
* * *

Hands intertwined, Daniel whimpered softly as he tightly gripped on Laotian's bigger palms for support. He slowly made his lower body move up and down into the direction he wanted the most as he leads their love-making. Neither of them had come yet but both of them were already on the edge as their bodies glistened as the proof of their hard work.

"L-Laotian...! I-I'm close..." Daniel whines, his movement was slow but it was surprisingly steady that also brought Laotian close to his climax.

"Keep it steady for a little longer," Laotian ordered with a deep tortured voice, he could already feel Daniel was close as the familiar contraction had been squeezing him tightly. He just needed a little more time before he could come as well.

"Ahhh! No! No! I wanna come now!" Daniel complained shaking his head, his thighs were already starting to give up. He can't keep it any longer than the Alpha requested. His mind was flashing with white light, he forced to drag his release longer but after a while, Daniel's body literally shook as he gave himself one final thrust before the watery substance comes long on the surface of his husband's muscular stomach.

He panted heavily as he leans back, whimpering softly as he felt uncomfortably wet. His whimpers turned into an audible moan when Laotian assumed the movements and finds his own release with the same tortured voice he had earlier. Daniel orgasmed incredibly and when finally Laotian found his own climax, he felt coming once again before soon slowly dropping above the Alpha with a limp back.

"Oops, careful," Laotian stated between his gasps as he quickly caught Daniel's exhausted body and shifted their position where both of them were on the bed facing each other. Legs on top of each other, refusing to separate the connection. With Daniel's eyes threatening to close, Laotian caress his face before pulling him for a sloppy kiss but it was not long before that careless kiss turns into a heated one.

Laotian held Daniel's nape, deepening the already deepened kiss. His massive built slowly towered Daniel as their slick and hot tongue danced together in musical sync. And along with that pace, Laotian hips started dancing, thrusting in and out of the Omega in a gentle and loving manner.

When their lips finally parted, a silver string of saliva still connected them until it cuts in the middle fully separating them from each other. "hmmm, Laotian. O-Our babies," Daniel mentioned. His body laid spread on the sheets, he held onto his lower abdomen knowing that underneath was where Laotian's was penetrating.

"Am I hurting you?" Laotian asked lovingly, his soft and gentle rhythm continued. The thought of Daniel being pregnant never left his mind, that's why he was extra careful with his movements. He would never want anything to happen to both Daniel and their future children.

"hnnn, It feels good!" humming while he shakes his head, Daniel was on dazed when he said this. Laotian couldn't help but breathe his curses as he felt himself expand in arousal knowing that he was making his beloved wife feeling good.

"Ahh N-No! Don't grow too big! You'll break me, you'll break me!" Daniel whine, he gripped on Laotian muscular arms and cried feeling scared at the thought despite the pleasure he was feeling from the Alpha's handling.

"Shhhh, I'm not breaking you. I will never do that to you..." Laotian halted his movements and cooed. He held Daniel's fingers and brought it to their connection wanting to assure him, "See, you're taking me in nice and slowly. You're not breaking at all." Laotian added as he cooed. He showered Daniel will light feathery kisses that instantly assured the Omega.

Laotian's lips turn into a smile when he felt a sudden tightening twitch from Daniel's expanded channel. He made this as the cue to resume his movements, this time, Daniel didn't complain. He received everything Laotian had given him fully. There was not a single pain he felt, everything felt good his mind was traveling back in forth from his consciousness.

And when both of them found their release again, Laotian's fruit of hard labor finally exploded inside his wife's womb before pulling out in a rush and comes the rest onto the surface of Daniel's bulging stomach, mixing each other's essence lewdly.

"This should be enough as your punishment," Laotian whispered between his labored breaths, he rested his now softened rod next to Daniel's but compared his, the Omega was way shorter than his' that almost reached Daniel's bellybutton. 

Bringing his fingers to his wife's damp hair, he pushed the wet strands all the way back. His sweat gliding on his body and drip onto Daniel's glistening seemingly glowing white skin. He was so mesmerized by this scene that he brought his body close and gave Daniel another kiss before he drew away and picked from one of the thin sheets and wiped the evidence of their heated passion.

"Why am I being punished?" Daniel finally asked pouting, he honestly didn't understand why the Alpha suddenly said he was going to punish him.

"Because you were naughty," Laotian smiled.

"I was not! In any case, you were the one who's being naughty! And you're just finding excuses to do this with me." Daniel defended. Laotian was the one who drank all that liquor in front of him. If Daniel didn't know better, the Alpha was actually just horny.

*chuckles* "Maybe. Maybe not." Laotian answered ambiguously. He gets off of the mattress and stood fully naked. His body in full display for Daniel to admire however it was not long before he neared Daniel and instantly lifted him into the air, kissing him lovingly again on the forehead as he walked towards the shower room.

"What's with that answer? I wouldn't mind honestly if you just admit that you're horny." Daniel pouted again, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks appreciating Laotian's caring actions.

"I would not be horny if not for you being naughty and constantly seducing me." Laotian countered with a helpless expression. He switched on the faucet to the shower and carefully adjusted the water temperature for Daniel's liking.

With his mouth dropping open, Daniel quickly frowns at the accusation, "I was not seducing you! You were the one who kept being seduced at every little thing I do." Daniel fired back, he refused to admit that he was seducing the Alpha. He didn't even know he had that talent.

"And that's what makes you naughty. Because every little thing you make is seducing me." Laotian revealed with a chuckle. "So careful what you do to me, I'm already an old man. I can't keep up with your young energy," he warned. Daniel was flabbergasted that he was unable to think of a witty comeback. 

'Can't keep up with my young energy!? I'm the one who can't keep up with your energy.' Daniel silently thought, he wanted to voice it out but thought otherwise thinking the Alpha might think of something to throw him speechless again.

"hump! Whatever! You're just going to find a way to make me the one to blame anyway." Daniel said crossing his arms in annoyance, he might seem upset but the blush on his unblemished cheeks said otherwise. Laotian quickly found it cute but he didn't reveal his thoughts to the Omega.

The shower quickly ended with mostly Laotian taking care of Daniel since the Omega refused to move or use his hands like he was a child on a tantrum session. Daniel's cheeks were in a puff, his eyebrows in a frown, and his lips were pout.

"Are you trying to seduce me again!?" Laotian asked in a teasing manner.

"I'm upset," Daniel replied earning a little laugh from the Alpha. Laotian pulled Daniel in a loving hug, both of them dressed finished drying up and wore comfortable warm clothing.

"Okay, I'm sorry. What do you want me to do so you'll forgive me?" Laotian cooed. Daniel remained silent but not until he thought of something. A week ago he received an email from his old classmate, an invitation to an exclusive art gallery.

The artist was Daniel's favorite from the modern art industry because his medium and art style was almost the same as Daniel's. The event will be in a week, he was planning to visit it alone with his old friends last time but now it's different since he found out he's pregnant and advice to avoid traveling. It wasn't that far actually but Daniel was afraid something will go wrong so now he wanted the Alpha to go with him.

"I-I want to go and watch an art gallery," Daniel mentioned, the frowns on his brows finally faded.

"Okay, I'll tighten the security---

"No, I want you to go with me. I feel more secure if you're the one around me." Daniel said, his eyes almost begging. Of course, as expected. There was no way, Mo Laotian could refuse such a request. With a warm smile on his lips, he nodded dotingly to Daniel.

"Okay, I clear out my schedule right away." He asked thinking of it as a date. It's very rare for Daniel to ask him out after all.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Laotian! Will you be okay if I have some of my old friends come along with us as well?" Daniel asked excitedly again making Laotian twitch slightly at the mention of another since he was already thinking it was a date that his beloved wife especially requested but now, they're actually going with someone.

"hmmm," Laotian hummed okay hesitantly. "When will it be?" He added to cover his disappointment.

"Yey, it will next week. Thank you, Laotian. You're the best." Daniel said pouncing on his husband in excitement. His earlier displeasure disappeared.

*chuckles*  "As long as you're happy." Laotian cooed.

"Oh, I'll show you the invitation. My friend's friend friend had a friend that knows a person from the art industry. He knew I like the artist so he got me an invitation as well and I can bring a plus one." Daniel excitedly mentioned, he quickly moved to find his phone at the side table near their bed. 

Laotian followed him and sat on the edge of the mattress. His head slightly ached imagining how his wife managed to get an invitation. 'A friend's friend friend the knows someone?' Laotian thought. If it was him, he could just easily get each of them an invite without a problem.

"See? It's an invite-only event. I'm planning to buy a painting." Daniel showed the email he got from his friend as he sat on Laotian's lap. Meanwhile, Laotian especially took notice of the artist's name and reminded himself to a note so next time his beloved wife wouldn't get an invite from unreliable sources.

"Okay, I'll buy you as many paintings as you like," he declared dotingly as they fall into the messy bed, the dirty top layers of the sheets Laotian used earlier were discarded at the side that it was almost falling into the carpet.

"hahaha, sounds captivating but I don't need that much. I only need one. The bathroom is so plain so I'm planning to decorate it with a painting. I was planning to put my own painting at first but thought otherwise, hehe." Daniel mentioned giggling against Laotian's arms. They continued to chat and cuddle like usual until finally, it was time for Daniel to check Luangmin.

They stepped out of their room with a light mood, holding hands as they descended the stairs. Daniel was hopping happily that Laotian had to warn him to behave but being stubborn, Daniel only behaved when he saw Laura Mo grimly looking at the papers on her hand.

Daniel briefly glanced at Laotian at first before he decided to approach the middle-aged woman. "Mother, are you okay? Did something happen to Veronica?" Daniel asked. The moment Laura noticed Daniel, she quickly hid the papers and a warm smile appeared on her lips as if her earlier stern look didn't exist.

"Oh, nothing Darling," Laura replied with her usual tone. However, when she shifted her eyes to her son; Laotian knew immediately what that look means.

His mother must have learned something about the truth. Actually, quite earlier than Laotian had envisioned.

* * *

To be Continued...