You're Not Okay

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After the couple left, the reporters that were left in the area immediately started a lively conversation.

"What the hell happened? Did that man purposely push Daniel Mo? Is he crazy?" One cameraman asked, still stunned at what just happened. He caught everything on camera and he was pretty much sure that the man purposely pushed Daniel Sullen Mo.

"He's definitely crazy! And now he's implicating us with his madness! Who the hell is that man? What publishing company does he come from?" a woman said furiously, turning around to find the man which had now suddenly vanished from the area.

"He does not belong to any company. No one knows him here but you're right! We're doomed! Who the hell kept pushing me earlier!? Was that you?" another man accused pointing at someone.

"What the fuck man! I didn't push anyone, someone pushed me too." The man replied, frowning.

"There's no use in arguing about this now, our careers are now doomed. Just pray we don't lose our jobs after this." Another woman said dejectedly, they were only here to confirm the pregnancy information leaked to their company but she admits what happened earlier was a mess.

They thought they were the only ones who knew about this surprise news but it turns out it was purposely leaked to all of them from an unknown source. And out of desperation, everything suddenly becomes a mess.

"But at least now we know Daniel Mo is indeed pregnant, his clothes were thick but his stomach was clearly bulging with a baby." One said helplessly thinking of losing his job.

"Yeah, but now just pray the baby is fine. The impact of his fall looks strong. Dammit! Where's that man? I want to punch him for doing that! He's not even from any company."

"He's gone! Let's find him. If I'm losing my job after this, I want to throw a punch or two on his ugly face." One woman growled angrily. The moment she said it, everyone agreed and turned to find the man. They didn't know that even without Mo Laotian saying it; his men already knew what to do.

They purposely let the man escape and so they could follow him afterward and capture without anyone noticing since it would be bad to capture him in front of everyone.

It's already given that Laotian would never allow anyone to hurt Daniel and his future children. He clearly said that years ago when he officially introduced Daniel on his 20th birthday. Everyone had a clear view of what might happen to them if they tried. Just like what happened to Daniella Sullen.

"Mamma, Okay?" Luangmin asked curiously; his voice on the edge of crying. Seeing his mother groaning in pain as his father cradled him on his lap, even as a baby, Luangmin was worried. He had never seen his mother in so much pain.

Unable to reply, Laotian extended his hand to rub his hair assuring him. But in reality, he didn't know either. He continued to hug Daniel, his heart pounding aggressively in worry. He prayed that everything would be fine. He can't afford to let Daniel experience what had happened to him with Luangmei. Daniel will surely not take it.

"It's okay, baby. Mommy will definitely be fine. Okay?" Melissa cooed even though she was not sure as well.

"But Mamma hurt." Luangmin insisted pouting, his eyes started to water. Seeing this, even though Daniel felt a sharp pain on his lower abdomen; he extended his weak arms towards his son. Sweat covered his body as he tried to battle the pain he was feeling.

He was worried, terrified even, but Daniel chose to think positively. Aside from the two babies inside his stomach, he still has Luangmin. He should not worry the two years old; he'll definitely be fine.

"Shhh, mommy is okay, Minmin. Please don't cry or mommy will be sad." Daniel cooed rubbing the little one's chubby cheeks while he forced himself to smile. Thankfully Luangmin nodded believing his mother's words. He quickly squirmed away from Melissa's lap and crawled towards his mother and father's sides.

Laotian seeing this, different kinds of emotions surfaced in his heart. He was worried; pain overcame his heart seeing Daniel trying to fight the pain, and most especially, anger for the person responsible for this.

This was definitely not an accident. There must have been someone behind this and he will make sure they will pay for this big time. How dare they hurt Daniel again!!! They're obviously digging their own grave.

"Haven't we arrived yet?" Laotian impatiently asked his driver. How much longer does it take to go to the hospital? Daniel is in dire need of hospital care at this moment.

"There's traffic up ahead, sir." The driver responded nervously, sweat started building up at the side of his temples feeling frustrated that he couldn't rush through the stagnant line of cars. It's moving traffic but with the situation, they're in, they need to get out of it as soon as possible.

"Laotian, I-I'm so sorry this happened. I can still-" Daniel tried to convince Laotian that he's fine but ended up not finishing his words when he felt another sharp pain on his lower abdomen. He almost couldn't believe how a simple fall would cause him so much pain.

"You're not okay." Laotian replied frowning, his tune was slightly deeper causing Daniel pout; his eyes threatening to let out his tears that Laotian quickly sighs hugging him tighter. His previously frowning expression quickly softens; he was not upset with Daniel, he was upset because he couldn't do anything but look at his beloved being in pain.

"I'm not upset. Don't cry." Laotian cooed seeing the Omega finally crying thinking the Alpha was angry with him for causing this much trouble. Kissing Daniel's glistening forehead tenderly, Laotian moved his hand to wipe those falling tears.

"Mamma, no cry." Luangmin pouted suddenly, feeling like crying as well as seeing his mother crying. He pushed his little face at Daniel's side and his tears soon fell.

"Shhh, I'm sorry. Don't cry. I'm not upset. I��m only worried because you're trying to act fine when you're not." Laotian cooed and kissed Daniel's temples while one of his arms reached to rub his crying son's soft hair.

*sniffles* "Hmmm, I-I'm sorry." Daniel muttered cowering against the Alpha's neck. They were only like this until the driver found a way to remove their car from the traffic. He quickly drove to the short cut that he knew and soon they arrived at the nearest hospital.

Laotian lifted Daniel to his arms and rushed to the building. They were immediately catered by the nurses and doctors from the hospital; Daniel had taken various tests to make sure there are no further injuries that are left untreated and soon he was peacefully sleeping in his private room with Luangmin by his side sleeping as well.

Laotian watched Daniel worriedly; it had only been an hour or so but Daniel looked completely different from when they left earlier this morning hoping to enjoy an art gallery. His pale complexion clearly says he had a bad fall and was in so much pain.

Laotian talked to the doctor earlier, although Daniel's case will be treated carefully, he worries what Daniel's reaction will be. They didn't notice earlier but Daniel had vaginal bleeding due to his placenta being separated from the walls of his uterus. In most cases, placental abruption would have caused a miscarriage. But since Daniel isn't close to full term yet and luckily he only had minor abruption, the babies were fine.

However since he was still bleeding, he needed to be hospitalized for close monitoring. And if the bleeding stops and the twins' condition stays stable, Daniel might be discharged and can be taken home and rest into his full health.

Although it may seem like Daniel was okay, the doctor said his condition cannot be taken easily as one wrong move will definitely cause harm to both the mother and children. Laotian knowing full well about the seriousness of the case could not stay fully relaxed. Daniel already had a bad experience in his first pregnancy; he cannot allow something similar to happen again.

"Sir, I think it will be best for us to leave now. You can be assured that none of this will go into public." Melissa excused while Josh and Kent at her back. They stayed behind because they were worried about Daniel and since Daniel is now fine, they decided to give the Alpha some privacy.

"Hmmm, thank you for taking care of Luangmin," Laotian replied nodding at the three who had been taking care of Luangmin when he was busy earlier helping Daniel with the tests. They had greatly helped him that he thought of treating them one day once Daniel is completely fine.

"It's fine sir. Daniel is our friend; it's the least we can do for him." Melissa replied. Mo Luangmin was a sweet and well-behaved child. They didn't really do that much.

"Hmmm," Laotian nodded again. The three finally left without saying more. After a couple of minutes staring at Daniel and Luangmin's sleeping figure, Laotian fished out his mobile phone and contacted his parents and Daniel's since matters like this; he didn't want to hide from their family again.

After hearing the news from Laotian, everyone was shocked. Laura Mo and Mo Chendong rushed out of the house to the hospital. Daniel Lopez quickly contacted her husband Armand Lopez, since his company had now become bigger, he had become busier than before but after he heard the shocking news, he left all his papers for tomorrow and rushed to the hospital where he will meet his wife.

Gabriel Sullen who's currently in Hawaii asked his secretary to book him the earliest flight. He also contacted his sons who he had met again in Daniel's wedding almost two years ago and as family, they quickly rushed to the hospital as well.

Meanwhile, at the hospital bed, Daniel woke up with Luangmin at his side. He shifted his sight around the room and soon found Laotian at the far corner on his phone talking to someone.

"Laotian," Daniel called weakly. If the room wasn't silent enough, Laotian wouldn't have heard Daniel's small voice. Putting his mobile device back in his pocket, Laotian rushed to Daniel and held his hand tight.

"Do you still feel anything? Do you want me to call the doctor?" Laotian asked worriedly, one of his palms moved to hold Daniel's bulging stomach. He really hated the fact that his enemies are using Daniel to torture him; he hated to see Daniel in the hospital bed looking weak and sickly.

"No, I'm fine. What did the doctor say? How are my babies?" Daniel asked worriedly, he remembered himself bleeding before he lost consciousness earlier. He was worried that he'll have a miscarriage but since it looked like the twins are still inside his stomach, he was relieved. However, he was sure something bad was happening inside him.

"Your placenta moved away from your uterus causing you to bleed. But the doctor said you will be fine, the twins are stable and they just need to monitor the movements of your placenta before you're allowed to discharge here and continue to rest at home," Laotian explained kissing Daniel's forehead tenderly.

"I'm glad they're fine," Daniel sighs relief and massages his belly softly; he didn't feel that much pain anymore unlike earlier. There was still a little bit of discomfort but it's bearable enough that he can choose to ignore it.

"Hmmm, they're strong. But from now on, you can't be stubborn and be extra careful." Laotian reminded, this time aside from being forbidden to lift heavy things and travel often; they are also temporarily forbidden to perform sex as penetration can worsen the abruption of the placenta. Although Laotian was dejected to learn the restriction, he had no choice since it is for Daniel and their future children's own good.

He needed to temporarily hold back.

"Hmmm, I won't be stubborn again." Daniel nodded his eyes a little bit teary remembering the days where he had been very stubborn. He sniffled, not wanting to cry again and smiled towards Laotian in assurance.

"Shhh, don't cry. They're strong just like you. They're fine now and that's important." Laotian assured, causing Daniel to nod again.