Mo Laotian said gravely, he had just been ignored by Daniel for a couple of cheesecakes and now being sulky just when his mother asked him to try and contact Hanlu to remind the young Alpha to come to the Mo estate the second he lands in the country.

" Where are they? " Hanlu asked sounded accusing, he couldn't help it. He was desperate for his family's location. Mo Laotian raised his brows in amusement hearing his younger brother's tone and for a moment he forgot his wife had just ignored him.

" I did not do anything. I just know they are not in the city or even in the country. " Laotian replied truthfully not wanting to cost strife between them at this sensitive time.

" If you didn't do anything then how did you know they aren't here? Tell me, where are they? " Hanlu burst in frustration, he believed his older brother didn't have any motive to touch Ian and Lan but at this moment he wasn't thinking straight.

He hasn't been able to sleep properly during his flight and his body was exhausted, he flew 16 hours to go to Africa only to stay there in less than a day and flew back again in almost the same hours without proper sleep because he was worried how Ian would react at the news.

Hanlu was disoriented and desperate for Ian and Lan's presence. He felt like if he does not see him and Lan now, he would not be seeing him for a long time.

" You're not thinking straight. Head directly to the main estate now and you might find the answer to your question. " Laotian spoke not feeling the mood to ride on his younger brother's frustrations before he hangs up and threw his phone somewhere on the table before walking to his wife who's gobbling up his food.

It's already his fifth slice and Laotian had not seen any indication of the Omega stopping.

It looks like Daniel was planning to finish the whole cake by himself.

He was worried that the Omega would lose his appetite for the proper meal later at lunchtime by the amount of cake he was eating. " Honey, would you still have space for lunch later? " Laotian cooed leaning down by the Omega's neck.

" hmmm? Oh yes, I'm still hungry and mother and Mr. David are cooking pork ribs. I would not want to miss that. " Daniel replied sweetly which made Laotian sigh helplessly. Since David had not forbidden him to have dessert first then Laotian guessed it was okay. And he also understands Daniel was at the stage where his cravings were crazy, he was after all carrying again another twins.

Even though his stomach was oddly small for three months long, Daniel at the end was with two hungry creatures inside him. Adoringly, Laotian held Daniel's chin and gently touch his lips to his. He gasped feeling needy at the touch of his wife's soft lips on his and wished he could ravish Daniel then and there but he refrained himself from doing so as he smiled warmly drawing away his gentle touch.

Smiling, Daniel bit his lower lip and blushed. " S-so, is Hanlu back? " Daniel stuttered feeling suddenly shy at the affection he was receiving. He knew Laotian was talking to Hanlu just now but he's focus was elsewhere as he didn't hear a single word from the conversation even though Laotian was just a couple of meters away from him as he ate.

" He came to the Omega's house. " Laotian simply replied loving the rosy hue on Daniel's cheeks. He loves that he had this kind of effect on his wife still.

" D-do you know where father had brought Ian and Lan, Laotian? " Daniel softly asked remembering what had happened yesterday. Later in the afternoon, Ian and Lan quickly left elsewhere that none of them knew where. He was just hoping Laotian had a clue.

" Father knew how far was Hanlu's connection goes. If he claimed that even Hanlu could not find the location, then, it must be out of the city, to the next region or out of the country. " Laotian guessed, his father never shared the details to him because he knew there was a possibility of him tipping Hanlu.

His father and mother were after all determined to hide the Omega and hopefully torment Hanlu in the process. If Hanlu wants his family back, he will have to put on some effort.

" I hope everything gets better soon and I hope Hanlu chooses Ian and Lan. Do you think mother and father would tell Hanlu if ever he chooses Ian, Laotian? " Daniel asked again, he was really hoping Ian and Hanlu would end up together because as a fellow Omega, Daniel knew how much Ian had suffered and he also knew Hanlu will be the only one who can make him truly happy.

Ian was bonded with Hanlu one-sidedly and Daniel knew full well how painful it is to be away from your mate. It would damage your health in great lengths, it could even cause death but Daniel believed Ian was stronger than that.

All Daniel could do now was pray for his safety.

" I don't know, but I do know mother will make him suffer. " Laotian replied which made Daniel more worried.

Meanwhile, Hanlu sigh again frustratedly putting his phone back to his pocket. He knocks on the door again roughly until slowly giving up. He walked to his car and ordered to drive back to the Mo Estate. His older brother was right, he wasn't thinking straight. Hanlu decided to take up Mo Laotian's advice and hope he will indeed find his answer.

Hanlu roughly had an idea but he decided to calm himself, no matter what he will definitely find Ian, he will definitely find his family. And this he will never let them go again.