Attracted to a Married Man

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"By the way, I was told your pregnancy had been kept a secret. Is it okay for you to go out?" April asked. She glanced at Daniel's attire and it didn't seem like the Omega was trying to hide anything. He was wearing a comfortable maternity dress that emphasizes his stomach and a coat that did little to hide his bulging, even though the size of it would have been impossible to hide anyway.

"Oh, it's no use hiding it because it's too big. Besides, Mr. Bronson knows that I'm pregnant and we're not meeting him in public. He was kind enough to invite me to his new house, so no one's going to see me aside from Mr. Bronson's manager," Daniel replied, excitement visible in his tone. He had never once dreamed of the day that he would be hanging out with the person that he had been idolizing for years in his house but now that it's happening he was truly happy.

"Hmmmn, okay," April hummed nodding. She suddenly felt helpless because the Omega was too innocent and trusting. She doesn't know who this Bronson was, but if it was her, she would not have agreed to meet a man alone at his house. Definitely, Daniel Sullen Mo has no sense of danger, unlike his husband who doesn't truly trust anyone a hundred percent, he's always on guard.

"He's a great man. Very nice and talented. I think you'll like him," Daniel chatted again. They continued to chat until finally, they arrived at their destination. Their car drove inside a tall gate and later parked in front of a modern-looking mansion. They haven't gotten out of the car yet and they could already see a tall man standing outside wearing a smile as he looked in their direction.

"Ahh, it's Mr. Bronson, he shouldn't have waited for us outside," Daniel uttered and hastily opened the car door, even though the driver was about to do it for him.

Meanwhile, seeing Daniel stepping out of the vehicle, Joshua Bronson gasps in surprise at how stunning Daniel looked despite having an obvious baby bump. The last time he saw the Omega was at the hospital, and back then the Omega was gorgeous. But seeing him now, Joshua understood how obviously another man had already claimed Daniel. Joshua still couldn't resist the Omega's beauty. He somehow felt regretful how he didn't meet the Omega first. If he did, he wouldn't have let him go. Perhaps he might have been the man who fathered the child inside Daniel.

Chasing his thoughts away momentarily, Joshua walked towards Daniel. "Hi, Beautiful," he greeted, extending his hand.

Thinking it was a handshake, Daniel extended his hand as well but the next thing he knew, blood rushed to his cheeks as he found the man's lips touching the back of his hand.

"You're as stunning as ever," Joshua added and stared at Daniel's flustered features. As his lips drew away from Daniel's delicate porcelain skin, Joshua's eyes couldn't. He had the urge to pull the Omega into his arms and embrace him. The pinkish hue on Daniel's unblemished cheeks made him look more desirable and Joshua wondered how it would feel if the Omega was in his arms. How it would feel if the Omega was on top of him, sweating, moaning in pleasure, body shaking in pure bliss? It would definitely be a wonderful sight. That Mo Laotian was truly a lucky man.

"Hi, excuse me, Mister? I'm April, Daniel's friend…" Joshua was still staring at Daniel mesmerized, while holding his hand when April suddenly interrupted, pulling Daniel's hand away from the contact. "I hope you don't mind that I'm here as well," April added, clinging to Daniel's arm possessively and flashing her cutest smile. Joshua looked at April taken aback, a small frown formed on his forehead, upset at the sudden interruption, but that only lasted a quick second before a smile formed on his lips.

"I don't mind at all. Pleased to meet you, I'm Joshua Bronson." Joshua greeted with a smile but April knew it wasn't genuine. Remembering that the man is an artist famous in Italy, April knew the man was now using his professional smile. It was obvious the man didn't want her coming along but just couldn't say no.

"Phew, thank goodness." April pretended to sigh a relief. She knew these kinds of men well and it's fun to play with them at times. Now that she had met the man and saw how he looked at her Master, April understood that Joshua Bronson had a thing for Daniel and that truly disgusts her. Daniel is a married man and mother of one and soon-to-be again to the ones he's currently carrying, but this Mr. Bronson still had the eyes to be attracted to him, ignoring all the red flags.

'Does this man wish to be buried alive? Does he plan to compete with Mo Laotian? He's digging his own grave.' April thought, still looking at the man with her sweetest smile.

"I told you, Mr. Bronson is nice," Daniel whispered to April, glad as well.

"Yeah, you're right," April replied with a chuckle. This Master of hers is truly easy to deceive. He's too innocent.

"Come on inside before we all get sunburned out here. My manager hasn't arrived yet so we have to wait for her for a little while. I hope you don't mind, I prepared a snack while we wait," Joshua said and invited the two inside. Earlier he thought he could spend this time alone with Daniel but now they have a third wheel.

"Yes, thank you. We don't mind at all," Daniel replied. This could be a great time to get to know his idol. They will be working on collaboration so they should at least know each other at a certain level. Also, the man did say they could be friends so he is planning to do that. After this meeting, they should feel a little closer to each other so it would be easier for them to talk the next time they meet.

"I'm glad your husband permitted you to meet me. I was sure he wouldn't want you around me after the way he looked at me during my visit at the hospital," Joshua chatted, looking at the two men in black following them inside the mansion as well, despite not being invited. Joshua quickly figured they were Daniel's bodyguards but he was hoping they would stay outside.

"Uhh, y-yes… h-he is very supportive of me," Daniel stuttered, quickly feeling guilty because Laotian never permitted him to meet Joshua Bronson. It was just him sneaking behind his back because the Alpha was away. Daniel looked at his idol, he saw where the man was looking at his two bodyguards and he instantly remembered. He was already used to having bodyguards so he tends to forget about them following him around most of the time.

"I'm so sorry, they are my bodyguards. They are instructed by my husband to be around me at all times…I-I hope you don't mind," Daniel hesitantly asked. 'Of course Mr. Bronson minds.' Daniel thought. It would seem like he didn't trust the Alpha because he's bringing his bodyguards inside the house. As if his idol was a dangerous man.

"Hmmm, it's only me here. No need to bring bodyguards," Joshua Bronson said, his expression a little reluctant. Just as Daniel was thinking, it would seem like the Alpha was treating him as a dangerous man if he brought his bodyguards inside as well.

"R-Right, uhmmm, let me just ask them to…" Daniel said right away, but before he could finish his words, April raised her hand and smiled but she didn't say anything. She then looked at the two men, not saying anything to them either as far as Daniel comprehend, but the two men nodded and left, leaving the three of them alone.

"April?" Daniel called curiously. He didn't understand what April said or if she had even said anything but he wondered why the bodyguards left. Daniel always had a bodyguard after the accident that happened to him more than two years ago in Hawaii. He was okay with it, but sometimes he didn't like anyone following him. He tried asking the two men not to follow him but that didn't work, so he was surprised how April was able to make the two leave.

"Oh, it's fine. It's fine because I'm here. I'm more than enough to guard you, hahaha," April boasted while laughing proudly. She may sound like she was bluffing but what she said was true. She was more than enough to protect Daniel Sullen Mo from a single man who was daring enough to desire him. The dotted wife of Mo Laotian, who most people from the underworld called 'the villain in the dark'. Some said Mo Laotian was even more dangerous than the leader of the largest mafia organization in the underworld.

"You're amazing April, even I can't ask them to leave me." Daniel exclaimed in amusement. He was even more glad that the little Beta had become his friend.

"Hmmm, I am very reliable. You'll be surprised when the time comes," April said again, still laughing proudly. Of course, she is proud of her talent, even though it's a talent for killing because not everyone is good at it or as good as her.

"Don't worry, I'm not in any way dangerous. I won't touch the two of you so rest assured." Joshua Bronson said after chuckling. Even though he was kind of upset that there was a third party, he would've still preferred a little kid than two men following them around.

"That's right," Daniel agreed with a laugh. "Also, thanks April. You really saved me," he added, to which April replied with, "Anytime."

"Come, the living room is here. We can chat while we wait for my manager to arrive." Joshua said again, continuing to their earlier destination. "Please take a seat and wait here for a moment. I just moved here three days ago so I'm the only one here for now. I'll just go get our snacks before we discuss some minor things about the collaboration if you prefer." When they at last, arrived in the living room, Joshua quickly excused himself.

"Oh, then please let me help you," Daniel quickly suggested, attempting to stand.

"I'll do it. You're pregnant so you're not allowed to stay standing too often," April interrupted before Daniel could stand.

"It's okay April, it's just for a little while."

"No, it's okay Daniel. Your friend is right. Besides, it'll just take a quick moment. It's best for you two to stay here," Joshua smiled. When April heard what the Alpha said, she smiled as well shaking her head in disagreement.

"No, I insist. I want to help as well," April insisted. It's her personal preference not to take food from someone she doesn't know, so she wants to see what food the man prepared for them, and besides, it's also her job to make sure her master was in good hands. Food is the easiest way to kill or weaken someone by poison or drugs so she had to make sure the food Daniel was going to take was safe.

"Okay, if you insist," Joshua replied, giving up. April gave off the vibe of a stubborn person so it's no use arguing about something like this. Nodding, April followed Joshua Bronson to his kitchen, she looked around trying to memorize all the details. She did not trust the man enough for her to drop her guard so this was her natural reaction.

"I just bought some sweets from this famous restaurant earlier. I heard Daniel likes cheesecakes so I chose this specifically," Joshua chatted, taking two boxes of different cakes out of the refrigerator.

April hummed, looking at Joshua Bronson. She observed the Alpha and she was truly curious. She won't deny that Joshua Bronson is an attractive man, there would have been no worry for him to find a partner, so why would he choose a taken man like Daniel Sullen Mo.

"You know, you should give it up," April said, leaning on the counter. Joshua curiously looked at the little Beta wondering what she meant, but before he could ask April spoke again.

"Daniel is unreachable."