Forgive Him Just This Once

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Exactly nine post meridiem in the evening, the C. Michael's Hospital should be closed for all visitors and all patients should be asleep but for one certain VIP room, one particular patient was neither sleeping or on his bed about to rest. Instead, he was marching out of the hospital and into a black Land Rover SUV while following his steps was an Alpha best known for his attractive features and controversies about his relationships.

"Don't worry too much. Brother is actually fine," Hanlu tried to assure Daniel but instead of making him feel better, Daniel frowned while softly punching Hanlu out of frustration.

"After you came looking like that, you really think I would believe you?" Daniel yelled and threw another punch on Hanlu's shoulder. He glared at Hanlu doing his best not to cry. How could he not worry? Being shot by a gun is not something that could be ignored. Hanlu was barely scraped and he acted like he was about to go die, then how about Laotian?

"Ouch, h-hey ahh…" Hanlu whined while defending himself. The Omega's punches really didn't hurt one bit, he's just acting like it does so it would somehow lighten up Daniel's mood. "H-hey, Brother might have been shot but he's stronger than you think he is. He isn't weak, just that he was kind of distracted and wasn't in his best condition," Hanlu tried to explain. What he said was true, Laotian's skill level actually matches up the best mercenary they had in their organization. If the Alpha was in the best of his condition or even half, he would have escaped or evaded an enemy attack and won't get hurt one bit.

"Still! W-why do you even have to do something so dangerous!?" Daniel yelled and this time he kicked Hanlu on his leg but with how heavy his stomach was, the force wasn't that much. For some reason, seeing Hanlu really made his blood boil and he just wanted to punch and kick him right now.

And again, it's not that he doesn't accept Laotian's secret identity but he could not deny the fear he had in his heart. By knowing that Laotian is part of something illegal, he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he and their children might face these kinds of dangers for the rest of their lives. Additionally, he couldn't stop the thought of one of his children walking the same path as their father was. It's too dangerous, he might die of a heart attack.

"Hey, behave. My twins aren't going to like you if you keep on kicking me," Hanlu said, still defending himself from the hormonal Omega. "And besides, we really can't do anything about our identities. Father was part of an illegal organization since he was young, if he didn't train us, we would have been dead by now. You have to understand, and it's not like we're bad people. It's just sometimes we need to be forceful if we also want to protect our people. Mo Empire and its branches is not a small company, we have a lot of people to feed," Hanlu continued to explain while still protecting himself from Daniel's harmless assault.

Not saying anything, Daniel pouted before he glared again at Hanlu. "MINE! The twins are mine, not yours!" Daniel corrected despite knowing that he's being childish by saying such things.

"A-And it's not that I don't understand, I just hope Laotian told me from the start," He added and fidgeted his fingers. Hearing Daniel's words, Hanlu's brows raised. He absolutely doubted Daniel would have chosen to be with his brother if he knew from the start.

"Oh yeah? If he did, would you ever marry him?" Hanlu asked, squinting his eyes on Daniel. Daniel is too pure and innocent, of course by knowing the father of the child he was carrying is a dangerous man, it's natural for him to try and escape since he's an Omega and a Submissive to top it.

"Of course I would. He's the father of my children! I trusted Laotian from the very beginning, I entrusted him myself because I could feel that he loved me. I was just hoping that he would trust me, the same level I did." Daniel said, his tone this time filled with determination. He was positive that even if Laotian did tell him from the very beginning, he would have no doubt still marry him because he knew Laotian wouldn't allow anyone to hurt him.

Looking at Daniel's eyes, Hanlu knew the Omega was telling the truth so he sighed before leaning back to relax his body while crossing his arms, "Well, past is past. We can never go back to that time. All I know is that Brother trusted you but the thought of you might leave him probably overpowered his judgment. He didn't want to risk it so he chose to delay it. Besides, it's not that Brother wasn't really planning on telling you, he was going to, soon," Hanlu defended. And seeing how Daniel suddenly became silent, Hanlu smiled before he put his palm on top of the Omega's head.

"See? He must've told you to wait right? Also, try putting yourself in his shoes, would you have done it differently?" Hanlu asked this time, still rubbing Daniel's hair. Hanlu faced a similar problem, and just like what the older Alpha decided, Hanlu also chose to delay telling Ian mainly because Ian was a policeman. He told Ian to wait for him to tell but apparently, Ian already knew and accepted him when he thought the Omega wouldn't. It was quite unexpected but the fact that he decided not to tell Ian right away was the same thing as what Laotian had decided.

"Well, I told Laotian my circumstances the first day I started living in his place. I think I would have done it differently, if Laotian turned out not believing my words back then, I would have raised Minmin and Miemie by myself. I don't have time for people who wouldn't believe my words and take my side," Daniel replied stubbornly, jerking Hanlu's hand away from him. He was already so sick of being betrayed, if Laotian turned out to be an asshole then he wouldn't have married him.

"Ahh, you're very stubborn!" Hanlu sighed in frustration before he frowned and looked at Daniel with a serious expression this time around, "But you forgive him, right? That's all I want to know," Hanlu asked. Daniel didn't reply at first, but after a couple of seconds of silence, he finally opened his mouth breaking the silence.

"O-Of course I forgive him. I forgave him the moment he told me… but… I'm upset. I feel like if I didn't remove myself from him, I would have thrown myself on him and forget that he chose not to trust me," Daniel said, his eyes suddenly about to cry. He really couldn't understand himself. Yes, he forgave Laotian but he's angry that he doesn't want to see his face for the time being. It's not that he wanted to divorce him like what Laotian was thinking and now ended being shot.

"Why are you making things so complicated if you forgave him already? I don't understand. Aren't you just being hormonal or something?" Hanlu said, waving his hand.

"Whatever. I don't care if I'm being hormonal or not but I'm not going to forgive him now that he had put himself in danger because of this," Daniel replied stubbornly again and crossed his arms above his bulging stomach, making Hanlu's eye turn wide.

"What in the!? If you don't forgive him then I'm sure he wouldn't recover from this quickly. You two were already away from each other for more than two weeks. Do you think his condition would take it if you tell him this in person? Are you trying to kill him?" Hanlu said frowning, for what purpose was his performance earlier if Daniel turned out not forgiving his Brother? He had to fix this quickly.

"Aren't you noticing that you've been easily irritated recently? That's the effect of you two being away from your mate for a long time. Brother has it bad because clearly he loves you more, and now, I don't know what you two had talked about this morning that he suddenly thought you two would divorce. Of course with the dangerous encounter we had, how will he be able to fight in his best condition? If you continue to act up like this, it would mean you'll be severing your bond with each other. Are you willing to risk that with your current condition? And even if you do, what about Minmin and my future nephews or nieces?" Hanlu said, a serious frown formed on his unblemished forehead.

"I-I... I love Laotian just as much as he loves me…" hearing Hanlu's words, Daniel suddenly couldn't say anything aside from what he already did before he ran out of words. Although he hasn't been easily irritated recently like Hanlu had guessed, he did notice that he's easily depressed, he always felt lonely despite being with Luangmin, and most of the time he's tired even though he had enough sleep. He also believed that the reason why he's in so much stress than before is because of this fact. Daniel already thought this might be because of the bond he had with Laotian but he never thought Laotian would have it worse than he does.

"Okay, then why not give him a chance just this once? This is also for you and Brother's own good," Hanlu convinced, raising one brow. Daniel thought for a bit, he didn't say anything as he chewed on his lips. He hates to accept it but what Hanlu said was true, if he continues being stubborn then he and Laotian's bond might start disappearing. A process that his body cannot risk undergoing. And besides, what use does it have if he continues to sulk? He accepts Laotian no matter who he is, what else does he want? It's not like Laotian wouldn't give it to him if he demanded it. Was he really just being hormonal again?

"I-I…" Daniel opened his mouth but later closed it again. Hanlu was patient and he just waited for Daniel to express what he wanted to say, they're far from their destination anyway.

"I-I want to see Laotian first, I want to see that he's okay first," Daniel said softly, making Hanlu nod not saying anymore so the Omega could think things through. The ride lasted a few more minutes before finally, they entered an estate that's almost swallowed by vegetation. The magnificent three-story building was well-lit that when Daniel stepped out of the car, his eyes traveled from left to right and then down and up. This was the first time he had been in this place, there were green plans stuck on the wall that added a fresh feeling to the massive building.

"This is the headquarters by the way. This is where our men live and train," Hanlu informed while he offered his arm for Daniel to support him, which Daniel accepted still in awe looking at the unfamiliar building. He didn't notice the group of people lining up to greet them at their arrival, it was when they chanted their greetings that Daniel was finally able to realize their presence, making him suddenly shy. This was his first time being greeted this way and it felt like he was someone important.

"This way, Brother's treatment probably finished already and now asleep," Hanlu said and led Daniel inside before Daniel could even utter his reply to the greetings given to him so suddenly. Daniel was reluctant at first thinking it was rude not to reply but seeing how Hanlu ignored the group of people like they didn't exist, in the end, he followed because he wanted to see Laotian as soon as possible. Meanwhile, after Daniel and Hanlu left the vicinity, the maids and butlers were quickly dismissed but not before curious and surprise whispers erupted in the area.