Ear-Shattering Silence

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" Minmin are you hungry? You want mommy to feed you? " Daniel asked, his voice was cooing.

" uhm, Minmin, eat! eat! eat! " The baby boy nodded attempting to jump up and down on Daniel's embrace. Daniel hugs his adorable son and took the lids off of the bowl of baby food prepared at the side of his bowl of rice and plate. Daniel ignored Veronica Chime across him minding his own business and chose to overlook what happened between them earlier but as Daniel and Luangmin were doing what they usually do during eating time, Daniel felt loads of oppressing Alpha pheromones targetted to him and Luangmin.

As a submissive Omega, it was very easy to intimidate Daniel so when he felt the violent unfamiliar pheromones, his body started shaking. Daniel immediately lifts his head to gape at Veronica who was glaring at him. He wondered what he did wrong for them to be attacked like this?

The violent pheromones didn't last long when Mo Tian Zi arrived at the room. Mo Tian Zi had a very sensitive nose for pheromones so he immediately knew what was happening. Wide eyes Tian Zi quickly runs towards Daniel and his nephew for help.

" What the fuck are you doing!? " Tian Zi burst at Veronica as he worriedly looked at the shaking Daniel and bawling Luangmin. Tian Zi glared at Veronica who was now acting as if she didn't know why she did what she did. She was only annoyed at Daniel and her son but she didn't mean for her pheromones to attack them.

" I-I d-didn't mean... " Veronica started, panicking. She honestly didn't mean to do that, she couldn't control herself. The Omega and the little boy were so noisy that it irritated Veronica but she honestly didn't mean it.

" You didn't!? Fuck you! " Tian Zi cursed. If his eldest brother caught what happened and not him, the woman would have been dead by now. Quickly, Tian Zi helped Daniel to stand up. He also took Luangmin from his arms and quickly they moved out of the room. Just as they were almost out, Mo Laotian, Mo Hanlu, and Mrs. Laura Mo arrived together with David.

Mo Laotian immediately frown looking at how his youngest brother held his wife and bawling son, it was almost intimate on his eyes. He didn't notice Daniel was shaking until he successfully snatches him away from Tian Zi.

" What happened? " Mrs. Mo asked walking close her precious grandson who turned red from crying. She hurriedly held the little boy and cooed him but it was useless, Luangmin didn't stop crying like he usually does when he had tantrums and she soothes him to calm.

Laotian stared at Tian Zi looking for an answer and the moment he saw his eyes, Laotian instantly had an idea. " Mother, I'll take them both for a rest. I'll just have to ask David to bring the food upstairs. " Laotian spoke and Mrs. Mo nodded worriedly giving Luangmin to his eldest son. 

Laotian and Daniel quickly went to their room, the second they arrived Daniel couldn't help but hugged both Laotian and Luangmin. He tried his best to prevent his tears from falling. He didn't want to worry Mo Laotian. It was only a pheromone attack and it didn't actually hurt them physically to the point where it would traumatically scare him or Luangmin. The only one to blame is because he was weak to pheromones. He was a submissive Omega, pheromones are his natural enemy. 

" Tell me what happened. " Laotian spoke wrapping his arm around his wife and son. Daniel didn't talk, he only shakes his head as an answer. 

" You were shaking. Did that woman do something to you? Tell me. " Laotian asked suggestively. Daniel didn't talk again and continued to shake his head. Laotian suppressed the boiling anger within him thinking of Veronica hurting his wife and son. Why else would his beloved Daniel act like this if nothing happened?

Laotian didn't ask anymore and just continued to give Daniel a comforting hug until he finally decided to pull away. " Nothing happened. " Daniel lied and took the sniffling Luangmin from his Daddy's arm while Daniel didn't dare look at his husband's eyes and just focus on his son.

" Shhh baby, mommy's here. Don't cry, okay? Don't cry. " Daniel cooed. He kissed both the baby's plump cheeks and hugs him. Daniel swayed his body and thankfully Luangmin stopped crying snuggling close to his mommy's neck, hiding. 

Since Luangmin was sensitive to pheromones, it was most likely that his son was an Alpha but at this moment, he wasn't in the mood to celebrate.

Laotian who looks at them couldn't help but get worried. If Daniel doesn't want to say then he will just have to ask Tian Zi for it. He walked towards the two and helplessly, he embraces Daniel from the back and kisses the side of his neck. " If you don't want to tell me then it's okay." Laotian whispered pulling the Omega's body closer to him. Daniel smile at this, he turned around and looks up to the Alpha's concerned expression.

" It was nothing at all, Laotian. Minmin and I are okay, that's what's important. " Daniel held Laotian face as he spoke showing a gentle smile. Both of them stared at each other's eyes full of adoration and affection. And as if drawn to each other, Laotian leaned down and at the same time, Daniel tiptoed. The second their lips touched, Daniel inhaled the Alpha's scent immediately soothing him down.

Laotian wraps his arms around Daniel slightly pulling him up making the Omega gasp for air. Laotian took this opportunity to slide in his tongue and devour his wife's sweet essence. Laotian groans knowing his adorable wife was so irresistible, he couldn't help but squeeze him on his arms. 

Tongue starting to get tired, Daniel felt his knees weakened but he didn't remove himself from their passion delighted by the pleasure the kiss gave him. He knew even if his knees indeed gave up, his husband would surely catch him.

Beginning to feel the heat, Daniel started moaning as the kiss was getting deeper and deeper making him light-headed. Mo Laotian knew Daniel enjoyed what he's doing but he regretfully pulled away feeling his ear being pulled down by the little hands of his son while babbling the words, " Dadda! Nnoo, " 

And as if being drawn back to reality, Daniel realized Luangmin was still on his arms. He blushed a dark shade of red knowing he completely forgot even his son's existence the second Mo Laotian and he started kissing. 

" Here. Let me carry him for you. " Mo Laotian offered, he knew Daniel was feeling embarrassed and Laotian was pleased he could still draw out this kind of reaction from the Omega in spite of them doing more intimate than kissing. 

" Food will arrive soon, "

" No, it's okay. I know you're needed downstairs. Luangmin and I are okay. We'll eat downstairs. " Daniel interrupted not letting the Alpha finish. There was just no way he would just back out just like that, he promised to himself that he would be stronger than before. Unlike his twin sister, Veronica Chime was nothing.

She could give him disgusting looks all she wants or attack him with pheromones, Daniel would tolerate it but never when the woman touch his precious son and the twins inside him. Daniel would never allow someone like Veronica Chime to look down at his baby. This time, Daniel won't hide and let Laotian protect him. This time he would fight back.

Laotian wanted to insist on eating in the room but seeing how determined his wife's eyes were, he couldn't help but spoil him. He wanted to give the Omega the fighting chance he wanted so without opposing, Mo Laotian simply smiled then brought his palms on to the Omega's cheek and caress it.

" Okay, as you wish. But if you're uncomfortable, just tell me okay? " Laotian said and then, later on, trailed back their way to the dining area where they caught Veronica crying on Hanlu's arms. Daniel frown at this then he quickly glared at Hanlu who was willingly embracing the woman.

" Dear, don't cry. We know you didn't mean to hurt Daniel and Luangmin. " Mrs. Mo assured feeling distressed, Daniel rolled his eyes witnessing Veronica's lousy acting so he leisurely walks into the room with Mo Laotian with Luangmin following him.

" Oh God! Darling, are you okay? Is Minmin, Okay? " When Laura Mo saw Daniel walking into the room, she couldn't help but stood and walked towards the Omega and Luangmin.

Although she assured Veronica the two was okay, deep inside, Laura Mo was actually worried sick. Being attacked by pheromones isn't life-threatening but it could sometimes physically traumatize a person especially for a baby like Luangmin and a pregnant submissive Omega like Daniel. 

Laura Mo understood that Veronica might have something she was thinking or been stressed out by her own pregnancy that it happened. Laura Mo also understood that the majority of all the population can't really control pheromones. Even Laura Mo can't control hers, she just thought next time, Daniel and Luangmin should just stay away from the woman as she was experiencing abnormal behavior due to her pregnancy.

" We're okay, Mother. I understood Veronica didn't mean it. " Daniel replied then faced Veronica who remained leaning on to Mo Hanlu's shoulders. Sitting up, Veronica quickly agreed and stood up bowing to Daniel and Laotian as an apology. " I am very sorry. I've been really stressed out lately and I couldn't control myself. I didn't mean to hurt Master Daniel and Young Master Luangmin. I would do anything for you to forgive me. " Veronica apologizes but mainly her words were directed to gain Laura Mo's empathy. She knew she screwed up badly so she needed to fix this immediately.

If Laura Mo ended up disliking her because of this, she wouldn't be able to get her reward. The fastest way to the Mo family registry was definitely through the old woman's heart. Other members' opinion didn't matter, as long as the woman liked her, that's what Veronica thought and believed.

Mo Hanlu wasn't a problem to Veronica because she knew how to please him, she just recently discovered that the Alpha like kids and so there was no doubt he would be thrilled to have a kid even if he doesn't like Veronica.

" Luangmin and I are fine, I know you didn't mean it. It's not like you have something against me to do that, right? " Daniel replied hinting out something. Veronica slightly twitches at the question before she smiles apologetically. " Of course not, I would never. " 

" That's right. Thank you, darling. I'll ask the maid to bring your food to the table. " Laura Mo said relieved. Daniel and Laotian nodded before they sat at their designated chairs. Laura Mo also got back to her own chair before they started eating. 

" Mom, where's dad? " Hanlu asked noticing Mo Chendong's absence. After Ian begged yesterday, Mo Chendong promised he would hide the Omega from Hanlu, at least for the time being. So personally he wanted to settle the Omega and his grandson to the new place they will be staying. He wanted to make sure the two would find the new place comfortable and especially hired the necessary people to help him achieve that.

Of course, Ian didn't want to bother the elder even more but Mo Chendong insisted since he wanted the Omega for his son than Veronica Chime. For Mo Chendong, at least with Ian Andrews, Mo Hanlu would straighten up. 

" He had something important he needed to do. " Mrs. Mo replied coldly to Hanlu remembering what Ian did yesterday. Just remembering how the poor Omega had to beg for his own freedom towards them, made Laura Mo having a foul mood.

Hanlu heard his mother's answer and his eyes subconsciously shifted to Mo Laotian then to Veronica. The whole dinner ended up having an ear-shattering silence even though the whole reason they've gathered was to talk about the family scandal.

Laura Mo wanted to ask Hanlu what his decisions are but her mood suddenly changed. Laotian also remained silent, as well as Daniel who would glare at Hanlu every chance he gets. He was absolutely not liking the fact the Hanlu was even being close to Veronica when he had Ian and Lan he should be worrying at the moment.