Second Prenatal Check-Up

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The next day, Daniel still felt a little withdrawn about Laotian's upcoming trip. Although he was happy yesterday and felt like he was okay with the Alpha leaving, now he didn't feel like he wanted that anymore. He wanted to slap himself for being too attached to his husband. His brain was saying he should be more understanding and distance himself so he won't be too dependent on him. But at the same time, his body and heart wanted to be close to the Alpha. He couldn't understand his own emotions anymore.

"Are you awake?" Laotian whispered, pressing his warmth against Daniel's back. They're currently on their bed as it was still early in the morning. Usually at this time Laotian wakes up to prepare for his work, but today is Daniel's second prenatal check-up. It was long ago marked that this day is his day off but due to his body clock, he still woke up earlier than he needed to.

"Hmmm," Daniel hummed as a reply, laying his palms over the Alpha's as it slid against his bare stomach.

"Still sleepy?" Laotian asked and kissed the Omega's nape, making Daniel moan softly feeling the warm lips against his skin.

"Laotian, how about I go with you?" Daniel suddenly suggested, not really thinking what it would cost later on. He shifted his position and now faced Laotian's dark brown eyes, he stared at the deep color and he knew instantly that the answer was no and the Alpha just had trouble declining while not hurting him in the process.

"I know. I know it's dangerous for me to travel that far. Never mind what I just said." Daniel took back his words, cowering against Laotian's chest.

"It breaks my heart to always say no to you, but this is for your own good." Laotian sighs, kissing Daniel's forehead. He then suddenly towered over him and forced Daniel to look into his eyes.

"You are dear to me. It pains me to see you downhearted, so for now, let me make you forget," Laotian said and before Daniel could say anything, his lips were covered by Laotian. Daniel was surprised but even though the kiss was too sudden, his lips and mouth still moved in accordance with his husband. He closed his eyes and felt how tender and loving the Alpha's kisses were. He felt so loved and treasured that he didn't realize when they separated, his tears were already flowing nonstop.

"I-I will miss you so much," Daniel squeaked between his sobs, clinging onto Laotian's arms, and hugged him as tight as he could. Laotian let him and waited until he calmed down, he was very patient and understanding. He knew Daniel's emotions had been so messed up during his pregnancy, and even if this was something permanent, he would just make sure Daniel would feel safe, happy, and comfortable with or without him.

"And I to you," Laotian replied with a cooing tone. They stayed in their position for about a minute before everything escalated between the two. They started kissing again, soft and muffled noises erupted inside the dim room.

"Ahh, Laotian," Daniel called between his moans when the Alpha's mouth settled over his dripping mound after their heated kiss. Two and a half weeks so far is the longest time since they've last done something like this. After what had happened at the hospital that day, Laotian had been very careful and didn't dare attempt again, so Daniel was surprised that they're doing this at this moment.

"You're so wet," Laotian commented, licking the side of his mouth. He loved that Daniel was so wet for him, but at the same time hated it because it made him want to shove his penis inside and just go crazy like he always does.

"B-Because... I missed you being inside me, I want you so badly," Daniel whined, frustrated because he knew it's not allowed.

"I miss being inside you as well," Laotian groaned in pain. He instantly regretted starting this. He thought he could resist but now he knew he couldn't and he's hurting so badly. He had never felt this kind of pain, it's more painful than being shot by a gun. At least with a gunshot wound, he could drink some painkillers and ignore it. This kind of pain he's feeling now is torture.

"Laotian, does it hurt?" Daniel asked, noticing how tortured the Alpha's expression was despite showing almost no shift on his facial features.

"I'll take care of this, I'm sorry," Laotian assured, droplets of sweat trailed down his temples to his neck as he fished out his erection and tugged on it vigorously.

"P-Please, let me... I want to make you feel good." Looking at the Alpha trying to relieve himself, Daniel suggested as he slowly sat up and held Laotian's arms.

". . ."

"Please let me," Daniel said again in a daze and touched Laotian's thick and long erection.

"Don't push yourself too much," Laotian said, finally agreeing. He just couldn't take it anymore. He rarely let Daniel pleasure him because he believes it was his job to make Daniel feel good, not Daniel making him feel good.

"I won't," Daniel smiled. Shifting their position, Daniel asked Laotian to sit on the edge of the bed while he kneeled on the carpeted floor. Laotian lustfully watches Daniel kneel, caressing his soft hair and anticipating the moment Daniel's lips touched his aching rod. Then it did and his penis rested inside his beloved's warm, wet, and narrow mouth.

"Hmmmn," Daniel moaned. He gripped onto Laotian's thick thighs and bobbed his head slowly. Each thrust he made the deeper he took Laotian and the more it gave pleasure to the both of them.

"Honey?" Laotian groaned, his body glistening. He was going to cum already, it was too soon but he badly wanted to cum. Meanwhile, Daniel continued to moan each time the tip of his husband's rod hit the back of his throat. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that he would feel so much pleasure just by taking Laotian in his mouth. It almost felt like they were having sex.

"I'm cumming." Laotian whispered and forcefully gripped onto Daniel's hair. Pulling him away, he shot his thick and massive load on to Daniel's unblemished face. Panting, Daniel closed his left eye as the thick semen dripped on it, his body shivered cumming in the process as well.

"Sorry," Laotian said and was quick to find something to wipe Daniel's face.

"It's okay, I came as well," Daniel replied with a shy blush on his cheeks as he stood up with Laotian's help.

"We should quickly wash up," Laotian suggested, to which Daniel nodded as a response.

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Later that morning, Daniel and Laotian -together with little Minmin- finally visited the hospital for Daniel's second prenatal check-up. As they walked towards the doctor's office, Daniel was absolutely in a very good mood that if someone would come across him, they would notice him glowing and filled that air with blooming flowers all around him, because he was giving off his natural faint sweet and powdery scent. Of course, no questions asked, this was because of what had happened earlier between him and Laotian.

"Good Morning, Mr. Sullen, Mr. Mo, and Little Man," Doctor Mendez greeted with a smile, noticing the Omega was in an especially great mood. Her eyes then landed on Luangmin and once again found the little guy even cuter than the last he saw him. If only she was a pediatrician as well, she would have required the little boy to visit her at least twice a month just to adore that cuteness.

"Good Morning, Doc!" Daniel greeted brightly and was a little jumpy. Aside from what had happened earlier, he was also excited to know his twins' genders. He was hoping they would get a boy and a girl just like his first pregnancy, but of course, any gender would be great.

"How have you been?" The doctor asked, pulling her thoughts away from the adorable baby and focusing her attention on two of her most attractive patients since she became a gynecologist. It was no wonder they had such an adorable son and she would not be surprised if the twins ended up just as adorable as their older brother.

"I'm doing great, Doc, super excited to see my babies again," Daniel exclaimed and Doctor Mendez nodded. Even she was eager to see the development of the fetuses after she heard the news that her patient was admitted to their neighboring hospital because of an accident.

"I've reviewed your recent medical condition and I'm a little concerned about your children's position, so let's start with this immediately, shall we?" she quickly asked, which Daniel nodded at with an understanding smile. He was not concerned because he had been constantly monitored by their family doctor and they said he was improving quickly every day.

"Okay, let's go," Doctor Mendez said.

Laying on the hospital bed, Daniel was already familiar with the process, so he didn't tell the doctor to tell him what to do as he quickly pulled down his maternity pants a little, just enough to expose his loin. He prepared himself for the warm feeling coming from the gel lathered onto the area.

"Hmmm, seems good. Everything is good and in the right position, no knots on the umbilical cords as well," Doctor Mendez said, looking at the screen that now had a little bit of red and yellow. Daniel and Laotian looked at the screen as well, and unlike Daniel's first prenatal check-up, both could now determine which was which as the fetuses inside Daniel were more defined with little heads and complete little limbs.

"Okay, let me move a little to the side and see if we can tell which gender we are expecting." Doctor Mendez mentioned. Still looking at the fetuses, Daniel and Laotian waited in anticipation.

"Laotian, what do you want the most? A girl, boy, or an Omega?" Daniel asked. He had never asked Laotian this before. He just wonders what the Alpha would want.

"Anything is fine for me as long as they look just like you," Laotian replied. Luangmin was already slowly looking like him, it would have been great if the twins inherited Daniel's features. He would have little Daniel look-a-likes running around the house.

"Hmmm, that's true, hahaha! But what if they look just like you again? Or if they're mixed?" Daniel giggled.

"Then I'll have to accept what we get," Laotian replied and this time with a chuckle. No matter how their children looked, he didn't have a choice but to accept them. He would love them and cherish them as much as he loved their mother.

"Ehemm," As Daniel giggled while having a conversation with Laotian, the doctor cleared her voice and interrupted the two. As much as she didn't want to disturb their lively conversation, she just couldn't torture her single-self and continue to feed on the dog food in front of her.

"I think I got the gender," she informed them and then looked at the screen. "These little extensions here would mean both fetuses are males," the Doctor said pointing at the little extension on the fetuses' lower halves that symbolizes their genitalia.

"In some cases, it would mean they could be Omegas as well, but since it seems like they're both developing normally unlike Omega babies, they should be either Alphas or Betas." Doctor Mendez informed them. Daniel Sullen is an Omega, so there is definitely a possibility that the twins would end up both Omegas, but she had been in this field long enough to know that both fetuses are not. Omega fetuses tend to be a little smaller than the average Beta and Alpha fetuses.

"Oh, they're perfect, no matter what they'll end up," Daniel smiled looking at the screen, he didn't realize that out of joy his tears dripped down the side of his face which Laotian caught.

"As long as they're from you, I'm fine with anything," Laotian whispered to Daniel and kissed his cheeks.