First Month

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"Good Morning, Babe" Hanlu greeted with a smile, looking at Ian's bluish-grey eyes before they closed again. Today marks the first month since Hanlu and Ian married, and out of excitement, Hanlu decided to wait for the Omega to wake up so he could greet him first thing in the morning. Remembering his past, he never thought he was ever going to marry or be this happy because he married.

"Hmmmn, morning," Ian greeted back in a daze and moved to hug Hanlu, making the Alpha chuckle at how adorable his wife was in the morning. He never does that when he's fully conscious. Although Hanlu loves the aggressive and moody Ian, sometimes cute and spoiled Ian works well too. Hanlu finds it amusing when Ian shifts from being all moody and then starts being all cute with a blush. Just thinking about it now makes him excited. He took enjoyment in looking at Ian's ever-changing expressions.

But of course, his expression during their love-making is still the best. Ian's lustful and hungry eyes specifically always rile up Hanlu's desires.

"How was your sleep?" Hanlu asked dotingly. He placed his fingers on his beloved's hair and brushed it softly.


"Are you still sleepy?" Hanlu chuckled. Pulling away, he looked at Ian only to find out that the Omega was still asleep. 'Did he just sleep talk?' Hanlu thought. Suddenly a mischievous smile flashed on his lips. 'He'll definitely get angry,' Hanlu thought again but did it away. He climbs over Ian and soon spreads his legs open. Since Ian only wears boxers when sleeping, Hanlu easily slipped them off without a problem.

He whistled at the sight. "Well, don't mind if I do," Hanlu whispered to himself and licked his lips. He didn't hesitate to settle his mouth over the sleeping Ian's soft and pinkish mound. He gave it an initial lick and when the Omega didn't react, Hanlu continued what he was doing. He slipped his tongue in but quickly pulled out, sucking and nibbling on its lips.

Still, with no reaction from Ian, Hanlu was eager to continue. He slipped his tongue inside again and this time he didn't pull out until he felt the familiar contraction he would always get when he does this to Ian.

"Baby?" Hanlu called softly. Unfortunately, Ian was still asleep. Hanlu started to wonder whether Ian was actually a heavy sleeper or not, this amount of touching should've woke him up but he didn't.

Another playful smile shifted on his lips. There was no doubt Ian was feeling it but maybe he thought this was a dream? Hanlu looked at Ian's now puckering entrance before he brought his middle finger and ring finger to his mouth and sucked on it a little before pulling it away when he was sure it was wet enough to slip inside Ian.

"Baby? Do you like this?" Hanlu whispered. Leaning close to Ian, he slipped two of his fingers inside. He knows Ian's pleasure spot very well so it was easy for him to find it and press on it before avoiding it again.

"Hmmmn," As Hanlu continued his assault, Ian finally started moaning in his sleep. His earlier soft tower started to harden along with his nipples and Hanlu knew his beloved was ready to take him. Hanlu quickly pulled his fingers out with a wet pop and brought it next to Ian's standing shaft.

"Baby, you're dripping wet," Hanlu commented to Ian. He didn't wait for a second as he yanked down his own pants, exposing his thick erection. Making a move on his wife while asleep isn't his kink, but he won't deny that the view looked more arousing than ever. He only needs to touch his shaft and a dot of pre-cum was already on top of its head.

"Hmmmn, L-Luu~" Ian whined in his sleep, his hand moved to touch his dripping organ but Hanlu quickly caught his hand.

"Am I doing exactly this in your dream?" Hanlu asked, his cheeks flushed while he finally settled over Ian's entrance in a daze.

"Ahhhnmm, Luu~" Ian called again between his moans. His slick continued to drip out and his penis was oozing with pre-cum. A gentle smile on his lips, Hanlu leaned forward to kiss Ian on his cheeks. Knowing that the Omega was calling his name in his sleep while he was doing something like this to his body made him so happy and even more excited.

"I'm going to make you feel good soon, babe," Hanlu whispered again and finally he pushed his organ inside Ian's quivering one. He didn't stop until his length was resting fully inside his wife. It only took a second until Hanlu was deep inside Ian and he groaned silently, feeling the familiar contraction. He was amazed at how soft and relaxed Ian's channel was. Maybe it was because he was asleep or he was already used to his size, but Hanlu knew for sure he wanted Ian to scream his name again and again while he plowed him deep in his sleep.

"Ahh, this feels amazing," Hanlu mumbled to himself with a sigh. He didn't move yet, he took his time settling Ian's position first by putting a small pillow below his bottom.

"Ahhhh," Ian whined squirming in his sleep at the brief movement. Despite being asleep, his head felt light, his hips started shaking, feeling weird as if something had been building up around his abdomen. That weird feeling became more and more unbearable as time went by and he started gasping for air. Feeling more and more uncomfortable, Ian attempted to move his legs but he couldn't. Additionally, his throat felt dry hearing himself moaning loudly.

Ian didn't understand what was happening but he knew he needed to wake up. His mouth continued to moan but despite how much he tried to open his eyes, he just couldn't. It only finally started to open when he realized he was calling Hanlu's name.

"Ahhhh, hmmmmn," Opening his eyes, his sight was a little blurry and even more so when it rolled back, feeling an incredible amount of pleasure hit his body.

"Good Morning, Baby," Hanlu greeted between his labored breaths. His body was glistening as a fruit of his hard work and soon he could feel that it won't be long before he could get his sweet prize.

"Ahhhh, L-Luu~ hhmmm Ahhh, w-what the—fu-Ahhhh y-you doing?" Ian asked in a struggle, his toes curled up holding on to Hanlu while he pounded him hard and fast. Ian never imagined he would wake up today, or ever, with Hanlu enjoying his body without permission. It definitely didn't feel right but it felt so good. He just woke up but his mind felt like floating.

"Ahhh, N-No! ahhhmmn, I-I'm cumming, nnnnm," Ian whined. He grabbed Hanlu's arms, his nails digging into his skin.

"Damn, you're so tight." Hanlu groaned, cursing internally. He too was about to come. Earlier Ian was a bit relaxed but now that he was awake, his channel suddenly tightened as if squeezing him dry.

"Ahhh mmmn, w-wait… Uhhhhmm," Ian begged between his loud cries and his eyes rolled back again. Hanlu was pounding into him so roughly and he was helpless against that. It didn't last long before he climaxed, arching his back. Despite knowing that he already came, Hanlu continued to thrust, prolonging his orgasm. His mind felt so much lighter than before, that if he didn't keep himself in check he might faint at any moment. Thankfully it wasn't much longer until Hanlu was about to come as well.

"I'm cumming," Hanlu whispered against Ian's neck before he finally came, grinding deep inside his wife's quivering womb.

"Ahhhh mmmmn s-stop movinggg ahhh," Ian whined again, his body trembled feeling the warm semen pouring inside him.

"Happy first monthsary, Baby. You are lovely today," Hanlu greeted with a tender smile. He leaned forward and kissed Ian passionately, taking his already labored breath away. In spite of that, Ian still tried his best to respond to the kiss. He only pulled away when his mind slightly recovered from his daze. Meanwhile, Hanlu continued to shower Ian's glistening skin with soft kisses.

"You bastard! Why the fuck would you do that?" Ian protested. His chest was still moving up and down, catching as much air as his lungs needed.

"What? You're the one who called me though," Hanlu lied, knowing Ian wouldn't know anyway, and if he told the truth the Omega would surely get mad at him. "You're dreaming about doing something naughty with me, right? I was only making your dream come true," Hanlu lied again, which quickly halted Ian from fully getting mad. He was indeed dreaming of having sex with Hanlu and his silence quickly confirmed that.

"See, you're being silent. It means you did dream about doing dirty stuff with me. You were moaning my name." Hanlu added. He grabbed one of the nearest blankets before he pulled out of Ian and he quickly used the thin cloth to catch his semen that he knew would come out next.

"E-Even so, you should've just woke me up," Ian whined, his blush deepening because he was caught red-handed.

"No way, it was a rare chance." Hanlu insisted with a mischievously smile. Ian knew how stubborn and shameless Hanlu was, so he decided to stay silent and let it slide just this once.

"Arg, whatever… I need to go take a shower." Choosing to ignore Hanlu instead, Ian sat up pushing the Alpha away. Today marks the first month of their married life and for the past weeks, they were busy planning their second wedding ceremony. One topic they discussed was the honeymoon after the wedding. Ian didn't want to have another honeymoon because they were already supposed to be on a honeymoon and if they have another honeymoon then Hanlu's work and Lan's studies will once again be put on hold. Because there was no way they could leave their son behind while they're on honeymoon.

So, after discussing it for many days, mostly due to Hanlu's insistence, and since they received a vacation trip from Daniel as his congratulation gift for their wedding, they decided to use it and make it as their advance honeymoon vacation. Just the three of them in two different countries and then they'll return a week before the grand wedding ceremony. After the wedding, they'll spend a three-day vacation at the nearby resort and finally, they can go on with their lives again.

Additionally, Ian was planning to go back to working in the police station. He remembered the chief giving him temporary leave. If he doesn't report back soon, he's afraid the chief would acknowledge his resignation letter.

"Oh, so soon?" Hanlu pouted and stubbornly hugged Ian, preventing him from going to the bathroom. "Let's do another round," Hanlu asked. Still pouting, he kissed Ian's neck. "You're not satisfied with just that right?" he added, looking at Ian with his puppy eyes.

"I-I still have to pack…" Ian excused but not sounding convincing at all with his blush returning to his cheeks. Truth be told, he was indeed not satisfied. He just woke up and he quickly came, he didn't have much time to savor it.

"You can do that later though, right?" Hanlu insisted. He continued to look at Ian with his pitiful puppy face and even though Ian knew Hanlu was taking advantage of him, he still couldn't resist his charm. He admits he had the habit of indulging Hanlu all the time.

"J-Just one more time," Ian finally agreed shyly, making Hanlu pump up a triumphant fist. When Ian saw that, he blushed even deeper if possible.

"This time you can ride me," Hanlu suggested, happily pulling Ian into his lap. When Ian looked at the Alpha's rod, he was surprised he was already hard again. It hasn't been long when he was still soft and now instantly the Alpha was hard.

"S-Seriously, you need to get this checked. I think you have a problem with your libido," Ian complained as they settled in the middle of the bed again.

"Your husband is just too healthy, Baby" Hanlu laughed while urging Ian to put it in himself. They just had sex so there was no need for another preparation.

"You mean too healthy for your own good," Ian replied with a frown. He moved to place Hanlu's penis directly at his entrance and it quickly slid in when he dropped all his weight.

"You like it anyway," Hanlu shamefully said. He held Ian's thighs, flashing a playful smile that earned a glare from Ian.

"T-There's no way t-that I like this…" Ian denied as he began to move his hips. He closed his eyes trying to focus, but as he was starting to feel good, a gentle knock emanated from the door and soon Lan called out to Hanlu and Ian.