New Friend

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"Darling, you're early today. Are you going somewhere?" Laura Mo quickly asked, seeing Daniel walking to the dining table to eat breakfast early with the rest of the family dressed formally. For the last two days, Daniel woke up around 9-10 am in the morning so she thought that's the Omega's current routine, but today she was surprised to see Daniel awake at 7 am.

"Hmmm yes, I'm heading out to meet a friend today," Daniel replied with a smile, sitting in his designated chair. Hearing Daniel's reply, Laura and Chendong looked at each other, surprised again because for the last 2 and half years since they've known Daniel, they've never heard the Omega initiate going out to meet a friend.

"Oh really? That's good then, are you bringing Minmin with you?"

"Oh no, Mother. I-I have to trouble you with Minmin today," Daniel replied, suddenly realizing that he had no one else to take care of Luangmin, aside from the babysitter, and as much as possible Daniel didn't want that. He wants at least one family member to go check on the child to make sure he was doing fine.

"I-Is that okay? I won't be long," Daniel added, worried that his in-laws are too busy today.

"Of course Darling, we will take care of Minmin. Just make sure to have fun, okay?" Laura smiled. Of course, she was never busy when it came to Luangmin, the same with Mo Chendong. And even if they were busy, they would surely find ways to free up their schedule just to take care of Luangmin, because usually, they couldn't do that as much as they wanted to. Besides, this is Daniel's chance to enjoy his own time, especially now that Laura noticed the Omega being slightly down with Laotian away. The separation would last at least a month, so it's good that Daniel was finding ways to distract himself.

"Thank you, Mother, Father," Daniel smiled in relief, holding his chest. If he was not pregnant and barely able to carry his stomach, he would have no problem bringing Luangmin with him. But now that he's further along and with how heavy his stomach was, he had to leave Luangmin in the house.

"Are you meeting a college friend?" Laura chatted while Daniel was having his table prepared for him to eat breakfast along with Mo Chendong and Laura.

"Oh no, remember Mr. Joshua Bronson? The one who came to visit me at the hospital? I'm meeting him and his manager today. We'll talk about an art collaboration happening next month. He was generous enough to let an amateur like me take up three slots in his upcoming event, so I need to go meet them to discuss the arrangement," Daniel replied excitedly. This was his way of distracting himself from missing Laotian too much. He will do his best so that when Laotian comes back, the Alpha will be proud of him.

"I remember him. I'm so proud of you, Darling, but does Laotian know about this?" Laura asked, remembering how Joshua Bronson flirted with Daniel during his visit. Thankfully, Daniel was too dense to read the signals.

"Yes, we've talked about it," Daniel replied with a smile, but then when he realized he was actually not allowed to meet the man upfront, he quickly felt guilty and he started fidgeting.

"Oh, then that's good. Please enjoy yourself,"

"I'll arrange someone to accompany you, it'll put you at ease if you have someone to assist you," Mo Chendong suddenly said. He already guessed Laotian might have had someone to follow Daniel at all costs, but it's still different if Daniel has someone like a companion that's always near him in case something happens.

"Oh no, it's okay Father, Laotian already hired bodyguards for me. I don't want to bother anyone as well," Daniel quickly attempted to decline. Even though he's pregnant, he was still capable of taking care of himself, so he didn't see the need to bother anyone else.

"You are not a bother at all, it will put Laura and me at ease as well." Chendong smiled, assuring Daniel.

Daniel looked at his father-in-law and he finally nodded, defeated. If it'll put both elders at ease then he should take it or else he'll only make both elders feel sad about this trivial thing.

"Okay, thank you, Father," Daniel said with a smile and in reply, Mo Chendong smiled as well. They soon started eating peacefully while chatting about various things until breakfast was finished and Daniel was ready to leave. He didn't want Luangmin to catch him leaving because he didn't want the little kid to cry, so he had no choice. He was just waiting for his father-in-law and the person who was supposed to assist him to arrive before he goes.

Sitting on the couch where he was asked to wait, Daniel played with his phone for a little bit while he hummed, patting with his bulging stomach. His doctor once said to do this trick to get his babies to move, but so far the twins had been silent. But since he liked his stomach being rubbed just like how Laotian does it, he developed a habit of touching his stomach whenever Laotian was missing and unable to do it for him.

"Daniel, this is April. She will be your assistant from today onwards whenever you need it. She's closer to your age but she knows a lot of things so try asking her if you have any trouble." Mo Chendong introduced as a short female Beta walked along his side. Daniel observed the little Beta and he couldn't stop wondering whether the Beta was a middle-school student or in college.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Daniel, sorry I will have to bother you to accompany me today," Daniel greeted with his sweetest smile, making the short Beta flustered.

"N-No, not at all Master Daniel. You are not a bother at all. It is my pleasure to be able to serve you today and onwards. I will do the best that I can to assist you with whatever trouble you will be facing from now on." She said while in a 45-degree bow, making Daniel chuckle. He suddenly had the urge to make friends with her.

"I will be counting on you then," Daniel said again with his mesmerizing charming smile, finding the little Beta adorable. He was now determined to make friends with her; the only problem was, how?

"April might look a little clumsy but she's the best in her team so she will definitely not disappoint you." Mo Chendong said, seeing how Daniel looked at one of his greatest fighters. The little Beta might look small and weak, but in actuality, she was more dangerous than anyone in Mo Chendong's elite group of mercenaries. Being small and weak looking was April's biggest weapon, she takes advantage of how people look at her and strikes at her enemies as they put their guard down, thinking she was harmless.

"That sounds so assuring. I feel at ease. Thank you so much, Father," Daniel said, not knowing that because of the little person in front of him, enemies will find it hard to make a move on him.

"Hmmm. Then you should go now or you'll be late for your meeting," Chendong nodded and reminded Daniel.

"Oh right, we'll be going then. Please take care of Minmin for me while I'm out," Daniel said again, which Mo Chendong replied to with a doting nod. Seeing this, Daniel and April finally left.

"Careful, Master Daniel," April said, opening the door for him to get inside the car first. When he got inside, followed by April, Daniel shifted his position to look at the little Beta.

"You can just call me Daniel. We'll be around each other from now on but I don't like being called Master in public. Also, if we become friends, formalities aren't necessary, right?" Daniel chatted. Honestly, he didn't like being called Master, but no matter how much he asked everyone to call him by his first name, they still ended up calling him Master, so he lost the energy to ever correct them again.

"Oh no, I can't Master Daniel. I'm just a servant, I can't ever disrespect you like that. Although, I am happy that you said this." April said, waving her hand. Daniel is her Master, there is no way they will get along as friends. Besides, her identity as a mercenary will surely scare the Omega away.

"It's not disrespectful. Please, at least just when we're in public. And I truly want to be your friend." Daniel said with a blush. He had never asked someone to be his friend before and he was a little embarrassed to say so and now it looks like he will be rejected.

Meanwhile, seeing Daniel's expression, April quickly went silent. She had been a mercenary for seven years now but she had been trained to understand basic facial and body expressions at the age of 13 when she was rescued in a human trafficking business in the underworld, so she could understand what Daniel was feeling or might be thinking now.

Sighing, April smiled sweetly and held Daniel's hand. "Will it really be okay to be your friend? I-I want to be your friend as well," April said acting innocent. This had always been her forte and a habit, but if it'll make her Master feel at ease then she'll do the best that she could.

"R-Really? It would really make me happy," Daniel said, looking at April with a bright and relieved smile. He was so glad he decided to ask now or else he wouldn't have as much courage later.

"I'll just text Mr. Bronson that I'm bringing a friend with me, I'm sure he won't mind," Daniel said excitedly and quickly fetched his mobile, tapping on the screen. When he finished, he looked at April again.

"Mr. Bronson said it's fine. Gosh, I'm really glad I asked you to be my friend. I don't really want to be a bother and have an assistant to follow me around but father insisted so I had no choice. However, if you become my friend, we can have as much fun as we want." Daniel chatted a little excited. He had a lot of friends from his university days including Melissa, Josh, and Kent, but he was not the one who asked them to be his friends. It only came naturally because they were the ones who kept talking to him, they also hang out sometimes, so they became friends.

"I understand what you feel so let's have as much fun as we can," April replied as genuinely as she could. She didn't really have that many people she can call friends. The ones she has now are not because she wanted to be friends with them from the very beginning, that's just how her situation turned out.

"Hmmm, how old are you? Father said your age is close to mine," Daniel asked curiously. Just from the way April looks if she was not a middle-school student she could be at least a fresh college graduate.

"I'm 25," April laughed, understanding the way Daniel looked at her. She was fully aware that she didn't look like a 25-year-old. Any other girl the same age as she would have been devastated, but not her, she liked the way she looked. It's easy to fool her enemies, plus her team tends to dote on her because she looks like the youngest, even though they were almost the same age. In addition to that, she could act spoiled and childish and no one would blame her.

"What? Y-You're 25?"

April laughed. "If you were not my friend and Master, I would have told you that I'm 17. Don't tell anyone that I'm 25, okay? If anyone asks, just tell them I'm 15, hahaha" April added, laughing again. Daniel was silent at first, shocked at the revelation, but he laughed too and nodded. He was definitely glad he gathered his courage to make friends with her. Their personalities seem different but that makes it more fun than ever.