Wanna Sleep With Mommy and Daddy

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"You idiot! Why are you even competing for attention with your older brother's wife?!" Ian burst in disbelief as he slapped Hanlu's shoulder. He knew Hanlu adored his older brother but Ian didn't expect the Alpha would pull a prank like that to Daniel just because he was getting no attention from Mo Laotian.

"It's Brother's fault. He kept flaunting how happy he was with his married life. Also, Minmin is so adorable; I kind of want to duplicate him." Hanlu replied with a pout. Hearing Hanlu's reply, Ian looked at him like he grew another head. Ian suddenly didn't know what to say, he opened his mouth but later on shut it unable to utter a single word.

"But I didn't really think Daniel would get pregnant with twins you know. It wasn't my fault." Hanlu added still pouting. In the first place, if his older brother just learned how to keep his hands away from his wife, Daniel wouldn't get pregnant. So it wasn't Hanlu's fault. His older brother shouldn't blame this on him.

". . ." Flabbergasted, Ian massaged his temples before he sighs in frustration.

"And besides, I wouldn't want to duplicate Minmin now because I have you. If you think about it, we can definitely make an even cuter baby. Just look how handsome my son is, I'm positive a baby girl from us would be so much cuter." Hanlu added excitedly. Ian on the other hand, after listening to Hanlu's terrifying ideas, he quickly found his voice to retaliate.

"God! Now I'm starting to regret marrying you." Ian said causing Hanlu to widen his eyes. He quickly pulled Ian into a hug trapping him on his arms. "Hey, don't say something like that. Your son will get sad." Hanlu said burying his face against his now wife's neck.

Rolling his eyes, Ian pinched Hanlu's side causing the Alpha to slightly pull away but with his arms still wrapped around Ian's neck.

"Luu, lower your pride and call your older brother now. Maybe if you confess he'll forgive you." Ian insisted on ignoring how Hanlu previously mentioned something about a baby girl.

"No way, I'm still upset at him for sacrificing me. I feel bad for my future nieces and nephews or both but this and that are two separate matters. I'm never talking to him" Hanlu stubbornly replied, rubbing his nose against his lover's neck. He loved that he could finally have this scent all to himself.

"Why are you being so stubborn? Admit that this was your fault. We're dealing with lives here. The twins were partly your responsibility. I think maybe you should even go back now." Ian insisted again, pulling away from Hanlu.

"What!? No way I am not coming back and showing myself to them! We just got married; I'm never leaving your side." Hanlu this time insisted on earning a bored look from Ian. Hanlu said his words as if he was not someone who followed his older brother like a little kid anywhere he goes before.

"Choose between, calling your brother or go back now?" Ian simply said, causing Hanlu to widen his eyes in disbelief as if he just heard the consequences if he didn't choose. His mind quickly went from 0 to 100. He immediately thought if he didn't choose he could just kiss his happy honeymoon with Ian goodbye.

Sulking, Hanlu played with his fingers.

"Uhmm, I-If I didn't choose?" Hanlu dared to ask. Ian looked at him before he crossed his arms and raised one of his eyebrows as he looked at Hanlu.

"You won't like the consequences," Ian replied dangerously and enigmatically causing Hanlu to panic.

"Okay. Okay. I'll call him. I'll call Older brother now." Hanlu instantly replied with bulging eyes. His mind is crying thinking of losing his chance to have his wonderful and dreamy honeymoon with Ian; he was already planning to make sure he will soon father a baby girl.

And since he wasn't sure when he'd get a beautiful baby girl, he should start early before it would be all too late.

"Confess to him properly and apologize!" Ian nodded before he turned around and followed where Lan went when he let him go. Ian was only thinking of not giving Hanlu food to eat at lunch for a consequence, he didn't expect the Alpha liked his lunch that much that he didn't dare insist on his own wishes.

Hanlu watched Ian's drawing back as he pouted his lower lip. He seriously didn't want to lose his most awaited honeymoon so he quickly picked his phone and scanned for Mo Laotian's number after unblocking it. As Hanlu waited for the phone call to connect, Ian went to the kitchen finding Lan eating his snack with Henry.

When Henry noticed him walking in the room, he quickly fished out something from his pocket. He planned to give it to the Omega earlier but he didn't have the chance to do so when Hanlu was all around him ever since earlier.

"Here, my congratulation gift to you," Henry said with his usual charming smile. Ian was confused at first but he accepted the gift saying "Thank you." When Ian saw what Henry's gift was, his mouth dropped open in disbelief but later on his complexion turned into a deep shade of red.

"T-Thank you," Ian muttered, quickly hiding the box behind him before Lan could even see it and ask what it was.

"You're Welcome. I hope it helps." Henry chuckled. Now that Ian and Hanlu are back together, he is sure Ian will be at risk of it again. He remembered one time Ian mentioned his anxiety to him so Henry took extra precautions and bought some hoping it would help the Omega a little. Henry also thought it would be the best way to tease Hanlu.

"Mommy, when are we going back?" Lan suddenly asked while he ate his snack. Now that his mommy and daddy are friends again and even married, shouldn't they go back? Is what Lan was thinking. He missed school and his friends. He also missed spending weekends with his Grandmother and Grandfather Chen or playing with his little cousin.

"Do you want to go back already?" Ian asked putting Henry's gift in his pocket before he leaned down to kiss the top of his son's head.

"Hmmm, I miss everyone." Lan nodded pouting resembling his father so much. Ian smiled looking at his son before he pinched Lan's chubby cheeks. It had only been less than two weeks since they started to live at the white mansion but Lan already gained so much weight. Clearly, Henry was over-feeding his son. Even now, it's a couple of hours away from lunchtime but the two were eating snacks.

"Hmmm, mommy understands. I'll talk to daddy about this okay?" Ian replied. Actually, he's okay either way, even though he already resigned from his job, he would still prefer to go back now that things were settled between him and Hanlu. He promised to himself that he would be braver and that he would fight for his love for Hanlu because he felt it. He genuinely felt it.

Ian already chose to give up two times and it only brought him sadness and regret. Now, he chooses to be braver and trust Hanlu's words no matter how absurd he may sound.

"Yey! Thank you, Mommy." Lan said excitedly and hugged his mother.

"Anything for my baby," Ian chuckled as he hugged his son back. He then suddenly thought of something, Ian lifted Lan's chin so the little boy could face him.

"You know, if you tell Daddy that you want to go back, he'll definitely do what you want," Ian suggested with a loving smile. He definitely didn't think what the father and son will agree on later, he was just thinking he can finally go back to his normal and peaceful life.

"Really, Mommy? Will Daddy really do what I want?" Lan asked excitedly. His mind quickly went crazy thinking of the things he wanted to do with his Mommy and Daddy all this time.

*chuckles* "Yeah, of course, baby, Daddy will definitely do what you want because Daddy loves you so much." Ian convinced chucking at his son's bulging eyes expression.

"Why don't you ask your Daddy about that tonight? You said you've always wanted to do that right?" Henry interrupted and said to Lan making Ian curious. He didn't know Henry and his son were that close to even share a secret with each other. Lan used to do that to him where he would tell him his thoughts but now he's sharing things to Henry?! Ian was kind of jealous looking at the two communicating their eyes.

"T-That? It was just something I dreamed of when I was a little kid; it's not that I still want to do it now that I'm a big boy." Lan hesitated blushing making Ian even more curious while Henry burst into a laugh.

"You sure buddy? You'll regret it later on if you don't ask Mommy and Daddy now. Even if you're a big boy, I'm sure your parents won't deny something like that." Henry convinced, still laughing. He's even holding his stomach as if what Lan said was really that funny.

"What is it, baby? You haven't told Mommy about this?" Ian finally asked. Lan never shared with him this dream he had since he was a little kid. Lan had always been a good kid; when he liked something that Ian couldn't give or buy for him, he wouldn't go on tantrums and insisted Ian to get or buy it for him. Instead, he would quickly understand their situation and he would stay behaved.

"B-Because I know Mommy would get sad if I told you about it," Lan answered pouting. He didn't mention it to his mother because he knew it wasn't possible but now that he had his Daddy, it would be possible.

"Oh baby, Mommy will definitely do anything for you as long as I'm capable of doing it. I wouldn't get sad or mad about it, baby. So tell Mommy and I'm sure Daddy will agree to it." Ian said, rubbing Lan's hair as he urges. Lan hesitated at first again, he played with his fingers as he fidgets but Ian was patient and waited for the little man to say something. He was really curious about what Lan had been sharing with Henry.

"I-I I want to s-sleep with Mommy and D-Daddy." Lan shyly said he was even blushing up to his ears. Ever since he was a kid, he always dreamed of sleeping with both his parents in the bed. His classmates always shared their experiences with their parents and how they liked it the most. Of course, as a kid, Lan had been jealous of them.

At school, they always shared at the front of the class about what they liked to do when they're happy, sad, scared, or angry. He always shared about his mommy but never his Daddy compared to the other kids in his class. Most of them always shared about how they slept with both their mommy and daddy in the bed when they had bad dreams or were sad and lonely. Lan wanted to do that too just like how he wanted his Daddy to carry him.

However, Lan knew that even if he asked his mother about his desires, he knew that it'll never happen because he only has a Mommy but now it's different. His Mommy always taught him about being independent so he needed to have his own room at an early age so that he wouldn't get scared easily at times when his Mommy won't be at home to accompany him because of his job.

Lan knew very well what was okay to ask and what was not. One time he asked his mommy about his Daddy but he saw how his Mommy became sad that he didn't ask again. He didn't want his Mommy to be sad.

". . ." Pulling his son into a tight hug, Ian suddenly felt his heart being squeezed tight that it was hurting. He tried his best not to get emotional but no matter how he tried, his eyes still threatened to release a few drops of tears that Ian hastily wiped.

"If that's what my baby wants then from now on, Mommy and Daddy will sleep with you in the bed," Ian replied, kissing Lan before he lifted him up in his arms.