Divorce Soon?

* * *

Laotian marched towards the door being clouded with the thought of killing his enemies tonight. Despite knowing that this will not help him make Daniel forgive him, that doesn't erase the fact that this Jordan Perrel or Bronson hurt Daniel and his family multiple times. He could not let this be or else he'll explode in anger.

Meanwhile seeing his older brother's hopeless stance, the moment the older Alpha passed by him, with a lightning speed Hanlu struck Laotian's neck attempting to make him pass out but as expected the older Alpha's reflexes were as fast that he managed to block Hanlu's attack. Hanlu expected this so he quickly grabbed Laotian on his brother's shoulder where his injury was and pressed on it before punching him on his abdomen where he finally passed out.

It's not that Hanlu wasn't angry at Jordan Bronson, in fact, he too wants the man's head but at times when his Older brother couldn't think straight, he should step in and stop him. It was not the time for them to strike yet because clearly they were at a disadvantage.

"Sorry, Brother. I can't let go when you're this weak." Hanlu apologized as he caught Laotian's unconscious body before dragging him back to the chair the older Alpha recently sat on. Hanlu knew Laotian was enduring the pain from his wound since the moment he arrived in the country but he was putting on a tough look because that's just how he was. Even when he pressed the wound just now, Laotian didn't even release a single gasp but judging from how he passed out from just a single punch where the Alpha normally wouldn't, Hanlu was sure if they indeed went to the enemy's territory tonight without a proper plan, they'll surely suffer great casualties. It will be like serving a dessert to their enemy.

"Hello. Yes, uhmmm, his wound kinda reopened. Can you come here and patch him up? Oh and bring strong sedatives this time, I want him asleep for at least three days," After he dialed the family doctor's number, Hanlu quickly said this scratching his nape. His older brother might kill him when he wakes up but he's willing to take that chance rather than letting the Alpha die in the enemy's territory without a fight.

"Okay, I'll be waiting," Hanlu said again before ending the call. He briefly looked at Laotian's ghastly expression before he sighed and dialed Ian's number.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I'll be a little late. I'm having a little problem with Older brother here," Hanlu apologized with a cooing tone. He promised earlier before going back to the headquarters with Laotian that he was going to go back and be there when Lan is finally awake but now that this had happened, he needed to make sure Laotian would stay in his bed until he recovered at least half of his strength.

[It's okay. I'll be here for Lan anyway,] Ian replied but because he sounded a little bit off, Hanlu quickly noticed it.

"What is it? Is something the matter?" Hanlu asked while finding a seat for himself.

[Daniel is leaving tomorrow to his foster parent's house. I understand how your older brother might be feeling right now,] Ian said. Unlike him who quickly accepted Hanlu, Daniel was different. He isn't used to things like this unlike him who used to be a police man so being rejected by Daniel, surely Mo Laotian wouldn't feel okay. Additionally, it must be the first time the Alpha should be experiencing rejection, Ian thought Laotian might not have taken it easily.

"What? Babe, what are you talking about?" Hearing the information, Hanlu had his mouth wide open. 'Daniel, leaving tomorrow? Is he going to divorce Older brother?' Hanlu thought as he looked at Laotian's unconscious body. Just imagining Daniel breaking up with his Older brother sent another shiver to his body. If that truly happened, he was afraid that feeding Jordan Bronson the lions wouldn't be enough as compensation anymore.

[Yes, haven't you heard? Apparently, he talked to your Older Brother about it. I'm worried for Daniel since he's so young and already experiencing things this much,] Ian said worriedly, although he too experienced far worse cases when he was younger, Daniel was different because he grew up with privileges Ian didn't have. Additionally, no one should deserve to have these things happen to him.

"N-No, he didn't tell me this," Hanlu said sighing. "Hahhh, so this is why he's being impulsive," Hanlu whispered remembering his brother's words earlier. 'He must have wanted to die since Daniel was going to divorce him soon,' Hanlu quickly concluded as he massaged his temples. Just recently, he was the one having problems with his love life and now, the most affectionate couple that he knew is now about to separate. How ironic. Hanlu wished not long ago that the two would lessen their affection to each other but he didn't want this to happen.

[Why? What did he do?] Ian asked curiously, hearing what Hanlu whispered just now.

"Well, he wants to raid the enemy tonight. Don't worry, I already knocked him out so that won't happen," Hanlu said in frustration still massaging his temples. "He still hasn't recovered from his injury, if we go tonight we might not come back alive," Hanlu added with another sigh, wrecking his mind how to fix the situation. When his brother finally wakes up, Hanlu was sure the Alpha would insist on attacking the enemy again. He doesn't listen to anyone aside from Daniel.

[Yeah you're right…] Ian commented. He too wants to capture this enemy but he also knows his limitations. Right now, their priority is to be with Lan. He was sure the little man would find it difficult to do his routine with his sight gone temporarily. Meanwhile, as Ian was thinking this, Hanlu suddenly had an idea how to make Daniel stay.

"Baby, I think I found a way to stop Daniel from leaving my brother," Hanlu suddenly said and stood up. He was thinking, Daniel probably didn't know Laotian was injured so if he knew, the Omega will definitely get worried and not leave. Hanlu doesn't believe Daniel's love for his brother disappeared that quickly, there should be plenty left that's why he's choosing to leave.

'I'll just make up a story Daniel will not ignore,' Hanlu thought mischievously.

"Brother will definitely thank me for this," Hanlu said again, making Ian frown. He already knew Hanlu is filled with creative ideas and by the way the Alpha sounded now, Ian couldn't stop thinking something ridiculous was about to happen.

[No matter what it is, please stop it now, Luu,] Ian sighed in frustration.

"Baby, I'm positive this will work. I'll do it tonight so help me out, okay?" Hanlu said cheerfully, making Ian sigh again and had no choice but to accept.

* * *

Later at night.

"They didn't wake up yet huh," Daniel mentioned in low spirit. He was talking about Lan and Luangmin, he knew that the two kids needed rest but he couldn't stop himself from getting worried about them despite being told that they are fine now.

"Hmmm, but don't worry. I saw both of them shifted in their sleep earlier so they should be fine. Their bodies might just be too tired after experiencing that," Ian said softly. Since he needed to be there for Lan, he volunteered to stay in the hospital so he could take care of the patients.

"Ian, can you help me go see them again?" Daniel suddenly requested. He went and visited the two earlier but now he wanted to see them again. Hearing the request, Ian didn't have a reason to decline so he nodded and said yes. He was currently helping Daniel out of his bed when suddenly the door to the room suddenly burst open and a panting Hanlu walked inside in a hurry.

Ian and Daniel looked at Hanlu surprised, he had an obvious blood stain on his white shirt and his left arm was wrapped with bandages. Hanlu also looked a little pale as he stumbled holding on to the wall while his other free hand on his stomach as if he was feeling pain in the area.

"W-What happened?" Daniel asked in a rush and quickly attempted to help Hanlu but before he could do that, Hanlu looked at Daniel with a serious expression.

"I-I tried to stop him," Hanlu started saying, instantly making Daniel nervous. By how Hanlu looked right now, Daniel figured something must have happened. 'By 'him' Hanlu must mean Laotian,' Daniel thought and his expression turned ghastly. His knees suddenly felt weak that he almost fell. Thankfully Ian was there to keep him up. When Hanlu saw this reaction, a quick smirk form on his lips but it was too brief for Daniel to realize as it quickly vanished looking once again like someone had just died. Meanwhile Ian who clearly saw this smirk quickly figured out what was going on.

'This idiot! Is this what he was talking about earlier? A way to make Daniel stay?' Ian thought in frustration. He already knows Hanlu was like this but this is just too much. 'Is he trying to make this poor Omega faint in shock by looking like someone had just died?' Ian thought again. Even though Hanlu clearly looked like he was just acting, Ian doubted a naive submissive Omega like Daniel would notice.

"L-Laotian? Where is he? Hanlu, tell me where Laotian is?" Daniel asked desperately as he held Hanlu's arms. His tears are already streaming down his cheeks as his mind goes wild by looking at Hanlu's disheveled appearance.

"H-he's at our headquarters. Don't worry, he's fine although he's being treated. I came here to tell you," Hanlu replied, maintaining his acting. He didn't actually lie though, his brother is indeed being treated back at the headquarters, he just exaggerated the situation a bit.

"T-treatment? What in the world happened, Hanlu?" Daniel asked between his sobs that Ian almost wanted to tell him the truth. His heart couldn't stand looking at the innocent Omega being tricked like this by his husband.

"He's been shot. Earlier today when we left, we were ambushed by a group of men. I told Brother we should just escape for the time being because he wasn't himself after talking to you but he was stubborn. He told me that if he died, he would deserve it because he hurt you. Since you told him you would divorce him, he didn't deserve to live anymore… I-I tried to stop but it was too late. Thankfully I managed to escape with just a little scrape. B-brother on the other hand…" Hanlu said out of breath, he even stopped at the middle as he groaned painfully holding his stomach.

If an innocent person like Daniel looked at Hanlu, it's expected that he would believe the Alpha's lousy acting. Ian in comparison, it was not too easy to trick him as he had already seen so many people lie in front of him just to escape the law. Hanlu wasn't a bad actor but he was far from perfect. There were so many flaws in his acting.

One of those was the fact that Hanlu kept on holding his stomach when clearly there was nothing wrong there, his bandage was on his arms so that should be the one that he should be holding not the stomach. If he was going to use his stomach, he should've just put a bandage there so he looked more believable. Also, he said he was just scraped. If he was, then he shouldn't act like he was about to die passing on the message that he was panting out of breath.

"D-Divorce? I didn't say I was going to divorce him. What is he thinking? I never even plan to divorce him," Daniel bawled. He just didn't say anything, how could the Alpha interpret it as him planning to divorce him? Can't he just sulk a little bit?

"H-How could he throw his life like this?" Daniel cried, his body trembling. He's already in too much stress that he's barely holding on and now this happened to Laotian. It's a surprise the twins inside him weren't acting up.

"Wait? You two weren't going to divorce?" Hanlu suddenly asked, hearing Daniel's words that he forgot he was currently acting as a person who was gravely hurt.

"Hmmm, n-no we aren't. *sobs* L-Laotian you dummy. I-I'll never forgive him," Daniel whined, wiping his stubborn tears.

"Ahh! B-brother is actually fine. He's as strong as a horse," Hanlu assured, standing straight as if he wasn't hurt anymore. He scratched his nape while side glancing at Ian who was now glaring at him.

Not noticing the changes in Hanlu, Daniel grabbed Hanlu's arms and looked at him with his droopy bunny eyes. His cheeks were flushed from crying but he still looked adorable in anyone's eyes. "I-I want to see him. I want to see Laotian now," Daniel asked desperately, as if, if he didn't see Laotian now, he would definitely faint in worry.