He's Mine (2)

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Blood climbing up to his head, Ian raised his brow. The blue pigment on his irises intensified as he glared at the woman who dared to call him a prostitute. All his life, his hard work, and perseverance, he didn't do all those sacrifices just to be called a prostitute. It's not that he had a prejudice against prostitutes because people have different circumstances but he will never allow himself to be called one. He was once almost thrown towards that path but he worked hard to escape that and now he's proud of his own achievements.

He managed to bring himself out of poverty without the help of anyone. Even Hanlu, Hanlu had never aided him financially on his success. Ian earned every last bit of his money and career through sweat and blood. All of it was from his hard effort.

"If I'm a prostitute then what do I call you, bitch?" Ian sassed putting his hands at his sides. "Unlike you, my success in life came from my own hard work. You? What can you even do? Can you even do anything without Luu's money to back you up? Bitch please, you're already being so pathetic don't make yourself even lower than this," Ian added with his brow still tilted up looking at the actress up and down, scrutinizing her.

"And for your information, Luu is mine. He had always been mine. Our marriage is very much authentic. I could slap our marriage contract on your make-up filled bitch face so stop chasing my man like there aren't any left," Ian boasted confidently that if he could have a long hair now, he would have flicked it for effects. Meanwhile, Hanlu listened as a proud husband. He nodded his head in agreement as he crossed his arm against his puffing chest.

"Also, stop claiming that your baby is Hanlu's, only I can bear his child so back away bitch. I did it once and I can do it again," Ian stated at the heat of the moment causing Hanlu to be even happier and prouder. Of course, he wouldn't grace anyone with his seeds except for Ian; only his beloved wife can carry his children. Meanwhile, Ian didn't expect he would soon regret what he said.

Looking at the familiar blue-eyed furious Omega, Veronica was found speechless. Not because of what he said but because she finally understood what about her that Hanlu was interested in. She looked at the Omega's feature and couldn't help and compare it to her own.

If this Omega's blue pigment orbs and blond locks were the reason why he was picked then isn't this situation at her disadvantage? She was clearly just a substitute and all those other lovers. Looking at the marks on this blond Omega's body, Veronica was sure Mo Hanlu had been truly passionately with this one, this was not a lie because Mo Hanlu had never been that passionate as to leave his mark on someone. He never did it to her. Thinking about this Veronica's heart faltered, her already wavering confidence thinned.

As soon as her eyes properly lay on the Omega's features, the alarm bells rang on her ears. It was definitely not a good idea to be here today, or ever.

After her backer suddenly told her that she was of no use to them anymore, Veronica panicked; she couldn't help but think of her end that she had become desperate. She thought of running away but thought otherwise thinking of her career. If she ran away, she truly wouldn't be able to go back. Plus, how would she survive outside the entertainment industry? She didn't know anything aside from acting.

She only had three options now. One; she could continue the initial plot. She could still deceive the Mos and rush the wedding so she could be secured before she gets rid of the child and lives her life as a Mo. Two; was to run away never to show her face to the Mos ever again and just treat all of this as nothing but a bad dream, that way maybe she could still gain sympathy from the crowd deeming the Mos as the villain forcing her away from their prominent family. However, she could see a loophole. She was not that stupid enough to the Mos knowing now that she was alone in this.

She was not expecting that her backer gave up on her after just a short time. They didn't even explain why. They just told her she was on her own.

Lastly, she could submit and tell everyone the truth. But that could also mean her career ending. Thinking more again, her expression shifted, she couldn't help and regret all of this. She should've listened to Remi and never been associated with the Mo family affairs. Money and title blinded her and she had no excuse. However, Veronica refused to submit despite being extremely terrified of her upcoming fate, she still didn't want to give up.

"Y-You're no different from me. You're j-just a gold-digging bitch," Veronica stammered losing her confidence trying to come up with a comeback. Even though she was left with a gift from her former employer, the fake DNA test that was supposed to help her clear everybody's minds, now it suddenly had no meaning anymore. What if the Mos demanded another DNA test, she wasn't wealthy enough to bribe anyone.

*laughs* Looking at the woman's faltering expression, Ian calmed down. He wasn't willing to bully anyone who was stubbornly refusing her defeat. Even being called a gold digger, he was not upset anymore.

Observing Veronica who was the cause of Ian's years of insecurities, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her to lie like this. She is a famous actress and she was doing quite well. But because she involved herself with the Mos more than she was required to, she just ruined everything. She underestimated the Mos too much. And even if she does have someone backing her up, didn't she realize that against such big figures, considering the enemy was one; she'll be the one to suffer this silent battle while the two remained hidden in the dark?

"Ms. Chime, I really pity you and your child. You really should've just stayed as an actress, that way you might have had a bigger chance to keep your career and raise your child in peace," Ian said; his voice as if mocking. He felt bad for the woman but that doesn't mean he hated her less than before. He still could not forget that time when his husband and this woman kissed so intimately in front of him.

"I-It's not..." Veronica started not finishing her words. The paper she was holding fell from her hands and to the concrete ground.

She was terrified, no matter what choice she chooses now, she was sure she would end it and she didn't want that! She wanted to go back to the time when she was still Mo Hanlu's dotted lover even if it was only on the surface, it didn't really matter. As long as she could go back to those times where she was still the star, where people respected her and treated her like the queen. She just wanted all of that back. Was that too much to ask?

Tears suddenly streaming down her cheeks, Veronica covered her mouth to avoid herself from crying out loud. Maybe it was because she was pregnant that she's being too emotional but all her built up emotions for the past days after she had become a discarded pawn went into the surface. She knew she was just a disposable tool, but the special treatment got into her head. And now that she's alone in this, she was terrified. She gathered all her courage to find Mo Hanlu today hoping her words would still work just like the initial plan but now it looks like it was never going to work. And it was never going to work from the very beginning.

Now that she thought of it, Laura Mo had just been nice to her the first two days she came to visit the Mo Estate, after that, it was quite hard to catch her free. She was always busy and refused to see her but because the woman still treated her nicely, giving her a service and a personal driver to heed on her needs. Talking to her that she should take care of her body and her baby, she thought she was still deceiving everybody. She was still allowed to visit the Mo Estate and she can't deny the daydreaming felt good.

But now, it was time to wake up; especially when she had something growing inside her. For her, it was like a ticking bomb. The longer she waited, the harder it was for her to get rid of it. After all this, she didn't plan to keep this baby. It was such bad luck to her. Because she had gotten pregnant with it, now she was facing this.

"I-I never wanted t-this child," Veronica sobbed while Ian remained looking at her with pity. Such a beautiful woman brought down by greed. It was such a waste.

"B-Because of this bastard, all my hard-earned career and reputation will end. I will never keep this child if it's the last thing I do! Never!" Veronica screamed and punched her own stomach in front of Ian and Hanlu.

Veronica continued to yell all her frustrations and strike her stomach again, finally causing Ian to move. He dashed towards the woman and quickly struck on her neck causing her to faint onto his arms.

"Blaming your child for your own damn mistake, you're really some disgusting bitch," Ian uttered looking at the beautiful tear-stained features of Veronica. Hanlu quickly approaches Ian but before he could help his beloved, Ian glared at him.

"Don't you dare touch this woman or I'll make sure to cut your family jewels," Ian roared and pulled Veronica's unconscious body at the side and laid her there before he stretched his aching body. After all this he couldn't stop thinking that his husband had put his dick inside this woman, thinking about this fact quickly made him angry and frustrated.

"I-I wasn't planning to touch her at all, I was just planning to help you balance since you look like you're in pain." Hanlu stammered and looked pitifully at the pregnant woman lying at the side of his driveway.

"Who do you think was the reason why I'm in so much pain?" Ian roared and quickly walked towards the car to support his body, the sore pain on his lower back and legs finally came back and it was suddenly much more painful compared to when he woke up earlier. Concerned about looking at his beloved, Hanlu approached Ian thinking of comforting him but as soon as he neared, he was once again blocked by the Omega's hand pushing him away.

"Don't come near me. I'm currently very furious thinking that dick of yours went inside that woman, I can't help thinking of really cutting that off," Ian stated, dangerously giving Hanlu a brief shiver before he persisted and trapped Ian against the bright yellow mustang car.

"I have no excuse but you should know I was never directly inside anyone aside from you," Hanlu assured and nuzzled on his wife's wounded neck. He left it with feathery kisses sniffing on his scent, even though Ian clearly took a shower, his scent was still dominating his body; especially now that the Omega was having emotional fluctuations. Since pheromone comes out depending on the person's emotions. The amount was depending on whether the person was happy, depressed, frustrated, furious, upset or horny, etc., And right now, Ian was giving off angry pheromones.

"Back away, you still went inside her and that's a fact!" Ian insisted before weakly pushing Hanlu away and as usual, Hanlu didn't back away.

"Then why don't you wash away her traces with your body? I'll put it inside as much as you want so you'll know this will be yours forever alone," Hanlu suggested with a tender smile wrapping his arms around his wife and instantly Ian was reminded of their heated time last night that he blushed but still the persistent frown remained on his forehead.

"N-No need, anyway c-call someone to send her away already! I don't want her to stay here for too long," Ian quickly demanded, unable to look at the Alpha's face. Hanlu didn't wait for a second and quickly called someone while one of his arms still wrapped around Ian. And when he finished his call, Hanlu opened the door to the back passenger seat and pushed Ian inside.