Susan Sullen

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"Madam, I did it. That Omega's bastard child won't definitely survive. Don't forget to wire the rest of my money in my account." The man said sweats covered his body as his face turned pale almost as white as a white paper.

"Good! I'm sending you the money now. Even if his disgusting offspring survived, I'm sure it's brain-damaged already." The woman replied from the other line of the phone. A triumphant smile appeared on her lips knowing that she was finally able to get her revenge, she was just starting and she can't deny it feels good.

How dare the Omega send her daughter to prison, and how dare they send her to the mental facility and make off as a crazy woman.

Just because he had married into a formidable family, that doesn't mean he was untouchable; that they were untouchable.

"They will definitely get what they deserve," Hanging up from the phone call, the woman mumbled. This was just the beginning.

After she finally convinced the doctors that she was okay, that she was not some mentally ill woman; At last, she managed to escape that hell of a place with the help of his older brother.

When she was sent to the mental facility more than two years ago, she didn't expect that she would come out with her daughter becoming crazy and her husband nowhere to be found. All those years she wondered why her daughter and husband never visited her, she also didn't expect that she would come out with the help of his brother and not her husband.

Additionally, she had found out that her Sullen family was no more. That Daniel had taken over the Sullen Corps. Her daughter didn't even receive a single share Everything was a mess; everything was not the same when she left.

The most shocking news she received was Daniella being in a criminal mental facility. She tried her best to bring Daniella home with her but it was no use. She was not even allowed to visit. Even though she was the mother of Daniella, she was not allowed to claim her as she was deemed unqualified since she had a history of mental illness as well.

Additionally, Daniella is still a criminal despite turning out to be mentally challenged.

Everything she did to bring Daniella home was useless. Clearly, the Mo family made it so that her precious daughter will forever stay in the mental hospital for the rest of her life. As a mother who loved her child, it's a given that she should avenge her daughter. Everything that they said about Daniella, she strongly refused to believe. Her daughter is innocent in her belief.

Daniella didn't deserve what's happening to her right now. Her daughter suffered enough and now, that Omega whore was living the complete opposite of her poor daughter. He was happy; he was living the life that Daniella should have. Daniella should deserve and so she should punish the ambitious slut and put him to where he should be.

She was just discharged months ago but she had already been plotting her revenge for sending her to such a disgusting facility. And when she got out, she quickly hired someone to secretly monitor the Omega whore.

Gods must have been on her side because she quickly discovered that the Omega whore was pregnant again. It must have been a sign that it was her time to claim her revenge.

Tapping on her phone as she transferred the money to the man she was previously talking to.

Meanwhile, that man with a shaking hand, he handed his device to the men in front of him. Earlier, he thought he had successfully escaped from the crowd. He didn't know that he was actually being followed and now he was brought to a place he was not familiar with.

In his mind, he was surely going to suffer.

This was the very first time he had been caught doing dirty jobs, he was very confident he wouldn't be caught because the place was too crowded. They wouldn't be able to follow him but clearly, he was wrong. Just when he was to ride his car, someone put a black bag on his head and kidnapped him; and now he's here.

"I-I already t-told you w-who paid me. W-what else do you want?" He asked terrified at the man who had a huge scar across his face. By the way he looks; it's easy to say that he's someone who wouldn't think twice to kill someone without batting an eye.

"Thank you for your cooperation but I'm afraid our boss wouldn't like to see you unharmed," Aldrin replied to the trembling man with a smile. He was specifically told to torture the man while investigation, however, he didn't expect the man to quickly blurt out who was the mastermind behind him.

"B-But I already told you everything I know." the man told even more terrified thinking of the things what the people in front of him might do to him. When he accepted the job, he was only thinking about the money.

He knew who Mo Laotian was in the business industry and he knew the Alpha had rumors of him being connected to the underground but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Yes but you see, the boss is in rage right now. He wouldn't be satisfied unless you lose maybe one or two fingers? I think the thumb to left hand and pinky to the other would suffice?" Aldrin thought making the man tremble, even more, his face looked like it had drained completely out of blood.

When Aldrin started to move to hold his hand, the man started screaming in horror. He kicked and struggled but it was useless; he was still held helpless against Aldrin's massive build. When he saw one of the men take out the object used to cut one's finger, he started crying screaming louder in hopes that someone out there would hear his screams and save him.

"No, p-please have mercy!! NO! NO!"

* * *

"Oh My Gosh! Darling, are you okay? What did the doctor say?" As soon as Laura Mo walked inside the room, she dashed towards Daniel's bed and worriedly gave the Omega a brief hug. She also gave Mo Luangmin a gentle kiss seeing the little guys sleeping so peacefully beside his mother.

"I'm fine Mother. The doctor said I need some monitoring so they could check the babies' position all the time." Daniel replied with a helpless smile. Hearing Daniel's reply, Laura glanced at Laotian; she only breathed a sigh of relief when Laotian gestured that everything was fine.

"Who did this?" Mo Chendong asked, despite not showing on his face, his heart was actually boiling in anger right now. Daniel had already suffered enough with his first pregnancy. They already lost a granddaughter because of it and now this happened again!?

Do these people really enjoy killing innocent lives? Mo Chendong is no way clean but all his life, or as far as he knows, he has never hurt innocent people. In his line of work, he always made sure to purge only the bad ones and give chance to those who have lost their ways.

"Still don't know yet," Laotian replied gravely, his expression turned dark as he watched Daniel talking to his mother. He knew his men had captured the man already; he's still waiting for updates and when he gets the answer, whether it was an accident or instigated, he'll definitely get his revenge.

"It's an accident, mother. That man only tripped and hit me causing me to fall." Daniel answered the same question asked by Laura Mo. However deep inside Daniel wondered if it was truly an accident. When the man hit him, he could feel a strong force as if he meant to hit him and make him fall purposely.

He can't help but think someone was trying to make him lose his baby again. But if that was the case, then who was it? He didn't have any enemy aside from Daniella and his biological mother which was now both in psychological custody.

And for the last two years since that happened, Daniel had been staying in the house focusing on taking care of Luangmin, he didn't have that many interactions with people except today so there is no reason for someone to develop a grudge towards him.

"Even if it's an accident, that man needs to pay for what he did. What if his stupidity caused permanent damage to you and the twins? What he did was dangerous, life-threatening even." Laura Mo insisted on which was agreed by Mo Chendong.

"And there is that matter about your pregnancy being leaked in the public. How did the media even know you were pregnant? Even Diane and Armand didn't know yet," Mo Chendong added sensing something suspicious about this 'accident'. Since they were planning to host a simple family dinner, Daniel's pregnancy was kept a secret. It's quite depressing to reveal such happy news in a situation like this.

The "We don't know either, I didn't tell anyone. Not even to mommy and daddy or grandfather." Daniel worriedly replied he kept convincing himself that what had happened was an accident but couldn't help but think it wasn't. Maybe because he strongly wants to protect his babies, even though the possibility of having someone behind this was low, he still thinks what happened was suspicious.

Meanwhile, listening to the conversation, Laotian's phone suddenly rang. He quickly fished out his phone and read the screen. When he found out who was calling, he excused himself before he walked outside.

After Laotian left the room, he pressed the green icon on his mobile screen before he brought it next to his ears. "Hello?" he uttered with a frown, it had not been long since the caller updated him with a simple text that they had caught the man but now he's contacting him again? What could have happened this time?

"Boss, we found out who's behind," The caller simply told and Laotian's expression shifted from frowning in confusion to a serious glare.


"It's Susan Sullen. She was discharged more than two months ago with the help of Ronald Ronner, her older brother. For years he had been aiming to bribe the director of the hospital into releasing Susan Sullen but it was not since the hospital suddenly changed Directors more than two months ago that she was released under a strict condition. She must stay low profile, specifically out of your gasp." Aldrin reported. When Laotian heard the name, as if going to explode, his pulse started beating fast in pure malice that if he didn't let it out, his veins might really burst out.

Susan Sullen, Daniel's biological mother who abandoned Daniel since the day she gave birth to him. The woman who told his precious beloved to sell his body because it's the only way he could help Sullen Corp; The woman who said hurtful words to Daniel and to his son; finally, The woman who almost hurt Daniel and almost killed their children.

"But seeing the trouble she made, she was clearly not being low profile. She hired someone to monitor Master Daniel, and more than a week ago she found out Master Daniel was pregnant. She purposely leaked the information to all news and entertainment agencies and plotted against Master Daniel." Aldrin added as gently as he put down the finger cutter on the table after wiping it clean.

He only managed to cut the pinky of the man since he fainted. He didn't want to continue when the man was unconscious so he decided to continue later when he woke up.

Meanwhile, the more Laotian continued to listen, the more rage he felt. He should have dealt with the woman long ago. Clearly, what he did was not enough.

"And the one we captured?"

"We didn't have the chance to do much; he told us everything he knew right away. I know you won't be satisfied with that so I cut off one finger but then he fainted, I'm still waiting for him to wake up." Aldrin replied casually. By the way, he said it, it looks like he's so used to doing these kinds of stuff.

"Good, afterward sent it to her. I'll deal with her later," Laotian replied, his voice void of high and low notes. His time is already occupied with his existing enemy and now this crazy woman added. Furthermore, there's that actress. And now because of Susan Sullen, Daniel needed to stay in the hospital where he's safety isn't guaranteed.

If he hires too many people, Daniel would start to wonder and he wouldn't be able to find a good reason to convince Daniel into keeping too many guards. Revealing everything to the Omega is also not an option; for now.