Forever Ally

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As Hanlu and Daniel departed from the area, the maids especially started gossiping. Since most of the maids at the headquarters are still being trained, almost all of them haven't had the chance to see any members of the Mo family aside from the three brothers who frequented the place recently. Of course, they already saw Daniel in pictures, this will be their first time seeing the Omega in person.

"Oh my God, the rumors are true. We're expecting another young master or mistress in the family," One maid squealed. The news about Daniel being pregnant still hasn't been out in public but rumors about it haven't died down in social media after a couple of people saw and recognized Daniel at the art gallery and Lan's school activity.

"I doubt it at first but seeing Master Daniel's huge stomach I think he's going to give birth soon," Another said, joining in the giggles.

"Young Master Luangmin's pictures are super adorable. I bet his younger sibling will end up as adorable as him or maybe even cuter,"

"Yes for sure. I wish I would be assigned to Eldest Young Master's mansion soon. I want to fill my eyes with beautiful people every single day,"

"Ahh, me too. This is the first time I'm seeing Master Daniel. No wonder Eldest Young Master is head over heels for him. Just look at that face, who wouldn't fall for that?" Another maid said again. She had never been assigned to one of Mo mansions yet like most of them in the secret estate so she was one example of many who had never seen any members of the Mo family in person except the three brothers.

"True that, but we shouldn't be gossiping here at this time, we should clean up quickly and continue this talk at the maid's quarter," the oldest among the maid said which the rest agreed with a nod. There was no secret that Mo Laotian was in treatment and the reason why the Omega visited the secret Estate is probably because his husband. Mo Laotian hates noise so it's probably for the best to clean up, finish all their remaining works and then call it a day and continue gossiping at the maid's quarters.

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"I told you he's fine," Hanlu and Daniel walked inside a room and the moment they entered one partition leading to the bed, Daniel immediately saw Laotian laying there peacefully sleeping. His eyes started to water as he rushed towards the Alpha's unconscious figure. Laotian was currently half naked and his upper body was covered with bandages. Daniel hadn't clearly seen Laotian earlier this morning when they saw each other but now that he had laid his eyes on the Alpha properly, he realized that Laotian had lost weight. Even though he was asleep, his eye bags were visible indicating that the Alpha probably hasn't had a proper sleep for at least a week.

"L-Laotian," Daniel whispered and touched his husband's face before he sniffled. The tip of his nose quickly red, seeing his beloved Alpha in this state. He had never seen Laotian in this helpless state before and he never wanted to see it again.

"I-I never said I was going to divorce you. How could you think of such a thing?" Daniel mumbled between his sobs before picking Laotian's hand and pressed it against his soft damp cheeks.

"I would never do such a thing. Do you have such little trust in me?" Daniel continued to cry, he had the urge to punch Laotian but he held himself knowing that the Alpha was already badly hurt. Meanwhile listening to Daniel, Hanlu decided to leave the two alone so he silently left the room and to the lounge where he soon indulged himself in talking to Ian who was left in the hospital to tend to both Lan and Luangmin.

"I've already forgiven you for keeping this as a secret from me, but if you let this affect your health and die from it I will never ever forgive you," Daniel sniffled, his tears flowed nonstop. "How could you do this to me? I'm already in so much stress. I tried becoming strong, for you and for our children…I-I can't take this anymore," Daniel added as he whined while he squeezed Laotian's hand. Truly, if something happens again, he can't promise he could hold on any longer. He wanted to be strong and he tried to be but seeing his love ones being this hurt, he couldn't stop himself from being affected.

Chewing on his lips, trying to prevent his loud sob from coming out, Daniel suddenly felt the Alpha's hand brushing his tears. When he looked at Laotian, instead of sleeping, the Alpha was looking at him with so much affection.

Earlier, right after Hanlu knocked him unconscious, he quickly woke up by the time Doctor Feng arrived to patch his reopened wound and was able to prevent Hanlu from keeping him asleep for three days. He was mad but also thankful because if he did gather his men to attack the enemy's territory tonight, he and his men might not have returned alive without a proper plan.

Laotian only meant to close his eyes and think of something first when the door to the room he was currently in opened and later he could hear Daniel's voice. He didn't plan to deceive Daniel by pretending he was asleep but he thought it was better than engaging in a conversation that might worsen their current situation. However when he heard Daniel's words, there was no way he wouldn't reply to it. He could never bear Daniel crying in pain.

"I'm sorry," Laotian uttered. It was simple but it came from the bottom of his heart. He truly felt sorry that if he was given the chance to turn back time, all the way from the beginning, he would have gathered his courage to tell Daniel the truth.

Hearing the Alpha's words, Daniel's suppressed bawls burst out as he jumped on his husband's arms forgetting that he was injured. He didn't say anything, instead their lips touched. It was a quick three second kiss but it was filled with love and longing for each other.

"P-please *sobs* d-don't *sobs* be hurt *sobs* a-again. P-promise me *sobs* you won't get hurt *sobs* a-again," Separating from the kiss, Daniel stuttered between his cries. He had cried too many times in the past week, if anyone was paying attention to him, they would think he wouldn't have that much tears left to cry however here he was now, crying like a baby in front of his husband. He couldn't help himself, but unlike his sad and painful cries from the past week, at this moment it was a different feeling.

"Shhh, I won't promise but I will do my best. Is that okay?" Laotian said as he continued to wipe Daniel's tears. He could never change what he already is, even if he wanted to stop, his enemies surely won't allow it so he can't promise Daniel he can't keep because danger and getting hurt is already part of his life. Hearing the response, Daniel bawled again. It took a few seconds before he pulled away from their hug and looked at the Alpha's eyes.

"I-It won't be okay if you die," Daniel whined, wiping his tears and snots with the back of his hands.

"Silly, even I won't forgive myself if I die and leave you behind," Laotian chuckled, before he pulled Daniel in his embrace again. There were no other words said between the two, they fully understood each other's feelings and so they just stayed hugging, comforting each other. Laotian especially was very thankful, he didn't know what Hanlu said to Daniel that his beloved was acting like this but since it ended like this, he should thank the younger Alpha later.

Minutes had passed and the two remained hugging, loving each other's company, Daniel wasn't crying anymore and instead only his sniffles occasionally filled the silent room. And since Daniel had finally calmed down, he quickly realized he shouldn't have been hugging the Alpha at this moment when he's hurt. In actuality, Laotian was actually in pain but he endured it because he needed to comfort Daniel.

"Ahh, s-sorry. You're hurt but I still cling on you like that," Daniel apologized and slightly pulled away, feeling shy because he knew he was heavy and the Alpha was surely being careful with him considering how big his stomach was after 2 weeks had passed since the day Laotian left for Africa.

"It's fine," Laotian chanted tenderly before he caressed Daniel's pinkish cheeks. Earlier this morning, he thought being able to hug Daniel was enough even though Daniel didn't want to see him but now, he realized he was wrong. He could never bear it if one day Daniel started to hate him. He could never survive like he used to.

"I missed you so much," Laotian suddenly uttered. "I thought it was okay as long as I could call you and Luangmin every day," he added, his hand soon trailed Daniel's neck and shoulder. Despite the lack of change on his facial expression, Laotian couldn't deny the overwhelming emotions he was feeling right now. He never thought he could long for someone this badly.

"I was wrong. I needed you close to me. I can never live like I used to without you, Luangmin, and our future children anymore," Laotian continued, making Daniel smile softly. No doubt he liked what he's hearing. He liked that he was desired so badly by the man he loved. The happiness he was feeling at this moment couldn't be compared to other things in the world.

"I feel the same way," Daniel said, the red tint on his cheeks intensified that as soon as Laotian heard him, he couldn't help himself anymore and suddenly pulled Daniel and later lay on the bed with him on top. Although it was so sudden, Daniel didn't complain when Laotian neared him and soon their lips locked. This time compared to the earlier kiss, it was longer and rougher. Daniel instinctively wrapped his arms around Laotian while he moaned at the feeling of his tongue being sucked hard.

Daniel tried to keep up with his husband's movement but in the end he would feel weak and had no choice but to let the Alpha dominate him. He knew Laotian's every kiss felt good but today was especially different plus Daniel never thought he actually missed the feeling of being kissed only in a span of two weeks. It's not even that long but he craves it now more than ever. Unfortunately, it had to end with them panting heavily, staring at each other's eyes with so much love and affection for each other.

"If only I could lock you in a cage forever I would have done it so only I could possess you," Laotian confessed as soon as their lips separated. "But I know you wouldn't like that. I would never do something that would take away the smiles on your lips. I know you were not mine alone," he added before kissing Daniel's forehead.

"I have a lot of things I wanted to do but if one day you chose to lock me away. Even then, it would never take the smiles away from me. I'd still be happy to be with you, Laotian. And if I was given a choice, I would always and forever choose you," Touching Laotian's cheeks, another smile formed on his lips before he replied. No matter what Laotian would do to him, he knew Laotian was doing it for his own good. He always believed Laotian would do everything just to make him the happiest. There might be challenges in their life from now onwards but he knew the Alpha will always be by his side. That no matter what happens, Laotian will always be his ally.