Falling Star

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Weeks had passed after the Mo Hanlu and Veronica Chime scandal, but they are still the talk of the country, especially on social media. This was because even though Mo Hanlu and the Mo Empire had been all but silent now, people were still waiting for Veronica Chime's side. Up until now, she was still silent, even though her agency had been calling upon her for the lawsuit they were going to file.

However, unbeknownst to all, during this time Veronica Chime had been staying in one of the city's high-rise buildings. It was not because she was hiding, but because she was kidnapped by the person she thought was dead. For the past few weeks, she was kept in a small room with only a twin bed in the middle for her to rest on and a door in the far corner leading to a small bathroom with only the basic utilities.

She was dying to get out and report to the authorities that she had been kidnapped. She didn't know how many days she had been kept captive, as the window in her room was sealed so no light would come in from the outside. She didn't know what day it was or if it was morning or night. All this time, all she could do was eat and sleep, she didn't know what else to do.

Today as well, Veronica lay on the bed feeling weak. She is a star, she doesn't belong in a secluded room just to nurture the child inside her. She still has work to do: movies, interviews, and photoshoots to take part in. Most of all, she needed to make a way where people would still come to her side. She knows now that she made a mistake by lying to the Mos, but she does not believe no one would side with her. Mo Empire is a corrupt company, their family is powerful. But if she plays her cards right this time, and somehow deceives people just enough for her to be not completely ruined, then she'll be satisfied with it.

However, being in this empty room, sleeping and eating all day and night, how could she save herself? How could she curry favor from the people? From her fans?

She wanted to protest, refuse to eat so Ethan would worry and take her outside, just so she could see the light, but it was no use. The baby inside her made her eat all the food that was given to her without anything left. It had only been a few days, at least she thought so, and she knows that her stomach had gotten bigger. It was too late for her to abort the child and she was not brave enough to hurt herself purposely just to hurt the baby inside her.

"Time to eat." Suddenly, the entrance to the room that was always locked opened and Ethan Morris came in wearing his suit. Veronica stares at Ethan and even now she still wonders where the man works. As far as she could remember, the Ethan Morris she knew was always messy, looking wild and carefree. At the same time, his overall temperament screams he came from poverty, but now all that has changed.

"When are you going to release me? I can't abort your child now, I don't have time to spend laying around here as your prisoner." Veronica protested, sitting up from her lying position. She had repeatedly been saying this for the past several days, even though she knew Ethan would never allow her to leave.

"You're safer here with me," Ethan simply said and put the tray of food on top of the sheets for Veronica.

"Safer? You're the most dangerous one here. If you want to kill me just do it already! I know you hate me!" Veronica yelled. She saw a little opening and quickly grabbed on the hot soup and threw it into Ethan's face. Veronica was surprised at what she did, but seeing how Ethan was out of balance, she quickly headed straight to the door which she found conveniently open.

Despite Ethan's call, Veronica didn't stop and was soon able to get out of the room she was kept in for days, or weeks as far as she had counted. Her stomach was heavy, her legs were a little shaky, and she was too weak but adrenaline kept her moving, running towards her freedom.

"Vicky! Get back here," Ethan screamed from afar, seeing his ex-lover heading towards the elevator. When he reached for her, it was too late and he cursed, kicking the metal automatic door of the elevator.

After coming out weeks ago to the public to reveal he was the father of the child the star was carrying, everything about the poor actress had crumbled down. She had nothing to go back to, especially when he was specifically instructed to ruin her. If not all, almost all the people in the city or in the country probably hated her now and Ethan doesn't want Veronica to know that.

Yes, he was mad at her, but he really couldn't deny that he still loved her until now. He was mad and swore revenge but in the end, he really couldn't do it. He had calmed down from his anger. Veronica Chime was the only woman he loved all this time. He loved her and he was willing to do anything for her, especially now that she was carrying their future child. Even going so far as to beg for her life, just for her to be saved.

"Dammit!" Ethan cursed and quickly headed to the stairs. Meanwhile, laughing at her triumph, Veronica was finally out of the building barefoot. She looked around and she was glad the place was familiar to her. She didn't have money but if she could get back home she would be safe finally.

Walking a little further on the streets, she started getting attention, mainly because she was now infamous for her lies and attempting to enter the Mo household by letting Mo Hanlu take responsibility for her child. People began whispering and some were taking out their mobile phones and started filming the actress walking barefoot on the hot concrete side road of the street.

Veronica didn't notice the stares at first, but eventually, she noticed them because people were starting to follow her. She looked around confused and later an angry frown formed on her forehead as she faced the people following her.

"What do all of you want? Leave me alone!" Veronica yelled, seeing how people were looking at her in disgust. She hated people looking at her like that because obviously, she was way above them all. Even if she didn't end up marrying into the Mos, she's still a star. She's still at the top, shining. And she will continue to do so no matter what.

"Bitch got some attitude even though she's now a falling star," One female said holding her mobile phone in front, filming Veronica looking like a mess.

"Bitch, what did you say? I can sue you for saying something like that!" Veronica yelled at the woman in annoyance. Falling star? No way! She will never let that happen!

"Go on, sue me if you still have the energy after facing all your other cases." The female replied with an arrogant laugh.

"You're not famous anymore, everybody knows who you are and what you are! No one's on your side, you piece of shit! Everyone hates you now," Another bystander said, earning a laugh from the crowd. Even though Veronica is pregnant, they didn't bother flowering their words because what Veronica did to her family and her future child was unforgivable.

A person who attempted to abort their child and a person who never bothered to look back at where she came from, letting her family suffer in poverty while she enjoyed her leisure life as an actress doesn't deserve sympathy. She deserved what was happening to her.

She had been happily reigning for so many years, it was time for her to step down and atone for all her sins.

"I've called the police, you should be arrested!" Someone else said, also filming what was happening.

Meanwhile, after hearing the words that were being thrown at her, Veronica was suddenly frozen. She was not able to say anything when one person from the crowd threw their food towards her, beckoning everyone else to do the same.

"Just die you freaking slut!"

"Gold Digger!"

"Stop!" Veronica uttered, protecting herself from the assault. Even though the things that were thrown at her weren't really harmful, she believed she did not deserve this.

She continued to beg everyone to stop, but her small voice didn't reach them. Finally, out of frustration and remorse, she couldn't stop herself from crying and realized she was already too late. People already hated her and she couldn't do anything about it. She admitted she did something wrong but she genuinely never thought people would hate her like this.

Crying while still begging everybody else to stop throwing things at her, someone from the background yelled and suddenly grabbed Veronica in a hug. Veronica was so caught off guard that when she saw who the person was, her tears just burst out as she cried even louder for everyone to hear. All her years of hard work have now been ruined because she was greedy, She should've just listened to her friend and none of this would have happened.

"Shhhh, I'll protect you. I'll be on your side from now on," Ethan whispered and lifted Veronica in his arms as he walked towards his expensive-looking car. And just like that, the two disappeared from everyone else's sight as if nothing had happened. From now on, Veronica will be known as a falling star. Other people who planned to take a chance with Mo Hanlu, backed off as they didn't want to be like Veronica Chime. She was too greedy and now was left with nothing.

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At the same time, Daniel sat on his husband's lap as they kissed passionately. Tomorrow is the day when Laotian will be leaving for Africa, and while their time together still lasts, Daniel wanted to indulge himself a little bit because he'll be missing the Alpha so much.

"Hmmmn," Daniel gasped out of breath as they separated from the kiss.

"More than this and I won't be able to hold myself back from touching you," Laotian whispered dangerously before latching onto Daniel's breasts. Today he was supposed to go to work one last time before he leaves tomorrow but Daniel insisted he take a day off and now this is how they ended up. He was supposed to change his suit into comfortable house attire when his Omega distracted him.

"Who's stopping you from touching me? That's what I have been aiming for from the beginning." Daniel said dotingly, patting the Alpha's head like he was a baby hungry for his milk.

"Alright, I'll have to indulge myself then." Silent at first, Laotian released Daniel's breast as he looked at the Omega's flushed face. He finally decided to give up and take this offer instead. As long as he was slow and gentle, no penetration involved, then Daniel would be fine. Of course, he too wants to savor the time he had with Daniel before he leaves, so there was no need to hold himself back.

Lifting Daniel into his arms, they headed to the bed. He laid Daniel on the sheets softly before leaning down. "You better be ready, I'll enjoy myself as much as I can today." Laotian whispered, making Daniel blush harder.

"Hmmmn, do whatever you want with me. Mark me so that it will last until you're back," Daniel whispered back, clinging to his husband.