Cheating Fiancé, Mo Hanlu in a HOT ride!

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Laotian put down his phone with a serious expression that caused Daniel to be curious and worried so he held his husband's thighs in concern when he sat back beside him on the hospital bed.

"Who was it?" Daniel asked softly.

"Public Relations, some entertainment publishing company captured Hanlu with Veronica Chime and another person together, some photos looked disturbing so they're asking permission whether they're allowed to publish the photos or not," Laotian replied resuming from his previous work which was peeling the skin of the grapes and removing its seed for Daniel to eat. When he noticed that the Omega was spitting the skin and seed every time he ate it, Laotian volunteered. He just finished reviewing some important papers earlier so now he's free to assess his wife.

"What? But isn't Hanlu living together with Ian now? What if because of this the two will fight again?" Daniel asked worriedly, after knowing that his brother-in-law had come back with his family and currently even living together. Daniel had been so happy for the two but now Veronica came into the picture again and he couldn't help but hate her more.

"How did she even know Hanlu had come back?" Daniel asked, it was supposed to be a secret even to them that Hanlu had come back so how come Veronica knew?

"She must have had her own source. Anyway, if Hanlu and that Omega once again fight because of this then maybe they should rethink their relationship. Nothing will come out of them if they continue to fight with each other." Laotian replied monotonically, he just finished peeling one grape so he quickly feeds it to Daniel who gladly munch on it with a loving thank you.

"You're right. I hope they didn't fight… So what it's in the picture?"

"They're sending it now; do you want to see it?" Laotian suggested and despite Daniel not answering, he stood from sitting on the bed and fetched his computer. He tapped on the keyboard and after a short while he faced the screen in front of Daniel. There are more than 19 photos on the file and Laotian figured there should be less than 5 of the pictures they wanted to publish.

"Veronica is giving Hanlu some paper? What do you think it could be?" Daniel asked, looking at the first photo where Veronica was in the middle of showing Mo Hanlu the papers she was holding.

"Not sure, this might be a DNA test to prove the baby is a Mo," Laotian guessed but not really sure, it's the only logical reason considering their situation.

"Oh, that's right? Why didn't we just ask Veronica to have a DNA test so everything becomes clear to everybody just like we did with Minmin and Meimei before?" Daniel thought. He could still remember before not quite believing Laotian was the father of his child so he asked for a DNA test, at this time he had still not fallen for the Alpha and he didn't know he was pregnant with twins. And when the result had come out 99.9%, he had no choice but to believe it.

"Of course father and mother were thinking of it since Hanlu refused to believe the child was his, they're just looking for the right moment to ask the woman without sounding off." Laotian explained since his mother was quite soft on the inside if she didn't know the whole truth, Laotian was sure his mother would find it hard to ask Veronica for a DNA test since she didn't want to hurt such an 'innocent' woman.

"Hmmm, Okay. Now that I think about it, your parents never asked me about it too. They fully trusted me," Daniel realized, thinking the Mos were too trusting, he didn't think it was because he married Laotian. With that simple fact, Mr. and Mrs. Mo didn't have to ask for authentication since the Alpha was not someone easily deceived.

"Oh Gosh! This is Ian!" Daniel suddenly squealed looking at the fourth photo where Hanlu pulled someone out of the bright yellow car. Moving on to the next photo, Hanlu and Ian were kissing in front of Veronica.

"W-Wow, aren't they really close now?�� Daniel commented, he then tapped the next key. The picture now shows Ian confronting Veronica and then the next was when Veronica seems like punching her own stomach crying and then the next was when Ian approached her and chopped her neck making the actress faint. Another photo was when the Omega dragged Veronica at the side of the driveway as he left the pregnant woman there moving to the car.

"Uhmm, this is really kinda disturbing. Although I think I understand why Ian strikes Veronica on the neck, if this goes out in public, people will surely misunderstand. Laotian, can't you convince Hanlu to introduce Ian to the public himself? Why won't he just tell everybody that he's going to marry Ian and not Veronica?" Daniel suggested worriedly. Veronica is after all still an actress and she had fans all over the country. If this picture goes out in public, they'll sure bash Ian and that's something Daniel doesn't want to happen to his fellow Omega.

"Hmmm, I'll talk to him about it." Laotian nodded. It's what he was thinking as well, it was about time to end this annoying and time-wasting scandal already. He had given the actress too much time to enjoy her last minute of being in the heights of her career. It was time to end her and put her in her right place.

Even though he wasn't sure of his enemy's identity yet, at least they already have progress. He had a name and a face in his hand, and whether he is the one or not; Laotian will find out sooner or later. He was not in a rush; as long as the enemy doesn't strike then he will keep his distance because Daniel is now on top of his priorities.

"Thank you, Laotian. And sorry for demanding something like this to you," Daniel thanked and apologized at the same time which earned a slight chuckle from the Alpha. He only kissed Daniel's forehead.

"No need to apologize," Laotian said tenderly, causing Daniel to have a warm feeling.

"Oh, there's more," Daniel noticed there were more photos so he tapped on the next key.

The second Daniel saw the photo, a blush quickly appeared on his pale cheeks. He clicked onto the next photo and this time it was a close up making Daniel to blush an even deeper shade. Laotian seeing the photo as well, something inside him suddenly grew, jealousy?

The photo was showing Ian on top of Hanlu as they kissed, and the next showed that the front board of the car had a cloth displaying which was missing on the previous photo. It was safe to say that one of them was naked down and surely just because of this, anyone who would see this photo would understand that Hanlu and Ian were doing something they should've done inside their room.

"I didn't know they were those kinds of couples, very adventurous. *chuckles* Anyway, in the end, I'm glad they're getting along quite well even after meeting Veronica," Daniel chuckled exiting the photo. It would probably be bad to his heart to see the couple being so intimate knowing that his situation doesn't allow him to indulge in such activity anymore since he had to be careful and watch the movement of his placenta.

After a week in the hospital, his condition had stayed the same, there were no changes or a sign that his placenta would move back to a safe location but at least the twins were fine and healthy as always. Unfortunately, he still couldn't go home and needed to be monitored frequently. He still had occasional bleeding although he was not in pain anymore; just the usual discomfort. But all in all, his stay in the hospital had been made easier because his husband was there to support him always.

"Hmmm, they're getting along quite well in this situation. Maybe I should just let these photos out in public?" Laotian suggested, his tone sounded bitter. Mo Hanlu being able to do such activity with his lover while he needed to endure. There's no way he would want to make this situation easy for his younger brother.

"Laotian, you're so evil. At least ask Hanlu's permission," Daniel giggled, the idea didn't seem like it was bad. He truly wanted Ian to be introduced in public so people won't assume that Veronica Chime would marry into the family. "But only these four pictures," Daniel added, handing back his husband's laptop which the Alpha took and put at the side.

"I'll contact the PR right away," Laotian replied, suddenly having a great notion. Although he thought trouble would arise along with the pictures, it would be good to stimulate the public first before they reveal the truth. That way, the impact would be far more painful and destructive. Just thinking about it made him smile in satisfaction.

"Do you still want to eat?" Laotian asked with his usual mundane expression as he was holding the bowl of grapes.

"Hmmm, I'm full. Thank you, Laotian." Daniel smiled, pulling the Alpha's arms towards him so he could kiss his husband on his lips. Somehow looking at the picture of Hanlu and Ian being intimate made him jealous. He wants to be lovey-dovey with his husband too.

". . ." Laotian.

'I'll definitely not make this easy for Hanlu!' Laotian thought after the kiss, his palms held the bowl grapes a little tighter to prevent himself from jumping on his wife, not to mention Luangmin was just beside Daniel sleeping again.


Five hours later after Laotian sent his confirmation, big news suddenly broke out that shocked the whole country. Since the permission was only for the four photos to be released in public, information about Mo Hanlu's new companion was not clear so the title of the news wasn't pleasing to the readers.

[Cheating Fiancé: Mo Hanlu being Intimate with a different Companion| Will the Most Anticipated Wedding Ever Gonna Happen?!]

[Steamy Car Ride: Mo Hanlu Strikes Again!]

[President Mo Hanlu NOT with his PREGNANT Fiancé Veronica Chime]

[News Flash: Mo Hanlu on a Hot Ride with a NEW Lover]

@tcooke72 [I can't believe this! What is happening?! I know President Mo plays around but this? This is unbelievable. What's going to happen to my Goddess? She's freaking pregnant with this asshole's child! I will never forgive him no matter what he'll say! ]

@jamiezavla2 [I don't know what's happening but Mo Hanlu, you disappoint us! How could you do this to our Goddess, Ms. Chime?]

@kheenoswift [It's official! All men are dogs! I hate Mo Hanlu!]

@srzvergara [Guys! This is odd! Mo Hanlu had never seen this intimate with any of his lovers. Why now? Did he do it on purpose? Does this mean he doesn't want to marry Ms. Chime after all? He had never released his opinion even once! I won't judge too quickly on this. I need Mo Hanlu and Veronica Chime's response to this news.]

@pu37ani [What explanation do you still want to hear @srzvergara?? The photos say it all! He's a total jerk! It's better for Veronica to leave this man; he'll cheat on her no matter what! That's the kind of man Mo Hanlu is.]

@abkuang [What does his Doting Wife older brother say in this news? They're the polar opposite. The older brother is an honest and loving man and the younger brother is a total jerk and a cheater!]

@srzvergara [@pu37ani The fact that all this time Mo Hanlu had never shown his face when Veronica announced her pregnancy, announced their "wedding" and all, don't you think it's odd? He always cleared his scandals right away and admits he had a new lover so the fact that he was silent when it came to Veronica's pregnancy hints us that there's something wrong. Anyways, this is just my opinion. ]

@pu37ani [@srvergara Well, that fact that he hasn't said anything proves that he's a jerk. He's a waste of a man. Admit it; because he's a billionaire he believed he could do anything he wants. He uses his money to do whatever he wants! Don't you remember he recently revealed he had an illegitimate son?! Now he's planning to have another one!]

@Ullisses2002 [Boycott Mo Empires! I'm never going to go to their facilities again! They have good services but their boss is a pathetic excuse of a human!]

@ahsantuwa [Boycott Mo Empires!]


An hour after the news flash had been released; these are some of the comments flooding the entertainment news sites' comment sections and discussions. The majority of the comments were offended and bash Mo Hanlu's name. There were some people who were shocked but there also people who were used to the news and some were being neutral. Others also tried to find out who Mo Hanlu's partner was in an attempt to shame him. However, after this news, no one expected they will once again receive a piece of bigger news that would shock even the world.

In the next few days, all would again learn a new revelation that they would never expect to happen and along with it will be an actress's career downfall.