Change of Character

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Not long after, Hanlu arrived at the Mo Estate and unlike his usual entry, he walked straight in the house and caught Laotian and Daniel in the living room with Luangmin.

The second Laotian noticed the young Alpha, he stood to meet him. Daniel also stood, hesitantly greeting Hanlu observing that the man wasn't like his usual self.

When Laotian reached towards Hanlu, he said something Daniel didn't catch before the younger Alpha nodded but he didn't forget to nod at Daniel as a brief getting before walking to where Laotian had whispered him to go.

" I'll just talk to him privately. We'll be right back, okay? " Laotian explained to his confused and worried wife. Daniel nodded okay then Laotian finally headed towards where Hanlu had gone to as well.

As Laotian and Hanlu disappeared elsewhere, Daniel felt restless witnessing such weird behavior from Hanlu. Usually, he's a very light guy. Always the cause of laughter in the crowd, always friendly but just now. It's as if the usual Hanlu had disappeared.

Daniel was still thinking about it a little more when Luangmin started squirming about to cry.

" Ahw minmin, are you worried about uncle Hanlu too? " Daniel cooed and hug the little boy. Thankfully Luangmin immediately calmed down the second Daniel comforted him.

"  I know you wanna play with uncle Hanlu but he's busy right now so we'll have to wait. For now, mommy will play with you, okay? " Daniel cooed again helping the little guy stand on top of his knees as he sat on the couch. Luangmin was easily pleased as he jumped excitedly falling on his butt first against Daniel's legs.

Daniel chuckled seeing this and lifted the baby up into his arm as he stood. Daniel then walks towards the outside thinking of giving Luangmin a breath of fresh air but as he was going out, David called halting him.

" Master Daniel, it won't be good for you to go outside now. Please stay inside where the temperature is cool, lunch is about to be served at any moment now. " David spoke and walked towards Daniel only to gently snatch Luangmin from his arms while also reminding Daniel of what he's not supposed to do. " You must also refrain from holding youngest master Luangmin for the time being. " David added making Daniel pout at the older Alpha and crossed his arms in annoyance.

Seeing that defiant pout, David smiled slightly " Please understand. For the time being, please drink this refreshment and hydrate yourself. " David added again then one female maid brought Daniel a tall glass of strawberry smoothie.

Looking at the pink beverage, Daniel groans as he pouted again but ended up taking it anyways. He thought one day he'll turn into fruit for drinking so much fruit drink since David had been feeding him with it ever since he started living with them again and it hasn't even been that long since.

It's not that Daniel didn't like fruits, in fact, he loves fruits. It's just that there was a mood for that.

" How long will it be until lunchtime? " Daniel asked sipping onto the metal straw provided with the drink. Although he was slightly complaining about the smoothie just seconds ago, he almost gulps all the cold beverages before drawing his lips away from the metal straw. He tilted his head waiting for the Alpha to answer.

David on the other hand despite having a poker face, he does find Daniel rather adorable. Even though the Omega looks like he was complaining at the food he offered, Daniel would still end up accepting and finishing all of the food.

David had only been with Daniel again for two days and he already figured all his daily routine and of course that includes the analysis of Daniel's should have daily food intake, daily should have exercises and constant mood swings. David had figured all of it out like he was some pregnant person whisperer.

And David could not deny he found it rather amusing to observe the Omega and Mo Laotian together.

As a man of his age, David also had a son the same age as Mo Laotian but he never had the chance to take care of him like how much he took care of Laotian and Hanlu when they were kids. He had sworn his loyalty and service to the Mo family who had pulled him out of the streets at his lowest and so he could never leave the Mo family despite being told to retire and be with his family.

David wished to be with his son as well but he made a different decision, and in exchange, he poured all his fatherly love towards Mo Laotian and Mo Hanlu like they were his real sons so seeing one of them happy with his wonderful wife and son made David's heart swell with pride.

He felt genuinely happy that he wished to be at the Mos' service until the end. Seeing the couple together didn't make him regret his past decisions.

"Mr. David? " Daniel called confused which made the older Alpha wake up from his thoughts clearing his throat and sway Luangmin on his arms feeling the little guy playing with his tie. He viewed the glass of smoothy on Daniel's hand and he slightly smiled seeing that the glass was now empty.

" It is currently being served. If you want, you can offer us your assistance. " David suggested making Daniel smile in excitement. Ever since his pregnancy had been known, he was suddenly stripped off of all his chores and was even forbidden to hold his eldest son for a long time that Daniel had become so bored.

With this rare occasion, he would gladly offer his assistance even if he just have to arrange the plates. 

" Okay. " Daniel replied. After receiving a nod, David leads the way to the dining table after making sure Luangmin will be well taken care of by his newly hired Nanny. Daniel briefly kissed Luangmin and cheerfully followed David and when they arrived at the dining table, the maids were already preparing.

Daniel quickly approach one of the maids wanting to steal her jobs, the maid was reluctant to give the trolley of utensils she was pushing but as soon as David nodded at her that it was okay, the maid quickly bowed to Daniel and backs away.

Madam Mo all reminded the maids to not allow Daniel to lift a finger in the house but since the high butler allowed it, it was okay but she didn't leave Daniel's side and carefully watched the Omega arranged the utensils on the table not wanting the Master to get hurt and risk the scholarship education she got from working at the Mo household.

" It's okay. You can leave now and get other things. " Daniel was pacing around the table doing his chore when he realized the maid was still at his side so he quickly excused her. He was already an adult, how hard could preparing a table be that she was watching him do it as if he would get hurt any moment.

After the maid heard Daniel, she reluctantly left not knowing what to do. She was genuinely worried the Omega would get hurt. Just based on his size and how he looked so delicate, he looked like his wrist would snap just carrying one of those heavy porcelain plates.

Even though she was a Beta, Daniel was still way smaller than her. Hesitantly, she finally decided to leave not wanting to upset the Master. In any case, the maid left knowing that the high butler would be there to assist if anything happens.

The preparation for the lunch went pretty smooth but as Daniel checked the table he noticed the exceeding number of plates, he quickly faced David.

" It seems we have more plates than we can cater, " Daniel spoke then proceeded to take one.

" The number is correct, Madam Mo has a visitor coming. " David said stopping Daniel. Daniel was curious who it was at first but he quickly guessed who it might be. Of course, it would be Veronica Chime. Mo Hanlu has arrived so it was time to quickly settle any misunderstanding and bring back Ian and Lan into the family.

Just on cue, Mrs. Laura Mo arrived in the dining table and came with her was Veronica Chime on her white and yellow floral dress paired with soft yellow heels in contras with her outfit. She looked absolutely stunning and innocent and Daniel loves that.

He was kinda jealous of how the woman looked so gorgeous in her pregnancy. Although Daniel was technically a man, he still secretly desires to be as gorgeous as the actress. 

Pushing the thought away, Daniel walked towards them and greeted with his usual bright smile that melted Mrs. Laura Mo's heart. She was trying to act cold and upset for Hanlu but seeing Daniel, lifted that away. At this time of stress, just looking at Daniel's bright smiles really lifted Laura Mo's spirit.

" Oh Darling, did you help prepare the table? " Mrs. Laura Mo asked which Daniel nodded proudly. " Thank you, sweety but you didn't have to do that. Let the maids do it next time okay or you'll make all of us worry. " Mrs. Mo said and urged Daniel to take his seat on the large dining table. Daniel only nodded okay, he wanted to say preparing the table wasn't in any bit dangerous but he didn't and just obediently sat there with Veronica across her. 

" Okay, I'll go find the rest of the family. " Mrs. Mo said and walked out of the dining area with David. Just when the two left, the sweet and innocent smile on Veronica's face suddenly melted away as she watches Daniel across her. Daniel noticed this and he wondered what was wrong so he took the initiative to ask the actress.

" Is something the matter? " Daniel asked curiously and worriedly. Both of them were pregnant but Daniel doesn't have morning sickness as he had at his first pregnancy so he wondered if Veronica was feeling sick smelling some of the food placed on the table.

If Veronica was indeed feeling sick he would immediately ask someone to remove the specific food but while Daniel was waiting for the answer, Veronica only glances at him as if Daniel was someone lower than her. Daniel could almost determine the woman grimacing her face like Daniel was someone disgusting before she fished out her phone from her pouch and focus her attention to it pretending she didn't hear Daniel's question.

Awkwardly, Daniel chewed on his lower lips feeling uncomfortable. That kind of stare was very much familiar to him, Daniel's biological mother looks at him exactly the same and of course her twin sister, Daniella Sullen. Daniel scanned the whole dining room and nodded at the maids who worriedly gazed at him after witnessing the actress's change of behavior. 

Not wanting to make this event a big deal, Daniel just silently sat there waiting for the rest to come. He absolutely didn't want to stay with the woman a couple of seconds more. Thankfully the awkward silence between them broke when Luangmin cried toddling towards Daniel with his Nanny tailing him.

" Master Daniel, Young Master Luangmin didn't want to be carried, " She explained why the 2 years old was crying, the Nanny was at her 40's and very much adored children that's why although she had retired from being a maid she accepted the job because it was a great honor to be able to take care of the Mo household's heir.

It was the least she could do after the household supported her son and daughter's education in exchange for her service for nearly 15 years and even when she wasn't working for the family due to her leg injury a couple of years ago, the Mo family still supported her family. She was very thankful.

But although Mo Luangmin was the cutest kid she ever laid her eyes on, it was very much difficult to take care of him because the baby still hasn't got used to her. She needed more time to warm up with the 2 years old and obviously, 3 days wasn't enough to do that. It was very evident that Mo Luangmin was very close to his mother, a proof that Daniel was a good mother.

The Nanny worked at the Mo household for 15 years and she knew the Omega fits the household temperament. 

" It's okay, this kid is really spoiled. " Daniel replied to the woman and excused her. Daniel lifted Luangmin on his arms and cooed. Thankfully, Luangmin quickly stopped crying and started giggling at his mother because he finally got what he wanted.

Deciding to focus on his son, Daniel started to baby talk not wanting anything to do with Veronica.