Need Some Time Away

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"So? Did you have fun?" Diego asked, a tender smile flashed on his lips as he held Jordan's hand while the humming Omega stepped inside the car.

"Yeah, absolutely. I know he's submissive but he was quite naive. I didn't know how he managed to capture a man like that sly fox," Jordan said, chuckling remembering how Daniel Sullen unknowingly just gave him the information he needed and even took the poison he prepared just in case. He wasn't really expecting the Omega would take it since he might have been informed about the possibilities but surprisingly, Daniel Sullen took it warmly. 'Truly, he's so gullible,' he chanted in his mind, unleashing another chuckle.

"It would be nice if he died from the poison but it's not really that lethal so his baby should at least die from that amount," Jordan said again happily while Diego quickly signaled the driver to start driving back.

"I'm glad you had fun because I'm not letting you out again," Diego said, his tone was serious but one could still tell he cared so much for Jordan. He was happy that the Omega was now in a better mood than yesterday. Jordan had been quite irritable recently especially when David Perrel came to see him.

"Geez, I know. I know. I'll lie low from now on and take care of my body. Mo Laotian is still unconscious so I didn't have to exert too much energy on this," Jordan replied, wrapping his arms around his husband's arm. Now that Mo Laotian is currently out of the picture, they should hit the iron while it's still hot. The powerhouse of the Mo family is the Alpha so without him, they wouldn't be able to come up with a way to defend their attacks especially with Daniel Sullen's current condition as well. It's their best chance to be in offensive mode.

Of course, he knew he couldn't fully take down the Mo household with his current power but if Diego Bronson manages to secure the diamond production by supporting the next president of the Republic of Botswana, their power will skyrocket and will at least even out Mo Empire that they can finally topple it down without a problem. With equal power, he could finally get the revenge he was hoping for so many years.

"Hmmmn, I'll take over from here on. The election is less than 5 months, we have plenty of time to get rid of Gouta Malisili before then," Diego said before he caressed Jordan's hair. He doesn't really want his wife talking about hurting a pregnant Omega at this moment considering their situation but if that's what makes his beloved happy then he was fine enduring it a little.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it. You're planning to raid Gouta Malisili's mansion right? I'll gather my most skilled men to help out," Jordan replied enthusiastically. Since the bastard Mo Laotian was unconscious, this was probably the best time to attack that mansion. There will be casualties but if Gouta and Mo Laotian are captured, their success will be secured.

"You don't need to worry about it. All you have to do is take all the rest that you need," Diego said, still caressing Jordan's hair. They continued to converse until they finally arrived at their estate oblivious of the wrath Mo Laotian and Hanlu were about to make them experience soon.

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"We were lucky. We successfully flushed out the poison from their bodies. Both young masters might experience temporary blindness but their sight will come back as time passes, in a week or two at most. All this was possible because the lethal toxins didn't stay in their bodies for too long, we were able to treat them quickly and prevent any worse effects from the poison," The doctor repeated what he already said earlier to the other parents of his patients. And hearing what he said, Daniel and Ian gasped in relief learning the good news that they hugged each other in happiness.

"T-Thank you so much, Doctor. We are forever in your debt," Ian said as soon as he and Daniel separated from their embrace.

"Saving lives is my duty. I'm glad I was of help," The doctor said with a smile. He had been working as a doctor for more than half of his life. Money wasn't the issue for him anymore, as long as he could save lives, he's already more than happy to see his patient's family thank him.

"Still, thank you so much," Daniel said this time, making the doctor nod with a smile.

"Both Young Masters are resting in the next room. They will need your full support all throughout their recovery. Also, their stomach might become a little sensitive so I suggest not feeding them food that is difficult to digest for the time being," The doctor said. He gave a couple more pieces of advice which Laura especially took note of because he wanted to be able to make food that both her grandsons would like while they're recovering.

Having to wake up with no sight at all, it will definitely terrify the two so she needed to be at their side.

"And for your dismissal request, I've already approved it as long as the patients follow my prescriptions. They can leave tomorrow if you want," The doctor added. Considering what had happened, Mo Chendong and Mo Laotian decided to bring Daniel and the kids back to the Mo Estate where it was the safest. They have a family doctor and as of this moment, the rooms where the three will be staying are being prepared. If they needed equipment to assess Daniel's and the kids' conditions, Laotian and Hanlu were determined to buy one on their own.

"Thank you again, Doctor," Laura said this time. After saying a few more things, the doctor and his nurses left. Meanwhile, hearing the doctor's approval of his dismissal, Daniel thought for a second chewing on his lips. Earlier, he had talked to his grandfather again and he once again convinced him to stay with the Lopez' for the time being. Daniel didn't tell Elder Sullen what had happened to Luangmin and Lan because he knew if he did, the elder would surely insist on coming back again. He understands his grandfather's concern and he didn't see a reason not to accept his request.

Staying away from the Mo Family will definitely help him be at ease for the time being. He didn't hate Mo Laotian, Mo Hanlu, or the rest of the Mo Family but he truly believed he needed time to think things through and let it sink in. He wanted some time to be away from his current situation.

"Father, Mother," After thinking, Daniel wiped his tears as he called Mo Chendong and Laura. The rest also looked at Daniel, especially Armand and Diane who already knew what Daniel might say.

"I-I'm really grateful for all the things you have done to me until now. The Mo Family were the first ones who made me feel loved after I thought no one was on my side, b-but after thinking things through, I-I've decided to distance myself and let everything sink in for now. T-this is also for my mental health... Uhmm I hope you understand what I'm saying… t-this isn't goodbye… I-I just want to have time for myself alone, w-with Minmin," Daniel said while playing with his fingers. As soon as Laura heard what Daniel had said, the Omega didn't need to say more as she already understood why Daniel had reached this conclusion.

After their talk earlier with Laotian, Laura knew things weren't okay between the two, explaining why Laotian wasn't in the room now with Daniel. Thinking about it, Laura sighed hoping that this won't end up in a divorce. She really liked Daniel and she wouldn't accept just anyone as her son-in-law anymore.

"I-I hope you won't take my decision badly…" Daniel said desperately as he looked at Laura and Chendong but as soon as his eyes landed on the couple, Daniel felt like crying again that he didn't care what the rumors about the Mo Family was about because they weren't in the slightest bit indifferent towards him. They accepted him without question.

"It's okay, Darling. We understand your decision and we support you if that's what you truly want," Laura said with a gentle smile while Mo Chendong nodded in agreement. Although they didn't want Daniel and Luangmin to be away at a time like this, they also didn't want to constrict Daniel from making his decisions. If he wanted to be away for the time being, then they didn't have the right to stop him. They just hope that this will soon pass and the Omega will find it in his heart to forgive Laotian.

"We will be taking care of him and Minmin, Laura," Diane said assuring her friend. Although she and Armand didn't know why Daniel suddenly decided to do this, they fully support Daniel on his every decision. They also thought that a change of environment will surely help Minmin and Daniel recover quickly.

"Hmmmn, we know you and Armand will," Laura said, already planning to visit.

"But what about Laotian? Does he know this?" Diane mentioned, knowing that the Alpha was currently in Africa.

"I-I've talked to Laotian Mom and we already agreed," Daniel lied but not entirely. He did talk to Laotian earlier but they parted without saying anything to each other so the Alpha didn't know he was going to leave.

After Laotian confessed to him, Daniel decided not to say anything because he knew if he did he'd surely forgive the Alpha instantly. He understands why Laotian kept his identity to him, he also understands that the Alpha had been protecting him all this time but trust is very important to Daniel considering what he had been through after being betrayed by Daniella. Laotian was clearly different from his twin sister but Daniel trusted the Alpha and he thought Laotian felt the same. Unfortunately, it wasn't, so although Daniel already forgave Laotian, he thought they needed time away from each other.

"Oh, is that so? Then no problem then," Diane said, nodding.

"As long as you've already talked," Laura said as well, making Daniel slightly nod, feeling a little guilty for lying.

Meanwhile, at Mo Laotian's side, after he came to visit Lan and Luangmin and saw their condition, he decided to go back, knowing that Daniel wouldn't want to see him anyway. His heart still felt heavy but he couldn't blame anyone because this was his fault from the beginning. If he just told Daniel from the very start, then none of this would have happened. Maybe Daniel might have taken it easily and accepted him.

"Brother," Hanlu called softly, knowing how his older brother's conversation with Daniel ended. Mo Laotian looked more stressed out now than before. A dark and gloomy air also surrounded him so it's difficult for Hanlu not to know what just happened. And now no matter how he called the Alpha just wouldn't reply.

Failing for the fourth time, Hanlu decided to leave Laotian alone for the time being but as he was about to leave the room, Laotian suddenly called his name. The moment Hanlu heard Laotian, a chill suddenly traveled in his spine making him shiver. It was the tone his brother would use whenever something big was about to happen.

"Y-yes?" Hanlu stuttered and turned to look at Laotian. As soon as his eyes landed on his older brother, Hanlu's face suddenly turned pale as he gulped nervously. 'Something is definitely going to happen,' Hanlu thought. He wasn't reacting like this because he was afraid, actually, he's more excited than afraid but he couldn't help but get nervous seeing Mo Laotian suddenly in his battle mode.

"Change of plans," Laotian informed coldly, his eyes turning haze filled with the desire to kill. How can he sit here without doing nothing? Even if Daniel doesn't want to see him now, that doesn't mean he will stop protecting him. Even without investigating, Laotian knew this was the work of Jordan Bronson and there was no way he will let this off this easily.

"W-What do you mean?" Hanlu asked as he stuttered again even though he already knew what the Alpha meant.

"Tonight, we'll raid the enemy's territory," Laotian said, his voice rang dominantly inside the room that was enough for Hanlu's knees to feel weak despite being an Alpha as well.