More Black-Bellied than her Husband

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Veronica woke up on her bed, she didn't know how she got home from Mo Hanlu's place but she's there now on her bed and she's still wearing the same floral white and yellow maternity dress that she left with this morning.

Shifting from her position, she decided to get up and step out of her bed. She was still half dazed but the first thing she thought was to drink. She had always liked drinking and so being pregnant will not stop her from doing it.

Veronica soon went to her closet where she was hiding a bottle of red wine. She scanned for it among her clothes and when she found it, she quickly popped it open and drank straight from its bottle squatting on her carpeted floor.

*Sighs* Gulps.

Sighing as she gulps down the bittersweet beverage. Veronica was finally awake, her body was a bit sluggish and her neck slightly hurt. She quickly remembered what happened before she fainted earlier that she soon again brought the mouth of the bottle close to her lips before gulping down on its content.

Her mind was completely out of focus thinking of her situation as she realized it now. Days ago she never thought something like this would happen to her. She never thought her career would be in graver danger lying to the public. She had always thought that as long as she marries Hanlu in the end, this child's father didn't matter. Alas now, she realized its importance.

Now, she had to think of something that enables her to still secure her career even after everything is revealed. Or if not, at least maybe salvaging anything that she can and after that, she can go abroad. Veronica gulped down another mouthful of the bittersweet beverage and continued to do so until she finished half of the bottle.

". . ." Finally, calming down, Veronica hid her wine among her clothes again before standing up. She staggered a little so she held onto the wall for support. She slowly trailed the way to her kitchen and there she found her new housekeeper cleaning like the usual.

Her late lunch was long served on the table for her to eat so without talking she headed straight to the table realizing that she was hungry.

Ever since she fired Remi, her daily routine had been a mess. Remi was the one who always reminds her to wake up early, eat properly, work out, sleep early, and even study her lines and character. She was also the one who does all Veronica's household chores, cleaning, laundry, grocery, and cooking that when she was gone, everything was out of order and forcing her to hire a temporary helper to at least lighten the chores she needed to do alone after Remi had left.

Now that Veronica had thought of it, because of Remi, her career had been made easier since she was the type who likes to just laze around most of the time. She needed a person to remind her of her schedule. And now that she fired Remi, things were not the way they were.

"Turn on the TV to the entertainment channel," Sitting on the chair as she flipped her plate since it had been upside down, Veronica ordered the housekeeper. The housekeeper didn't wait for a second as she complied immediately.

She turned the TV On and switched the channel to the entertainment channel before the housekeeper resumed her job while keeping her eyes vigilant on her target.

Unknown to her current employer, she was not just a normal housekeeper. She was a professional killing machine trained by the Mo Household to follow orders at any time.

And because her mercenary work had been considerably getting lesser by the past years, she was very excited when she was appointed to spy on the actress. The mission was not only to spy and report information to the headquarters but to also secure the target in case something happens, for example, the target running away or worst-case scenario, unprecedented assassination.

Thinking about the later, the housekeeper couldn't help but wish it would happen. She was quite itching to do something that requires her body to move at its full potential; not just clean the actress's flat. Although she didn't want to do it, she takes pride in her work and cleaned every nook and cranny of the flat that now that it had been cleaned thoroughly, she didn't have anything to do anymore except pretending that she was cleaning.

Lost at her own thought, the housekeeper was quickly alerted when she heard the plate crashed into the TV and into the floor breaking it more into many pieces.

"Shameless! That Mo Hanlu and his bitch are so shameless!" Veronica growled angrily into the broken TV. The housekeeper looked at it, although the screen of the TV was broken and there was now a black spot on the middle of the screen, she could still slightly see and hear what was broadcast on the entertainment news that she figured quickly what the actress was so angry about.

Stomping her feet as she stood, Veronica quickly headed straight to the exit after she angrily snatched her purse at where it was kept. It didn't last long until the actress slammed the door close without saying any more.

After making sure Veronica wouldn't suddenly just barge in coming back. The housekeeper threw her duster on the coffee table before she dropped her body on the couch. She spread her arms and legs leisurely before she tapped on the device she had on her left ear.

"Target left the nest, I repeat. The target left the nest. She's not in her regular mood it seems," She reported to someone who also has the same device. And just after she said something, someone replied in an instant.

[Copy that, I'll keep in mind]

* * *

At the Mo Estate, Laura continued to bake her specialty in good mood with her now closest friend, Diane, who was also silently cooking her second dish beside as they were thinking of making dinner for everybody again today. Laura already finished one dish so now she's making Daniel's and Luangmin's favorite dessert.

But that aside, one of the reasons why she was in such a good mood was because earlier, Tian Zi came out of his cave to report her something about Veronica, Hanlu, and Ian.

When Laura heard the news, it didn't bother her since it should be the right time. People might be attacking them at this moment but she could care less about that. She'd rather endure some harmless rants than pretend she liked someone like Veronica Chime. Additionally, her eldest son already warned her something similar would happen so she didn't have to worry.

A week had been long enough and even though Laura was not seeing the young woman anymore, seeing her on TV talk about soon becoming a Mo really made her angry. She did make a slight retaliation by removing Veronica from all her upcoming variety shows, movie tapings; all commercial and magazine photoshoots; endorsement; Laura also tried suppressing TV interviews but since her eldest son asked her to leave that one behind, she complied because the explanation her son gave her was valid and rational.

So now, despite how people were saying they would boycott Mo Empires, she was not affected at all. Besides, two to three days won't necessarily make them poor.

Additionally, after all this mess, an increase in total profit was guaranteed. Even though she didn't have the chance to use her profession because she decided to be a full-time mom, Laura is still, after all, a graduate of Business Economics and one of the tops of her class so she understood the situation quite well.

Mo Laotian, on the other hand, was quite proficient in this field so even though this was supposed to be a family crisis were his younger brother was being bashed all over the country, their family's image tainted, he was still able to take the situation to his advantage and manipulate the crowd for better result.

No wonder Mo Empires skyrocketed months after he took over the company. He was smart and reckless, he was not afraid of the risks.

Additionally, it turns out her son was more black-bellied compared to her husband. Laura thought and giggled a bit.

She was actually glad she gave birth to such a black-bellied son, at least that way she wouldn't have to worry if her baby was being taken advantage of or bullied wrongfully.

"Lucas, we're almost done here. As usual, we'll be having dinner at the hospital. Can you please ask Manuel to prepare? I'll have him send us to the hospital later." Laura asked looking at the containers of different kinds of food that she and Diane prepared for today's dinner. They made sure the dishes were nutritious so their son-in-law/son would soon feel better.

"Right away, Madam," Lucas nodded and soon left to inform the driver. However, as he was going back to the mansion, one male attendant came to him in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" He asked when the male attendant stopped in front of him.

"Sir, Ms. Chime was asking for entry. S-She was quite in a foul mood when we told her the usual excuse and didn't let her in. She told us she won't leave unless we let her in," the male attendant said in a rush and the second Lucas heard the actress's name, his brows quickly frowned in displease.

This had been now his immediate reaction every time he heard the young woman's name. After what had happened the last time, his displeasure towards the woman had been greatly improved.

"What does she want now?" Lucas can't help but question with a frown.

"She said she wanted to see Madam," the male attendant replied, making Lucas have a headache. Laura Mo is in a very good mood at the moment and as much as possible he wanted his benefactor to stay that way but it looks like he will have to spoil that.

"Okay, I'll ask Madam Mo if she's willing to meet her," Lucas said and soon left. He trailed the way back to the kitchen and he found Madam Mo there giggling with her friend as they arranged the containers they will be bringing with them in their visit to the hospital later for Master Daniel.

*Clears throat* "My Apologies Madams, but it seems that Ms. Chime had arrived and requested your presence. She's currently at the gate waiting for your approval to enter the main estate." Lucas quickly informed after he had caught Laura and Diane's attention. And just as he predicted, Laura's earlier lively expression turned sour in annoyance and later it shifted into a cold one.

"Okay, let her in. I have something to tell her as well,"

* * *

Meanwhile, at Mo Hanlu's place. After he was informed with the sudden news about him "cheating" on Veronica, he called his older brother. Initially, he was not calling because he wanted to retaliate that such pictures were released in public, he called because he wanted to ask if it was okay for him to reveal Ian already.

Just knowing that millions of people are talking shit about Ian made his blood boil in anger. He will never allow people to say bad things to his beloved Ian.

However, when his brother told him to wait, he suddenly got annoyed and wanted such intimate pictures with him and Ian off of the public's eyes.

"Ha? What do you mean wait!? I can't wait anymore! What if this traumatically scars my lovely wife? How will you compensate us? He can't be too stressed out right now since he's recovering from his condition after trying to cut our bond, plus I'm aiming to make him as healthy as he can be so we can make our daughter as soon as possible! This cannot happen right now! I cannot wait for three whole days! Why did you even allow anyone to publicize such photos? Those are private! This is a crime, invasion of our privacy. I will sue this company! I will sue anyone who slandered me and my beloved…" Hanlu runted to Laotian for the first time.

Ever since he decided to go find Ian, he secluded himself and didn't let anyone contact him. So of course, he was not informed of the current improvement of their investigation nor informed of his older brother's current plan and as to why he let something like this happen.

"Hanlu…" Laotian simply called using his dominant tone that even though Hanlu was also dominant, he couldn't help but shiver. Hanlu straightened his back and quickly shut his mouth; he didn't dare say anything anymore as he waited what his older brother wanted to say.

"… Don't do anything. Wait for three days!" Laotian continued and as soon as he finished what he wanted to say, he hung up. Hanlu hearing that had no way of retaliating. He had no choice but to wait three days.