I'm Doomed

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"Miss Chime, I didn't want to disrespect you since you are our guest but if you're going to act like this and disrespect our workers then I'm afraid I will have to ask you to leave." The old-butler quickly dismissed the Beta maid after he told Veronica calmly. The mansion didn't usually have that many visitors but when they had visitors, they always act politely unlike how the actress was acting now.

After hearing the old butler's words, as if her head exploded, Veronica's expression grimaced in both anger and disgust. How dare this old servant asks her to leave, the future Mrs. Mo? The future Madam of the mansion?

"H-How dare you to ask me to leave! I was merely telling that stupid maid to do her job properly. When I get married into this family, all of this will be mine. It'll be my job to correct my servant's actions and I could fire her or you if I wanted to. Now, how dare you disrespect the future Madam of this Estate?" Veronica yelled in anger. She stood up looking at the head butler in pure rage. She couldn't believe a mere servant embarrassed her this way.

"Miss Chime, I understand that you will soon marry into this family but as of now, you are not. You have not married anyone yet. You do not have the qualification to disrespect the people here, servant or not. Additionally, I don't think it will be good to disrespect Master Daniel's name even if he's not here. So if you understand, please leave or I will have to ask the security to show you the way," Lucas replied as calmly as he could.

Lucas can't help but imagine the future of the Mo Household if this wannabe indeed marries into the family. He also can't help but wonder how the second young master endured being with the woman. Everyone in the mansion knew that Mo Hanlu wasn't in love with the woman and was forced to marry because she was pregnant. That if it wasn't because of the baby in her, she wouldn't have the chance to even enter the gates of the Mo Estate.

"Why should I leave? You're the one that should leave, if I told Mother that you disrespected me then she'll definitely fire you, you and that stupid maid." Veronica confidently said. As she said this, someone in the background grimaced in annoyance. He almost couldn't believe the woman's shameless words. If he didn't know better, he would have wondered why she was so high and mighty when she didn't have anything to boost.

"You think my mother is that shallow? Lucas had been a butler in this Estate for more than half of his life. His father was the same and his son will soon become the head for the next generation. Their family has been loyal to this household and they're far more thrust worthy and important than you." Tian Zi walked into the house in his gym attire, there was still sweat in his young and muscular body making him look more attractive than he already was instead of looking dirty and haggard.

He came right after one of the maids told him that Veronica Chime had arrived and his mother and father hurriedly left. And that only the head butler knew where they'd gone.

Wiping still his sweat with his towel, he frowns towards Veronica in displease. He had never liked her since the very beginning and it looks like his displeasure towards the woman will come even deeper.

"With the way you're acting if Lucas told you about Mother, who do you think she would believe? Your acting is useless in this house, even if everybody keeps it a secret, don't you think it would be odd if this house doesn't have CCTV cameras? Sometimes it wondered me how you people thought that it would be that easy to enter this household." Tian Zi said again, making Veronica gulp. She was never good at dealing with Mo Tian Zi; even if she tried coaxing the young man, he always doesn't seem interested. Veronica could feel that the young Alpha didn't like her. In fact, he despises her.

"Furthermore, you are not a Mo. What Lucas told you was right. You have not married anyone yet so don't go around telling everyone that this estate is yours. You're just making me sick, and besides, if this house does have someone to call as the future Master, it won't be you. It'll be Daniel since he married Eldest brother." Tian Zi finished and walked towards Lucas to ask where both his parents went. Just pointing out where the actress should stand was making him feel weak.

Leaning forward not wanting the actress to hear him, Lucas told Tian Zi their location. The second Tian Zi heard where and the reason why his eyes bulged in shock. "What the heck?! And no one told me this? Am I not part of this family?" He yelled in complaint, he was only in the gym just a few meters away from the main estate building and no one rushed to come and tell him what had happened.

While one member of the family was admitted to the hospital, he was leisurely exercising in the gym. He can't believe he was ignored.

"We were about to, Young Master. The Madam and Old Master only left in a rush more than 10 minutes ago but Miss Chime suddenly arrived and so I asked one of the maids to come and fetch you." Lucas explained his delay in relaying the message.

Tian Zi looked at Veronica standing frozen at her spot, she already lost the ability to talk and she knew full well that it wasn't a good move to talk back.

Mo Tian Zi is the Youngest of the three brothers but based on her informant, this young Alpha has outstanding hacking and programming skills. If she pissed off Mo Tian Zi, the young Alpha might dig up some dirt and spoil her plan.

"Are you just going to stand there or leave?" Tian Zi asked annoyed at the frozen woman. She had so much courage when it came to talking ill in front of the head butler and the maids and now she suddenly couldn't say anything. She's just all talk, she truly believed she had power just because she was Mo Hanlu's 'fiance'.

"M-Mo Tian Zi, I know you don't like me but I will soon become your sister-in-law and I am carrying your future niece or nephew. Your mother won't be happy if you disrespect me. A-and what I said was true, even if I don't end up owning this place, I will still one day become a Mo." Veronica defended clutching on her dress, even though she shouldn't piss off the young Alpha, she just couldn't stand being scolded by someone younger than her.

Besides, what she said was indeed true. She did nothing wrong. She was going to be a Mo, soon.

*laughs* "You don't even know where older brother Hanlu is right now and you still dream of becoming a Mo. Seriously, you're so pathetic." Tian Zi rolled his eyes. It was okay for him to act this way since he had always been like this, if he suddenly acts like he accepts Veronica as his sister-in-law, their enemy will surely become suspicious.

They need to put on some drama so it would look legit. He was so close to knowing the truth as he had already narrowed down his targets. In a week or so, he will surely find out the answer.

"Whatever, I'm not interested in talking to you anymore. Lucas, have the security show her out. When I come down, I don't want her still in the house." Tian Zi said and soon left to climb the stairs and to his room. He briefly showered and quickly found himself a comfortable attire to wear. When he was done and climbing down the stairs again, Veronica was gone.

Tian Zi looked around. He thought the woman was more shameless and would insist on staying.

"She left in a rush. Her face was red in anger. Are you sure that'll be okay? Madam will scold you again, Young Master." Lucas said seeing Tian Zi back from his room. He's now wearing a plain black long sleeve that kisses his fit body paired with denim pants. His looks showed his youth but at the same time his mature charm.

"Don't worry. It'll be just a little scolding. But, I don't think she'll tell mother anyways. Just forget this happened." Tian Zi leisurely replied then tapped on his mobile phone as he walked out.

"Please have a safe trip Young Master," Lucas said and bowed towards the leaving Tian Zi. Meanwhile, after the ceremony; Hanlu, Ian, and the rest went back to the white mansion when Hanlu received a text.

For the past days his phone had been turned off so he wouldn't accept calls from his parents or Laotian and Tian Zi but today, he happened to turn it on to call his secretary and forgot to turn it off again.

Picking up his phone, Tian Zi's number flashed on Hanlu's screen. Even though the number was blocked from his phone, he could still read text messages from the recipient. Hanlu wasn't planning to read the text but he did anyway because he was in a good mood.

"Who is it?" Ian asked with Lan on his arms.

"Tian Zi, he suddenly texted me," Hanlu replied and pressed on the screen to open the message. Hanlu briefly read the message but as soon as he finished his face suddenly turned pale in fear.

"Luu? What happened? What does the message say?" Seeing the Alpha's expression, Ian instantly got worried. He puts Lan down and approaches his now-husband.

"I-I'm doomed!" Hanlu simply uttered. Ian quickly read the message when he neared Hanlu, he was frowning at first but later on, he too became worried. The message says that Daniel Mo is pregnant with twins but now in the hospital because an accident happened. The young Alpha was asking if he still wasn't planning to go back.

"Oh My Gosh! Luu, shouldn't you go back?" Ian suggested worriedly. He didn't want Hanlu to go since Veronica was there but a family is in the hospital right now. He can't be greedy at this time, besides he already married Hanlu and he chose to trust Hanlu this time with all his heart.

"There's no way I'm coming back! Older Brother will definitely kill me." Hanlu replied trembling. He remembered the silly prank he did more than half a year ago. Because his older brother was giving him little to no attention anymore, he thought of punishing the Alpha. He purposely changed Daniel's birth control pills with normal stamina pills so Daniel would be at risk of getting pregnant again.

He knew Mo Laotian wasn't planning to have another baby so he decided on this prank, after a few months he was planning to reveal it to his older brother so he would be forced to stay away from Daniel for a while but he soon forgot about that because he suddenly discovered that he had a son.

"What are you talking about? Why would he do that! Did you do something?" Ian asked, confused. Hanlu looked like he was really terrified of coming back to his family.

"I did something very bad," Hanlu replied gravely.

"Luu, what did you do!" Ian gasped in disbelief. His mind suddenly went wild. Did the Alpha cause this accident to get even with his older brother? He can't believe Hanlu would do this to a pregnant Omega. To Daniel Mo to top it!

"I-I changed his p-pills!" Hanlu stammered pulling Ian from his thoughts. Pills? What pills?

"Pills? I don't understand." Ian asked, even more confused.

"I-It was only a prank so he would stay away from his wife and give more attention to me. I didn't really plan on going to the point where Daniel gets pregnant! And twins at that! Ian, I'm doomed! Older Brother wasn't planning to have another kid. It was meant to be a joke! By now, he might have known that I was the one responsible for this. I can't go back." Hanlu explained, his face turned ghastly pale.

Ian on the other hand, as soon as he heard Hanlu's explanation, he was suddenly flabbergasted! So this is what he was worried about? Not the accident?