Good for the First Two Rounds

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With a victorious smile, Daniel leaned closer to the Alpha and briefly peck on his lips. It took Laotian by surprise that he ended up being frozen for good three seconds before a low growl of complaint vibrated in his chest. They were in public and Daniel was obliviously seducing him. Laotian knew perfectly well not to make a move on the Omega when they're in public. 


It took all his rationality to pull away from Daniel and drown himself with his glass of red wine, gulping its content like a glass of water and pouring himself another glass and gulping it again by a half.

Daniel noticed this and he was quickly alarmed. It may not seem like it, but the Alpha actually had low alcohol tolerance and even though he still acts normal when drunk, his libido increases from its normal level and Daniel will be the one to suffer in the end.

"Oh my God! Laotian, why are you gulping that like water?" Daniel asked wide eyes, he securely wraps one arm around Luangmin and then tended to his husband snatching the glass wine away. Laotian only chuckled and quickly soothes his concern wife.

"Don't worry, I'm not that weak," Laotian assured.

"I know you're not, but no more wine for you." Daniel declared and quickly called for the steward. Instantly since there was someone at the far corner appointed to assist the customers, one steward quickly approached them with his professional smile.

"What can I do--- 

"Please, take this away and get me something that will help him sober up." The steward hadn't finished his inquiry when Daniel interrupted with an upset expression and quickly handed him the bottle of liquor and then the glass wine. The steward was taken aback by the sudden interruption but it didn't last as he received the bottle and glass flashing his professional smile and left after a nod.

"Thank you," Daniel said with a smile this time before facing again Laotian with squinted eyes.

"I already told you long ago not to drink too much and now you just gulp that much in front of me." Daniel scolded then pouted, clearly this time he was truly upset. He quickly handed Luangmin to him which Laotian openly receive in amusement. Daniel did warn him not to drink much before, and although he didn't promise that he would since drinking was sometimes necessary for business transactions, Laotian had been all this time honoring his beloved wife's request.

Only today, at this moment, he really needed a drink.

"Hold Minmin if you're bored," Daniel puffs unhappily. It's not that he didn't like having rough sex with the Alpha, it's just that, Mo Laotian is insatiable when he is drunk. Being drunk for the Alpha was equivalent to having a rut. He doesn't just finish in two or three rounds like he usually did. And as the receiving person to that undying desire, Daniel finds it rather unpleasant since he would end up painfully sore the next day.

Daniel is an Omega, and although his body was made to reproduce or some say or stereotype as 'sex slave', his body can only take what's enough.

"Okay, but I'm not bored. I can never be bored when I'm with you." Laotian cooed, amusement is still visible in his expression. He already knew how Daniel's mood swings are all over the place. He's easily irritated, hurt, and impressed but for Laotian, he finds it rather entertaining. He had the urge to tease him again.

"hmmp, you're just a sweet talker. I don't even know how many men and women you had said the same lines before!" Daniel roared still puffing his cheeks, he crossed his arms upset. 

*chuckles* " You really think I would be that popular to have many men and women I can sweet talk to!?" Laotian playfully asked with a smile, one of his arms completely restrained Luangmin's squirming body. He really enjoyed Daniel's constantly changing expression.

"I don't know! Should I ask William or Franco for that?" Daniel countered with one eyebrow raised. The moment Laotian heard Daniel, his smile suddenly vanished. He knew immediately he had lost the conversation. He suddenly got silent for seconds and then with a serious expression he scootches closer and wraps his arms around his upset wife.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I won't do it again so no need to ask those two. They will only give you false information." Laotian whispered and slightly cooing. He leaned forward and nuzzled the back of Daniel's ear despite the people watching them.

"S-stop it! We're in public!" Daniel whines softly, he gently pushed Laotian but it was useless, the Alpha was still nuzzling him when the steward he asked earlier came with a bowl of hot chicken soup and left without staring too much at the affectionate married couple. Daniel, on the other hand, had given him an awkward smile since he knew how uncomfortable it was to see couples being too affectionate in public.

"Luangmin and I will let go if you're not angry anymore," Laotian insisted as he and his son mounted his small frame. Daniel didn't have a choice and stated he's not angry anymore. Meanwhile, just like Daniel had thought, people around them who had been watching the couple had been fed full of dog food at their lovey-dovey display. No one could fully believe, especially to the sight of the enigmatic and fearsome man, Mo Laotian, to be such a person.

Truly, if men show their affection, especially the originally frosty and potent ones, nobody else can match like Mo Laotian with his wife.

Thankfully, the dog feeding show didn't last long as the two finally decided to head back. And to match Daniel presumption, the second they arrived home when the Nanny assumed taking care of Luangmin, Daniel was soon being assaulted by the Alpha as he was quickly dragged to their room.

"L-Laotian, I knew you were drunk! Stop it!" Daniel whined, his neck being latch on and soon his mouth was sealed with another.

Hot and slick tongue pushed against his lips with such speed and force that it was forced to part. The moisten weapon slithered in an instance, sliding and gliding within Daniel's mouth as if it's claiming each and every corner it touched as his own territory before drawing back and pushes back in again.

Daniel gasped feeling weak, he gripped on Laotian's arms feeling hot himself despite his complaints. "I'm not drunk," Laotian chuckled and quickly lifted Daniel into his arms. Of course, he was not drunk, he just wants to punish his naughty wife for seducing him earlier at the restaurant.

Additionally, he also wants to punish him for even thinking of not giving him attention for a whole month. He needed to make Daniel understand that he can never make him not love him every chance he gets.

With this on his mind, Laotian laid Daniel on their bed and quickly towered over him after he took off his shirt. It didn't escape his eyes the way his beloved wife blushed at the sight of his body. His lips form into a mischievous grin knowing that Daniel liked what he's seeing.

"L-Laotian, this i-is not the time for t-this," Daniel suggested focusing his eyes away from the Alpha, he tried to escape but the Alpha wouldn't let him.

"I must punish you for being naughty," Laotian revealed, his big and warm hands pulling down Daniel's pants and undergarments in an instant making the poor Omega shriek when his legs were made to spread exposed in front of his husband right after. 

"I-I was not being n-naughty!" Daniel panicked, his struggles were made useless at the hands of Laotian. At Daniel's defense, Laotian didn't respond anymore and only brought his mouth at his wife's moisten honeypot. Another smile carved into his lips as Daniel's unique taste invaded his tongue. Wanting more of that taste, he made his slick weapon slide against Daniel's most sensitive spots instigating a muffled sound from the assaulted Omega.

It took a good five minutes before Laotian pulled away in satisfaction, his breath on hitch as he viewed Daniel's organ pucker in anticipation. When his eyes moved to Daniel's expression, Laotian was surprised to find out Daniel's eyes were moist, his fragile body shaking.

Instantly he felt guilty but he could not deny the sight had considerably made him aroused.

"Wanna be on top?" Laotian offered, he realized he doesn't want to upset Daniel and he knew at this time, making him take the lead will be the only one that can make him happy.

Expectedly, Daniel didn't reply with words but his eyes were already enough for Laotian to understand that he indeed wants to ride him. Needless to say, he quickly strips off his pants and underwear and as if the dangerous thing have a mind of its own, it quickly sprung out in joy at its freedom.

Its proudly standing glory made Daniel thought like he always did, wondering how the massive organ manage to support its weight to be able to stand that prominently. No matter how many times he had seen it, it still amazes him. Daniel gulps at its majestic stance. 

He knew, they really shouldn't be doing something like this when there's still light outside but Daniel still moved along with the Alpha as they shifted their position. With the Alpha comfortably laying on the bed, he assisted Daniel to climbed above him. 

When Daniel had finally settled, sitting on the twitching rod, Laotian rested his wide palms inside the Omega's clothes, easily wrapping them on his narrow waist. His thumbs rubbing affectionately to the small baby bump that they had just realized days ago. Now that Laotian had really put his attention on Daniel's body, he could not deny that Daniel had really put on a few weights.

He didn't really care if Daniel was slightly bigger than they first originally met and so he didn't notice the sudden change. In fact, he liked that all the necessary places on Daniel's body had been filled with fat and tissues. After all, it would be bad if his rough nature hurt Daniel just because he was too thin.

"Go on, I've prepared you enough." Laotian voiced softly, his fingers still playing with his wife's small baby bump. On a daze, Daniel complied. His soft palms gasp on Laotian's slicked erection earning an audible deep breath through his teeth.

"You're so big when alcohol's in your system. " Daniel complained as he pushes the bulging tip inside his wet hole. When it was finally in, he whimpers softly as he put all his weight until Laotian was in up to the hilt without much of a problem.

"hmmmn," Body trembling, Daniel gasps taking in the massive size. He can't deny he likes Laotian's size because it reached his womb without a problem.

"Is that good or bad?" Laotian chuckled this time, his hands firmly gripping on Daniel's waist pulling him down, not allowing any movements for the time being.

"I-it's good for the first two rounds..." Daniel shyly revealed, he held the Alpha's arms for support as he slowly shakes his hips at the loss of motion. Although he likes Laotian size because it reached his womb without a problem but after long hours, it would start to get painful as he reached his limit. 

"Are you suggesting we do two rounds?" Laotian asked, desire evident on his gaze. He was actually just planning to do it slowly today and since Daniel is pregnant, doing it once will be sufficient enough for him for now.

However, Daniel's words will never escape him. He was deliberately saying that it would hurt him after two rounds but actually, every time they did it, it was the Omega who would beg him through his gazes that he wanted more. Laotian knew this because he knew Daniel's body very much and he never once actually strongly complained.

It was not a lie that Daniel felt pain but that doesn't mean he didn't feel pleasure as well. It was Daniel's honest nature to crave for more, after all, that's the exact reason why Omegas crave for Alphas when in heat.