He's Mine (1)

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Waking up late after satisfying the husband up until dawn, Ian shifted from his position expecting the familiar warmth he had gotten used to after a week of sleeping together. But when he found none, his lids tiredly lifted open revealing a beautiful bluish-grey orb. Ian scanned the massive bed and realized that Hanlu wasn't with him when normally the Alpha wouldn't even bother getting off of the bed as long as he was still on it.

Since he had been hiding from his family, Hanlu was pretty much slacking off from his work as well and at this moment, both of them were in a honeymoon mode. All they did all day was eat, sleep, and have fun, they even actually planned to travel abroad with Lan, just the three of them together.

Completely awake now, Ian sat up from his lying position before he glanced at the clock. It was already 11 o'clock in the morning and although his body was sore, he forced himself to stand slightly not feeling good around his stomach. Ian didn't wait for a second and walked straight to the bathroom still naked.

Even though it felt like Hanlu tried to clean his body after he passed out, Ian was sure the Alpha didn't fully clean him inside since he felt like something was still inside him. If he was on heat it wouldn't have bothered him but since he was not, he can't afford to let it dry up inside him while he walks around the house. Ian soon went to shower silently, as soon as the water touched his sensitive skin; he blushed to know that his body was filled with love bites.

Last night when Ian consented that Hanlu could leave a mark on him, he was not expecting the Alpha would fill every inch of his body with it that if he ever tried to hide it at this time of the year, people would have definitely found him weird. Wearing a turtleneck with long sleeves and a pair of long pants in summer will surely attract attention even if he just stayed at home. The workers will definitely find it odd plus there was Henry and his sharp observational instinct.

He'll definitely be found out even if he tried to hide.

". . ." staring at the bite mark on the back of his hand and another on his wrist; at the other hand, another bite mark was on his elbow and near his armpit; Ian once again blushed deeper. Next time he should warn Hanlu not to leave marks where people could easily see.

Finishing with his bath after he made sure he was also clean inside, Ian slightly dried himself before putting on some oil and lotion. That time when Hanlu played with his body putting on these products on him, his skin had become so healthy and glowing that he continued the routine.

In addition to that, Hanlu once mentioned that he liked the scent of the product so of course, it would be natural for him to at least make an effort to make Hanlu like him more. Despite not showing it, he really liked Hanlu being all around him.

Dressing in comfortable clothing, he ignored that people could clearly view the evidence of their lovemaking last night. Hanlu was his husband anyways so it should be expected that they're doing it. And if ever Lan asked, he'll just say his father was bullying him.

That thought aside, it was already 11 and lunch was approaching, Ian quickly fixed the bed and took a short trip towards Lan's room expecting his young son would be on his desk working on his homework by this time. However, when he opened the door and peeked inside, Lan wasn't there. His computer and things were indeed laid on his study table but Lan wasn't sitting on his chair. Thinking maybe Lan went to the bathroom, Ian called walking inside.

"Baby, we'll be having lunch soon so finish your assignment quickly," He said and smiled, viewing how Lan's bed remained neat and clean; everything was in order. He especially asked that no one should wake Lan in the mornings nor help him clean up his toys and bed because Ian wanted his son to continue being a responsible child even though he was now more privileged than other kids. When it comes to things like that, he really can't afford to spoil him since it will be for his own good in the end.

"Baby, did you hear me?" Ian called again, knocking on the bathroom's door. But hearing no response, Ian opened it and found out that the child was not there.

"Huh? That's odd. He hasn't cleaned his study table yet," Ian mumbled, walking back to the study table. He looked at his activity and it seems like he hasn't finished it yet.

Ian was still looking at Lan's activity when he glanced outside the window. He saw Hanlu's familiar figure together with a blond woman at the front gate not far from the Estate.

Since Ian was on the second floor of the building and always had good eyes; he frowned knowing who the woman was. His blood suddenly surged up, that he quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs. He forgot the sore on his body in an instant.

"Mommy," Lan called when Ian finally got down. Ian briefly hugged his son before his eyes landed on Henry.

"What's that woman doing here?" He ranted. The space between his brow became smaller and smaller. Even though he knew that they should resolve that woman soon, he couldn't help but be irritated seeing her now that he's finally happy with Hanlu.

"Don't know, they've been talking for more than 20 minutes now, I was afraid your husband would invite her in soon," Henry taunted causing Ian to snap.

"I dare him," Ian griped before he pulled away from embracing his son.

"Baby, I'll just quickly fetch your daddy, okay?" Ian said. He didn't wait for an answer and he hastily walked out. Since the gate was slightly far, Ian went straight to the garage and picked the nearest car.

"Where's the key?" He asked the attendant, the friendly and approachable impression that the attendant had on Ian quickly changed. He quickly understood that at this moment the Omega was pissed off.

Not delaying his job, the attendant hastily fetched the key to the bright yellow Mustang car which Ian quickly picked with a short thank you.

As soon as the engine roared awake, it didn't last long until the vehicle drove fast towards the front gate. Meanwhile, Lan and Henry watched from afar wondering what would happen next.

"Uncle Henry?" Lan suddenly called which the Alpha responded with a hum. He brought his palms on Lan's hair not removing his eyes from the view outside.

"Why does Mommy have so many wounds? He looked hurt," Lan mentioned remembering his mother's image approaching earlier; he had so many red and purple marks on his neck, arms, and legs, it looked like it was painful so Lan was shocked to see it. He was about to ask his mother about it but he quickly left. He didn't have the chance.

"Oh, that?!" Henry replied wanting to laugh, of course, he noticed it too because it was too obvious not to. Henry looked at Lan before bending his knees to level their heights.

"You see, when an Alpha really really really liked someone, specifically an Omega; they just couldn't help but bite. But it should be a mutual feeling. Your daddy also had one remember? If those bites continue, you might soon be having a baby sister or brother," Henry explained half-joking. Lan quickly remembered the teeth mark his father had on his neck when they ate breakfast earlier, his Daddy said his Mommy was bullying him but he didn't expect it would be a sign that he will be having a sibling.

"Eh? Really? So Mommy and Daddy had to bite each other so I could have a baby sister or brother soon?" Lan beamed innocently. He felt so excited that when Henry saw his hopeful eyes, he quickly felt guilty.

"Well, it's part of the process. Anyways, it's just my hypothesis. Biting doesn't usually lead to pregnancy. Sorry buddy," Henry said standing up. He looked at Lan's expression and glad the child didn't seem like he was saddened by his follow up explanation. Because in actuality, Lan was already satisfied that his parents were trying. He really wished to have a baby sister and brother soon but in the end, that would still be his mommy's decision. Additionally, he was very patient so he could still wait.

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Parking the car at the side of the road, Ian glared at the two from the inside of the car. He didn't get out as he was trying to calm himself first. He decided he would trust Hanlu the moment he married the Alpha so he was not seeing this as cheating or anything. What he just hated the most is that why was the woman even trying to find Hanlu and Hanlu even talking to her?

*breathes in* *breathes out*

Eyes closed. Ian was still trying to calm himself when Hanlu knocked on the door. He jumped surprised at first but he unlocked the door anyways which allowed the Alpha to freely open the door for him.

"Hey, Baby," Hanlu beamed brightly to the glaring Ian. He pulled the Omega on his embrace before closing the door. "Ahh, my wife is so lovely. Did you come to fetch me from the villain?" Hanlu asked, pulling on his embrace inhaling his addicting scent.

"Let go! I'm not in the mood right now," Ian growled pinching Hanlu's sides but of course, that wasn't enough to make Hanlu pull away. Instead, he kissed Ian by his cheeks to his lips, feeling excited despite the struggling his adorable wife was doing.

"Mo Hanlu! I'm still here!" Veronica roared in anger, she crumpled the paper she had on her palms. This was the first time she had seen the Alpha being all-around someone. When she was in a relationship with Hanlu, they were never that close, their relationship was purely physical and mostly for the sake of publicity. For reasons unknown to her, the Alpha seems to enjoy being seen as someone who played around but in actuality, their relationship was far from that. Since the second she claimed that she was pregnant with his child, the Alpha had been all cold to her; colder than he was before.

She realized the Alpha wasn't keeping her for so long because he likes her, but because he had a reason he only knew.

"Yeah I know, but the papers you're showing me had no credibility. Ms. Chime, I've pointed it out before but I'm saying it to you now, that child you're having isn't mine. I had never planned to take responsibility to you or to that child. I had kept my opinion hidden up until now because I didn't have time to waste on you or to your lies. And as you can see, I am married to this beautiful man; he will give me children that I'm sure that's mine. So if you're finished with your attempts please leave us alone before you'll regret all of this," Hanlu said calmly but aura had become dangerous, he was like the demon king asking a mere human to stop playing a game he was never going to play from the very start.

"That's a lie, you told me you never want to marry. And now you're suddenly married to that bitch? Don't make me laugh," Veronica replied with a smirk. She was confident Mo Hanlu hired the Omega to pretend as his "wife", to trick her into thinking she would back away if the Alpha presented someone else. She would never believe anything the Alpha would say because she knew Mo Hanlu would do anything to avoid marriage; to her or to anyone.

"Hiring a prostitute isn't going to convince me," Veronica taunted, still smirking that when Ian heard her words, his imaginary demonic horns sprouted out in pure rage. 'This fucking Bitch!' Ian thought as he pushed Hanlu away and faced the actress.