Eliminate One Enemy

WARNING: This Chapter contains Child Abuse. Read at your own risk.

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"Stable?! The bastard is okay?" The woman barked as she heard her investigator. Her blood quickly boiled in anger learning that all her effort for the past weeks had all fallen in vain. She didn't only waste money but also her time and effort. Just when she thought that she had her revenge and now she had to start again.

"Yes, Madam. I heard the nurses talking about it. They mentioned Daniel Mo is pregnant with twins and if the twins remained stable after a couple of weeks, he would be permitted to go leave the hospital."

"This is all the information I have, for now, security around the hospital has been tightened up and I can't gather more information. If I test it out, I will be considered as suspicious and will be arrested." The investigator reported, when he was told to gather information yesterday, he had been lurking in the hospital until morning and finally he was able to gather a little when some of the nurses were chatting about it.

"Fine, but continue to watch them from now and then. I want all the information regarding Daniel Mo and you won't stop until I say so." Susan Sullen replied before she hung up in a foul mood.

"That bastard is really stubborn." Susan gritted holding tight on her mobile device. She glared at an empty space in rage. She so badly wanted to hit someone because she was feeling too much anger and on cue, someone at the door knocked, when it opened and her nurse came in to remind her of her medicine, Susan Sullen suddenly charges up on her throwing the poor nurse on the carpeted floor.

"You bastard! Just die! Just die already. Die! Why won't you die?! You Slut! Whore!" Susan screamed and hit the confused and trembling nurse as she pounced on her. The nurse tried to retaliate but Susan was much stronger that she ended up hitting her head hard on the floor and fell unconscious.

Even though the nurse was already unconscious, Susan kept hitting her. It was not until the other nurses came in a rush to restrain her that she stopped hitting the poor unconscious nurse.

"Let go! Let me go! I want to kill that bitch. I'm to kill him." Susan yelled and struggled against the male nurses who held her in place. One of them quickly pulled out a syringe and injected Susan with a sedative. Thankfully, it didn't take long before she calmed down and her eyes quickly felt heavy.

"Quickly, go help her." One of the male nurses told the other pointing at their female friend lying on the floor unconscious as he carried Susan to her bed. The female nurse was an intern and was only with them for two weeks to experience a practical job. Since Susan Sullen was allowed to checkout of the Mental Facility, it should be expected that she didn't have violent tendencies and was close to being normal but today, she actually hit someone unconscious. And a student at that.

"Oh, God! She's bleeding. I'll call an ambulance." After the male nurse checked the unconscious student, he found out quickly that the back of the girl's head was bleeding. It indicates that Susan Sullen pushed the girl's head on the carpeted floor hard enough for her to bleed and fell unconscious.

The male nurse quickly called for an ambulance, after the call he then looked for a towel and pressed on the girl's injury.

Fortunately, it didn't take that long before the ambulance came. They quickly let the girl be taken and since there were two of them, one of them should go with the female student and one should remain to check Susan Sullen's condition.

After the ambulance left with the patient, the male nurse that was left to care for Susan Sullen quickly called for their employer.

"Sir, we had an accident. Madam hit our intern and is now unconscious and has been brought to the hospital. It seems like Madam suddenly attacked her while she was supposed to help Madam take her meds. We already restrained Madam; I called to let you know." The Senior nurse said he had been a private nurse for more than five years and he had experienced quite a lot but he had never experienced something like this where someone was actually seriously injured.

"Okay, I'll deal with it. Don't report it to your department for now." The receiver responded causing the senior nurse to frown. Something like this should really be reported to his department after all a student had been hurt on duty. Additionally, if mental patients have violent tendencies, they should seek proper care and shouldn't stay at home as Susan Sullen did.

"But sir, Madam has violent tendencies. I think it would help her more if she stayed at the hospital." The senior nurse reasoned hoping that his employer would consider since it would genuinely help his younger sister to seek help with the experts.

"I know. But keep this accident to yourself for now. I'll come right away, continue to check my sister if she still has sudden attacks," The receiver said which made the senior nurse frown deeper but he nodded anyway because this was his employer's wishes plus they were paid quite well so there was no problem on his side. He also believed his employer would take full responsibility regarding the injured student.

"Okay sir, if that is your order."

"Okay. Good. I'll be the one to talk to your head instead," The receiver replied satisfied before he hangs up. Meanwhile, after the nurse finished talking to his employer, one of the maids approached him with a small raven box that was decorated beautifully with a blood-colored ribbon.

"Uhmm, sir, someone sent this to Madam earlier. Can you please hand it to her?" The maid said the box arrived earlier while the Madam was strangling someone and everyone was in chaos. The maid was afraid to get close to her master that she wanted to entrust the box to the nurse since he knew anyways what he was doing.

"Okay. Got it! Also please call me if you're serving the madam her food. She's a little bit unstable now so I suggest all of you distance yourself from her for the time being. Please relay the message to your subordinates."

"Okay sir, we'll do." The maid said and nodded before she left. Without thinking much, the male nurse quickly went to Susan Sullen's room and put the box on her side table so she would notice the box when she woke up.

Meanwhile, at Mo Laotian's side, a piece of news quickly reached him. When he heard such beautiful news he quickly made action since he didn't want to miss such a rare opportunity. If he could eliminate one of his many enemies right away, he would definitely would especially at this sensitive moment where he can't leave Daniel alone.

"Good, send someone there right away. I handle the rest when it comes to Ronald Ronner." Laotian replied he's currently outside of Daniel's room since he didn't want his beloved to wake up. Since he can't stay at the hospital at night with Daniel, he took the opportunity to settle some things while Daniel was not noticing it because it would be suspicious of him if he kept talking to someone on the phone while being with Daniel. Or suddenly going out to visit the base and see the progress of their investigation.

Aside from the problematic return of Susan Sullen, Laotian couldn't erase the fact that he saw a man with the woman in the red champagne dress. Since they already consider the woman as their enemy, there was a high possibility that the man was the one they were looking for. So since last night, Tian Zi had been working on his job. They should know their enemy's mask in a day or two.

However, for now, Susan Sullen should be eliminated right away. She was a big nuisance to them all since his older brother has a political connection.

"Okay boss, right away." The man on the other line replied and then Laotian hung up with a satisfied hum. This time definitely the woman won't be able to escape. Additionally, that mental institution needs to be purged. They dare defy his direct orders for a mare position.

Twisting the doorknob open, Daniel's sleeping figure flashed on his view. He smiled quickly and put the box of vanilla cheesecake at the side table for his beloved to eat when he woke up. Today, his grandfather and the rest of the family will come and visit him again so it's only good for him to sleep now and gather more energy to entertain them.

Silently, Laotian pulled one of the nearest chairs and placed it near to Daniel and sat on it. He fished out his business phone and quietly but efficiently opened his emails while he waited for Daniel to wake up.

At the same time, thirty minutes had passed and Susan Sullen finally woke up from her sedate condition, she still felt weak but she still forced herself to wake up. Her older brother already visited her and quickly left after seeing that she was fine.

Sitting up, Susan quickly noticed the raven box on top of her side table. She frowned and took the box without thinking much. She didn't understand why she was suddenly waking up from her sleep but she remembered earlier being extremely angry at Daniel and now. Did she faint out of anger?

Distracted by her thought, Susan Sullen subconsciously opened the box. And as she did, a white paper with a note "You're next" was written on it. Susan was still confused at first but when her eyes landed on the two pieces of bloody fingers inside the tiny box, she quickly screamed in horror and threw the box, throwing what's inside of it on her floor.

"AHHHHH, AHHHHHHH" Susan hysterically screamed, hugging herself for comfort. She rocked her body as her mind quickly became empty while she trembled nonstop. She remembered the time when she was younger, she saw her father cutting off one of her twin brother's fingers upfront. Her twin was a Male Omega; she could still hear the scream her brother did that day because she was the reason why he was punished. She was the reason why he died.

Their father hated Omegas because he had been cheated on by them including their mother who left him for another man. That day she could still remember hating her father due to the fact that he was too strict.

They weren't allowed to play outside, not eat anything they wanted, not allowed to study normally because they were homeschooled, expectations were also too much. They needed to be elegant, smart, beautiful, neat, tidy, etc. It was too much for a young child like her. She wanted to be free.

They were only 8 at that time but Susan planned to run away and go to her mother. She invited her twin but of course, they were caught. When their father asked who planned everything, she was so terrified that she blurted out that it was her twin who planned it. Initially, her brother had trouble speaking towards their father because their father was extremely terrifying but at the same time her twin was an Omega and their father was an Alpha.

Of course, when Susan said that it was her twin who planned it, their father suddenly held her twin on the neck. She was so terrified that she peed on her pants. Their father was indeed violent but that was the first time she saw something like that. Their father looked at Susan's twin like he was not an eight-year-old child. Her twin couldn't retaliate and can only cry silently.

Their father screamed at him, called him names, and it was not enough as he took his cutter he used for his tobacco, and without blinking, he cut off his twin brother's finger.

Everything went so fast but as the finger fell on the floor it became slow motion on Susan's eyes. Guilt devoured her system as she cried loudly, as loud as her brother's who had just been severed his fingers with. Looking at that scene made her feel as if her finger was cut off as well.