Lan's Decision (1)

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"Mommy? Daddy?" Lan called, knocking on the door. Today he woke up especially early because he needed to tell his parents something.

Meanwhile, Ian immediately halted his movement, trembling. He suddenly didn't know what to do, he wanted to continue but Lan was outside their door.

"Shhhhhh." Thrusting up, Hanlu held Ian's hips. If they don't reply, Lan should take it as them still being asleep. The door is locked so the 8 year old won't be able to get inside.

"I-Idiot. T-That's your son calling…" Ian said in a panic, preventing himself from moaning too loud.

"We can talk to him later," Hanlu insisted and continued to thrust up. They've just started, there was no way they could stop now.

"Mommy, are you awake? I-I have something to tell you," Lan said and knocked again, causing Ian to tear up as he struggled against Hanlu's hold.

"S-Stop Luu~" Ian begged but the Alpha was persistent. Hanlu kept hitting his most sensitive spot, causing him to throw his head back as he bounced on top of his husband. It was not until Lan called again that Ian finally had the strength to punch Hanlu in the gut and they separated.

"You fucking bastard, I said stop!" Ian roared, his body still trembling. He quickly looked for his boxers and wore them. Meanwhile, Hanlu moaned in pain, holding on to his abdomen. The punch was so strong he instantly went soft.

"Ahhh, Baby, that hurts," Hanlu complained, squirming on the bed.

"That's what you get for being too stubborn," Ian said, frowning. Despite his shaking legs, he forced himself out of the bed and to the door. When he finally opened the door, Lan was there at the doorway patiently waiting for his parents. The moment he saw Ian opening the door, his lips curved into a smile but then later his brows frown in worry looking at Ian's flushed face.

"Mommy, are you sick again?" Lan asked. He stepped forward to pull Ian down so their height would be level while Ian obligingly kneels, smiling awkwardly.

"N-No, not at all, Baby," Ian said, swearing he would never let Hanlu touch him again. This time he will be more strict and definitely won't give in to the Alpha's demands.

"Hmmmn, are you sure? You're sweaty," Lan asked again, his little palms on his mother's moisten forehead.

"Yes I'm sure, no need to worry. It's just too hot inside Mommy and Daddy's room." Ian lied even though it was clearly not because the air-conditioning was on.

Still not convinced, Lan peeked inside his parents' room and he saw his father still on the bed sleeping. However, later his nose scrunched up, he smelled something funny again.

"Mommy, your room smells weird," Lan commented. He is already 8 years old and just recently his medical result stated that the young man is a submissive Alpha, so just like any other Alphas, his sensitivity for pheromones was greater. He didn't understand what pheromones were, so whenever he smelled it from Ian and Hanlu the only thing he could describe is it smelled funny.

"U-Uhh… what do you mean? There's no smell at all. Hmmn, anyway, what do you want to talk to me and your dad about?" Ian denied and quickly shifted the topic. Lan didn't notice and he just nodded.

"Uhmm, you see… I want to go back to school. I don't want to go on vacation," Lan said while fidgeting as he played with the hem of his pajamas. It had been more than a month since he left school. Although he was still studying at home, he missed playing with his friends. It's too lonely studying at home, so he wanted to go back to his class, but yesterday his mother told him they were going to have a vacation. He had never been on vacation before but if that means he had to skip school again then he doesn't want to go.

"Baby, don't you want to have some fun with Mommy and Daddy?" Ian understood that his son missed his school and classmates, but leaving the kid while they're away enjoying a vacation, he can't do that either. There's only one option left: they should just cancel this honeymoon vacation and do it some other time.

"I do but… I-I think Mommy and Daddy should have fun without me. Uncle Henry said Mommy and Daddy need a vacation, so Mommy and Daddy should go have fun instead," Lan said again. He remembered that before Henry left the mansion Lan had a conversation with him about how he could help his parents make his little brother or sister sooner. He mentioned that if the two go on a vacation alone for a week or so, then maybe his chances of having a little brother or sister will increase. Of course, Henry said that it won't be that easy but it was worth trying.

Additionally, Lan agreed that his mother and father should spend more time with each other. He had been with his mother all the time, but his father hadn't, so this time he will be good and will give this time for the two to have fun. Besides, he truly wanted to go back to school. If only it was summer break then Lan would gladly join his parents.

"Nevermind what uncle Henry said, if Lan won't go then mommy and daddy won't go as well," Ian said, his mind cursing Henry's name. The Alpha just had to go and say unnecessary things to the child when he just decided he was going to spoil the little kid from now on. But in the end, Lan was still acting all mature and responsible.

"Nooo~ please just go with daddy, mommy. I'll be fine, I want mommy and daddy to be happy," Lan insisted and held Ian's hands. Meanwhile, as Ian and Lan were talking, Hanlu finally decided to join in after he put on his boxers.

"We can leave him in Mom and Dad's care," Hanlu suggested, massaging his abdomen. It still hurts a little even though he wasn't showing it on his face.

"Luu, what are you saying? We can't leave Lan alone while we're on a vacation!" Ian said, quickly standing up with a frown on his eyebrow as he looked at Hanlu, who was now bending his legs so his height would be level with Lan's.

"Are you sure you won't be sad if mommy and daddy went away?" Hanlu asked his son. Lan quickly nodded with a determined smile. On the other hand, Ian's displeasure went even deeper.

"Hmmmn, if it's just two weeks then I'll be fine. Also, grandma and grandpa will be there to play with me," Lan replied with a nod.

"No way I'm leaving Lan here alone." Hearing his son's words, Ian quickly insisted again. Although he used to leave Lan alone in the house because of his work, he had never been away from him for a long time. Lan is just 8 years old and no matter how mature he acts, he's still a little kid. They can't leave him.

"But that's what Lan wants, he's not being forced to do this," Hanlu argued. He could genuinely feel that the little boy wants them to be alone together and have fun. Maybe he felt like he was being a hindrance so he decided this, but as Hanlu comprehended, if they insist on bringing the little boy or decided not to go anymore, then Lan will be the only one who will end up being sad.

"I'm not forced or anything. I just want to make Mommy and Daddy even happier." Lan said again and Hanlu understood. Meanwhile, Ian was still not convinced.

"Okay, Mommy and I will talk about this alone and then we'll discuss this later at breakfast. Is that okay?" Hanlu suggested, finally standing up while rubbing Lan's hair.

"Hmmmn okay, I'll just stay in my room for now," Lan said happily. Hanlu nodded and soon the little boy ran towards his door and disappeared inside.

"What the fuck are you thinking? You're planning to still go even without Lan?" Ian suddenly gushed when their door closed and only the two of them could hear their voices.

"It's what our son wants, he wants us to go and have fun together. If we don't forgive him he'll only become sad and depressed. He'll blame himself if we end up not going and if we insist on bringing him, he won't enjoy it." Hanlu explained calmly while he walked towards Ian, hugging him from the back.

Becoming silent, Ian thought of it and he couldn't deny that he agreed. Of course, he doesn't want Lan to blame himself and be sad about it because that's what he wanted to happen. But the idea of leaving the child while they go on vacation leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He had never left Lan alone longer than 8 hours, he can't bring himself to do it.

"Our son is a responsible child. He's never truly selfish but he never makes decisions that will hurt him purposely. I get that Lan is still young but I think we should trust him. Besides, you don't need to worry about him, Mom and Dad will spoil him better than us." Hanlu cooed and kissed Ian's nape in a soothing manner. He truly knew that Omegas are very protective of their children, so he understood why Ian wasn't willing to leave Lan alone.

"Will it really be okay?" Ian asked, sighing in frustration.

"Not a hundred percent, but we'll have to trust our son fully. You already know he's so much older than his actual age. Sometimes it feels like he's already an adult with the way he acts sometimes." Hanlu nodded. "If you're really worried about him, we can call him every day and check up on him," Hanlu suggested again.

There was silence at first, but Ian finally replied in frustration. "Argg, I'm not fully okay with this but okay." He didn't want to act like he didn't trust Lan. What Hanlu said was right as well, Lan is young but very mature in making decisions. He definitely won't ask for something that he will regret later on.

"Hmmm, that's it. So… now that has been resolved, should we continue where we left off earlier?" Hanlu asked with a toothy grin. Unfortunately, Ian was quick to use his elbow and hit Hanlu in his side this time.

"It's almost breakfast, we need to shower before that," Ian said coldly before he walked towards their bathroom. Meanwhile, Hanlu just pouted, following him. He had the feeling Ian won't do that with him again anytime soon, but looking at his irritated expression also made him so happy. Call him annoying or what, but that's just the way he was around Ian and it looks like the Omega is already used to it. They've been together for more than 10 years after all.

* * *

"Okay, Mommy and Daddy agree," Ian announced as they just finished breakfast and it was time to make their decision. Their flight was tomorrow and they can't spend the whole day arguing about something so trivial.

"Really!?" Lan exclaimed, jumping off his chair and running towards Ian to hug him.

"Hmmmn, but we'll call you every day to check on you," Hanlu said and this time Lan ran towards his father and gave him a hug as well.

"Don't cause trouble for your grandma and grandpa. Your uncle Daniel is living with them right now as well, he's having your little cousins soon. You can help take care of Luangmin for him." Ian added. The moment Lan heard that he was going to live with his little cousin in the same house for weeks, just like his father, if he had a tail and ears, his ears would have perked up and his tail would have started wagging in excitement.

"I can spend more time playing with Minmin?" Lan asked excitedly, as expected. He loved Luangmin like his own little brother, so being able to play with him was definitely good news, way better than going back to school.

"Yes, so be good okay?" Ian nodded with a chuckle. It can't be helped, Mo Luangmin was just too cute to be ignored.

"Okay~" Lan replied with a joyful tone. He was so glad he decided to talk to his parents today.