Felt Extremely Poor

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"Sir, it has been more than a week. We still can't find Mewt; it's most likely that he had failed his mission." The woman in a tight jet black bodysuit reported. Yesterday they were supposed to meet up with the man at the gallery so they could get the file they first agreed on but now he was nowhere to be found. Instead, they witnessed something interesting yesterday.

"Hmmm," The man hummed in agreement. Mewt was someone he trusted well, the man does his job quite well and if he didn't come to their meeting place then he was most likely captured by Mo Laotian's men. If Mo Laotian indeed had Mewt, then their existence must've been now known.

"Then I guessed its game over," The man uttered looking at an empty space.

"Game over? Not quite, sir, they wouldn't be able to find anything from Mewt," the woman suggested knowing that Mewt was mute. No matter how Mo Laotian torture the man he won't speak, they won't gather any information from him.

"No. It's game over. Mo Laotian is a cautious man; one week is already long enough. They must've known my identity by now." He said and just thinking of the thrill he might get after this long chase, his blood suddenly boiled in excitement. It was just a shame that the enemy caught on faster than he expected just when they just started showing themselves.

"H-How about Veronica Chime, sir?" The woman asked, suddenly taken aback after her boss declared game over. They had been secretly following Mo Empire's movement for the past two years and his boss said game over just like that? It was quite upsetting.

"Are you questioning my decision?" Feeling as the woman's reluctance, the man finally gazed at her with his icy glares making her stand straight in fear.

"Of course not sir,"

"Good." The man replied. He then got back to looking at the empty space and added again,

"That actress is a lost cost. The Mos probably knew someone was manipulating her but she would have truly become a waste if we don't use her to cause a commotion."

"Tell her, her cover had been blown." The Man simply ordered and the woman nodded obediently. The man then smiled thinking of the commotion the woman might make; it would either go on with the initial plot or she would cower back and disappear from the Mos' sight. Either way, the man was sure it would be quite an interesting show.

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Arriving at the private estate unnoticed to the public eye, Mo Hanlu opened his side of the door wanting to quickly offer his hand to his wife to welcome him to his humble home but as he was doing so, he quickly frowns seeing Henry opening the car door at the other side of the car and helped Ian get off.

"This is daddy's house?" Lan asked in amazement holding on to the hand he thought his father offered for him. The little man had his eyes open wide looking at the massive house that he had only seen on TV.

Hearing his son's question, Hanlu nodded yes as he lifted him up on his arms but not before glaring at Henry for snatching his spot again.

He should have been the one to open the door and held Ian's hand because he was Ian's husband but Henry beat him at it again. Hanlu quickly walked towards Ian and pulled him close to his body before scuffing at Henry.

"Hands off. He's mine," Hanlu glared at Henry who just smirked and stepped back from Ian. He enjoyed teasing Hanlu but he would step aside when the Alpha told him to. He was after all still just a butler.

"Luu, do you think everything is a competition?" Ian frowned seeing Hanlu barking at Henry again. The Alpha had been like that since yesterday; Ian thought it would naturally end after a day or so but it had been a day now and Hanlu was still the same. If it wasn't because Henry was Ian's doctor and Mo Chendong entrusted him both Ian and Lan, Hanlu would have left the Alpha at the white villa.

"Baby, it's not that. I just don't trust that Alpha because he keeps flirting with you," Hanlu pouted, cooing Ian as he buried his face at the Omega's neck in submission.

*giggles* "Daddy is a dog," Seeing his mother and father bicker, Lan suddenly giggled amused, his Daddy reminded him of an obedient dog. Afraid to anger it's master.

"And then Mommy is a cat," Lan added and another giggle erupted from his lips, his teacher once used the idiom about cat and dog and she said her son and daughter were like a cat and a dog when they. That sentence reminded him of how his mommy and daddy treated each other.

"Baby, Daddy isn't a dog. Daddy is a wolf." Hanlu corrected his thinking; he liked the term wolf more than a dog. A dog is too domesticated. Rolling his eyes hearing Hanlu's comment he quickly pulled away from the hug and snatched Lan.

"Stupid," Ian mumbled, "Baby, don't inherit Daddy's idiocy, okay? You can be spoiled like him but don't be stupid." Ian said and Lan obediently nodded. After that small pep talk, finally, Ian's eyes landed on the massive infrastructure of the house. He guessed Hanlu might have a whole estate as his property but not a whole modern castle. His imagination was clearly too weak.

"You like it?" Hanlu suddenly whispered, wrapping his arms around Ian and Lan. Ian continued to look at the massive building; it took a couple of seconds for him to answer. Indeed Hanlu's place is beautiful with its modern French renaissance architectural design. But having it as a two-story building that's not less than 1000 square meters was a million times exaggerating; suddenly Ian wondered what are the possible things Hanlu could do in his house when he was just alone.

"It's huge." Ian simply said. The building was clearly not a house for a family of three. Ian was afraid he won't be able to see Lan inside it for a month if they played hide and seek.

"Hmmm, I think it's fine," Hanlu replied and looked at his small palace. It does look big outside but the inside was actually smaller. Hanlu thought.

"Come on, let's go inside. This house is yours and Lan's now." Hanlu invited and later pulled away to drag the two inside while Henry followed. Since it had been 13 years since Henry got back from Europe, this is the first time he visited Hanlu's place. The last time Henry saw Hanlu was when Hanlu was still at the university and he was still living with his family so seeing his place now shocked him. He didn't expect Hanlu to have such taste.

". . ."

Walking inside the foyer, a massive hall with a high ceiling and chandeliers flashed on their eyes. At the far front was a massive staircase that looks like an upside-down letter U leading to the second floor.

Ian looked at the hall again, it was so big he was thinking is the Alpha planning to host a royal ball or something? 'This isn't a house or a mansion. This is a palace!' Ian thought with his mouth dropped open wide. It looks like the room could fit in a hundred people in the hall, all of them could lie down and there will still be enough space for more.

Lan, on the other hand, went totally speechless, he was thinking he could totally play tag with all his classmates in the hall and it wouldn't be a problem.

"What need do you have for having such a huge hall?" Ian finally asked. He was unable to think of something aside from a massive gathering but how often does that happen that he needed to provide his home with a hall.

"Hmmm, I can throw a party here on my future daughter's first birthday," Hanlu replied thinking. Even though he didn't imagine himself marrying before, he was totally dreaming of having a kid someday. And since he thought he was going to spoil his children, he should throw the grandest party for them each year on their birthdays.

"You're joking," Ian said, his eye looked at his lover unimpressed but Hanlu only smiled at him indicating that he wasn't.

"Daddy, can I play with my friends here?" Lan asked and wiggled himself out of his mother's arms. When Ian puts him down, Lan quickly spreads his arms wide and runs looking around.

"Yeah, sure baby. You can invite them anytime you want in the future." Hanlu replied dotingly. He then quickly wrapped his arms around Ian and pulled him deeper into the house. And as they walked, a man in a suit appeared, he bowed down to Hanlu and to the rest of them.

"Welcome back Master. Apologies for my late appearance," The butler said before he stood straight.

"It's cool. By the way, this is my wife, Ian, and you already know my son, Lan. They'll be staying here from now on so take good care of them." Hanlu simply said and then started walking before Ian could greet the butler as he nodded again with the message.

"Come on, I'll show you our room. Lan will be next to ours." Hanlu said excitedly. "Baby, come. Daddy will show you your new room." Hanlu then said to Lan who was still running around.

The moment Hanlu learned he had a son; he quickly hired someone to transform his room and the room next to him to fit a child's preference and Hanlu's room to be a married man's preference. He planned to quickly transfer the mother and son in his place but many things had happened and now finally, the rooms will be of use at last.

"Okay~" Lan replied happily and just like that they climbed the stairs, both Ian and Lan couldn't help looking around because they weren't used to living in such a place. Even the mansion Mo Chendong provided for Ian and Lan couldn't compare to Hanlu's place that's basically a castle in the modern world.

Ian knew Hanlu was a third-generation rich kid since way before but he didn't actually think he was 'that' wealthy because Hanlu didn't act like one.

When Ian and Hanlu were in college, the first time they had their first conversation was when Ian first gave the Alpha a simple lunch that he made to thank him after helping him one day. Hanlu didn't act arrogantly; he didn't treat Ian as if he was someone low. Instead, he was very normal. Ian could still remember the very first smile the Alpha gave him as he accepted the small container of lunch he was dreading to give the Alpha for days afraid he would be rejected.

At that point, Ian didn't know Hanlu's identity but he was sure the Alpha was someone from the wealthy family because of his elegant temperament. So when Hanlu accepted his lunch box and ate the food he prepared in low budget ingredients, Ian felt happy and thought Hanlu was different.

At that moment he quickly felt attraction for the first time ever in his life.

"Baby, this will be your room from now on." Hanlu flashed and opened the double style door. Lan walked inside in awe, his mouth dropped open looking at the massive space.

There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of the well-carpeted room; a 42 inches flat-screen TV, connected to it, was the latest gaming console in the market. And since Lan liked books, there were shelves filled with different categories. On another side is a study table with a 32-inch computer screen. There was so more in the room that both Ian and Lan didn't imagine.

The design was so neat and beautiful that Ian especially felt extremely poor. He had always been proud of his little house but this room that Hanlu provided for their son was almost the same size as the house he had been working for years to get.

'So this was the life I was depriving my son to have,' Ian thought and quickly felt bad. Suddenly he felt extremely unpleasant remembering he married a man worth a billion dollars. Because all this time Hanlu didn't show him how extravagant he could become if he wanted to and if Ian allowed it.