Sudden Reunion

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After witnessing all that, her father then told her. To Susan, while her twin brother struggled against their father's palms, "This is what Omegas deserve. They are all sluts. They'll just use you for money and in the end, they would leave you with nothing but useless children. Look at him. Look at this Omega. Disgusting, they're all disgusting enough to make my gut turn. This thing isn't my child; I should have thrown this thing away." Her father yelled while Susan trembled and couldn't utter a single word.

In the background, she could hear her twin brother crying in pain calling for daddy and her name but she couldn't move. She was so terrified witnessing all that and what could she do? She was just a child as well.

After that, the next day, she just found out that her twin had died. It happened all so fast that it traumatized her enough to make her go insane. It was not clear how he died but Susan blamed herself. Her twin died because of her, she couldn't bear the pain, guilt, and trauma.

While at the funeral, her father told him again, "Dry your tears. This is what Omegas deserve. You shouldn't blame this to yourself, however, if you do, remember to hate them. Loathe them with all your heart, and so you wouldn't feel the pain and guilt." Her father advised and Susan looked at him still in tears. There was no sign of remorse in his face making Susan tremble once again remembering what had happened.

"You should know, right? If something like this happens again?" her father added, indicating that he knew it was Susan who wanted to run away. Susan stared at his father in horror, trembling aggressively as she nodded.

"AHHHHH, AHHHH" Susan continued to scream and seconds later the remaining male nurse came to check what had happened. When he came to see his patient, Susan was trembling at the corner screaming hysterically as she held her head looking at an empty space in horror. As if she's looking at someone only she could see.

Approaching vigilantly, the nurse knew these kinds of reactions are a sign of trauma. Something must have happened to her patient that was enough to mess her mind, and now something must have triggered it.

"Madam? Are you okay?" the nurse called but as soon as her eyes landed on the nurse, the image of her father flashed on her mind. She trembled violently and later she peed on her pants.

Seeing this, the nurse decided to let her be, if he insisted to approach her, her mind would have definitely taken more damage. She might also still be unconscious now because she was supposed to be asleep for the next 30 minutes.

The nurse looked at Susan and the way Susan looked at him just now was totally off. No doubt she was hallucinating something that scared her terribly. Maybe a fictional monster or someone she knew that she was scared of. Furthermore, she peed on her pants. It is enough indication she was extremely horrified. It would have been good if he could inject his patient with another dosage of sedative but he can't because it has only been 30 minutes since the last time.

Additionally, with the way his patient's condition now, there was no way he could restrain her by himself. It's a given that mental patients are stronger even if they are females, even though the nurse had larger built, he was positive things will only get worse if he approaches Susan Sullen.

The patient might feel the need to protect herself and attack him to death. He didn't want to deal with that so all he could do for now is to wait for her to calm down a little.

"She really should just stay in the institute; I'm not up for this." The nurse mumbled scratching on his head and went ahead to prepare the things he will need after his patient finally calms down.

Sighing as he stared at the still screaming woman, a sudden group of men barged into the room that looked like they came from the mental facility.

"Move. We have direct orders from the institute to take Susan Sullen back." One of the men said, causing the nurse to nod and let the men go through. There were quite a struggle and loud screams but in the end, they managed to take Susan with her arms fully restrained.

"You will need to come with us and tell us the details about what had happened earlier." One of the men said, causing the nurse to nod, intimidated. He didn't think of it much and followed the group thinking his employer must have asked these men to pick her sister for more intensive care.

Before leaving, the nurse texted his employer saying they left already to the mental institute not knowing it was not Ronald Ronner who called the men to the mansion to take Susan Sullen back to the mental institute but Mo Laotian who wanted to get rid of the woman as soon as possible.

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"Grandfather, oh my god! I missed you so much." Daniel expressed excitedly seeing his grandfather walking inside his room with the rest of the Sullen family. The cheesecake he was previously eating was pushed to Laotian who sat next to him supposedly helping him eat his food even though he didn't really need help.

"You unfilial child, you worried grandfather so much. All the healing I made for the past years went back to zero. How could you hide my future great grandchildren's existence and only tell now that this happened?" Gabriel Sullen scolded making Daniel pout.

"I'm sorry, but grandfather, Laotian and I were really planning to tell everybody but then this happened. I'm sorry I worried you so much. I will be more careful in the future." Daniel mumbled. Elder Sullen sighs and comes near his favorite grandson. He then held Daniel's soft hair tenderly.

"Are you okay? Does it still hurt?" Elder Sullen asked dotingly. Of course, he can't remain upset when it comes to Daniel. Being faced with that adorable bunny face that greatly reminded him of his late wife, all his displeasure instantly melted away.

"Grandfather is not upset anymore?" Daniel asked, still pouting.

"Not anymore knowing that you and the twins are fine but it's totally not fine that this keeps happening," Elder Sullen said before looking at Laotian as well, clearly blaming him for what had happened. Noticing this, Daniel quickly held his grandfather's arms.

"Grandfather, please don't blame this on Laotian. This wasn't his fault. Actually, he was the one who kept on reminding me to be careful but I was stubborn. This was purely an accident. No one wants this to happen." Daniel said kissing his grandfather's cheeks.

After all that happened for the past year, Daniel had become even closer to his grandfather. They message each other constantly and even video calls each other every now and then unlike before when Daniel rarely called the Elder.

"Of course no one wants this. Who could want my precious grandson to undergo such pain?" Elder Sullen seconded. George Sullen also interrupted and said the same thing while Gared and Daniel's three cousins nodded in agreement. Laotian, on the other hand, suddenly turned gloomy remembering Susan Sullen.

Aside from that witch, of course, there isn't anyone out there that would want to hurt Daniel on purpose. They wouldn't dare want to offend him.

"Also I am not blaming this on your husband. I only wished for him to take good care of you more so something like this won't happen again." Elder Sullen clarified waking Laotian out of his thoughts and nodded at the elder in acknowledgment.

"Of course, this won't ever happen again," Laotian replied confidently knowing that Susan Sullen is now back in the mental facility and Ronald Ronner won't be able to get her out again no matter what he'll do. It is because today, he bought the institute and changed the people who were currently in high positions.

They dared tried to trick him, and indirectly caused this to hurt his beloved, they should all pay. They are even lucky enough that that was the only thing he did because if not, they might not be able to find another job again. They wouldn't be able to survive in this country again.

"Good. Because if not I will be taking my grandson and great-grandchildren back." Gabriel said rather seriously, making Daniel laugh awkwardly. Feeling the tension suddenly turn heavy between his grandfather and husband, Daniel looked at his father and uncle for help but pouted as they were useless. Fortunately, the other side of his family arrived and broke the ice especially when Luangmin was with them in his cute sailor attire.

"Ohh, everybody is here already? I thought you'd arrive later but oh well, the more the merrier," Laura Mo said with Luangmin on her arms. And as soon as the little man saw Daniel on the bed, he quickly extended his arms wanting to go near his Mommy. Seeing the little kid arrive, Gabriel Sullen's mood quickly turns light as he watches how adorable his great-grandchild is.

At least his great grandson-in-law contributed such good genes; he was not that useless all in all. Elder Sullen thought.

"Minmin, it's Grandfather from the video call." Daniel introduced when Laura Mo handed Luangmin to Daniel. Luangmin looked at Gabriel Sullen but then shyly hid against Daniel's embrace. Somehow even though the little man kept seeing his great grandfather during video calls, seeing the elder personally made him shy because the last time they saw each other was at Daniel's wedding day where Luangmin was still one year old.

"Well, I did tell you, my friend, to stay at the ranch. At least that way you'll be able to play with your great-grandson every day and he won't forget about you. You know video calls aren't that much effective despite what society tells it was." Mo Chendong said as a tease to his friend and as if dark clouds surrounded him, Gabriel Sullen looked at Daniel solemnly.

"Grandfather, I-I'm sure after you woo him a little bit. M-Maybe bribe him a little; he'll want to play with you too." Daniel quickly explained caressing his son's hair that's currently stuck on his neck like sticky glue.

"He's really shy. He can't even go near to dad yet. " Daniel cooed at the Elder, earning a little laugh from the rest of the crowd. Even though they were all there including the Lopez, it didn't feel too crowded because the room Laotian took for Daniel was the biggest that it even had a few couches to cater to more than 10 people at the far side of Daniel's bed. If anything, it felt too empty if Daniel was the only one left in the room especially when visiting hours were over.

*sighs* "I'll definitely play with my grandson at the end of the day." Gabriel Sullen said before he stood up and hugged his friend Mo Chendong and Laura Mo as a greeting and a simple smile and handshake towards Armand and Diane Lopez.

If it was not because of what had happened to Daniel, this sudden reunion would not have been possible; but Daniel also couldn't blame his grandfather, he was not allowed to travel. If possible he was advised not to travel long distances anymore because of his age and health. Daniel once wondered why his grandfather chose Hawaii as his healing place when there were so many places in California or the next that was the best spot for people finding healing.

Daniel once thought there was no need to visit another country for such a journey. And so one day he asked his grandfather. Knowing the answer now, Daniel just let his grandfather. Seeing him now looking rather lively and healthy was enough. It must mean Hawaii was the right choice.

"Oh, since you're here now Gab. Why don't you stay until Daniel is back to his full health and then later we'll have a celebration? It's already been two years since you were back and it's not bad to take this opportunity and stay a little longer. I'm sure if you leave now it will be another year till you come back again. Think about it Gab, my ranch is always open for you." Mo Chendong offered his friend. Gabriel thought for a second.

Of course, he wanted to stay until Daniel's condition was stable, and it's not like he had left something very important in Hawaii. It's not bad to stay for a while longer.

"Okay, I was planning to stay longer initially anyways until my Daniel is back to his full health. And while doing so, I'll make sure Luangmin will get close to me." Elder Sullen said with so much determination.